Population on Realms

@Carol_Broadsword @John_Broadsword
I am starting to get sick and tired of Hib always being overpopulated and Alb/Mid gains nothing from it.

Its possible to get some good 8 man going for maximum 2 hours before you will get zerged down all night.
As soon as Hero logs on he will have 40 people running with him half hour later 80 people. While mid and alb will be sitting around 30-40 on a good day while hero is on.

Its not only that hib is overpopulated but as soon as you try to get a relic back you will be up against realm jumpers. 15 Mins timer to change realm is waaay to low. Set that to an hour as minimum. Hibs have now had most relics for months and it is impossible for us to take it back due to the population of hib and the realm jumpers.

I have been in multiple attempts on hitting nGed on mid while EV and everything else was dead due to our zerg we would try go for the relic. When we try suddenly there would be the same numbers we have in our BG waiting for us.

Midgard has been the most underpopulated realm for a long time and still is they have the most nerfed casters.
Runemasters bolts used to be good, now they are barely even worth putting on the bar to use.
Spiritmasters pet used to be good but has been nerfed waaay too hard or just forget to nerf the chanter pet?
Bonedancers cant really talk about since i've never played them.
Warlocks hehe. The most nerfed class in the game i really dont need to say anything about them

Please do something about the population on each realm. Im tired of fighting over twice the numbers in hibs and albs.
And increase the timer for switching realms to 1 hour. 15 minutes is way to low.
  1. Increase the timer to swap realm?30 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No - Come with a good argument to why not


  • Koxicain wrote: »
    @Carol_Broadsword @John_Broadsword
    I am starting to get sick and tired of Hib always being overpopulated and Alb/Mid gains nothing from it.

    Its possible to get some good 8 man going for maximum 2 hours before you will get zerged down all night.
    As soon as Hero logs on he will have 40 people running with him half hour later 80 people. While mid and alb will be sitting around 30-40 on a good day while hero is on.

    Its not only that hib is overpopulated but as soon as you try to get a relic back you will be up against realm jumpers. 15 Mins timer to change realm is waaay to low. Set that to an hour as minimum. Hibs have now had most relics for months and it is impossible for us to take it back due to the population of hib and the realm jumpers.

    I have been in multiple attempts on hitting nGed on mid while EV and everything else was dead due to our zerg we would try go for the relic. When we try suddenly there would be the same numbers we have in our BG waiting for us.

    Midgard has been the most underpopulated realm for a long time and still is they have the most nerfed casters.
    Runemasters bolts used to be good, now they are barely even worth putting on the bar to use.
    Spiritmasters pet used to be good but has been nerfed waaay too hard or just forget to nerf the chanter pet?
    Bonedancers cant really talk about since i've never played them.
    Warlocks hehe. The most nerfed class in the game i really dont need to say anything about them

    Please do something about the population on each realm. Im tired of fighting over twice the numbers in hibs and albs.
    And increase the timer for switching realms to 1 hour. 15 minutes is way to low.

    Runemaster bolts are the same as Hib and less than Albion as they have access to three. Spiritmaster pets are much better than hib Enchanter pets because the tank pet can intercept. And warlocks have been nerfed because they were incredibly overpowered since release. They were toned down and brought in line with other classes. Since then they have been nerfed but so have other classes. The most nerfed class could arguably be assassins. But you are trying to make it seem like midgard is weak which it is not.

    Your population whine has turned into a Midgard is weak (again it is not) thread. Focus and come back with a coherant argument and people will possibly have a logical conversation with you.
  • edited January 2020 PM
    runies dont have stun, spirit-master dont have group procs (and realm makeup means they dont have 2 bards and a druid, + a warden to keep pets alive). and yes warlocks (never should have been made).

    it might not be that if 2x the pop switch to mids that it would be week, but statistics seems to to show hibs have something right now... im not going to say i know what it is but something should be done to help other realms (who cares if its hib skill, pboe, heals, cc, number of players), something should be done (and for that, someone needs to figure out what it is so the correct thing is done). the game needs balanced not equalized, there's a small difference and for some reason people think that if we all had the same abilities same everything the game would be balanced, sadly that's just not how it would work (one would get relics or have a leader or whatnot and everyone would get owned (if the game rewards skill)). in a system like that you can balanced with buffs (like underpop buff or something).

    in general, devs need to be active.
    Post edited by rocketait on
  • Daelin wrote: »

    Runemaster bolts are the same as Hib and less than Albion as they have access to three. Spiritmaster pets are much better than hib Enchanter pets because the tank pet can intercept. And warlocks have been nerfed because they were incredibly overpowered since release. They were toned down and brought in line with other classes. Since then they have been nerfed but so have other classes. The most nerfed class could arguably be assassins. But you are trying to make it seem like midgard is weak which it is not.

    Your population whine has turned into a Midgard is weak (again it is not) thread. Focus and come back with a coherant argument and people will possibly have a logical conversation with you.

    A logical conversation? i've never said Midgard is weak. Midgard is just being nerfed over and over again. Not only that Midgard is underpopulated and you cant argue with that. Whenever mids try to do something boom theres 100 hibs or albs waiting. Casting classes are a lot weaker than on Hib and Alb.

    Warlocks were extremely OP? No they were equalizing Theurgs and Tics. Hib is a well balanced realm because they have really balanced classes they can do everything. Head to Head no RA's or skill level invovled hib casters would demolish any mid caster.

    But this is not the reason for the thread eventhough i do mention it. The reason for this thread is it is easy to choose hib because of the easymode classes they have. While midgard being nerfed both in population and classes.

    On the best days we can have a BG of around 50-60 people. While hib and alb can easily get 60+

    If nothing is being done then more people will just play alb or hib instead or completely quit the game.

  • @Koxicain

    You are whining by stating mid has been nerfed or stating believed shortcomings (runemaster bolts and spiritmaster pets and warlock nerfs) coupled with an underpopulated argument. Mid doesn't have a problem other than population yet you are attributing it to class balance. There is nothing wrong with mid classes. The casting classes on mid are strong and have their strengths and weaknesses same as the other realms. I challenge you to step back and see things as a whole and come to the understanding that each realm excels at something.

    You have such a bias of hib casters vs mids that you even stated that no RA's or skill level involved would a mid caster beat a hib.

    Fun fact, a BD destroyed all hib contestants in the Broadsword sponsored caster pvp tournament.
  • Yes midgard sucks due to constantly getting nerfed. Then add on top of it Hero that PvEs relics. Then when Alb or Mid try to get people to get relics back, a good half the BG logs off and jumps on their Hib toons to defend. Plus adding 30% magic damage to these toons is stupid. Had a guy in grp today get hit by a bards instant DD for a little over 800 dàmage lol. It's getting to the point where people are letting their subscriptions run out and won't log back until the realm timers/population imbalance and midgard nerfing changes. So more and more Hibernia is getting players because of the easy mode, theyve had players earning 1-4million rps vrs a few thousand . It's insane, BS needs to address this ASAP or there's only gonna be Hibernia left with no one else to kill rvr wise.
    Asatruar - Ronnie 10 "
    Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi

    The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure
  • @Daelin
    I think you need your reading glasses on because i said the exact opposite.
    Runie vs Eldritch - Eld would Win
    SM vs Chanter - Chanter would win
    BD vs Ani - Ani would win
    Warlock vs Banshee - Warlock would prolly win.
    This is the head to head comparison.

    That a BD won a 1on1 tournament isnt going to change that hib casters are stronger than mids.
    Really the only good thing mid has is AoE stun on a healer which none of the other realms has.
    But is that equal to what the other realms can do ?
    Does AoE stun justify that the other realms just are superior.
    And if you really want to get into RA's Lets start with RR5.
    Runies RR5 is the most useless RR5 there is. Its not even 100% evade and you cannot cast through it.
    While eldritch gets Speedhack to escape.

    I remember a time a Runie could 2 shot any caster with the bolts. Now they barely deal the same dmg as baseline nukes.
  • rocketait wrote: »
    runies dont have stun, spirit-master dont have group procs (and realm makeup means they dont have 2 bards and a druid, + a warden to keep pets alive). and yes warlocks (never should have been made).

    it might not be that if 2x the pop switch to mids that it would be week, but statistics seems to to show hibs have something right now... im not going to say i know what it is but something should be done to help other realms (who cares if its hib skill, pboe, heals, cc, number of players), something should be done (and for that, someone needs to figure out what it is so the correct thing is done). the game needs balanced not equalized, there's a small difference and for some reason people think that if we all had the same abilities same everything the game would be balanced, sadly that's just not how it would work (one would get relics or have a leader or whatnot and everyone would get owned (if the game rewards skill)). in a system like that you can balanced with buffs (like underpop buff or something).

    in general, devs need to be active.

    Runies and all casters (Clerics aren't list casters) in Albion don't have stuns either. His argument was a bolt argument yet you talked about stuns. I kept the argument about bolts. Each bolt realm is the same except for Wizards who have to spec for a third bolt. But if you wanted to compare the differences hib has a 179 baseline cold dd for their bolt class but can debuff dd with mana baseline 179 energy dd. Mid can have a spec 209 energy dd wiith cold debuff into darkness cold damage 179 baseline dd and wizards have a 219 heat dd with built in 10% debuff but access to a third bolt with earth sub spec. Each realm has a strong ae dd for their bolts lines (void, runecarving, fire).

    Next is your Spiritmasters don't have group based procs comment. No other class other than Enchantment spec enchanters do. This is a pet argument yet you decided to talk about specs other than pets. Permanent pet of a summoning class vs permanent pet of a summoning class mids are stronger than hib as mid tank pets can intercept AND have access to a shield stun.

    Next, no group should be running a 2 bard, druid and warden setup as a better setup can be run with a single bard, warden and druid. That's the same as saying a mid group should run a two pac healer, one aug and one shaman setup. And yes, I've ran the 2 bard setup in 8v8 and while it's ok there are better builds for hib groups than double bards.
  • Pleazing wrote: »
    Yes midgard sucks due to constantly getting nerfed. Then add on top of it Hero that PvEs relics. Then when Alb or Mid try to get people to get relics back, a good half the BG logs off and jumps on their Hib toons to defend. Plus adding 30% magic damage to these toons is stupid. Had a guy in grp today get hit by a bards instant DD for a little over 800 dàmage lol. It's getting to the point where people are letting their subscriptions run out and won't log back until the realm timers/population imbalance and midgard nerfing changes. So more and more Hibernia is getting players because of the easy mode, theyve had players earning 1-4million rps vrs a few thousand . It's insane, BS needs to address this ASAP or there's only gonna be Hibernia left with no one else to kill rvr wise.

    Where is this 30% magic damage bonus? Each relic has been reduced from 10% to 5%. So having all three relic equals 10% bonus damage to either magic or melee depending on which double relics are owned because having your own relic doesn't increase damage nor not having reduce your damage done. And getting dd'd by a bard for 800? Seriously? Please just stop. No bard will hit you for 800 with an insta dd even with relics and even if you have a 50% body debuff on you and max 50% crit. The earning of high rps are due to people buying the bonus rp potions from the mithril shop. It's not due to skill but to people paying to win on the Broadsword store. If you have a problem with people earning that many rps in a week take it up with Broadsword and their pay to win strategy now with the mithral store. Spend RL money get more rps is their new approach.
  • This has been legitimate for a long time that hib has an advantage and that advantage is utility and ease of setting up groups.
    Irc players have already stated on this forum that hib healers are also the best.
    Coupled with that the hib tank group set up is top of the tree now something that has resulted in me running a specialised caster setup on alb as the only way to compete.
    The effects of this have been magnified by herorius taking 5 relics and running a Zerg 7 days a week for a good 8 hours a day.
    It’s the perfect storm easy group set up ready made easy way to play with a organised leader and 5 relics.
    To be honest you can’t really blame the hibs for taking full advantage of this setup but you can blame broadsword for allowing this to continue players from hib will rubbish these claims as I’m sure I would do if I were in there shoes but the evidence is mounting from too many players now on other realms .
    I predicted all of this broadsword but you just didn’t listen the writing was on the wall for me when I was told that reavers were abandoned as a group toon because broadsword didn’t know what to do with them.
    The games still a lot of fun but you have to adapt and specialise in order to still have a good game experience but that is in spite of the devs not because they have helped.to make it good.
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Koxicain wrote: »
    I think you need your reading glasses on because i said the exact opposite.
    Runie vs Eldritch - Eld would Win
    SM vs Chanter - Chanter would win
    BD vs Ani - Ani would win
    Warlock vs Banshee - Warlock would prolly win.
    This is the head to head comparison.

    That a BD won a 1on1 tournament isnt going to change that hib casters are stronger than mids.
    Really the only good thing mid has is AoE stun on a healer which none of the other realms has.
    But is that equal to what the other realms can do ?
    Does AoE stun justify that the other realms just are superior.
    And if you really want to get into RA's Lets start with RR5.
    Runies RR5 is the most useless RR5 there is. Its not even 100% evade and you cannot cast through it.
    While eldritch gets Speedhack to escape.

    I remember a time a Runie could 2 shot any caster with the bolts. Now they barely deal the same dmg as baseline nukes.

    Runie vs Eldritch depends on spec considering equal skill (Light Eld spec shouldn't lose vs any Runemaster spec) So your point on that one spec is valid.
    Sm vs Chanter Sm should never lose if spec'd darkness considering equal skill.
    BD vs Ani Bd should win
    Warlock vs Bainshee depends on the spec. Heal lock should win vs all bain specs but if not heal spec ES bain has a high chance to win as they have 2k range pulse nearsight, and a 199 cold spec dd or a baseline if subspec'd which should be Spectral 223 baseline body dd not to mention with ES spec an 1875 range cone bolt along with a 2300 baseline taunt for interrupts until closing. (No bainshee should be playing Phantasmal Wail after the nerf as it's worse than warlock now).

    About your RR5 comments you were discussing bolts which I discussed which now you are changing the topics. Runies rr5 has saved me when I have pushed far into enemy backlines when rooted with no purge (Pop it and kite). So it's not useless. l'd rather have the runemasters rr5 over the Wizards rr5 for pushing or get out of jail situations.

    Edit: I can't spell

    Also I just re-read your AE stun comment. Don't discount the power of AE stun coupled with a Static Tempest that resets stun immunity. Pac healers spamming ae stun into ST pulses will reset immunity locking players down for longer than expected time. This is incredibly strong in many situations such as mid bomb groups or keep defense or takes. Also mid has a class with a greater than 1500 range spammable ae DD for large scale fights. For interrupts and damage this is a benefit to mid. For 8v8 mid has two charge light tanks that are very strong whereas the other realms only have one. One could argue that the savage is the best light tank in the game as they can bodyguard along with their self buffs (parry, slash/thrust/blunt resists) for superior bg'ing and still have access to charge/det over other realms.

    As I mentioned, every realm has their strengths and weaknesses. Right now mid suffers from a population imbalance but that isn't a class imbalance just a personal player preference for logging in to said realm.
    Post edited by Daelin on
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Brut wrote: »
    This has been legitimate for a long time that hib has an advantage and that advantage is utility and ease of setting up groups.
    Irc players have already stated on this forum that hib healers are also the best.
    Coupled with that the hib tank group set up is top of the tree now something that has resulted in me running a specialised caster setup on alb as the only way to compete.
    The effects of this have been magnified by herorius taking 5 relics and running a Zerg 7 days a week for a good 8 hours a day.
    It’s the perfect storm easy group set up ready made easy way to play with a organised leader and 5 relics.
    To be honest you can’t really blame the hibs for taking full advantage of this setup but you can blame broadsword for allowing this to continue players from hib will rubbish these claims as I’m sure I would do if I were in there shoes but the evidence is mounting from too many players now on other realms .
    I predicted all of this broadsword but you just didn’t listen the writing was on the wall for me when I was told that reavers were abandoned as a group toon because broadsword didn’t know what to do with them.
    The games still a lot of fun but you have to adapt and specialise in order to still have a good game experience but that is in spite of the devs not because they have helped.to make it good.

    I don't mean to be mean Brut, but Albs have never had an issue with running an 8man group successfully. Albs have always excelled in 8man even back in OF. If you can't get an Alb 8man to work then I suggest you rethink your strategy and find players who are willing to learn and practice.

    Try watching some of Piizerkers youtube videos and learn from him. He plays all realms as a light/heavy tank and it will help you understand how to do 8v8. Warning his group is Korean and you may or may not understand the language but you can learn from watching.

    One video on Alb as Merc and Pally
    Post edited by Daelin on
  • @Daelin
    How can you be so blinded and not able to see that Hib classes are stronger?

    The Enchanter in Empowering they have the AoE bomb, 50% Heat, Cold, Matter Resist debuff for their baseline nuke they have a pet and they have a 9 second stun. Is that not strong as hell ?

  • No more Realm timer. My arguement is this.
    During EU prime time everyone is following hero blindly. Noone wants to run a BG to counter him. Take wall climbing away from Heros could help with that. Not Realm timers. After Hero logs, you have rescues zerg at the beginning of US prime time, if Albs would play some tanks and not just tics maybe they could take relics. During NA prime time you get a few hib groups, basicly FoH alliance to run together. and Astruar zerg is running as US Prime fades.

    Realm timers are hurting the game as bad is Hero is during EU prime time and lost of RP quest; so everyone is humping tower and keep too get the Siege bonuses there. Noone wants to roam anymore. Has nothing to do with realm timers.
  • Mid tanker group with BD seems pretty strong. Also mids can counter a 2bard, ward, druid with pac, aug, HLoc, sham.

    I remember not to long ago, Mids ruled everything. There were only 2 BGs ( MId and Alb) and Hibs would never run a BG. There was a time when Albs controlled everything. It comes in cycles. Right now Mids have the short end of the stick. Maybe Mids and ALbs should team up against Heros zerg if one realm cant do it.
  • Minibard wrote: »
    No more Realm timer. My arguement is this.
    During EU prime time everyone is following hero blindly. Noone wants to run a BG to counter him. Take wall climbing away from Heros could help with that. Not Realm timers. After Hero logs, you have rescues zerg at the beginning of US prime time, if Albs would play some tanks and not just tics maybe they could take relics. During NA prime time you get a few hib groups, basicly FoH alliance to run together. and Astruar zerg is running as US Prime fades.

    Realm timers are hurting the game as bad is Hero is during EU prime time and lost of RP quest; so everyone is humping tower and keep too get the Siege bonuses there. Noone wants to roam anymore. Has nothing to do with realm timers.

    No one wants to run a BG to counter him ?
    What about Anna? And while anna has been gone Muylae has been running. Even after midnight EU time Perff, Noordain would be running? And yes they would be running against Hero the thing is they stop fighting him rather quick because he has over twice the numbers. If IRC on the otherhand is on the Defending realm Hero never dares to do keep takes because he will loose.

    Mids hasnt ruled anything in a Long ass time. Realm timers are not hurting the game back in the day you needed multiple accounts to play on different realms or on a different server. Realm timers will make sure ppl dont relog to the defending realm to get some easy RPs this is not how the game was intended to be played.

    If you want to play on the other realm but has recently changed you should get a debuff for 1 hour to limit your damage by 50% in RvR then it would be fine.
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Daelin wrote: »
    And getting dd'd by a bard for 800? Seriously? Please just stop. No bard will hit you for 800 with an insta dd even with relics and even if you have a 50% body debuff on you and max 50% crit. The earning of high rps are due to people buying the bonus rp potions from the mithril shop. It's not due to skill but to people paying to win on the Broadsword store. If you have a problem with people earning that many rps in a week take it up with Broadsword and their pay to win strategy now with the mithral store. Spend RL money get more rps is their new approach.

    You can spend all the money you want for those bonus RP pots but if you aren't getting kills to actually earn the RPs it doesn't do you any good. For those folks that are earning Rps in buckets it makes sense since they get a net positive value from it.

    I am not as skilled as many of you are, but I might be the demographic BS wants to hang around the game (game for relaxation vs "power gamer"). What we are seeing right now is not what the game needs. Prior to the EC patch it was "relatively" balanced. Since that patch it has become unbalanced and trending in the wrong direction. There are 4 hibs right now that have as many RP in 6 days as a group than some primary Mid/Alb guilds got from their entire guild combined.

    Damage is getting out of hand with that new PBAoE. Prior to the EC patch a tower push was a ~50/50 tossup with the hat tip to collective skill of the group of attackers or defenders, now it's essentially 100% fail with mashing 2/3 buttons from the defender. Or as an attacker running up dropping ST and mashing the same 2 buttons. You're dead before you can even move out of it, purge, insta heals, warrior cloak, etc. Unfortunately there is no way to parse the damage since the logs for combat are not available outside the game, but I got hit by the same caster 3 times in less than 12 lines of my combat window last night. That was in a tower fight where its just pbaoe city. We tested afterwards on a fully temp'd and CL resist Warrior and lots of 983s in there from a PBAE SM, you arent gonna last long with that kind of damage. Toss in Relic bonus and a comprehension potion and it'd be worse. In a fight like that DI is gone in an instant.

    IRC hit our zerg one night in the water last week and I had a couple land on me for over 1100 damage. I managed to make it out of the initial push, but I was the only one and I was a dead duck anyways.

    Last 2 nights we've had less than 40ppl in Mid BG during US prime, easily outnumbered (sometimes doubled) up by other other 2 realms. I fully expect the end of week stats to be a bloodbath. I do commend Rescu on keeping Albs engaged against it. They've managed to keep Alb relatively free of Hib and can manage to take back their Keeps during US prime. Unfortunately Mids are checking out left and right, and to be honest, I am just about there myself.
    Post edited by Rok1 on
  • edited January 2020 PM
    +1 for realm timer, 1hour

    Will you bring back the underpop bonus?
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • edited January 2020 PM
    I kind of want to have all these previous posts talking about class VS class removed, because that's not the point of the game; 8v8/rvr is the point... I'm saying this as a freakin' soloer...

    But in all seriousness Hib is for sure easymode as far as group setup. I wish we could come up with a logical solution. Bard/Druid/Warden is so easy for hib groups to obtain when setting up a group. Mid? good luck finding competent pac/mend healer, aug/mend healer, shaman for group setup. Oh what's that? someone mentioned Witchcraft loc can compensate for the 3rd support? Still doesn't beat bard/warden/druid, or bard/bard/druid or any combination combined with baseline caster stun is crazy. Hib has so much utility.

    Fact is Mid healer has almost too much utility IMHO, they are responsible for too much CC/heals.

    Alb, as @Brut has mentioned needs very specialized setup to be effective.

    Bottom line realm timers need to be longer, and something on the hib side has got to give.

    I ran in an 8man for the first time in over a year last night as a Mid and it was tough. Yeah it was pug, and the only thing out was IRC or zerg, but we had some fun. At least Mid can easily get a tank train together and get a few good kills for RPs.
    Post edited by Armagedden on
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Armagedden wrote: »
    But in all seriousness Hib is for sure easymode as far as group setup. I wish we could come up with a logical solution. Bard/Druid/Warden is so easy for hib groups to obtain when setting up a group. Mid? good luck finding competent pac/mend healer, aug/mend healer, shaman for group setup. Oh what's that? someone mentioned Witchcraft loc can compensate for the 3rd support? Still doesn't beat bard/warden/druid, or bard/bard/druid or any combination combined with baseline caster stun is crazy. Hib has so much utility.

    Why is it much easier to find good bard/druid/warden? Do mids not like playing healers/shaman? Or all mid healers incompetent?

    Ok, hibs have 3 support classes, mids 2. That means, mids have to run twice as many healers.

    Dont blame hibs, bec you dont like to play healing classes.
    Post edited by Kroko on
  • So many Midgardian tears, they seem to come from a bottomless tank.

    8v8 wise, mids get a bit of the short hand of the stick because of the requirement to have a pro-pac in the group.

    Alb is op in 8v8, bottom-line. They require a bit more individual skill, but good players on alb are unbeatable, while their hib/mid groups will be totally beatable.

    Mid tanker sucks, always did always will. Mid has one of the best hybrid comps because of the raw damage output.

    For sure hib caster is a bit simpler to play for newer players because their baseline stun, but a decent cleric/aug healer will do that exact job.

    Hib is considered simpler because a decent bard can carry the whole group and baseline stun makes it easier to drop targets. But hib has the least rupts and is the most vulnerable to cc.

    @Koxicain afaik (from reading these boards since i dont plat euro) Anna is as good a bg leader as Rescu (this isn't a compliment). Primarily runs casters to fight the tank heavy hero bg, dodges fights, roams the wind instead of hitting hero, etc.

    Hero has a following not because of the classes, but mainly because it is simple for his lemmings. Log on, join hero bg and stick, semi-afk, for the rest of your playing session.

    I'm with @Daelin on this one, you are trying to blame pop issues with class issues. Thanes got buffed to near absurd levels, RMs got the ST mids cried so much about, SMs got a spec dd in supp spec, shamans were broken op, now they are just super strong, etc

    Mid is a fun realm when you run hybrid comps, tanker is just bad.

    @Brut curious what your special castet comp is to counter hib tanker, is it your mauler group you were asking about?
  • Agreed. Its no good idea to start class discussions, when one realm is just overpopulated and has 5 relics.

    Take away the bonus from relics, introduce underpop bonus and try to balance population.
  • Realm timers need to be an hour and there needs to be leaders across all 3 realms leading on a regular basis. I played on US prime-time and on Hibernia back in the day and had a small amount of players to run with but we still managed to find realm points.

    It's all about consistency and if you do that then you'll get players on board. Since there is no consistency of leaders running everyday on both Mid and Alb that's when the population dwindles on that realm during EU prime-time.

    I know it's difficult that Herorius runs 8 hours a day but players need to step up and find a solution to this and maybe look at creating an alliance with people that want to get together and stand up to Herorius battlegroup. The problem with live is people are so set in their ways of wanting to do their own thing and don't want to come part of a big family to crush the opposite zerg. I'm not saying 8man a bad thing but just saying that if you want to keep your relics is to get together and defend!

  • Herorius runs about 3 hours a day, not 8.

    But yea, consistent bgs in other realms would help.
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Herorius runs about 3 hours a day, not 8.

    But yea, consistent bgs in other realms would help.

    Have you been on for the past 3 weeks? Hero has been running intervals of 3-4 hours multiple times a day
  • I find it funny that the paying population hates the changes that BS has done and they have gone on for weeks running silent without even a mention of the game as it stands. Quality stuff.
  • Yea, that was holidays...correct. But usually its 3hours a day. At the weekend maybe more.
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Kroko wrote: »
    Agreed. Its no good idea to start class discussions, when one realm is just overpopulated and has 5 relics.

    Take away the bonus from relics, introduce underpop bonus and try to balance population.

    I'll take that. But winners want to stay winners and would prefer the current status quo to stay... well... current.

    To the other discussion, Mid tank trains are the some of the most fun I have ever had in this game. Between Warrior, Zerk and Valk/Thane I have my enjoyment. But right now Mid tanks are without a doubt powerless to what is going on with PBAE. Tower/keep fights are suicide and open field there are now caster pbae trains...
    so many casters they just follow you around stun you a couple run up to you pbae x3 and you're done.

    So now you have a guy like me who is melee focused fumbling all over trying to play a pac healer who hasn't played a CC class since Minotaur came out (as a bard no less). Pac healers are not fun, hardly anyone wants to play one much less CAN play one effectively (im in this boat).

    Lastly Patriots lost, but i digress.
    Post edited by Rok1 on
  • Daelin wrote: »
    Runemaster bolts are the same as Hib and less than Albion as they have access to three. Spiritmaster pets are much better than hib Enchanter pets because the tank pet can intercept.

    Actually most Hib and Alb groups have an extra 300 AF for the casters (Chanter/Pally group cast). Since bolt damage is highly dependent on target AF, it's a waste of a cast to use bolts on Mid as you will likely hit for 250 vs the 350-400 you'd hit with using a normal dd. Conversely, Hib/alb casters don't have this damage absorb when attacking Mid. An unbiased assessment would acknowledge this obvious disparity.

    Each pet has unique abilities (chanter/SM). The intercept pet is far from the best. It is mainly good for solo MOC.
  • Noone runs a bg to counter him. While he is on they avoid him. I have seen recue sit in a keep with bg just hoping hibs come for beno or bold.
    You getting hit for 1100 is not because of relics. Its because of 50% debuffs. Every good group is running one.

    Agreed in the old days you could not switch realms on the same server. But there were multiple servers to log into. There is only one server. Anything more than what it is will not be healthy for daoc. 15 min is already too long.
  • A realm timer of 1hour wouldnt hurt much. You just cant swap before a relic raid or sth.
  • I find it funny that the paying population hates the changes that BS has done and they have gone on for weeks running silent without even a mention of the game as it stands. Quality stuff.

    This has a much bigger effect than any "balance" issue. The game is fun and playable, I don't think people are leaving the game over imbalance or population, which honestly we can sit here and cut up 1000 different ways for 17 pages of paper daoc, all of it will be useless. Bumbles nailed it.
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Koe wrote: »

    Actually most Hib and Alb groups have an extra 300 AF for the casters (Chanter/Pally group cast). Since bolt damage is highly dependent on target AF, it's a waste of a cast to use bolts on Mid as you will likely hit for 250 vs the 350-400 you'd hit with using a normal dd. Conversely, Hib/alb casters don't have this damage absorb when attacking Mid. An unbiased assessment would acknowledge this obvious disparity.

    Each pet has unique abilities (chanter/SM). The intercept pet is far from the best. It is mainly good for solo MOC.

    I will agree that Hib and Alb have the opportunity to have higher AF than Mid but I would argue your point of stating MOST Hib and Alb groups have an extra 300 AF.

    On Hib, enchantment spec'd enchanters have great synergy with hib tank groups but in a caster group their utility isn't great. They bring the extra AF with their matter group cast and also bring a +to heal buff which can be casted on the move (which is nice) and a pet but other than that, their utility isn't as good as other hib classes for caster groups. Their spot can easily be filled with another caster. For an enchanter to have the matter buff they need to spec 16 in enchantments. If they are being utilized as a debuff train they won't be able to debuff their own heat damage reliably as the 50% heat debuff is a level 45 Mana spec spell and they wouldn't have enough spec points to get the debuff and matter group spell and have enough points to spec in light to decrease their baseline heat dd variance. They would need to stick with their baseline energy dd instead which is doable but defeats the purpose of utilizing enchanters as a heat debuff train. As I mentioned, the enchantment line for enchanters is very nice for tank groups, but not as sought after for a caster group. Due to this they aren't included often in caster groups which means hib casters usually don't have that extra AF you had mentioned.

    The same could be said of Albion. Paladins bring a lot of utility but there are a lot of caster groups that run without paladins. So as to your argument of most hib and alb groups having 300 higher AF I do not agree with but I will agree that they have the ability to have that whereas Midgard does not.

    I also agree that each pet of all pet classes have unique abilities. The SM intercept pet is nice for the new PBAE Meta as it allows for a chance at higher protection vs melee. Also the sm valkyrie pet has an insta dex/qui shear (unless it was removed this last patch, I haven't checked). I know it can be easily killed but the utility is there. I personally believe the utility of the sm pets are greater than the utility of enchanter pets. I'm just speaking about a pet to pet comparison.
    Post edited by Daelin on
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Appears people can't agree what/why things need balanced but can we agree that having most/all the relics after a patch might signal something needs done ( I have no counter for people who says this is fun, and everything is good, I've played all 3 realms at different times of the day and playing as hibs is no more fun then playing as the other realms (felt like I had to /cry every time I saw another hib group or 2 Zerg down a solo or small man)). Even if you find it fun it is not sustainable, people will jump ship.

    Maybe don't balance but Atlest insentivize some sort of pop balance and counter play to current issues... But they seem to all be on vacation still.. oh well
    Post edited by rocketait on
  • Pbae change was bad, removal of underpop bonus was bad
  • I agree that sth should be done about balancing population.

    One day hibs had as much population as albs and mids together.

    Vacation time is over, so this is no excuse anymore.

    Bring back underpop bonus!
  • Removing the population bonus was a bad design choice. They promoted population imbalance by doing so. No reason to go against the grain when riding the wave will net you the most earnings.

    Increasing the delve of PBAOE was a bad design choice. Bomb groups were still effective with the 325 delve. You didn't see many because the population is so bloody low. Now it's just easy mode. Literally one group is wiping entire zergs (lol) without breaking a sweat due to this change.

    Reducing the value of a subscription to promote the MTX merchant was a bad design choice. XP / RP reductions, incomplete economy overhaul, Realm Timers (lol), trade restricted items (Speed of the Hunt and XP scrolls) just increase the time it takes to get things done with the same fee. Yet, all the EC players are STILL left in the dust. So what has this really accomplished?

    Include the history of Broadswords whack-a-mole class balance changes coupled with the power creep from each campaign and you have the **** show that is Ywain.

    Sure, some things have improved. The bountycraft system is definitely a plus. Supremacy potions and omni-regen potions are awesome. Being able to gather Alch drops in NF without mindlessly grinding mobs is great. Mounts and Speed potions are handy. However, none of this outweighs the cons that continue to pile up.

    The worst part is no one has a clue what they are thinking because they don't need to justify ANYTHING to the community. Broadsword has yet to clearly state their vision of DAoC. They claim Ywain is THE GAME, but Ywain is always changing without any clear direction or goal(s) in mind. This is a problem if you want a consistent player base.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Lol daelin you really didn’t read my post did you I need no help in running a tank train I’ve run every concievable tank set up on alb some work some don’t the straight out full assist train that I used to run with heavies was my fav but it just didn’t cut it in today’s game.
    So if you read my post you would see that I no longer run a tank train in fact I no longer run a tank I’ve faced facts after many years of battering my head against stupid odds and getting farmed that it’s not fun anymore.
    So now I run a sorc and I run a nice caster setup I can kill other 8 mans and I’m having fun.
    My point was that alb is specialised for running competing groups I can’t comment on mid in order to run a successful alb tank group you need certain classes and interrupters in this day and age that ain’t possible when running a pug which is what I mostly do these days because you can’t pick and choose your classes.
    This is where hib excels for group setting up the utility is so much better now if you dont accept that it’s cool by me
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »
    Removing the population bonus was a bad design choice. They promoted population imbalance by doing so. No reason to go against the grain when riding the wave will net you the most earnings.

    Increasing the delve of PBAOE was a bad design choice. Bomb groups were still effective with the 325 delve. You didn't see many because the population is so bloody low. Now it's just easy mode. Literally one group is wiping entire zergs (lol) without breaking a sweat due to this change.

    Reducing the value of a subscription to promote the MTX merchant was a bad design choice. XP / RP reductions, incomplete economy overhaul, Realm Timers (lol), trade restricted items (Speed of the Hunt and XP scrolls) just increase the time it takes to get things done with the same fee. Yet, all the EC players are STILL left in the dust. So what has this really accomplished?

    Include the history of Broadswords whack-a-mole class balance changes coupled with the power creep from each campaign and you have the **** show that is Ywain.

    Sure, some things have improved. The bountycraft system is definitely a plus. Supremacy potions and omni-regen potions are awesome. Being able to gather Alch drops in NF without mindlessly grinding mobs is great. Mounts and Speed potions are handy. However, none of this outweighs the cons that continue to pile up.

    The worst part is no one has a clue what they are thinking because they don't need to justify ANYTHING to the community. Broadsword has yet to clearly state their vision of DAoC. They claim Ywain is THE GAME, but Ywain is always changing without any clear direction or goal(s) in mind. This is a problem if you want a consistent player base.

    Pretty much this.

    I love the bounty craft addition, but it would not have been necessary if not for the poorly thought out pve campaigns and gear creep.
  • I'd still hate the removal of underpop-rp's.

    Could have made atleast rewarding rp's several times for sticking to underdog-alb with a mediocre pug during prime CET.
  • I agree with Tyrantanic on all points!
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »

    Reducing the value of a subscription to promote the MTX merchant was a bad design choice. XP / RP reductions, incomplete economy overhaul, Realm Timers (lol), trade restricted items (Speed of the Hunt and XP scrolls) just increase the time it takes to get things done with the same fee. Yet, all the EC players are STILL left in the dust. So what has this really accomplished?

    This. I am really disappointed that my several subscriptions feel worth much less than before. Less XP, fewer RPs, non-tradable items, forced XPing to level, all things that I have used to have now I don't. I was really hoping for a big increase in value with EC, not a decrease.
  • edited January 2020 PM
    Roll a Warlock or a Runemaster and spec in traps to the highest level and build a bomb group. Drop your bombs and just sit back and watch the groups insta die. Sure your die sometimes but its a ton of rps for little to no work. The award for most nerfed toons goes to............................... Mid Stealth Classes.
    Post edited by Vanzblade on
  • Daelin wrote: »

    Runemaster bolts are the same as Hib and less than Albion as they have access to three. Spiritmaster pets are much better than hib Enchanter pets because the tank pet can intercept. And warlocks have been nerfed because they were incredibly overpowered since release. They were toned down and brought in line with other classes. Since then they have been nerfed but so have other classes. The most nerfed class could arguably be assassins. But you are trying to make it seem like midgard is weak which it is not.

    Your population whine has turned into a Midgard is weak (again it is not) thread. Focus and come back with a coherant argument and people will possibly have a logical conversation with you.

    albion certainly has the advantage when it comes to bolts. triple bolt and a baseline bolt that becomes a second spec line bolt with the 3 pieces set if one uses that ..

    yeah intercepting pet is cool, but i think chanter pbaoe spec is superior to SM pbaoe spec in general.

    warlocks initially were beyond retardedly overpowered. basically slam your head on the keyboard and laugh at some dead enemies type OP. 5-6 years ago they got completely changed and became ok imho, although not everyone will agree i guess. more recent nerfs, meh. since the pbaoe love patch that brought back warlocks and the nerf to their pbaoe the next week, warlocks have become the worst of the pbaoe classes imho.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Daelin wrote: »

    You are whining by stating mid has been nerfed or stating believed shortcomings (runemaster bolts and spiritmaster pets and warlock nerfs) coupled with an underpopulated argument. Mid doesn't have a problem other than population yet you are attributing it to class balance. There is nothing wrong with mid classes. The casting classes on mid are strong and have their strengths and weaknesses same as the other realms. I challenge you to step back and see things as a whole and come to the understanding that each realm excels at something.

    You have such a bias of hib casters vs mids that you even stated that no RA's or skill level involved would a mid caster beat a hib.

    Fun fact, a BD destroyed all hib contestants in the Broadsword sponsored caster pvp tournament.

    and they rightfully nerfed the level 52 pet that could interupt moccing casters after it.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Minibard wrote: »
    Mid tanker group with BD seems pretty strong. Also mids can counter a 2bard, ward, druid with pac, aug, HLoc, sham.

    I remember not to long ago, Mids ruled everything. There were only 2 BGs ( MId and Alb) and Hibs would never run a BG. There was a time when Albs controlled everything. It comes in cycles. Right now Mids have the short end of the stick. Maybe Mids and ALbs should team up against Heros zerg if one realm cant do it.

    uhm, not too long ago ? since i returned to the game like 6 years ago, i haven't seen a year go by that herorius didn't run a bg 340+ days a year.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Kroko wrote: »
    Herorius runs about 3 hours a day, not 8.

    But yea, consistent bgs in other realms would help.

    hero runs two BG shifts if he doesn't have to work the day after, and guess what, he must have had some days of during xmass/new year period. business as usual again now though. only double bg shifts on friday and saturday again.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »
    Removing the population bonus was a bad design choice. They promoted population imbalance by doing so. No reason to go against the grain when riding the wave will net you the most earnings.

    Increasing the delve of PBAOE was a bad design choice. Bomb groups were still effective with the 325 delve. You didn't see many because the population is so bloody low. Now it's just easy mode. Literally one group is wiping entire zergs (lol) without breaking a sweat due to this change.

    Reducing the value of a subscription to promote the MTX merchant was a bad design choice. XP / RP reductions, incomplete economy overhaul, Realm Timers (lol), trade restricted items (Speed of the Hunt and XP scrolls) just increase the time it takes to get things done with the same fee. Yet, all the EC players are STILL left in the dust. So what has this really accomplished?

    Include the history of Broadswords whack-a-mole class balance changes coupled with the power creep from each campaign and you have the **** show that is Ywain.

    Sure, some things have improved. The bountycraft system is definitely a plus. Supremacy potions and omni-regen potions are awesome. Being able to gather Alch drops in NF without mindlessly grinding mobs is great. Mounts and Speed potions are handy. However, none of this outweighs the cons that continue to pile up.

    The worst part is no one has a clue what they are thinking because they don't need to justify ANYTHING to the community. Broadsword has yet to clearly state their vision of DAoC. They claim Ywain is THE GAME, but Ywain is always changing without any clear direction or goal(s) in mind. This is a problem if you want a consistent player base.

    a lot of very good points.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Daelin wrote: »

    I will agree that Hib and Alb have the opportunity to have higher AF than Mid but I would argue your point of stating MOST Hib and Alb groups have an extra 300 AF.

    So as to your argument of most hib and alb groups having 300 higher AF I do not agree with but I will agree that they have the ability to have that whereas Midgard does not.

    I get your entire argument but I'm talking more siege warfare where you do have these type of toons utilized (and hero's bg does run with 16 enhance chanters as an offspec). That's where the bolt/burst damage is more clutch in picking soft targets.

  • edited January 2020 PM
    the problem has existed for many years and Broadsword has done absolutely nothing for it it doesn’t care about the game all that matters to them is the money that falls, they are not going to ask for a nerve a kingdom which however has deserved ample for a long time ( stun and others ) but in addition BS does not do anything concerning the population ( whose mentality of the players is very much involved ) mlais just limit a number in BG and the number of BG per realm in addition to a timer dissuasive ... Or limit one realm per account, there I think it would be a good fight against the "acute panurgite" of some players or Definitivly leave the relics system !!!
    Post edited by Morsanto on
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