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- Dreamscape
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Not sure if anyone has reached out yet but the forums are pretty dead, you should join the Discord channel for more interactions. The game is a shell of its former self in terms of population when you last played but there is a free option you can …
Elspeth wrote: » What part and In what way? Clearly the current EC model has for the most part been a failure since it didn't generate a significant long-term increase in the number of players. What I suggested was for the most part based on what …
Terrible model.
I would rather see them implement a RP penalty for those that like to switch to the more populated realms. Something along the lines of not being able to use RP pots, gain bonus RPs for events/zones, and no RP tick for defending/taking keeps instead…
Northerncross_G wrote: » I've been knocking alb towers down in hib and then leaving them destroyed so the hibs can retake them. I am more than a bit irked that day after day, the albs won't even allow the hibs to port around their frontier. I …
Onidakken wrote: » I do not understand the reason for all the pally nerfs. Pally af has been wrecked. I do not understand the reason. while pally had the highest af, they also have the lowest dps...That was the trade off. I learned to adjust for i…
Seethyr wrote: » I very much appreciate items like the Foil Hat of Swirling Thoughts that ports you back to Goth from any PvE zone. Are there any other items like this that are attainable through any means that simply make life easier? On a …
Budikah wrote: » Sym wrote: » Let us know how the community can help? It’s quite easy to find gaming influencers on YouTube and twitch. Yeah, but you gotta find one worthwhile. You can buy screen time, but ideally it's with somebody whose com…
Northerncross_G wrote: » Dreamscape wrote: » Starting to steal from the other place, nice. Totally fair play. One good theft warrants another. Hopefully they pay more attention to all the things the other place is doing in hopes of bringi…
Starting to steal from the other place, nice.
If I had to guess, it's an oversight they cannot fix.
They should start borrowing ideas from *redacted* from some NF RvR ideas.
Did the hamster make it?
Don't they need those accounts to pad their subscriber stats?
Sad times indeed.
Mahvash wrote: » Thinking about any event at the moment is useless. Everything is just done to stroke the dicks of some whales. Real gamers will not even try to go there. For me personally everything that i cant do solo is not worth doing. A…
You should ask on Discord if you haven't already.
Havanjar wrote: » if you accuse cheatrc of using illegal programs on discord, you get banned, that 100% speaks for itself, collusion? whoever is gonna ask for evidence can suck it imo, there has been videos posted, and ppl posting them also got…
So, another good idea that was poorly executed?
Did the Friday Grab Bags ever come back?
One of the Illuminati members must have died to one.
Carol_Broadsword wrote: » We do not discuss CS policy or actions on players accounts. Or lack there of.
Graphics upgrade would be awesome but I don't think they can afford it. Even if they could, I don't think they would be able to pull it off seeing how a lot of things that people want fixed are either ignored or unfixable. One can dream though.
I don't think anything happens but I heard if you make complaints then you can get the ban.
Muylae wrote: » it's nice to see irc back in game after they had their 7 day guild meeting, away from computers, they felt a bit squishy though when today we ran into them... You mean they weren't running with the overpopulated realm, odd.
Biergut wrote: » That stinks. Just came back. I’ll stick around and see if I can make any fun out of it. Really depressed that Thid isn’t still a popular spot Molvik and Cathal Valley seem to have some action depending on the day/time zone. Hop…
The problem is that people seem to want to run with a BG leader and Hib has the only constant one running. When Hib runs a BG, there doesn't seem to be a consistent leader for Alb/Mid when they run during Herorius' (European primetime) hours . Also,…
Solicfear1 wrote: » It pains me to see this when a leader is trying so hard and wants to do everything they can to make sure their realm can compete but you are climbing a steep mountain. Sadly Broadsword just don't want to listen and we've all tr…
Download and sign up to the DAOC discord channel. It's more active and helpful than here. https://discord.com/invite/daoc
Brut wrote: » Sad to here that alb is in such a state but not surprised really been banging on for years about the utility and ways to improve it on alb melee groups have been sub par for along time ideas to change both of these problems have been…
Muylae wrote: » you would think that for a paying service they would actual do that, right ? If you do not expect anything from them, you will never be disappointed by their inaction's.
Shieldla wrote: » Dreamscape wrote: » Shieldla wrote: » Alb generally does not run a BG. Most of the time you see more than 8 albs, it's either a 16 slot group running without a BG or a couple independent groups converging on a battle and t…
TopDude wrote: » Unfortunately, there may be no coming back. DAoC is a PvP game and the only thing that could kill it is low population because it is the players who create content. Back when John Broadsword first took over control of the cont…
Shieldla wrote: » Alb generally does not run a BG. Most of the time you see more than 8 albs, it's either a 16 slot group running without a BG or a couple independent groups converging on a battle and then going their own way afterwards. Gue…
I know Herorius runs Hib and Muy ran Mid, was/is there an Alb BG leader?
Sad times.
Is this really coming out or is this Camelot Unchained coming out?
DaRedANT wrote: » Yay. Glad y’all brought this quest back. More trophies for the collection. Was hoping for some new ones.
Back to back events, ugg.
Wouldn't mind if they changed some of the masks into full helms. Like a full skull helm would be cool.
Shamissa wrote: » I am wondering a few things here....why every thread about macro groups has been closed without a response? Are they allowed back in bgs then? Heck if so i am gonna get my EC acct up and run along with my Subs acct. 2nd why no on…
puter wrote: » The sad reality is BS gambled on revamping old expansion content and it flopped before they could finish. Hence the broken state of Catacombs. The better move would have been to give these old areas the DF treatment, but that's hind…
Alus wrote: » ruined keeps are fun except for the trash stealth zergs camping them. Wow, that still a thing?
TopDude wrote: » I'd be in favor of a 30% reduction in RPs if you have 3+ stealthers in a group. But here's an idea for BS. Give solo players a "sixth sense" ability. It only works if you are solo. When you get close to a stealth zerg, 3+ st…
DaRedANT wrote: » You gotta be in Hero’s voice chat, or you can get left. Correct. Hero will also turn tail and run if he thinks the fight is going south so lots of times he may call it mid push/fight and run away.
I'm not sure about now but I think you used to be able to have an ablative chant, melee damage ablative proc, and a /use melee/magic damage ablative that would stack.
Sulinmar wrote: » So, just so I'm clear... Darkness Falls no longer drops seals ANYWHERE???? BPs now.