Coming back to daoc after 13 years

Well, I'm an ex-euro player and recently found out I might even be able to recuperate my old Euro accounts, which I did immediately.
I've resubbed for a month and I'm thinking about playing Daoc for a long run again. I'll be playing Albion (made a new char though, until I get the hang of the game somewhat again). Are there still some players from the old Excalibur Euro server?
Also, what advice do you have for the current resubbing player? I've been away so long I can be considered a noob again...Things to look out for?


  • There’s no many Excalibur players remaining on the Alb side, there’s Fellowship of Midgard on Mid obviously though.
  • There will have been several changes for sure, retemplating will almost definitely be needed, you cam start with the zerg while you get back up to speed. Typically each realm has very welcoming guilds to people coming Back to help you, welcome back!

    I used to play alb a long time ago (merc brackus and cleric subedei) if those name ring a bell, then i went to hib
    AlbionExiles (Warden) | AlbionExecutioner (Champion) | AlbionExile (Bainshee)
  • There will have been several changes for sure, retemplating will almost definitely be needed, you cam start with the zerg while you get back up to speed. Typically each realm has very welcoming guilds to people coming Back to help you, welcome back!

    I used to play alb a long time ago (merc brackus and cleric subedei) if those name ring a bell, then i went to hib

    Well, I played Alb between early 2002 and mid-2004, qnd then I moved on to Hib because a RL friend was the GM of Celtic Leaf Army, on Excalibur. I actually bought new accounts back then (I recuperated one of those two. I was able to get my Bainshee and baby bard back, but my Higher RR Vamp was on that one account Broadsword wasn't able to retrieve :( ). I've been thinking about reactivating that account too, but it'll have to wait till the end of the month.
  • Welcome back !!
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • Welcome back :)
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • If you need any help on the Alb side, let me know and I'll be glad to help out. My guild, Upon a Pale Horse has a few euro members and is in Euro Alliance as well. Welcome back!
  • Vintersorg wrote: »
    Well, I'm an ex-euro player and recently found out I might even be able to recuperate my old Euro accounts, which I did immediately.
    I've resubbed for a month and I'm thinking about playing Daoc for a long run again. I'll be playing Albion (made a new char though, until I get the hang of the game somewhat again). Are there still some players from the old Excalibur Euro server?
    Also, what advice do you have for the current resubbing player? I've been away so long I can be considered a noob again...Things to look out for?

    i was the wizard Muylaetrix back on excalibur, but i play mid now almost exclusively. i can't really help you on albion.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • There’s no many Excalibur players remaining on the Alb side, there’s Fellowship of Midgard on Mid obviously though.

    that would be my guild :D

    17 year old guild from excall
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Welcome back. Catch a Cursed raid (think ONE ML level and you're mostly done) which should be a weekly event on every realm post the Hallowed instance. Also, a good group or two can do most of the Otherworldly quest series. These two raids and a 9/10 run (Cursed) can pretty much get any toon in the game equipped with an up to date template. Maybe a few blood seals farmed down in DF for an item or two. You can truly get most things accomplished without dumping plats into a template. Leverage the boards here and different sites like DAoC Utils for template help, etc. Get into a guild with an active alliance and you should be good to go. Good Luck!
  • I my self and my friend have just restarted daoc as well from alb excal, Sorao, was my scout Delarith my wizard member of KOTRT. iam going to be bringing my toons across. how does these new servers work seems all pulled into one now? me and my mate just started on hib for something different but both looking to get back into playing duo scouts. how do they fair these days? whats this i hear about slam being removed?
  • LazyGhost wrote: »
    whats this i hear about slam being removed?

    Slam was not removed, but for non-heavy tanks it got reduced to 5 second duration. However, as a scout, with the new Curse set, you can get 7 second Slam.
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  • Vintervargen or summin?
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