Maybe arena can´t be avoided anymore
When thinking about DAoC one usually thinks of the open field roaming where you can get INC from anywhere and the word arena does not sound very appealing at all. It feels however as if the game has gotten to a sad point where the only way to enjoy it (unless you are a zerger) is to play it in an arena-ish way.
This is what we are seeing in /bow solo zones and set up fights.
Personally I have been relatively unable to have fun in this game lately without trying to set up even set fights somewhere for 8vs8 or other formats. I could provide some examples of VoDs from twitch of this where fights become extremly tactical and last for 10 minutes or more.
Trying to roam however really hasnt worked at all lately. Nothing is being done to protect 8vs8 fights from being added on by zerg leaders who continue to roam EV. There was some ok action for a while but that was mostly because Hero was away meaning no hib BG that plays 6-8 hours a day (or more?)
The zergs themselves are often trying to dodge eachother because they are afraid that every time they lose people will drop out of the BG. Funny enough while writing this post Hero and Anna are playing a dancing game with eachother afraid as hell to engage one another.
I love the mechanics of DAoC, the interupt and CC mechanics alone make it the best group vs group pvp game ever made in my eyes but I see no point in playing it this dodging way.
It has become the same with 8 man groups that most 8 mans dont engage 8vs8 unless they know that they have realm mates nearby who can help them out. Im sure there are players who enjoy this kind of coward gameplay but those who do not kinda need to have options otherwise they all just quit playing which is what we have been seeing lately.
I do not wish roaming to be eliminated like we have seen in most games that have both open RvR and arenas at the same time, therefore I think it´s important that roaming should still be the fastest way to make realm points.
My suggestion for arena is therefore this:
- A random matchmaking where you can get RPs for your kills but they should be less per kill than in an open RvR zone. Adjusted so that RvR GENERALLY should be the highest RP per hour.
- An option to challenge another team, this should be a friendly challenge only though and not grant RPs or any kind of rewards whatsoever.
- An option to make friendly leagues such as drafting leagues where people get individual ratings such as in an inhouse channel in dota or whatever.
Again I wish to make clear that I do not want to kill the roaming in the game I just want an arena as an option. I think an arena would also be better for 1on1 aswell than the current /bow zones.
This is what we are seeing in /bow solo zones and set up fights.
Personally I have been relatively unable to have fun in this game lately without trying to set up even set fights somewhere for 8vs8 or other formats. I could provide some examples of VoDs from twitch of this where fights become extremly tactical and last for 10 minutes or more.
Trying to roam however really hasnt worked at all lately. Nothing is being done to protect 8vs8 fights from being added on by zerg leaders who continue to roam EV. There was some ok action for a while but that was mostly because Hero was away meaning no hib BG that plays 6-8 hours a day (or more?)
The zergs themselves are often trying to dodge eachother because they are afraid that every time they lose people will drop out of the BG. Funny enough while writing this post Hero and Anna are playing a dancing game with eachother afraid as hell to engage one another.
I love the mechanics of DAoC, the interupt and CC mechanics alone make it the best group vs group pvp game ever made in my eyes but I see no point in playing it this dodging way.
It has become the same with 8 man groups that most 8 mans dont engage 8vs8 unless they know that they have realm mates nearby who can help them out. Im sure there are players who enjoy this kind of coward gameplay but those who do not kinda need to have options otherwise they all just quit playing which is what we have been seeing lately.
I do not wish roaming to be eliminated like we have seen in most games that have both open RvR and arenas at the same time, therefore I think it´s important that roaming should still be the fastest way to make realm points.
My suggestion for arena is therefore this:
- A random matchmaking where you can get RPs for your kills but they should be less per kill than in an open RvR zone. Adjusted so that RvR GENERALLY should be the highest RP per hour.
- An option to challenge another team, this should be a friendly challenge only though and not grant RPs or any kind of rewards whatsoever.
- An option to make friendly leagues such as drafting leagues where people get individual ratings such as in an inhouse channel in dota or whatever.
Again I wish to make clear that I do not want to kill the roaming in the game I just want an arena as an option. I think an arena would also be better for 1on1 aswell than the current /bow zones.
Post edited by Chamie on
You did not read my post apparently so re read it.
Create a "battleground" area that groups port into. Must be a full group to port in Once in the instance, it is mordred ruleset. I would gladly give up 50% rp per kill to get that. and feel it should be easy (easier) than setting up an arena with only 2 FG's allowed in each instance. or waiting for a slot to open, or waiting for a second group to join your instance. I would also suggest doing a portal pad like back in OF where it only ports every 15-20 min. This way it does cost you to lose, and you can't just insta spawn back in.
I dont care what game you think DAoC is seriously. Some of us just love the mechanics we don´t give a sh** about putting on a chain armor, growing a 15 cm long beard and going to war for our realm. And what war are you talking about? A war where two armies dodge eachother all the time?
Please stop these pointless debates, there are those of us who enjoy even and fair fights and think zerging is boring as hell. Most of people who fall into this category have been forced to quit the game but some of us are still here.
Well this is a good idea aswell, one that I have been considering for a long time actually. I love it infact because adding shouldn´t be a problem because 2 groups who respect eachother will just turn on the adding group who tries to jam their fight anyway.
Splitting up the skill gap, increasing alot of peoples playtime - because they are having more fun in their respective playstyles.
Some ppl like to 4v4 some like to 8v8, some like to 3v3. Some people would enter 2-3fg's into a mordred style arena and ruin the idea of it - Needs to be a solution for all.
This post says it all. The skill gap is a big problem and it discourages people who aren't "masters/diamond" to participate in 8v8, which I can totally understand why that leads to 2 fgs banding together to kill others. It's a vicious cycle. I haven't 8v8 for years now but 2-3 years ago when the pop was healthier you could pug a group and go 50/50. Sometimes better, sometimes worse, but it was fun because you legit fought other pugs. Now, from what I can tell from deathspam, is IRC (still don't even know what that means TBH but from my experience it means useless trash who is only good in 8v8 and can't solo for ****
Ultimately I have to disagree with the OP in that there shouldn't be Arena's... Back when I used to 8v8 with a mediocre ragtag team of casuals we still knew how to read maps/deathspam and do a good job at predecting where to pick up certain groups on the map for a fight, while evading "elite" 8v8 groups. Don't blame the game when you constantly go to EV and expect a fair 8v8... it's not called Agramon anymore for a reason.. I also remember it never being an issue getting added on once in awhile back when I ran 8v8, but we never really cared about dying anyways as long as it was fun.
But there could be a middle ground, this isn't 3 years ago - its _today_.
Players are logging earlier, their is nothing keeping them in game for that extra hour or 2 - when the NF scenerios don't suit them. Some of these scenerios can include being outnumbered, no BG, no groups out to fight, friends not online. Not winning.
As i said - some form of this could be a win win for everyone. provided you don't have a spybot sitting at the enemy queue-bot determining if you should/enter or not which would totally undermine the entire process.
If you don`t care what Sep has to say you should care as what DAoC was intended, a tri realm focused rvr open world related game. And 8v8 is only a part of it, a small part like solo, duo, zerg etc.
Ywain is already under the border what Mythic stated as playable. A server with 5-600 players was shut down and clustered, not profitable and no satisfying game experience. But there is nothing to cluster.
And you want to move the small % of players that want to *die hard 8v8 no adds* into an arena?
Cmon, be realistic, you whats going on. Who should code something like that if they have already problems with coding a name-change or eleminating the bugs out of the Cursed Campaign?
And if you think about something like a lvl 50 battleground... that would reduce the population in rvr for at least 30-40%. Not going to happen.
You can think what you want about Hero or Anna, or the other zerg leaders at Us primetime. Thats the only streamable action left where BS can show that DAoC isn`t dead. BS should give those zerg leaders and pve raid leaders a free abo and keep them playing.
1000% agree, i could not explain it better
daoc mutated to a PvD game Player vs Door, for thoose who say rp farming in arena, you get rps for keeps...
even if, rp farming requires more skill then pvD
You can see it both ways, one is people that zerg late on their respective time zone looking to fight 8 mans because the skill gap is there (if they 8v8 they would get destroyed so they win the numbers game). The other is that CC basically doesn't work. In earlier versions of DAoC, it wasn't much of an issue because there was none of the stupid CC mythical cc / charge / bolster / purge on a 5 min timer / etc that basically renders cc useless.
Personally I wouldn't mind adds if said adds were not R11 and up and basically running in a fight CC immune. A huge part of DAoC is cc and BS basically took it away with all the stuff they changed in the game.
I personally don't like arenas because a good part of how you win 8v8/8vx is how you hit the enemy, know where he is, go around, hit from the side etc. I feel like arenas would get boring within 2 weeks. It's interesting to navigate NF to get good hits, but then swords show up the on map within 5 seconds and bam you have the small zergs rolling you over.
are you suggesting we should remove /xp off so ppl can't stay in battlegrounds as well?
i mean these people aren't in the frontiers, they aren't playing - so technically it has the potential to increase the number of people online if done right. not saying chamies scenerio is the right one - but some version of it def has potential.
IF this was a scenario that happened, for me personally, I would run there 90% of the time that I am RvR'ing. Then if we need to defend relics, or takeing relics I would move my group to join in.
For the arument that "this is not what DAoC was intended for" I counter with this:
A: Mordred was one of the original very first server online, and it ran this play style server wide, not just an arena, so it was there opening day
B: Its 2018 and the game can almost vote. You have to adapt
C: It pivots this game into more of a battle royal game, which, those style of games are making quite a bit of money, IMO, with a bit of thought and tweaking could bring a lot of people back with a very small marketing budget
Well Hero and Anna are dodging in EU Prime, and Mids have nothing to fight against hib wise on us prime because we all dodge them. Might be time to look at catering, at least a little bit, to the part of the community that wants to 8v8.
So there would be fewer 8 mans for Herorius zerg to chase in EV or whats the problem here?
Ooops forgot an excuse. Thanks for clearing that up Sepp. "Its not intended for 8v8 or 1v1" Thats the other excuse. Then why implment ruins and 1v1 areas? and solo quests? not about 1v1, this game has at least attempted to pivot more than ever to encourage 1v1, but not 8v8.
How about this. With the arena, no rps, for any kills, but you can get a daily quest to kill 24 (not 25, but 24=3 FG's) and reward is 20k. thats less than 1k per kill average and your done for the day after that for rps, it would help encourage people to go and check it out, but also, "Quest done lets go roam" type of conversations. Its not wildly OP'ed RPS, but still worth it. ( I would still like the kill counts though for the titles etc.) This would basically serve the same function at that point as the solo quest daily. and would encourage groups to not spend 100% of their time there to "Maximize" their RPS.
This helps us 8v8 people to play our play style the way we want to, we still have a glass ceiling on it to help keep us in the realm to defend, and can spin up action.
Well Im so happy that you stated that opinion but why would we want to play the game in a way that is super pointless and boring? In 8vs8 you evolve together and build a closer connection to people as you try to achieve a goal together. You also get to have even adrenaline filled 10 min long battles of where you try to push out all the utility you have in order to get that little edge over your opponent.
In zerg RvR you stick your leader and go semi afk till u finally get some kind of INC and then you fight for about 30 seconds at most and then the smaller army starts to run away. Alternatively u take a keep fight and all ur support hides somewhere, puts up a FOP and spams their group heal button for 3 hours. I have been in several zerg bgs, way more than enough to have experienced what kind of gameplay it offers. It´s ok with me if some of you like it but don´t come to our threads and try to tell us how DAoC is meant to be played. Im so sorry that it offends you that we do not appreciate that you come in 70 man armies to chase down 8 man groups every day.
I should honeslty join the zerg a couple of times only to make a video where I record the action to compare it to 8vs8 set fights only to show you the massive difference in how utility is being used. There is noway that anyone in the 8vs8 community would go back to that meaningless crap.
Let me clarify this one last time, we want nothing to do with the zergs and especially not todays zerg leaders. Back in the days zergs used to stay in the main frontier lands and 8 mans would go agramon. Meaning people were able to mind their own buisness. I sub to play the most awesome group vs group pvp game ever made, not to defend my realm.
And you`re wrong, i don`t have anything to adapt, if i don`t like it i don`t play.
And once again, we don`t have the # of players that such effort would be worth it.
There are maybe 150-180 hibs at my primetime, 40-50% are in the frontiers. Midgard has the same number on *Anna-Days*, and Albion...ok well....85% bonus yesterday evening. Do the math...
If you were responsible for DAoC, would you say we take 50% of our coding team and code some lvl 50 arena just to please the 8v8 ppl? Delaying 1.125, delaying fp2, delaying bug fixes etcetc...
I wouldn`t do that, for sure.
I want to clarify something. There are people who form mini zergs for the reason you say, They would get destroyed by 8 mans 8vs8. These guys are not the problem because they tend to form numbers that are theoretically beatable in an open field combat, you just have to play it very well when outnumbered. The problem that I speak of here are people who form zergs of 50-100 people to fight 8 mans while having lots of rr12+ in their zerg. They want to take only fights where they know with 100% certainity that they can´t lose.
I´m pretty sure I can show you clips of these zerg leaders chasing 8 mans desperately for 5-10 minutes.
So there would be fewer 8 mans in frontiers. There. Fixed that for you. If a zerg on an opposite realm is roaming EV here is a hint. Don't go to EV. Avoid the areas where the zerg's are. Your original complaint is that there is not enough 8 mans out so your suggestion is to remove all 8 mans from open world RvR. Yes, I know, you still want open world RvR to exist, but it won't have any 8 mans's because they will all be in arena. Then trios will want their own arena, then 4 mans, then 5 mans, then 16 mans.... Then we will end up with a giant frontier with a zerg roaming around with nobody to kill. Yay!!!
Also, as some have pointed out about the new ruined areas favoring solo style of play, the difference is that those areas are still in the open frontier. Any fg or small mans can go in and kill indiscriminately and do. So its not an arena. Yes, there are some things that tend to favor "solo" play with there being ports if solo and a solo buggane buff, not to mention the loss of bugganes for groups (which I wish they would remove), but its 100% not an arena. As a solo I still have to get my kills in the frontiers which means I can be killed by any others in frontiers. Arenas do not offer this.
Don't worry I know haha, been on the receiving end of the late US prime mid zerg many many times. Solic is pretty decent at chasing for extended periods of time, but then again his zerg usually consists of free RPs to a decent caster/hybrid group.
I just wish zerg leaders, when they realize that they have nothing to fight, would tell their groups to split off and do their own thing. People stick together even when action is dead, killing it even more.
For sure hiding away from them in an arena is a forced solution on this issue. I like the idea of not having to worry about the mid zerg lapping EV for 2-3 hours in a row, however I also think that set fights are boring, I prefer the open field unpredictable fights, but that's just me. Just for that I would prefer a battleground over an 8v8 arena but how do you control zergs won't form on it?
Also you asy go to a zone that is not EV, GL with that without having a set up fight in another zone. Like what do you want us to do there? Invade the solo zone?
Well to be fair the idea that someone posted with having a zone that you port in to which will be like a pvp zone is pretty good. Because all who are not in your group will be enemies so that would immediately stop zerging.
Charmie, let me try and relate this to you in terms we have seen play out. When BS put in the new ruined areas they tried to force groups and non-solo's to not go there by making it so they lose their buggane buff when going into those areas. Did it stop everyone from going there and killing solo's? Nope. Because it was easier for these groups to go in and get a bunch of easy kills and action rather than keeping buggane but roaming around and not seeing any action. Literally EXACTLY what you are saying. Those groups prefer to potentially earn less per kill by losing bugganes buff in favor of faster/easier action, and the same would happen with your arena fights.
Sure, you COULD make more rp's by doing open world frontier RvR IF there is anything to kill, but if everyone else is running in arenas for fast action then did you really make more rp's? What you should say is that people would have the potential to earn more rp's but in reality they would probably earn less than those that did arena. Because the arena would have action even if they were earning less rp's while the people in frontier would be roaming around seeing nothing. If 8 vs 8 arenas existed (although earning less rp's than in open world frontier) and you were on an 8 man and roamed frontiers for 30 minutes to an hour and saw nothing or got rolled would you keep doing that for the potential to earn more rp's per kill or would you rather go get insta action and fights that guarantee a fair fight?
Once again Charmie, you will never convince me that removing any population from the frontiers is a good idea. Even if you managed to get BS to do this (which I seriously doubt they would ever do) where would you draw the line? Would it just be 8 mans for arenas? Why not for every play style? Do you we have solo arena, duo arena, trio arena, all the way up to 16 man? Why should 8 mans be the only ones that can guarantee a "fair" fight in terms of #'s? And if they did apply all of those arenas then what would be the point of even having the frontiers for?
The JTT idea is pretty much exactly that. A roam zone where everyone outside of your group is your enemy making zerging impossible. But sure you may not like this idea, I don´t expect that I can convince Annamariede, Herorius or Xyroman to think that this is a great idea either. But how about doing something good for the 8vs8 players for once instead of just watching them quit the game one by one?
Even if we made a poll for this I already know what would likely be the result, most people who played the game for 8 man or small man roaming have given up and almost everyone who remains are the zergers. So of course anything that does not allow the zergers to keep zerging down 8 mans would be heavily downvoted. Just like every thread we make on the forum about trying to protect our way of playing the game gets bashed on by zergers. WE JUST WANT A ZONE WHERE YOU CAN NOT GO, we want absolutely NOTHING to do with you.
One might also point out that there currently exists no PvP server so adding a zone that works exactly like the PvP server in the sense that everyone outside of your group is your enemy would probably make a lot of players come back to the game.
Its an almost 18 year old game, nothing is gonna solve the low pop, we have to work with what we have.
Going a bit f2p was a good option, but it is just too late in mid 2019. That is something that should happenened 2 years ago.
There`s not much what you can do wrong with gaining new players or returning/reactivating players, but doing nothing is 100% wrong.
I think the 1 thing we all can agree on, is that action is stagnating. Step 1, can we all say agree to that. Step 2 can we all agree that no one, and I mean no one, wants to login to this game and run around for 45+ min without seeing a single enemy?
Zerg leaders need to acknowledge step 2. Stop dodging eachother. You need to colide. People need to understand that dieing is going to happen. It is, in fact, a part of this game.
There is a place. Specifically, for ZvZ, 8v8, and 1v1 in this game. Many people spec RA's and gear differently for each one of those catagories.
1v1: Has been encouraged by Mythic and BS since day 1. Classes and RA's focused on a 1v1 situations. Now Daily quests that reward players directly with a hefty RP bonus for winning a fight, 1v1.
ZvZ: Has been encouraged by Mythic and BS since day 1. Yes in fact this is the most encouraged game play style encouraged. Realm vs. Realm. This the meat of the game. Not PvE, Not taking keeps, not running laps chasing solos, actual true 100 Albs vs. 100 mids vs. 100 Hibs. We saw it. Last week. It was, in fact, glorious. But that has been unobtainable openfield action for quite some time. There are very few people that are willing to lead with that mentality, night after night. And, yes everyone has their right to choose that play style.
8v8: Has been a community created by the community. This mindset should not be looked down on. But yet it is. Zergs don't like it because we dodge fighting the zerg, because we not dumb enough to continually run 8v64 over and over. I'm okay with dieing, but thats just common sense, your going to lose. Out of this game a community has evolved and should be recognized. In the history of this game, some of the greatest clashes were 8v8 fights. Or revolved around a 8v8 guild turning the tide of a huge fight. Or joining in with their realm mates to defend against impossible numbers. We are simply asking for a way to enjoy the game in our chosen format as you all get your choice.
Consider this. IF we bring in a Mordred rule set lvl 50 BG, that earns 0 RPS on kills. And add a daily quest as I mentioned above. And impliment a realm switch timmer of 15/30 min.
-Zergs will have to encounter zergs. Go after a target, colide in open field head on, not get stretched out chasing some 8man dodging them.
-Solo zones will have more solo fights, while not perfect, but less 8 mans rolling up to kill everything because their options are no longer 8vX or roll solo zone.
-8v8 will be segragated for people that want to 8v8 for the fight, not the RPS. But for the glory of saying we went 8v8 and won, or WP we lost. A modest earning of 20k means the most dedicated would stay in there, while more casual groups will get their quest then roll to the frontier, where it would then be assumed you are running with your realm mates.
The realm timer, simply encourages some form of realm loyalty. To discourage people from min-maxing rp/hr on all realms inside of 3 hours. Many people loved the mordred ruleset and would come back to the game just to see what thats like.
If this were to be implmented, and Advertised with a come back campaign highlighting a Mordred ruleset focused on 8v8, honestly, and conservativly, I think we would see a surge of resubs, in less than 2 weeks I think we get a bump of 50% or better increase in pop.
As for the question of I would prioritize the workload. (Based out of 12 developers)
1. Fixing bugs. Existing content on a min of a monthly basis. (4 Devs +1 floating)
2. Mordred rule set BG (2 Devs, this should be pretty easy to recreate if they reload Modred in a sandbox)
3. Reducing the overall difficulty of any encounter to be accomplished with a single FG, with the exception of realm Dragons, Leigon, and the worm in DF. (2 devs +1 floating and basically consistantly testing on Pend with some of the volenteer player base, I would suggest Solic and Jaideus as Knights for PvE Content, I'm not sure of other major raid leaders, but 3 would be nice)
4. F2P (2 Devs +1 floating with a timeline of June 2019)
5. Begin developing a new expansion. To keep on par with other MMO's this should be a every 2 years. Max 3 years. (1 Dev and add as other projects complete)
If so, i vote yes
You think they have 12 developers, really? Game-developers, not web-designers, comm-manager, gm`s or csr`s. Sorry, can`t take that serious in any way, maybe it`s some kind of hidden cam and you`re trying to trigger someone.... voila.
THAT is the problem ^^
most ppl here just want to outnumber. period
Maybe the team that gets 12-20 dollars per month for each active account could do smth like that who knows.
the running joke is that they only have 10-12 devs. You can add that up as % based or job role with the according title that more accurately describes their function from within the company but not withholding any of their other skills or passions for life.
I also only specified a timeline for 2 of those things, 1 re-occurring and 1 drop dead date.
after that post you going to call out "Haha you didn't say the job title correctly" really? I'm actually over you now, you can move along now, this is obviously over your head.
I don't even run w/ the zerg. I'm played solo 90% of the time for the first 16 months I played. Over the last couple of months I have played some duo/trio action with some friends that came back. As a solo when I see Baby's stealther group, or Armandini's stealther group, or even LA's stealther groups out I avoid the areas they are at. Same when Xyorman is running or even Herorius on the weekends when I'm on. If your issue is zergs killing you in your 8 man then your 8 man needs to do a better job of paying attention to where the zerg's are at. Sure, occasionally it will happen where you just have bad luck and run into a zerg or group much bigger than you and you die. It's part of the game.
I agree with you @Staticc that some of these ideas hold merit, but the problem is that they all (at their root) will remove people from the frontiers in the name of improving 8 vs 8 RvR. Also, @Stoertebecker has a point. Everything you guys mentioned would take ALOT of resources to code and figure out. For a game that doesn't have many coders/developers that would be a HUGE undertaking. Hell, just putting in the minor things 1.125 has is taking forever. I don't think @Stoertebecker was wanting you to put together a team for this, he was just pointing out that BS doesn't exactly have the staff to be doing these major overhauls.
Neither you nor @Chamie have answered me a single time when I asked where you draw the line on arena style fights. Why only 8 man? Why not duo/trio/4 man/5man... etc? Yes, the game does provide some leanings towards solo play, BUT everything done for solo play is still done in the frontiers.
Those are my 2 biggest issues with this idea. 1. It removes people from frontiers making an already bad situation worse, not better. 2. Where do you draw the line? Why does only 8 man groups get this arena style?
In starcraft I play only 1on1 cus I consider that the targeted format for the balance in that game.
I think first of all just do a free for all roaming zone where each group is for themselves. Then people can decide how many they wanna roam with but 8 will be max. I wouldnt mind adding a 4 man or 5 man zone later if its a success though that could be fun.
What you are not grasping, is that action is dead af in both PT's as a direct result of zerging. and the more the zerg pop grows because of "can't beat em join em" natrual mentality it will eventually end up being that literally anyone RvR'ing in EU will be on Hero Zerg fighting nothing, and US PT will be everyone in Xyro zerg fighting literally nothing until everyone gets bored and unsubbs.
Personal direct question. How many nights in a row can you log on join a BG take 2 keeps and all of EV and run laps for 4 hours, make 20k rps total, and log before you are looking for a new game? Where do you draw that line?
When I run solo/duo/trio I make around 40-60k in a night and have a great time. I usually mange to avoid the zergs while occasionally getting ran over by the occasional 8 man or stealther group.
I can't speak for all times but in the last several nights I have seen several good quality 8 vs 8 fights occuring around EV, but I play durimg American prime time.
Also, still a lil confused on the full idea here. So you want to make an arena zone where the max group is 8 but you can run less? What would stop a smaller group from adding in or even another fg from adding in? I believe if you were looking for truly "fair" fights you would have to make it an arena for one type of group, ie 8 man, 5 man, duo etc. Otherwise you will have the same issue as you have in frontiers with people adding in.
You misunderstood something, i think. You made up a math with 10-12 devs, what i`m going to tell you is that i don`t think that they have 10-12 devs working on DAoC. Carol and Lea are no Devs, and a CSR is also no Dev.
It was a joke as i wrote that you`re going to code the stuff, usually i`m good in sarcasm.
What i`m trying to say is that you shouldn`t expect development miracles from a small team.
The current event is nice (from the idea), if it will work the way they thought? I dunno, you need people that attack each other within a small area. Hib and midzerg are dodging each other, Alb has no zerg like Hib or Mid.
Fingers crossed that it will work, the Zergs have a target and the 8v8 can roam EV 24/7. But i`m pretty sure they don`t stay on the isle, they go where the action is to farm rp` usual. And they want this +70% rp
BS could spoiler such new events a bit, a picture here, some words there, avoiding that ppl think that BS abbandoned a sinking ship.
And no need to complain about this zone taking away action from the open RvR zones because this would be a roaming zone aswell just that your only allies would be those that are grouped with you.
pretty much none at all unless you arrange a set up fight. You can either have a pool of 10-16 players and do 5v5-8v8 with 2 captains picking teams or you can try to find one time of the day where there are 2 very evenly matched teams and make a set fight. Korean primetime is pretty good for this.
In EV most pugs that are 8 will try to run away on INC vs another 8 man just like Anna and Hero always dodge eachother. You get a fight when u manage to catch up to your enemies. Valheru is still willing to fight usually on EU prime time though, as long as you find them. That is the only group I can think of however and they play ~2 times a week?
@Stoertebecker Yes I did make up numbers, as a generalized response to the question how would I personaly prioritze division of labor. And you keep bring up the technical job titles, I understand there are many facets that come with this running this game. I never said any particlar persons name like Carol or Leib, This was a general a generalization and you trying to act like what I said is exactly how the company runs. Please stop doing this.
@John_Broadsword Direct question Do you want the 8v8 community here or do you want us to leave?