Population Imbalance

@Carol_Broadsword @John_Broadsword @Lea_Broadsword

Is there anything being done to address the population imbalance that is leaving MID as the permanent under dog?

It’s become impossible to find a fair fight even with an 8 man. Recently there has also been an absolutely despicable trend of Albs and Hibs coordinating together in comms and hitting what few Mids are giving it a go together without engaging each other.

Last week analytics revealed there were 1,005 Albs, 873 Hibs and only 683 Mid players for the week.

With those numbers you might as well permanently place our relics in the red/green.


  • I sprinkled the ground with ale and Mid treats but they do not come. I think that they prefer a warmer environment. Legend has it that Mids used to exist so perhaps some day they will return. We have launched boats in search of them.

    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • People have to choose what they want to play.
    I switched from Alb to Mid in 2006 after five years because even with population in decline, Alb was overpopulated in every server. So I guess it had the opposite effect on me.
  • I agree about the freedom of choice, I’m simply suggesting some kind of incentive outside of the underpopulated realm bonuses we currently have.
    CATACUSX/Einherjarl - ASATRUAR
  • Other than forcing players into an underpopulated realm, nothing can be done by BS to change this. Mid has been underpopulated since a large fraction of the RDM alliance quit. A similar trend occurred on Alb when a large fraction of DKoC players quit. The difference now is that there are significantly less players to offset such an exodus. At this point, one 8man switching realms will change the NF bonuses. That's how low the population has become. The only hope now is that EC brings enough players to minimize population swings.

    Regarding the Albs & Hibs coordinating, I suspect this is because a couple 8mans have angst towards my group since we don't play the game the same way as them. That is a community problem which also cannot be solved by BS.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • @Tyrantanic I understand that it’s a community problem, but it exacerbates the population issue. There has to be some way to incentivize someone switching to the underpopulated realm in a different or more effective way than is currently being used.
    CATACUSX/Einherjarl - ASATRUAR
  • There are a few reason why Mid is underpopulated. Some of it is that Midgard is inherently unfriendly in general. Returning players who make it into Nevermore are generally helped with all things PVE.
    In return the “RVR alliance” discriminates against the opposing major alliance and this trend is condoned not discouraged.

    @Gavner has helped to lead the realm in RVR by creating a set time that Mids can login and RVR until recently. Mids also won’t form a BG for multiple reasons.

    I play on Mid majority of the time but dabble in the other two realms. Albion and Hib are much more friendly and willling to help on every single level. Hoping the upcoming realm timer will help.
  • I agree with Fateboi regarding Mid being inherently unfriendly. There is no sense of community on Mid. Having led a couple RvR BGs, I can see why Gavner has stopped. No incentive will fix a community issue, imo.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Mids don't mean to be unfriendly but all that ice and snow on their dangly bits makes them cranky.

    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • Yeah, the mid "community" is challenging. /reg is crickets with just a very small few sharing information as opposed to hib/alb where people share consistently.
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »
    Mid has been underpopulated since a large fraction of the RDM alliance quit.

    Lets not forget the years and years of Midgard being top dog and overpopulated during that time slot.

    Population bonus usually won't entice most 8 mans on to a realm, the amount of enemy roaming groups will do that.

    If an 8 man plays red is dead vs showing some respect that will also assist in 2 realms ganging up on 1.

    Its all about knowing your enemy. Just because you only see the Albs and Hibs killing you, does not meaning they are not killing each other afterwards.

  • You must be talking about USA prime because during eu time the Anna Zerg gets pretty good numbers The 8 man groups during that time are pretty balanced from what I’ve seen.
    Though you do tend to see certain groups swapping realms if they see the chance to gank the various pugs.
    As for hibs and Albs working together eu alb time I haven’t seen it in fact quite the opposite eu Albs in general despise the eu hibs and will try and kill them first.
    The instances of hibs and alb groups working together are the groups that swap for rps these groups are not interested in the realm they just wanna gank pugs it’s there coin and they can do what they like but I have seen them work together several times even though they protest that they never Zerg but hey just something they do.
  • Lol the albs and hibs helping each other happened one evening to kill mids that were running 3+ fg late US prime. You have the choice as 8 to feed the 30, or you happen to see albs beside you and have a common agreement to slaughter these mids and go separate ways. The latter happened and they are still butt hurt about it.
  • @Shoke Was just one group actually. Don’t know the last time I saw 30 mids running all together, especially “late US prime”. You’d have a hard time finding 30 Mids in a BG even.
    CATACUSX/Einherjarl - ASATRUAR
  • I can't believe it .. I agree with Brut !!!

    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • edited July 2019 PM
    I think I've found why the mids are always saying that they are the underpop realm, I suppose that it's because none of them knows how to count past 8. They can be 16, 24, 30 in a group but they'll claim to be 8...

    You are from Arsatruar, you run 16 minimum, plus you and Casting Couch are glued to each other from 8 pm to 11 pm EST. I mean it's great that's the way you play, just don't claim to be a small number.
    Post edited by Shoke on
  • Shoke wrote: »
    I think I've found why the mids are always saying that they are the underpop realm, I suppose that it's because none of them knows how to count past 8. They can be 16, 24, 30 in a group but they'll claim to be 8...

    You are from Arsatruar, you run 16 minimum, plus you and Casting Couch are glued to each other from 8 pm to 11 pm EST. I mean it's great that's the way you play, just don't claim to be a small number.

    I'm guessing you are being sarcastic when you say we run 16 minimum.... If we ran 16 MINIMUM I'd be rolling up into EV like Prince:
    CATACUSX/Einherjarl - ASATRUAR
  • I actually logged in euro time on my sb and all of ev was blue and anna had a ton running around the island. Then he logged and mid bonus shot to 25%.
  • Buffsteria wrote: »
    Is it true that Xyorman rage quit?

  • edited September 2019 PM
    Great numbers last night, thank you to all that helped in our (almost) nightly BG (9EST+- US/Can Primetime). Needed all the help we could get to counter DKoC's annual event (heard something to that effect) on alb and we saw some old names out there. Keep it up!

    I do not mind being the scrappy underdog realm-wise, maybe the pendulum will swing the other way, who knows?
    Adapt. Smaller, tighter FG's & BGs are the norm now to be more effective against the nightly +numbers. However all are welcome to run with around this time.

    Claims that Live's demise/dead-ness are greatly exaggerated imho.

    Thanks to Gav for his work running an earlier BG that started at midnight his time. Few players these days in daoc gives this much time and effort stepping up and and leading in what is a thankless job at times. It's so much easier to /stick, maybe pay attention to BG lead while uploading moneyshots on Instagram or whatev's, and to dramatize/troll.

    [not needed]

    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
    Founder/GM of Ásatrúar, guild of Miðgarðr
    In defense of the Original Spirit of Daoc
    True to Miðgarðr c.2001
  • The reason so many are willing to run with @Gavner is because he’s a great guy and inclusive to all of Midgard.

    The realm timers can’t come soon enough. It will help to slow down realm hopping in RVR.
  • Yep lot of people have told me good things about gavner allways seems to be up for a battle even when the odds are against him and he sounds like a decent man.
    As for general pop there seems to be a rise upwards seeing more solos and small mans around and there’s been some crazy fights on ev with 8 s 16s and mini zergs
    Having dark knights and luvly come back even if it’s for an event is a step in the right direction be nice to see her back she’s been missed on alb.

    I just hope broadsword get the free to play model right.
  • Realm timers are stupid, they wont bring a single player back and will just lead to people unsubbing. They aren't a solution to any problem, it's only something the already realm loyal players want to have, even if it doesn't affect them at all.

    I really don't get what people want to achieve with realm timers.
  • Shoke wrote: »
    Realm timers are stupid, they wont bring a single player back and will just lead to people unsubbing. They aren't a solution to any problem, it's only something the already realm loyal players want to have, even if it doesn't affect them at all.

    I really don't get what people want to achieve with realm timers.

    Realm timers only effect those who choose to hop realms for dailies.. Its just a matter of how long the timers are, if they actually effect the over all play..I enjoy all realms so i understand your point. Realm timers can effect certain things.. for instance taking a relic.. those who helped take a relic for the rps and not enjoying the ride back could easily hop on another realm and form up for a fight (Which im not against). Situations like that deem for it i suppose?
  • Yeah the relic thing is what xyorman cried about for a solid 6 months before he rage quit.

    The issue is that realm timers are a bit of a lazy solution to solve that, there a million solutions to this that won't negatively affect the players that like swapping realms.
  • The mid community is very exclusive. My brother an I tried to swap to mids for awhile but it was very...well ...icy! It was very hard to get a group. Rarely was there a public bg etc...

    Also, another issue imo is they were VERY insistent on joining voice chats. To the point where they would not group you if you didn’t.

    Very frustrating.
  • edited July 2019 PM
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited July 2019 PM
    scerff wrote: »

    Theres a timer when you ninja log on your stealther :)
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited July 2019 PM
    scerff wrote: »

    You know it's a permanent state.
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • I’ve run into several people who have echoed the sentiment that Midgard is very unfriendly. Even the ‘RvR alliance” actively excludes members and guilds from the only other major Alliance. Private Bg’s reinforce this daily.
    Luckily not everyone on Mid is a jerk and once you get to know them they will start to group you. @Mace80 if you cannot join comms to even listen then you are a significant liability to the group.
  • @Mace80 we wont pick someone up if they cant hear commands, what would be the point in grouping if you can’t talk or even listen to what needs to be done? Its 2019 get in a voice chat or just solo.
  • I'm like mace80 I dislike voice chat, if it was purely listening to game related stuff I could understand. Sadly most of the time your forced to also listen to the 7 others talk randomly and over each other.
    Bodukejr- hunter

  • @Boduke I totally understand the talking over people etc. That happens in all chats, but when I’m running people usually quiet up during rvr fights and go right to what needs to be done. I dont think that 8 people with out chat would come close to killing people with chat. You’re playing with a disadvantage when not in chat.
  • @Snaillyn is correct. Voice chat is necessary to play against other groups. Sadly, with the population as low as it is, we are beyond the days of casual PUGs for anything less than zergs.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Boduke wrote: »
    I'm like mace80 I dislike voice chat, if it was purely listening to game related stuff I could understand. Sadly most of the time your forced to also listen to the 7 others talk randomly and over each other.

    And all the swearing. I have grandkids around a lot of the time. I can't have that going on. In the days of Guinevere and Igraine and Gareth we never needed voice chat for anything.

  • Sorry, but today’s total population wouldn’t equal what ONE realm’s population was back then on probably any server.

    Also, I type like crap, so yeah I need voice chat. lol
  • It's tough in Midgard right now. People are ragelogging right and left. I'm not surprised there's so many Albs and Hibs on.
    Most common complaints:
    1) Can't find group
    2) Can't solo because you get zerged by full groups from realms where you can find groups
    3) Other realms have stealth zergs. Ours barely have any groups

    Last night there were 6 Mids in NF, 3 of them were me and my buffbots. Still there were FGA and FGH roaming.
    Then I ported into AT and there was a FGH stealthers hiding in the roof waiting for someone to port in. Well I ported in and they lost the only person who was still around to fall into their trap.
  • Don’t be a bunch of Soy Boys! Midgard is extremely friendly. Just because we aren’t opening up our frozen borders to Albernia, and handing out free meals and healthcare, doesn’t mean we aren’t welcoming to new true blue allies!
    CATACUSX/Einherjarl - ASATRUAR
  • edited July 2019 PM
    @INACA very low IQ thinking by saying that Midgard is “extremely friendly”.
    Literally only Nevermore will go out of their way to help returning players and they are shunned by the ‘RVR alliance’ for doing so.

    Hib and Alb are overall much more welcoming to returning players and willing to help in every single aspect.

    Granted not all of Mid is unfriendly but it’s the same ole closed minded thinking that continues to hurt Mids not help everyone in Midgard.
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • @Fateboi True sons of Odin are always welcomed by Midgard.

    You aren’t speaking the truth broseph! I personally spent about 1200 plat in the past two weeks to hook up new or returning players. I actively help those who need it. I want to keep the game alive and that means being a friendly member of the Mid community. Everyone I know and spend time with in game is feels the same.
    CATACUSX/Einherjarl - ASATRUAR
  • Glad you’re down to help the true sons of Odin (not sure if srs)
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    Glad you’re down to help the true sons of Odin (not sure if srs)

    CATACUSX/Einherjarl - ASATRUAR
  • I was originally an alb, and for many many years I played with a set crew. Never particularly liked large scale RvR hence never really needing a community there.

    When I switched to mid full time, I had no problem getting a group on Mid or anything I needed. Lets be honest, you have to be accessible, flexible and take the good with the bad. I have ran into a few toxic people, but thats not the majority.

    Since a few of the people I started on mid with created a guild, we have taken people in, and completely set them up with whatever they needed. Sometimes its a full template where we all pitch in what we can to get player up to speed, and sometimes just a few key items needed. However, some of the people we hooked up ditched us after they we all set up and for that we take better precautions now on those situations.

    I usually play US prime time and that may have a factor in the people I met vs other people’s experiences.
  • edited July 2019 PM
    Tonight mids were zerging it up. They would run about 1.5 group with another group behind them. When the first 2 groups would engage the other would swoop in to help kill 1 8 man. (Happened enough times not to be a coincidence) pilligar and thud groups So i dont think mids have a population problem they have a zerging problem. This was all night even before rescue and hibs started a zerg to counter
    Post edited by Minibard on
  • Only thing the mids are the uncontested champions of is whining...

    Whined about Static tempest, whined about thanes, whined about how all their classes are **** and they all need buffs, whined they needed another wall climb class, when SMs got their lifetap nerfed they whined about Body cabs (wtf), they even whined that healers should have a charmable pet and a baseline DD...

    Now they whine about population when the last two years they outnumbered any other zerg 2:1... And even then they are still zerging stuff down even past Rescu's log time
  • Shoke wrote: »
    Only thing the mids are the uncontested champions of is whining...

    Whined about Static tempest, whined about thanes, whined about how all their classes are **** and they all need buffs, whined they needed another wall climb class, when SMs got their lifetap nerfed they whined about Body cabs (wtf), they even whined that healers should have a charmable pet and a baseline DD...

    Now they whine about population when the last two years they outnumbered any other zerg 2:1... And even then they are still zerging stuff down even past Rescu's log time

    As much as I agree with this statement Albion whines just as much and even hib whines. Everyone whines because everyone wants it their way.

    This community has turned into a very toxic b*tch fest about who is this and that. When in reality Midgard is in the sh*tter because OUR playerbase refuses to work together. The ones that are willing to join with others are not willing to learn and adapt their playstyles or even simply listen to their leader. All they want is brainless RPs. The ones that are decent are not willing to group or help for the greater good of the realm.

    Midgard playerbase is abysmal to say the least.
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
    Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
    Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator

    Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743

    >Daoc Videos<
  • @Minibard Actually, I formed the BG last night around 8PM. There were 30 or so albs running in a BG well before we formed up, cause they ran over my solo BD a few times.lol I can’t say for certain that it was rescue but I can say they were already formed and running. Nice AJ at KM. We shoulda pulled off the door.

    Past few nights have been a lot of fun. Lots of people on at night on all realms.
    CATACUSX/Einherjarl - ASATRUAR
  • @Minibard Night before hibs were 3fg vs 1 8man. Its a throw up. We run every night, some side cars follow us around we cant help that. We all follow the spam on EV. As someone had already said we as mids really dont work together so getting hit by another group while rvring in EV is non-factor we’ve all been hit while engaged in a fight with another group just for the fact of following spam. Heres a fact for you, only thuds group was in thuds disco. The rest of the realm has no idea what our group is doing. Also I dont know how many times I made our group port to relic town to break off people following us. Another thing is, there is about 10+ stealth that just so happens to pop right when you people show up. So just because you can see all your enemies, just know we cant see all yours mostly until its to late.
  • Impounded wrote: »

    As much as I agree with this statement Albion whines just as much and even hib whines. Everyone whines because everyone wants it their way.

    This community has turned into a very toxic b*tch fest about who is this and that. When in reality Midgard is in the sh*tter because OUR playerbase refuses to work together. The ones that are willing to join with others are not willing to learn and adapt their playstyles or even simply listen to their leader. All they want is brainless RPs. The ones that are decent are not willing to group or help for the greater good of the realm.

    Midgard playerbase is abysmal to say the least.

    I do agree to some degree, I just feel like a lot of the recent changes have been to adjust Mid classes based on the extremely vocal and never objective (Muylock) whining.

    About the community, my opinion is that Mid relied on Xyorman for so long to get anything done. Now that he's gone to a warmer place nothing gets done (in a unified way).

    Alb rely on Rescu and that went to hell when he took a break because of his argument with Nate.

    Hib don't rely on anyone. Shaylon did run one from time to time, but he left to zerg on mid and hib still manages to run a BG from time to time. It's mostly when FoH does guild/alliance event.

    So.... I suppose that instead of relying on a single individual, mid should see what guilds want to run together, create an alliance and make alliance events instead of waiting on a savior.

    My 2 cents.
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