Moving Doppels from Bowtowns was the worst idea...
Smallmans and 8mans still regularly run through Moy/Folley/Trelle. It has not changed a thing, the only thing it hurts is solo game. The best thing to happen to this game in years was having the Doppels give some decent RPs and making them spawn in an area where all soloers can travel quickly between.
GROUPS WILL ALWAYS ROLL SOLOS so the people who were QQing that it was ruining their time as a solo farming doppels well too bad... There has never been a risk vs. reward for soloers in the history of this game. Now there was, with doppels. A solo could actually make decent RPs between finding fights, but the risk of getting run over by bigger numbers is still high (always has been, but at least when doppels were at the bowtowns it made it better than now having ltierally nothing to find between trying to find solo fights)
GROUPS WILL ALWAYS ROLL SOLOS so the people who were QQing that it was ruining their time as a solo farming doppels well too bad... There has never been a risk vs. reward for soloers in the history of this game. Now there was, with doppels. A solo could actually make decent RPs between finding fights, but the risk of getting run over by bigger numbers is still high (always has been, but at least when doppels were at the bowtowns it made it better than now having ltierally nothing to find between trying to find solo fights)
I would agree PvEing for RPs was never what anyone wanted, but for the first time since Broadsword ruined population 3+ years ago it actually made solo action seem not so dead. I had something to do between fights
Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi
The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure
I think it's funny that you think that soloers have to cheat to be so good at their class 1v1. Just shows how much you don't know about the game. Kinda reminds me when I hear people in /region saying they saw so-and-so "speedhacking" because they are jumping all over the place....
Anyways, I do agree with you that /bowtowns should of never existed... They were a bandaid for the dwindling population caused by Broadsword after patch after patch of bull crap.... And when they took away ruined keeps lets not forget that...
So ya, they should of never existed in the first place, but nevertheless ever since their implementation, this doppel event was the best thing to happen to the solo community
Broadsword Online Games
Go hunt. It’s fun. It would be more fun if more people would do it
My suggestion is to put the doppels back and drop the “solo zone” label entirely
Having a "bowtown" was not a bad idea. There is a very tiny player base that likes to solo on visi toons. Doesn't hurt the zergers, at all, to let them have one small part of the game to play. They could port around, find each other, and have the additional danger of smallies/fgs come to the area. There was risk, there was reward. Putting dopples in the solo area killed that. Game is big enough for all playstyles. Not sure why people get so butt hurt that 10 people in game don't want to zerg...and BS gave them just a small place to play with the solo porting ability
Then maybe make an arena for those 10 people where they can play.
I don't use the bowtowns..I roam. But, I can understand why solo players like to go there. Why do you care if people like fighting each other?
Again..why do you care? It does not negatively affect you in anyway at all. People like to roam, go to solo areas, set up fights, zerg, 8v8. Game can accommodate all players.
Its risk vs reward. Solo areas are always going to get run over by smallies/fgs looking for ez rps. Lowbies are going to get killed by higher rr's. Part of the game. But that doesn't mean there can't be areas that encourage a playstyle, without taking away all the risk. The game is healthier when there are all types of playstyles in game.
Yes I know this. I just feel like this was one of those times that the community spoke out and was very wrong. I will deal though. It's too early to tell. I still think there should still be something that Broadsword should work on for the solo population.
I know you guys are listening and we appreciate it
I just think it was dumb to hear the community say that having doppels at the keeps was dumb. It did nothing for small/8/zerg, but it helped soloers IMO.
The action has been really solid around the mazes especially mid/Alb focusing on the doppels.
If anything consider bringing back the old Moy keep layout it was so much fun. Three stories of areas to fight in!
3 stories of areas to fight in with no way out when a FG comes rolling up, and no LoS to see them coming at clip range. Sometimes I think you're ideas are on point, but most of the time I think you smoke crack
Just curious. Who have you been talking to in the solo community? The majority of the ones I talked to hated dopple placement and basically just started grouping or avoiding the area
then go off to do whatever lol
Soloers should have to hunt for their rps just like everyone else. The action is as good as I ever remember it being, mainly because of doppels and driftwood (although driftwood needs to be worth more BPs to make it as good as it was when flowers were out)
In short: solo areas are dumb, and dopples in solo areas are good because they are so concentrated they are guaranteed to produce action
Edit: if action gets slow I sometimes head to trelle... have seen zero people there since they moved the doppels out. Zero. Working as intended?
Edit2: I only check castle side.... I’m sure there are some leet /duelists hanging out on the house side
and you think solos are going to roam looking for each other while dying 15 times to every desperate **** grp not gonna happen that's why all soloers ported bow towns and that's also why most are Mia or grouped now from what I can see when I log in.
Bow towns are a good idea for when the population is low..... but it’s rather high right now and perfectly spread out, albeit a little less spread out now that they took the doppels out of the “solo areas”. As someone who’s soloed in one way or another since 2005, I can tell you hunting is as good now as it’s ever been, and maybe even better.
Yes lots of soloers now smallman because it's easier, I've noticed this since removal of doppels from bowtowns.
@kedyma I'm with you in that the whole /bowing thing was a result of Broadsword making these specific "solo zones". I enjoy roaming and not /bowing now, but there has to be more of an effort made to find a way to discourage groups from hunting soloers in some way, because most smallmans do just that
Agreed. Little things would help a ton. Making solo quest repeatable. Solo-rewarded skins. Better bps for driftwood. Better rps for doppels if solo.
All in all though I’m enjoying the solo game a ton right now. It’s obviously hot and cold, but rarely do I go too long without a good fight.
Since I made the original post, I have to admit that the solo game isn't horrendous as I QQ'd about in the post's title. It was a frustrating change, but solo action is there still. My main gripe however is when the doppels were at bowtowns it made the population seem much better. Broadsword making this change to encourage more roaming is fine if the population was much higher. I mean the pop has been better, but not good enough so let's not all get complacent!
I suppose instead of complaining about ppl playing i can suggest getting rid of Rez sickness and Ras returning after a death and release.
Less time afk more time playing
lol. Good joke.
For me a big difference in duels to soloing.
I honestly hate having zones for styles of play, game was better when the players set up the duel zones etc on DCE
DAOC was always a kind of sandbox pvp system and feel that has somehow been lost with changes over the years