Rules of Conduct Violation - (friendly player STRIPPING BUFFS on another player from the same realm)
@Carol_Broadsword and @John_Broadsword:
Ask yourself this question, based on the RoC, is it OK for one realm member to intentionally remove the buffs of another friendly member of the same realm? If you intend to have a "fair" game, the answer HAS to be NO.
My main question is, does Broadsword intend to enforce their own RoC or not? When peeps post videos in here showing people IN-GAME doing something that violates the RoC, the response is always... submit an In-Game appeal and you guys close the thread. Problem is, no one EVER responds to the In-Game appeals. Violation of the RoC rules 1, 6, and 12 were either outright violated or partially violated when a friendly player removes the buffs of another friendly player of the same realm. At no time should a "friendly" realm member be able to STRIP THE BUFFS of another friendly realm member. It's an ABUSE of the game mechanics and it needs to STOP.
Prohibited Conduct
1. Harass, threaten or embarrass another Player of the Services or to cause distress, unwanted attention or discomfort of such Player, or any other person or entity. Broadsword does not condone harassment in any form and may suspend or terminate the account of any Player who harasses others. Personal attacks, such as those based on a person's race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, lifestyle choice, disablement or other such affiliation, are strictly prohibited.
6. Engage in "disruptive behavior" in chat areas, game areas, bulletin boards, or any other area of the DAoC Services. Disruptive behavior shall be deemed to include, but will not be limited to, conduct which purposefully interferes with the normal flow of gameplay or dialogue in a Service area. Disruptive behavior shall also include, but not be limited to, commercial postings, solicitations and advertisements.
12. Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game collectively referred to as Problems. Player acknowledges and agrees to report all problems, errors or bugs in the game to Broadsword as soon as they are found as their continued use can damage the enjoyment of the game for all its players. Broadsword will do everything within their power to fix these types of issues in a timely manner, and will give all customers the benefit of the doubt when dealing with these problems.
... and Broadsword wants to know why they have an issue with population. When this type of In-Game activity goes on and the CSR's won't even answer the appeal, why would ANYONE want to come back? Most probably left originally because these issues weren't addressed back in the day... and, well, they still aren't being addressed today. If anything, it's only gotten worse.
At roughly 4:34pm EST today I was on Boltsfromzeus on an Alb in Molvik. Watthedeuce (who everyone knows is twozero, also on Alb) knows who it is and intentionally followed me up to the top of the tower at APK, stripped my DEX, CON, and AF buffs and possibly others. I asked him nicely in /reg to stop only to get a smart-a__ response. I purchased new buffs 3 separate times and he waited, then sheared me 3 separate times. See below:

I took a small break and got back on with iShot (Alb) about 45 minutes later. I'm over by MT and start engaging Hibs at MT. WHILE I'M IN COMBAT FIGHTING AN ENEMY REALM... watthedeuce (again, also on Alb) walks up behind me and begins stripping my buffs. The video below shows PROOF of his actions. At :06 seconds he casts his yellow base DEX buff on me then immediately STRIPS it. At :18 seconds he casts his AF buff on me and immediately STRIPS it. At :30 seconds he ROFLs me because he knows I'm the same character as Boltsfromzeus. If this doesn't constitute breaking the RoC, I truly have no clue why I'm still playing... and PAYING to play at that. Many other people on Alb in Molvik have expressed an issue with his ability (and others) to do this without any repercussions. So now not only do you have an issue with getting people back, you have an issue with maintaining your PAYING player-base. Why Broadsword continues to coddle these players that knowingly push the limits with game mechanics and exploits is beyond me. But I do know one thing, your player-base is tired of it. If issues like this don't get addressed soon, you won't need to worry about population issues, there won't be anyone left.
Ask yourself this question, based on the RoC, is it OK for one realm member to intentionally remove the buffs of another friendly member of the same realm? If you intend to have a "fair" game, the answer HAS to be NO.
My main question is, does Broadsword intend to enforce their own RoC or not? When peeps post videos in here showing people IN-GAME doing something that violates the RoC, the response is always... submit an In-Game appeal and you guys close the thread. Problem is, no one EVER responds to the In-Game appeals. Violation of the RoC rules 1, 6, and 12 were either outright violated or partially violated when a friendly player removes the buffs of another friendly player of the same realm. At no time should a "friendly" realm member be able to STRIP THE BUFFS of another friendly realm member. It's an ABUSE of the game mechanics and it needs to STOP.
Prohibited Conduct
1. Harass, threaten or embarrass another Player of the Services or to cause distress, unwanted attention or discomfort of such Player, or any other person or entity. Broadsword does not condone harassment in any form and may suspend or terminate the account of any Player who harasses others. Personal attacks, such as those based on a person's race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, lifestyle choice, disablement or other such affiliation, are strictly prohibited.
6. Engage in "disruptive behavior" in chat areas, game areas, bulletin boards, or any other area of the DAoC Services. Disruptive behavior shall be deemed to include, but will not be limited to, conduct which purposefully interferes with the normal flow of gameplay or dialogue in a Service area. Disruptive behavior shall also include, but not be limited to, commercial postings, solicitations and advertisements.
12. Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game collectively referred to as Problems. Player acknowledges and agrees to report all problems, errors or bugs in the game to Broadsword as soon as they are found as their continued use can damage the enjoyment of the game for all its players. Broadsword will do everything within their power to fix these types of issues in a timely manner, and will give all customers the benefit of the doubt when dealing with these problems.
... and Broadsword wants to know why they have an issue with population. When this type of In-Game activity goes on and the CSR's won't even answer the appeal, why would ANYONE want to come back? Most probably left originally because these issues weren't addressed back in the day... and, well, they still aren't being addressed today. If anything, it's only gotten worse.
At roughly 4:34pm EST today I was on Boltsfromzeus on an Alb in Molvik. Watthedeuce (who everyone knows is twozero, also on Alb) knows who it is and intentionally followed me up to the top of the tower at APK, stripped my DEX, CON, and AF buffs and possibly others. I asked him nicely in /reg to stop only to get a smart-a__ response. I purchased new buffs 3 separate times and he waited, then sheared me 3 separate times. See below:

I took a small break and got back on with iShot (Alb) about 45 minutes later. I'm over by MT and start engaging Hibs at MT. WHILE I'M IN COMBAT FIGHTING AN ENEMY REALM... watthedeuce (again, also on Alb) walks up behind me and begins stripping my buffs. The video below shows PROOF of his actions. At :06 seconds he casts his yellow base DEX buff on me then immediately STRIPS it. At :18 seconds he casts his AF buff on me and immediately STRIPS it. At :30 seconds he ROFLs me because he knows I'm the same character as Boltsfromzeus. If this doesn't constitute breaking the RoC, I truly have no clue why I'm still playing... and PAYING to play at that. Many other people on Alb in Molvik have expressed an issue with his ability (and others) to do this without any repercussions. So now not only do you have an issue with getting people back, you have an issue with maintaining your PAYING player-base. Why Broadsword continues to coddle these players that knowingly push the limits with game mechanics and exploits is beyond me. But I do know one thing, your player-base is tired of it. If issues like this don't get addressed soon, you won't need to worry about population issues, there won't be anyone left.

This discussion has been closed.
Good times !
It probably boils down to whether it's a guy playing on your realm (with his bot) and just being a complete jerk, vs the enemy you are fighting who has also logged in a buff char on your realm. If the char isn't actually buffing anyone I'd hazard they could do something about the xrealming.
Being a jerk is old news though. I've seen people try to take revenge for months based on a perceived slight (such as you casted a bolt on a mob they had engaged at the same time. So they hit first but then it aggroed to you). Accidents happen but let's be honest, mental illness also happens, let's give people a little benefit of the doubt.
Is another thing that will turn people way if they don’t listen to the player base, like they didnt a year or so ago and tons of people left the server. They choose 1 to keep one over tons, so if he continue, doing that on my toons i am gonna advertise people where to go and dont have their buff sheared without getting banned. That guy shouldn’t even be in game anymore. My 2 cents.
@John_Broadsword is this the behavior you condone?
Tsk tsk what would your mother think.
Enjoy the easy Wins we get anytime we find you. But take note at the start and the comments you send to her, or publicly post in region. YCB?
Pot, meet kettle.
You should include all aspects of that campaign. Not just biased reviews because you can't kill me in a video game
Also....really? Picking on a girl because she's better than you? What shame lad. @Valtar
Thanks for bringing up Broadswords blatant disregard for the appeal system though. It is definitely something they should address, you and Linkkoe indeed deserve the karma you've earned over this last year.
Tell me, is it you or Linkkoe who send me "c*nt" and "schlong" tells on level 1 characters and then deletes them afterwards?
Hmmm?? Hmmmm???? @Valtar
/Popcorn @John_Broadsword
But in my personal opinion, what Linkkoe is doing is far more disgusting for an adult than what Two is doing. Daily harassment, whether it's a male or a female, just because hes not winning is quite appaling, whereas Two is just being a nuisance. It sucks but you can easily circumvent it by using /nohelp like others have suggested. However Sassy is unable to stop harassment because Linkkoe can easily make level 1 characters without any restrictions and keep on harassing and there is literally nothing you can do about it. He logs out and deletes the character before you can even appeal the character in question, and there is no account wide block in this game (suggestion?).
I myself have been harassed for a very long time as well and after making a huge collage of all the /sends i received over a short period and submitting it directly to a dev on Discord, he made it stop within a week. I honestly don't give a ****, but the way Linkkoe is doing it looks extremely similar to what hes doing to Sassy right now.
Perhaps we have a long term repeat offender but hes kicked it up a notch? Added attachment.
Quite the balls to submit a thread about RoC violations even though you are doing something much worse i'll give you that one...
quick edit, i noticed something in my collage that actually clear up ALOT now. In my collage theres a guy harassing/sending me under the name Dawenz. This name also appears to be the one harassing Sassy if you look closely at the beginning of her youtube video.
damn lad wtfs wrong with you @Valtar
just to be clear, this collage was from ALMOST A YEAR AGO. So he has been doing this **** for a very very long time.
#GREATSYSTEM @John_Broadsword
It is terrible, however at the end of it all, Sassy got to farm them constantly. So the "bigger stick" was carried by their target.
The "asshat" already took care of him, hence the crying. Wont let him leave APK on my mean ole hibs.
Now back to the real issue of my original post, why is the blatant misuse of the game mechanics allowed to continue?
You are strangrdanger, your friends confirmed this. You are ishotthesherif and we have more examples of you and Linkkoes toxicity to Sassy in game. Feel free to actually watch the video
The only thing out of my mouth is YCB. Stay in HPK 24/7 because like always the /release function is going to be frequent.
"I can harass because they do it back"
As you stated.. "stay out of the kitchen if you cant handle the heat"
Don't know you in game and don't run in the bg's, but please be nice and give all the benefit of the doubt. Fights are rarely one sided. We have hundreds of interactions with others every day (especially if you log into a MMO) and almost all of them are positive or neutral. Don't get worked up over one issue/interaction there's a workaround for. I understand how this might have seemed really frustrating, but id rather deal with this than a full group of enemies camping my solo spot (which is legal btw). If it's your hill to die on, just understand that ranting about this a lot won't make you any friends.
For all we know the player is disabled or its someone's 5 year old sibling/child and has a hard time targeting their toon for buffs, or just runs around buffing because that's what a buff toon does. You see all sorts of interesting behavior in the BGs since people aren't in it for RPS.
Bring all the proof you wanna bring, just make sure to bring ALL OF IT. Stop the cherry-picking and show the entire convo, her comments included, or yours, all good. I stay to myself in this game until one of you tools starts running your mouth, just as I did the day in question with Strangrdanger's comments.
Oh and great editing skills! I mean, one of you needs to call Martin Scorsese and apply for a job! The "victimhood" entro was really touching, ROFL! I could care less WHO or WHAT sits behind the keyboard. Open FBs "identification" page and select your 1 of 78 genders. Guess what, you still DIE like everything else. So @Twozero, where's the rest, and especially the beginning, of that conversation??? I'm waiting...
Shes not a two wannabe.. shes not even are mini me. You're so obsessed with me you take it out on random people because you cant take the heat of me farming you daily.
and the non "cherry picked" version
YCB Gary?
@Kat You're right, I did open this thread on a Public forum. And yes, I talk smack just like everybody else. I haven't called anyone the "c*nt" word, but it sure is funny how her bestie has a toon named that on ALB, but there's no issue there, move along. Anyone calling her that should get disciplined, it just won't be me. I know they think there's only a few people that have issues with them, but they're all sadly mistaken. Feel free to pop into Molvik for a few days, trust me, they can't stay quiet for long. Regardless of the realm they're on, eventually one's mouth will explode and all the goodies start pouring out. You win some, you lose some, it's all part of the game. But when they run their mouths and get it back in /reg, they can't handle it. So to "get even", they start BUFF SHEARING toons on their same realm, an outright BLATANT abuse of the RoC.
So @Twozero and @Gotsassypants when you find something that's actually ME, and if it's ban-able, by all means, please submit it. The issue is, they won't find anything, hence the need to start the "SMEAR CAMPAIGN" to try and make ME out as the bad guy. Nice try but it ain't workin. twozero ran his mouth, I captured it. His intelligence level is debatable, but we all know it wasn't an "accident". You don't accidentally shear someone's buffs 3 more times after they've asked you to stop. His intention was to shear buff and harass me. Then, I went and got video proof of those actions. There's no denying the video and he knows it. BUSTED!
All I want to know is @John_Broadsword , is this action of stripping a friendly realm member of his buffs allowed under the RoC? It's a simple yes or no. Because if this is allowed, I'll gladly start sharing this "ability" with all of them. If it's good for one it's good for all, no?
@Anesur , please define your comment here: "Quite the balls to submit a thread about RoC violations even though you are doing something much worse i'll give you that one...". What is the much worse "thing" I've done? Please define this for me. Please define ONE thing that even remotely comes close to somebody stripping the buffs of a fellow realm member.
Almost forgot about this one you wrote too, "damn lad wtfs wrong with you @Valtar". What's wrong you ask? Nothing wrong with me, but there's A LOT wrong with this game. But keep trying to make me look bad... cause you're ALL failing at it. I know it hurts to lose to an old man with a 2-button mouse who uses his KB to move around. A good friend told me once... "It'll grow back"! /release is your friend!