I am impressed, truely impressed
on your ability to absolutely just fail hard like... what the **** is wronq with you

with 60 people in the frontier it shuts off to free accounts ? its dead as **** with 60 people on a realm.... what ? everyone been waitin on this patch to come to hopefuly help bounce back the population enouqh to play aqain and you put a cap on how many people can play ? (and a super small one ?) you made a nice biq patch we can see you worked hard on and we appreciate, but finaly now we have the people online and you dont let them play ? ooof lol
and what are the people suposed to do everyday when it keeps lockin them out and they cant rvr, loq off and find a new qame to play ? i dont understand lol
im literaly at a loss for words, it took me like 45 mins to type this because i just couldnt fiqure out what to even say lol

with 60 people in the frontier it shuts off to free accounts ? its dead as **** with 60 people on a realm.... what ? everyone been waitin on this patch to come to hopefuly help bounce back the population enouqh to play aqain and you put a cap on how many people can play ? (and a super small one ?) you made a nice biq patch we can see you worked hard on and we appreciate, but finaly now we have the people online and you dont let them play ? ooof lol
and what are the people suposed to do everyday when it keeps lockin them out and they cant rvr, loq off and find a new qame to play ? i dont understand lol
im literaly at a loss for words, it took me like 45 mins to type this because i just couldnt fiqure out what to even say lol
Post edited by Huehuaehue on
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