Bring back legs IMO

The action last night was pretty terrible (granted Mondays and Tuesdays are typically the worst but still...) Honestly, the legs brought small man action like we haven't had in a long time. We had a blast with it. Now, its back to running the island and getting steamrolled by every 8man who pretends to be wanting 8v8 fights but truly just rolls over anything they see... then they wonder why people don't respect their 8v8 fights. ....anyway...I digress.... Bring back legs!

(The rubble/boxes don't seem to generate the same type of small man action)


  • Agreed. Get people off EV.
  • edited December 2019 PM
    Talk about dead. It's the difference between night and day. I suggest simply replacing the legs with gift boxes.
    Post edited by Cartoan on
  • ^^^ Yep my thoughts exactly. They do the Midwinter necklace where you search all over the realms for presents....why not put the presents throughout NF? Or have people search for ornaments for the tree and the realm to fill their tree first gets some small bonus...+bp bonus for the individual each time they place an ornament... I know thats too much coding but would be a neat spin.
  • Been loggin' in daily around this time since EC and noticed right away the diminished population in Treflan. Can only deduce it's because that leg thing ended yest.
  • Rolling Pins will be out shortly. Pretty much the same thing as legs. But I agree breaking up a bunch of objectives into different areas greatly increased all action: solo/small man/8 man.
  • The biggest problem with Ywain is EV. The island drives all the action away from NF where it should be.
  • Turkey legs/cooking pins/presents anything sounds good to bring action to other places.
  • AMEN!!!!!

    Spreads the stealth groups out also.
  • NF is too big for the current population, triple the size of ev and put some keeps and **** on it and get rid of nf :)
  • turkey legs was great for creating some sorts of action i think.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • As I have said in the past, I love stealth group on stealth group fights. During the turkey legs had more of those fights than EV.
  • edited December 2019 PM
    Creaper wrote: »
    NF is too big for the current population, triple the size of ev and put some keeps and **** on it and get rid of nf :)

    NF is too big for current population, yet @Broadsword makes f2p restrictions so heavy that there is still no reason for people who left (because of reasons Broadsword created) to even come back to pay a sub. Lower restrictions, get past players back in the action, increase population, THEN give people a reason to pay [] again...
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • If I remember correctly pins weren’t worth as much and as a result it was basically not worth the ROI to run the quest.
  • Also Lore wise it makes zero sense to throw pins on the ground @beibhinn

    Maybe I’m old fashioned but role playing was a thing for many years in DAOC
  • Agreed! the legs was amazing. A lot of small man action. It was absolutely fabulous. This should be permanent and with the same reward as it is also very high risk.
  • Thrakonna wrote: »
    Agreed! the legs was amazing. A lot of small man action. It was absolutely fabulous. This should be permanent and with the same reward as it is also very high risk.

    The reward would have to be toned down even half would be good.(Still 5-10k BPs) I do like giving new players the option to get top end gear for their templates that they would otherwise struggle getting. And the action was great around those areas. Barely had to wait a few minutes before something came around. Was easy to dodge groups if needed with the friendly keeps around and only had to collect 3 so it was fast to gather making it more likely you would complete before getting killed and keeping under geared players attention.
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
    Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
    Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator

    Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743

    >Daoc Videos<
  • Rolling pins gather quest will be coming with the Midwinter event soon :)
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    If I remember correctly pins weren’t worth as much and as a result it was basically not worth the ROI to run the quest.

    I remember that too.
  • Come on folks, lets give broadsword good information. lol... u cant say things like the biggest problem is EV( a zone).. say things like, you know those objectives u tried in molvik, can we add more stuff like that in other areas of the Frontiers? Someone brought up the other day that as soon as u take away content a game dramatically declines... seems kinda true doesn't it? give reasonable options... Help them to help us :)
  • EV is basically a BG event where the zergs just circle repeatedly, killing anything in their path.

    I have nothing against zergs. They are the beating heart of this game, but they need objectives, otherwise all playstyles congregate in the same, confined area and the action is stale.

    Legs emphasized this need. Zergs rolled over it now and again, sure, but the action was sporadic and unpredictable. Now it's just "okay, get on the pad," or, "okay, port mid tower" over and over again.

    I think an issue that works in tandem with this is the zergs not having any real objectives, or at least, no objectives worth doing over circling the island.
  • Make it a Turkey Farm a realm has to defend and I'm down.
  • Come on folks, lets give broadsword good information. lol... u cant say things like the biggest problem is EV( a zone).. say things like, you know those objectives u tried in molvik, can we add more stuff like that in other areas of the Frontiers? Someone brought up the other day that as soon as u take away content a game dramatically declines... seems kinda true doesn't it? give reasonable options... Help them to help us :)

    There are lots of suggestions throughout the forum. Also in this thread.
  • I vote drop ev and make it water again. That should group fighting around sieged keeps or keeps people can port to. This would also add more action to boarder keeps, their towers, and docks again. We don't need ev any more. Bugs gone, labby is now entered from home land. Ev right now is just like how dieing labby was, a place to go when action is unknown in NF and that just further removes action and muddies the water on where people are (yes irc 8 man's like it because it's like there play ground but pubs, small man's, Solo's, and casuals get rolled or find nothing).

    Not that this would fix everything but i think it would be much better at focusing action, events are cool but still hit or miss (bounty points are only so good, unless the reward is rp or realm pride it will be mostly guild groups (or other people who don't "really" need bounty points) killing Solo's that need the bounty points to get better gear)
  • Rocketait, I respect your thoughts here but I honestly abhor siege. My old computer can't handle the lag and I just find it incredibly boring. I like having spread out areas (where people will actually go) and avenues of travel. I don't mind EV at all. I actually would like to see them put the tower quests back in place and maybe some other sort of BG level encounters out there to keep it interesting. As is, the barrel quest and OW Grass is still out there so there are still small man opportunities. I like the dynamics of mile gates and the terrain out there ...I just wish there was more to do.
  • Mace80 wrote: »
    Rocketait, I respect your thoughts here but I honestly abhor siege. My old computer can't handle the lag and I just find it incredibly boring. I like having spread out areas (where people will actually go) and avenues of travel. I don't mind EV at all. I actually would like to see them put the tower quests back in place and maybe some other sort of BG level encounters out there to keep it interesting. As is, the barrel quest and OW Grass is still out there so there are still small man opportunities. I like the dynamics of mile gates and the terrain out there ...I just wish there was more to do.

    Mace80 I hate siege too! it one of the last things I tend to do : ) my comment was not about how we should have more siege but how by removing EV would focuse people into areas. it use to be on weekends you would get a triangle of keeps going (ie, Dun Crim owned by albs, Dun Crauchon by Hibs, and Dun Bolg by mids) and then you would just have fight after fight across the area's between them. if one group/realm was ever out numbered you just got pushed back to the keep and then people would brake off because or else it would turn into a 2v1 as no one wanted someone to take on of the 3 keeps. the fighting was mostly in the open and small mans/ groups would could circulate around and pull off other small man/ groups out of the triangle areas and have an uninterrupted fight if they wanted. And I get that that was not for every one, sometimes groups would get zerged, other times solo's got grouped up on, but as you where never that fair from a "safe"ish location it was more like waiding into the deep end then swimming around in a sea trying to find people (probably a bad analogy). and when Labby and EV came out it was good, broke up some of the zergyness that ended up happening in the triangles. however, now that the pop is soooo low these alternatives (laby, EV,3x turkys, 3x rubble, 3x supplies) just split the pop even more and does nothing to denture zergs that are no longer spontaneously formed but formed at the same time each day and probably from most of the same people playing all 3 realms.

    They all have the downfalls and bonuses (most of NF has some horible areas are horible to fight in and EV does have some nice areas (pinch points, open areas, hills and structures for LoS stuff) but I think it just splinters the already small pop. BSs stratagem of everyone has a place to play the play style they like is nice (aka no siege in EV and just open fights, vs seige in NF, vs solo at boxes, vs ganking low rr doing turkeys, ext) but i think it splits us to much, I dont like siege but I would do maybe 10% of my night maybe 20% if it meant there was more people to fight? right?

    just my 2 cents, dont revert everything was before labby, just remove some of these things that split things up and move there rewards to more universal play-style game mechanic.
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