1.126 Pendragon Test-Server Patch Notes



  • @Fateboi, I have a lot of experience playing an archer just haven't played one in a very long time. I also haven't really played since the last assassin revamp so a year I think? It very well could be the template I'm using, but out of all the crit shots I had today only one barely broke 500. Most typically fell in the 400ish range. For an alpha strike that is pretty lack luster.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Tyrantanic wrote: »
    They already made adjustments to get inside court yards easier in 1.125 @Dale_Perf. Only change I would make regarding keeps would be to allow siege chants / warlord buffs to reduce the time it takes to build siege towers. Taking or defending keeps requires coordination regardless of numbers. It's typically easier to defend a keep than take one but again that is very dependent on coordination between players. Zergs, as you know, are difficult to coordinate. Hence why there's always a noticeable improvement when 1-2FGs that communicate well side cars a zerg.

    It's not just the coordination, you just need shear numbers sometimes to take keeps, and the players leading these large numbers are currently not motivated to take keeps or relics, and there is no incentive for players to do it unless they want a keep fight or need siege kills. So since it's something you can only do at certain times, it would make sense to make those fights more fun.

    The problem this will create is Hero simply PVE's mostly defenseless keeps all day long, and making keep sieges easier would only mean he sieges more. But it does not need to be easier, just getting inside the keep gets easier. I would be okay with a even further buffed inner door if I could at least get in the outer.

    Siege is also a slight issue. If a realm attacks a keep, the defending realm can put up unlimited siege, until you destroy the inner CK (which takes hours to do with three fortified trebs) or destroying the outer gatehouse itself (again takes forever). With unlimited siege, it almost doesnt matter how much siege the attacking realm brings, all of their siege can be destroyed. Also, opposing realms can repair towers/doors within 3-5 minutes of getting inside. All these don't make any sense for a keep that is under siege. No merchants should be summonable while keep is on fire, and you should not be able to repair while enemies are inside the keep.
    Post edited by Dale_Perf on
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • Thalia wrote: »
    I would also like the team to potentially look at archer bow damage. I tried rvring today on my archer and lack of ranged dps really shocked me. The damage on both critical shot and elemental shots were really low. I know many people on these boards complain about stealther/archers in general, but after my experience today I can totally see why they group in large numbers. The class does not have the burst to bring targets down quickly.

    Arrow damage is negligible these days. In the old days you could three-shot people and that's understandably gone. However, depending on what class you're shooting, assuming you don't get killed, you can unleash 40-50 arrows with no effect whatsoever. Don't shoot Paladins, Reavers or Necros. And especially, above all, stay away from Valewalkers, those guys are not designed to die to solos.
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    My guess is you haven’t played an archer much @Thalia ? Critical shot damage is very powerful
    It also gives your target immunity to arrows. I don't even have it QBound. Power shot instead is way better.
  • If something seems off with a given class change, the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical) it's to give us feedback (here, on discord, or via the feedback form) on why you think it's not the right decision or why it doesn't fully account for other aspects of gameplay and how it should be tweaked to be better. We do listen and your feedback does matter. Doesn't mean something is always going to be changed in the exact way requested, but more often than not change does happen.

    Dear John,

    By now I am certain you are aware of my posts on this thread about changes to Hunters: https://forum.darkageofcamelot.com/discussion/2678/please-bring-back-the-old-hunter-rr5

    In that thread I have explained at length how an unneeded change caused the virtual destruction of a once find sub-class, the Snipe Spec Hunter, and how players reacted to these changes. I can continue listing the complaints players head about the nerf. This domino effect must be avoided at all costs to keep players from escaping DAoC.

    Please take a moment to read the above mentioned thread. I can respond to any questions you might have as to why our Hunter RR5 is important, culturally significant, and responsible for unsubbing by top Hunters in game.

    In the upcoming Patch, a second look at the Hunter RR5 is a must. We currently have an RR5 that disables our bow and if you want to kite with it you have to shift-click icons while running just to be able to get bow back.

    Also the timer between dogs is an extreme inconvenience due to recast time for Blur on sins.

    I'm going to bed, have a good night.
  • I think the stealthers nerf is perfectly fine. Skald nerf is unfair since the alb and hib classes get to keep theirs. Unless you give it to another class, this should not happen. Sorcerer aoe should stay at 400 or be reduced since it's bolt range. Heretic snare tic needs a nerf, I was disappointed that it wasnt. Other then that I was ok with the patch.
    Asatruar - Ronnie 10 "
    Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi

    The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure
  • My problem with keep defence is this and I’ve led plenty and participated in many it’s not so much a problem of heavy tanks in the courtyard it’s the heals they get.
    That’s probably something I agree on with the latest changes heals need to be toned down.
    Recent class balance changed the dynamic of heals in groups undoubtably unforeseen maybe by developers giving healers speed and then having to give heals to other realms to counter that.
    Heals really need to be toned down.
    My second point is this most keep fights get very difficult in alb if the outer door goes down.
    The courtyard is hard to defend from inner keep mainly because of line of site if you wanna get on ramparts hero’s tanks will dominate and keep it clear.
    Once the inner is down it’s game over.
    Years ago u could guarantee a pbaoe group in a Lord room defending it stopping attackers getting in.
    On hib that still happens mainly because of animists Eldys and mans chanters.
    Again hib has many advantages with animist spamming shrooms in courtyard and bombers going out not needing los.
    Mids have warlocks and sms
    For some reason unless it’s USA prime time alb doesn’t have that kind of pbaoe power.
    I agree that’s a problem with albs not playing those classes.
    Sometimes albs will set up on the inner staircase but you need numbers for that.
    Again it’s not really a defensive position all the advantage lies with the attacker.
    Hero’s tanks can charge up unopposed with a champion hitting st in Lord room it’s game over very little we can do to damage them because of the healing power.

    Times have changed and the actual design of the keeps need to change the oil level doors were a welcome addition
    But you need to prevent the enemy from accessing the ramparts I suggested doors on each of the inner towers rather like the oil level doors then it would give the defenders a chance to actually defend.
    The outer ramparts are the best place to gain line of sight any defenders who stay in the inner keep are redundant your line of site is terrible your exposed to aoe from inner towers and your palitones struggle to target an incoming ram.
    If this was a medieval castle I couldn’t see any defender sleeping well there.
    If you make it easier to take keeps hero will take them every day and there lies the dilemma.
  • The problem I've noticed with Albs and Mids defending against Hero is there's no caster debuff assist train and no tank assist train. Hibs have solid climbers between both Heros and Vamps so spike damage is a must to take care of them. Don't get me wrong, trying to out damage multiple spread healers is rough but not impossible. Sometimes you need to coordinate rupts on their healers to get the job done. All of this is manageable if players take the time to cooperate and not just spam a couple of buttons.

    That being said, it should be painfully obvious that TAKING keeps is much easier to do with wall climbers. Again, Hib has two solid climbers for free. Mid only has, effectively, one climber as no one wants to gimp their damage for a situational ability. Alb has two readily available climbers but Minstrels are better for rupts than actual DPS which is needed to clear walls. (BTW, I'm not counting stealthers since they're rare to find participating in a BG outside of soloing).

    There's a disparity here that's existed for over a decade and has only been exacerbated due to how rampant healing has become. Without further homogenizing the Realms, it's not going to change. The option you're left with is to adapt. Defending: assist trains are key. Attacking: climbers are key. Problem: few do either.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • On pendragon trying to test, found a bug, maybe intended? Wanted to try the max character boost from the mythril shop. Created a level 1 warden, can't get out of the tutorial. If i try to port out i crash, if i try to go to battlegrounds first then out I crash, try to die and release to city I crash.
  • Correction, I'm crashing no matter what character I log on. Can't get in , can't test.
  • Sounds like you might have a corrupt file somewhere @Badnagen

    If you're using a separate folder for Pendragon, try deleting the mft.myp file in your Pendragon folder and repatch, if that doesn't help you might need to recopy or reinstall for Pend.
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • I sent this via the herald, but wanted to post here feedback so far.

    For the proposed Mauler changes, why is this reducing the power pool of group mates by 50%? It is very common especially in close spaces like the CK/Towers to get actively power leaked (350 radius, loses 100 power.) As a caster this already taps your power sometimes to zero and AOE interrupts.
    Also why reduce the radius from 2000 units to only 500 units for enemy power leeching? In the open field that’s a very small radius. Also isn’t this a 50 Aura Manipulaton spell?

    One of the great things about the Aura Convergence ability is that when your group gets AOE power leaked to 0 power it gave the group some power. This is helpful in Tower fights or close spaces like a CK.

    If the assasins are having to spec for Mastery of stealth again then its only fair to make Archers spec for Mastery of stealth?

    If this a rollback of the Stealth buff patch then apply it across the board instead of favoring Archers who get free MOS9. They already get free Remedy?! Maybe it’s time to remove that (Remedy) as well and either force Archers to pay RA points to spec for Remedy or remove it since they get free MOS9.

    Also another unjustified hard nerf to the Assasin poisons yet again...disease and the poison DOT was already nerfed previously.

  • Brut wrote: »
    My problem with keep defence is this and I’ve led plenty and participated in many it’s not so much a problem of heavy tanks in the courtyard it’s the heals they get.
    That’s probably something I agree on with the latest changes heals need to be toned down.
    Recent class balance changed the dynamic of heals in groups undoubtably unforeseen maybe by developers giving healers speed and then having to give heals to other realms to counter that.
    Heals really need to be toned down.
    My second point is this most keep fights get very difficult in alb if the outer door goes down.
    The courtyard is hard to defend from inner keep mainly because of line of site if you wanna get on ramparts hero’s tanks will dominate and keep it clear.
    Once the inner is down it’s game over.
    Years ago u could guarantee a pbaoe group in a Lord room defending it stopping attackers getting in.
    On hib that still happens mainly because of animists Eldys and mans chanters.
    Again hib has many advantages with animist spamming shrooms in courtyard and bombers going out not needing los.
    Mids have warlocks and sms
    For some reason unless it’s USA prime time alb doesn’t have that kind of pbaoe power.
    I agree that’s a problem with albs not playing those classes.
    Sometimes albs will set up on the inner staircase but you need numbers for that.
    Again it’s not really a defensive position all the advantage lies with the attacker.
    Hero’s tanks can charge up unopposed with a champion hitting st in Lord room it’s game over very little we can do to damage them because of the healing power.

    Times have changed and the actual design of the keeps need to change the oil level doors were a welcome addition
    But you need to prevent the enemy from accessing the ramparts I suggested doors on each of the inner towers rather like the oil level doors then it would give the defenders a chance to actually defend.
    The outer ramparts are the best place to gain line of sight any defenders who stay in the inner keep are redundant your line of site is terrible your exposed to aoe from inner towers and your palitones struggle to target an incoming ram.
    If this was a medieval castle I couldn’t see any defender sleeping well there.
    If you make it easier to take keeps hero will take them every day and there lies the dilemma.

    Part of the issue there is population, not enough organized defenders during EU prime. A strategy needs to be in place to keep people alive in the courtyard (you have the same advantages Hero has in regards to healing, even /recall) and run siege. You have unlimited siege in keep defenses, and even the most prepared sieges can run low on siege with 6 palintones hitting your ram.

    Maybe if all the 8mans weren't focused on grinding 25 kill quests for 25k on the island there would be more defenders :* The population disparity between Hib and the other realms during EU prime is pretty bad and has been for a long time. The only way to fix the problem is population to defend, and people to step up and lead defenses. If you make it any harder, nobody will want to siege keeps during US prime because people will just realm hop to defend for easier RP's with this lame 15 minute timer.
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • Let skalds keep the power dd and just remove that artifact ability from them.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    If zergs would run Solid groups and not half go afk then they would be better prepared to take keeps instead of crying they cant.

    You dont want 8 mans defending. If they did the crying would be worse..
    Post edited by Minibard on
  • Minibard wrote: »
    If zergs would run Solid groups and not half go afk then they would be better prepared to take keeps instead of crying they cant.

    You dont want 8 mans defending. If they did the crying would be worse..

    To be fair, 8mans already defend against zergs =P.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Em I beg to disagree tyrantanic I’ve seen plenty of groups debuff against the hero Zerg the trouble is most eu alb bgs are random events they are not a 24 7 organised event like the hero Zerg with a set pattern with a set leader.
    I’ve seen mid groups debuff attackers as well on very effective trains.
    The trouble is like I said most alb bgs are random and only happen if someone can be assed most times Albs will let hero take keeps even the relics aren’t such a big deal now.
    There are very effective strategy’s to defend the keeps in spite of the keeps problems but you need a will and focus from people to enter into a voice chat and let themselves be organised.
    The eu alb time zone is not like that most Albs eu time will run 8 or 16 and call a voltron and only defend a keep if there are fairly even numbers and then they usually win.
  • Unfortunetly alb eu prime time does not have the same advantages eu prime time getting a cleric and friar for a group eu prime time is hard enough you try getting them in a voice chat the differences between alb and hib are massive the hero Zerg is a 24 7 event people know it’s gonna be up they play the same classes day in day out it’s kinda like a collection of 8 mans very hard for random bgs on alb to compete with that largely because it requires a leader to put a huge time sink in.
  • It is not possible to talk about siege fights given the current value and radius of power leaks. That single dynamic, alone, would change everyone's response here if it were different.

    Also, Shaylon, debuff nuking dementia vamps and fury tanks is futile. It may push them back briefly, but it certainly doesn't keep the courtyard clear from climbers.
  • Without dailies is anyone actually going to take a keep ever again?

  • Without dailies, strictly kill rps in huge zergs probably won't be huge rightly so, but heal, and defense/take RPs are good there.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    I vote all stealth with the exception of minstrel have to spec into MoS. We need it to work as it did in the past, the higher MoS the faster speed/detection you receive. Take the free remedy away, make it a realm ability like purge, 5 tier, timer based.

    Keep sorc AoE the same, add area to the rest as planed. Will help all the new people trying a mez class for the 1st time. All the others effected by the mez change have aoe/single insta mez while sorc would need high spec in mind to even get a single target 1500 insta.

    Retain the skald power heal dd, just lower the amount it heals in power.

    Post edited by Snaillyn on
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Glad they finally removed the RP rewards for the daily quests. Rewarding bps for the daily quest will help to reduce the leeching/adding that happens because everyone wants to complete their daily for easy RPS.

    Part of the draw for DAOC is that you get RPS over time therefore you constantly come back. When you get quick realm ranks and awarded massive RPS, then it diminishes the value that builds over time.

    That said they really need to keep an active and close eye on the inflated BP cost of the items.
    Also why are we capped at 500K BPS still...

    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • Why would BP items cost more?

    BP costs in bountycraft will remain the same, whike BP acquisition rate will increase. So less demand and more offer would make the prices drop.

    Why would I pay huge plats for something when I can just craft it after a few sessions?
  • Mctana wrote: »
    It is not possible to talk about siege fights given the current value and radius of power leaks. That single dynamic, alone, would change everyone's response here if it were different.

    I don't disagree that power leaking tanks are difficult to combat in keep / tower defense; however, a sappling strike tank train can counter this. Granted, you need at least 4+ tanks spamming it to be effective. So either both power leak and sappling strike should get a radius reduction (150 max) OR sappling strike should strip 50 endurance as opposed to its current 25 endurance value.
    Mctana wrote: »
    Also, Shaylon, debuff nuking dementia vamps and fury tanks is futile. It may push them back briefly, but it certainly doesn't keep the courtyard clear from climbers.

    This particular scenario is a numbers game. One group assisting may not be enough in some instances but two groups assisting with a debuff will kill both. Spike damage is key here, not necessarily overall DPS. Don't get me wrong, this isn't practical when you only have a couple PUGs defending with less than ideal setups but that's a population problem not a game mechanic problem. Another option is to run tank heavy as opposed to caster heavy which seems to be a problem during EU time.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Remove climb wall from heavy and vampiir problem solved .
  • Brut wrote: »
    Unfortunetly alb eu prime time does not have the same advantages eu prime time getting a cleric and friar for a group eu prime time is hard enough you try getting them in a voice chat the differences between alb and hib are massive the hero Zerg is a 24 7 event people know it’s gonna be up they play the same classes day in day out it’s kinda like a collection of 8 mans very hard for random bgs on alb to compete with that largely because it requires a leader to put a huge time sink in.

    while i agree that herorius has the upper hand 5-6 hours a day for running every day in the same time frame, i also have beaten herorius with far less people than he had, outside of anna bg, when mid was able to get a few roaming groups together to attack him or defend vs him. like Stalin one said, there is a quality in numbers (herorius), BUT, when you are able to get the quality together, you can beat the quantity.

    but this goes into a different subject. which is also toxic. when a few good mid groups defend in mid, outside of a anna bg, vs herorius, and the irc ( the realm swappers) show up, then mid has a good chance for winning vs herorius without an actual mid bg defending the keep. and in EV, a few roaming mid groups have wiped a (relatively small, but still larger amount of players than the mid groups) have also wiped herorius bg, when they cooperated.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    nerf to shamans...

    nerf to shaman curse gear bonus (quick dotting tick on single target dot from 1.1 / tick to 1.7 / tick instead of 2.0 (without that gear) / tick.... 1.1 to 1.7 = +- 60% dps loss) ? wow. over the top. 3 part curse template just became a waste of the plat/time you spend on it.
    nerf to shaman single target nuke (low delve to start on a non cloth caster anyway) useless now ?
    nerf to aug single target HOT .... tick rate halved and delve halved ? so 400 % less good ?
    nerf to cave magic heal to become two spells instead of one and the second aspect of the same spell to become less good ? so that spell became more than 250 % less good ?

    Post edited by Muylae on
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Is Muy complaining about an extremely justified nerf to shamans? Objectivity at its finest
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Shoke wrote: »
    Is Muy complaining about an extremely justified nerf to shamans? Objectivity at its finest
    I'm going to complain that you want every single thing in the game nerfed, always. There. I complained.

    I swear, if it were up to Shoke everyone would run around in cloth carrying bronze training swords.
    Post edited by Buffsteria on
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »
    ...So either both power leak and sappling strike should get a radius reduction (150 max) ...

    John Broadsword forum alt spotted.
  • Im playing a shaman too , and yes these nerf are justified .
  • edited November 2019 PM
    @Buffsteria yes I'm glad they are nerfing a lot of the stuff with endless conquest.

    Is it reasonable that my paladin can heal a groupmate for 650 a pop? No

    Is it normal that a shaman can have 4-5 tanks on him and just survive using his HoT? No

    Is it normal that heretics run around with higher ABS and AF than a paladin? That they get RAs that completely negate magic done to them as well? That they are tankier than a heavy tank while wearing cloth? Did they need a nerf to their range? Absolutely.

    Do VWs need a nerf to their R5 to remove the self only portion that was buffed 2-3 patches ago? I think so.

    Is it normal that healers can never go out of power ever if they have a reaver/skald/champ rotating their acuity debuff/group mcl properly? This nerf is directly affecting classes I play but I feel like they are the right way to go.

    I'm not a pro-roleplaying grandmother that's been bitching for the past 3 months that their R5 was changed because it was extremely strong. They came up with a new R5 that is interesting, you get to go with the change or just keep complaining.

    Were you there when they came out with the pet patch? Where you had the melee chanter option? Where the game became a pet vs pet RvR?

    Running around with over the top abilities hurts the game. Some will like to ve able to run around, smash their face on the keyboard and still do well.

    I don't think that's what daoc should be.

    If it were for me there wouldn't any active ability with a lower cooldown/rut than 15 minutes. People would have to think instead of smashing all their keys at once.

    I'm not sure if you are familiar with Muylae, but he's the most blindly pro-midgard player out there. I mean he advocated (seriously) that healers should get a DD spell and a charmable pet, because you know Mid only has 6 damage dealers in a group, while hib gets the bard that can really pump out dps rotating his 2 insta DDs on a 15 sec timer.
    Post edited by Shoke on
  • Mctana wrote: »

    John Broadsword forum alt spotted.

    Half assed change if you ask me. I despise BS too much to pretend to be one of them. Believe what you want I guess.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Muylae wrote: »
    nerf to shamans...

    nerf to shaman curse gear bonus (quick dotting tick on single target dot from 1.1 / tick to 1.7 / tick instead of 2.0 (without that gear) / tick.... 1.1 to 1.7 = +- 60% dps loss) ? wow. over the top. 3 part curse template just became a waste of the plat/time you spend on it.
    nerf to shaman single target nuke (low delve to start on a non cloth caster anyway) useless now ?
    nerf to aug single target HOT .... tick rate halved and delve halved ? so 400 % less good ?
    nerf to cave magic heal to become two spells instead of one and the second aspect of the same spell to become less good ? so that spell became more than 250 % less good ?

    I can't speak for all of these changes, but the set bonus was so far over the top on shamans it wasn't even funny. To be fair, I wish they removed all the set bonuses on the curse gear. Some were over the top, like shaman, and others were completely useless. You don't think having your dots tick every single second was not over the top?
  • You are asking Muy to use an objective approach to a midgard change... Won't happen
  • RonELuvv wrote: »

    I can't speak for all of these changes, but the set bonus was so far over the top on shamans it wasn't even funny. To be fair, I wish they removed all the set bonuses on the curse gear. Some were over the top, like shaman, and others were completely useless. You don't think having your dots tick every single second was not over the top?

    it wasn't a high delve dots like some are in the game and it came from a non cloth caster, so no huge bonuses from acuity buffs etc. my opinion was that the 'relatively' low damage per tick was offset by high tick rate. i've been dotted enough (with crit ofc) by some mentalist for over 400, shaman dots don't hit that hard.

    and yes i agree, some of the set bonuses are stupidly oop, some are garbage, they should never have been in the game. some were introduced to compensate for nerfs to a class (cough, warlock and savage, cough) and made it mandatory for people in that class to remain viable. the fact that after nerfs to certain classes, set bonuses were introduced for those classes to compensate for those nerfs .... it's just BS's xxx way of not adressing changes that were wrong by introducing more changes to other things, followed up with more changes to other things to compensate, followed up with more changes to other things to compensate, followed with more changes to other things to compensate, ... , breaking so much other stuff in the process instead of just undoing their initial change.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Shoke wrote: »
    You are asking Muy to use an objective approach to a midgard change... Won't happen

    fan boy, lol, or is it hate boy ?
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Koe wrote: »
    I left feedback on this topic but I'd love players to comment on this as well. I think the PBAOE change will make a very very large imbalance in favor of alb and hib for large scale warfare.

    Pbaoe classes with 425 pbaoes:
    Alb 2- Matter Cab + Ice Wiz Comments: Both of these specs have TONS of zerg utility and lots of active players
    Hib 2- Mana Eld + Mana Chanter Both of these specs have tons of utility and lots of active players
    Mid 1- Sup SM The class only has its pbaoe, an aoe str/con debuff, a single target mez, and a single target dehaste. Nobody plays it as it is only good for situational zerg play (defending a chokepoint and has zero open field or normal keep defense utility).

    Pbaoe classes with 325 pbaoe + UI + 35% snare
    Hib- Bain (great class, can keep this UI up all the time and cast other spells at the same time).
    Alb- Necro (lots of utility, can keep the UI up for 30 seconds, long enough for a zerg push)
    Mid- Warlock (at 50 spec which is required for the 35% snare can only cast 3x at 60% damage until out of power even with hexcraft set). That's hardly "UI". As such its an unplayable spec and nobody will do it.

    My suggestion was to give locks the 35% snare component on their 45 pbaoe (Locks will still be out of power within 9ish seconds, and will likely wipe if its a tanks first push as OOP for the caster push) and or look at actually making Sup sm's a playable large scale warfare spec. Or if you want to get crazy give Mids a 2nd main pbaoe class for "parity". As is, especially with returning players, any of them interested in playing a pbaoe class are going to stay away from Mid and will play a bain,cab, wiz, eld chant or possibly necro unless they are a glutton for punishment.

    I would add that the skald only power reduction and the ML powerleak will further exacerbate the differences here as Mid and Locks are heavily reliant on power to even maintain parity with what Hib gets for free.

    i can only say that i wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. except for that i think the snare on pbaoe is useless. no warlock will ever spec 50 curse to get it and even getting it for free at 45 curse as you propose doesn't add much of value, imho.

    i have a rr 11L7 ice wizard and a rr 13L1 curse lock. i know what they can do in siege / zerg, ... i would think.

    on pendragon i two shotted (arguably 3 shotted if i include the ranged ae-dd to debuff my damage) a character and his bot with my ice wizard casting the ranged AE DD (with ice debuff) and then casting 2 pbaoe on top of them. i've 3 shotted the same targets just with moc pbaoe and the rr 5 on the wiz. i couldn't kill the same targets with my warlock in uninterruptible mode before oop without using power charges.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
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