The importance of transparency

@Carol_Broadsword @Lea_Broadsword @John_Broadsword

With all this apparent doom looming overhead (I know a million other things added up to this too) from the bird I was wondering if it was possible for John and/or few others with more knowledge of the inner workings to take the time to be more transparent and interactive with their dwindling player base? I think that spending IDK maybe an hour every other day or every few days to be on the boards addressing players, their concerns, and letting us know whats going on directly would go a long way to help start restoring some faith. None of us want to see this game go but we seem to be at a point where players feel ignored and are seeking fun elsewhere. Simply talking to us and letting us know what BS is thinking, where they're headed, or even if its just to say you've made a baby step on some project. Progress reports will help from people making their own assumptions and spreading them as fact as well. And if that's not a possibility could you at least explain why since it seems like a easy idea to implement.


  • We're around and responding on forums/ingame/discord/facebook etc talking to people all the time. As for what's in store for DAoC, we had a note on the recent hot fixes and more will follow soon as possible:
    Developer's note:
    • We're currently aware of and plan to address the following issues during our next server downtime:
      • Death spam range unintentionally reduced.
      • Issues with Wardens applying the new pre-set helm patterns.
        • To alleviate any issues, Wardens are currently prevented from purchasing these helm patterns until then.
        • Normal or blank helm patterns will still work normally.
    • There's lots brewing for DAoC in 2019 and we can't wait to share the full details in the coming weeks!
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • I think addressing more immediate concerns was the point of the OP; death spam and masks, while annoying, are not game breaking issues....
  • Need to get some good lawyers and get that other server shut down.
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • edited February 2019 PM
    DaRedANT wrote: »
    Need to get some good lawyers and get that other server shut down.

    Sadly all that would do is anger everyone playing it which would most likely result in a lot of them not even returning to live out of spite. The best thing I could see would be focus on live get it back to an enjoyable state then deal with the ashes.

    Post edited by Driralin on
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
    Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
    Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator

    Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743

    >Daoc Videos<
  • Impounded wrote: »

    Sadly all that would do is anger everyone playing it which would most likely result in a lot of them not even returning to live out of spite. The best thing I could see would be focus on live get it back to an enjoyable state then deal with the ashes.

    We have lost a big portion of players that will likely never return if the game stays in it's current state and they will remain gone if ashes was shut down.

    I don’t buy that for one second, bro. If there’s only 1 weed dealer in town, you’re not gonna quit smoking out of spite.

    Destroy it, they will return.
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • That sounds more like * Shot first, ask questions later*, brillant logic. :D
  • I am not here to argue because neither of us know what may or may not happen. But one thing I can say forsure is there is a reason they left.. and taking away that new "Enjoyment" without giving a decent alternative will sit sour with many.
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
    Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
    Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator

    Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743

    >Daoc Videos<
  • I agree with DaRed, and EA doesn't even need to find good lawyers, I'm sure they have a few on retainer. Shut it down or at least a temp injunction. Im not clear on it all but I do believe the firebird is infringing on trademarks and intellectual property.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    I left live because of the state of my realm the 24 /7 no point no strategy zerging the healing that is just out of control now I mean seriously virtually every toon in the game has access to heals .
    Stupid over the top uses ablatives artifacts all kinds of stuff that’s manipulated twisted and exploited.
    Classes now that are so far removed from what they once were.
    The amount of rps handed out on live are just stupid realm rank is a joke now.
    The other thing is that there’s no room for overpowered classes on live because they don’t fit the daoc paper view of how an 8 man should be.
    What the people who come up with these nerfs to these classes do is that they drive the average casual player away.
    The elite players don’t play the cheese classes but it gives players with average skill the chance to compete.
    Every realm should have some overpowered classes.
    I could never understand why they banned macro groups they were a lot of fun maybe that’s the point you got puritans running this game who just don’t like fun
    Finally the population is bad because of all of the above and some other reasons that I maybe haven’t is a social game so where are you gonna play a server with 4000 k people logging in or a server with 3 people playing a cat called Gerald and a hamster running around going neep neep.
    I’ve said all this stuff before and probably more but I know I’m pissing in the wind .
    I still got one account open and I still occasionally log in.
    But I don’t see anything to draw me back at the moment hoping the future is bright but don’t see any rays of sunshine coming out from broadsword.
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Brut wrote: »
    I left live because of the state of my realm the 24 /7 no point no strategy zerging the healing that is just out of control now I mean seriously virtually every toon in the game has access to heals .
    Stupid over the top uses ablatives artifacts all kinds of stuff that’s manipulated twisted and exploited.
    Classes now that are so far removed from what they once were.
    The amount of rps handed out on live are just stupid realm rank is a joke now.
    The other thing is that there’s no room for overpowered classes on live because they don’t fit the daoc paper view of how an 8 man should be.
    What the people who come up with these nerfs to these classes do is that they drive the average casual player away.
    The elite players don’t play the cheese classes but it gives players with average skill the chance to compete.
    Every realm should have some overpowered classes.
    I could never understand why they banned macro groups they were a lot of fun maybe that’s the point you got puritans running this game who just don’t like fun
    Finally the population is bad because of all of the above and some other reasons that I maybe haven’t is a social game so where are you gonna play a server with 4000 k people logging in or a server with 3 people playing a cat called Gerald and a hamster running around going neep neep.
    I’ve said all this stuff before and probably more but I know I’m pissing in the wind .
    I still got one account open and I still occasionally log in.
    But I don’t see anything to draw me back at the moment hoping the future is bright but don’t see any rays of sunshine coming out from broadsword.

    I agree with this!

    Makes no sense why there was a class balanced patch. I thought classes were already well balanced anyway with a few over powered classes that was in every realm anyway.


    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Lol, not worth.. really? Is 15 bucks that hard to scrape up? I have no issues with the $, the problem is this other one is free. In a version people find attractive.

    What we need is information. No one knows the direction BS is going, we have no idea other then tid bits of information we get. They are so far behind on bugs BS is giving away carrots, and fluff with masks, “cool” but garbage. We know they will be doing f2p but how can it beat what is already out unless there are some type of advantage they have over said server. We have no idea how they will re-invent this game. You’d think we would want to pull from all DAoC avenues to bring the population to what it was or more, but then we need to start retaining said base players with silly looking gear or boots/gloves/helms or whatever.

    Either way, I still play live and will not leave for another server/company to play make believe DAoC with a bunch of scrubs who are stuck in the past.

    Post edited by Snaillyn on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Snaillyn wrote: »
    Lol, not worth.. really? Is 15 bucks that hard to scrape up? I have no issues with the $, the problem is this other one is free. In a version people find attractive.

    What we need is information. No one knows the direction BS is going, we have no idea other then tid bits of information we get. They are so far behind on bugs BS is giving away carrots, and fluff with masks, “cool” but garbage. We know they will be doing f2p but how can it beat what is already out unless there are some type of advantage they have over said server. We have no idea how they will re-invent this game. You’d think we would want to pull from all DAoC avenues to bring the population to what it was or more, but then we need to start retaining said base players with silly looking gear or boots/gloves/helms or whatever.

    Either way, I still play live and will not leave for another server/company to play make believe DAoC with a bunch of scrubs who are stuck in the past.



    It was a good idea they made OW and Curse group as no one would of done them by now as it would of been difficult to get the players but still very bad content.

    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Snaillyn wrote: »
    Lol, not worth.. really? Is 15 bucks that hard to scrape up? I have no issues with the $, the problem is this other one is free. In a version people find attractive.

    What we need is information. No one knows the direction BS is going, we have no idea other then tid bits of information we get. They are so far behind on bugs BS is giving away carrots, and fluff with masks, “cool” but garbage. We know they will be doing f2p but how can it beat what is already out unless there are some type of advantage they have over said server. We have no idea how they will re-invent this game. You’d think we would want to pull from all DAoC avenues to bring the population to what it was or more, but then we need to start retaining said base players with silly looking gear or boots/gloves/helms or whatever.

    Either way, I still play live and will not leave for another server/company to play make believe DAoC with a bunch of scrubs who are stuck in the past.


    edit: Oh i agree on the information part! They really need to give us a 1-2 year plan on what they are up to. Bits of information isn't very informative at all.

    Post edited by Solicfear1 on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Snaillyn wrote: »
    Lol, not worth.. really? Is 15 bucks that hard to scrape up? I have no issues with the $, the problem is this other one is free. In a version people find attractive.

    Post edited by Driralin on
  • Please be mindful of the following part of the Code of Coduct:

    1. You must not post, or link to materials that are in breach of DAoC’s Rules of Conduct or Terms of Service. This includes, but is not limited to:

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    Using euphemisms does not mean you do not break aforementioned rule.
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  • One thing I do enjoy is that I know exactly who has been banned on the official forums. I know it is wicked of me but at times it does make me chuckle.

    It would be nice to have a bit more communication around progress toward goals and banned accounts. However I can guess some of the later by seeing which characters have had all the realm points removed.
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • Snaillyn wrote: »
    Lol, not worth.. really? Is 15 bucks that hard to scrape up? I have no issues with the $, the problem is this other one is free. In a version people find attractive.

    What we need is information. No one knows the direction BS is going, we have no idea other then tid bits of information we get. They are so far behind on bugs BS is giving away carrots, and fluff with masks, “cool” but garbage. We know they will be doing f2p but how can it beat what is already out unless there are some type of advantage they have over said server. We have no idea how they will re-invent this game. You’d think we would want to pull from all DAoC avenues to bring the population to what it was or more, but then we need to start retaining said base players with silly looking gear or boots/gloves/helms or whatever.

    Either way, I still play live and will not leave for another server/company to play make believe DAoC with a bunch of scrubs who are stuck in the past.


    It always comes down to is the game fun --- if it is, people stay, if it's not, they don't IF there is an alternative...everyone is dancing around the issue, the current state isn't fun for a majority of would think that would be a critical consideration.....

  • edited February 2019 PM
    There are a lot of things that several people have asked for, for a long time. Several posts related to that. You're not gonna please everyone, and for each one you do please, youre gonna piss of the same number by making the changes. Its not hard to see a pattern though. If some leave, they take friends, friends take more friends. Options make bs's job hard. It would appear that the ideas that were brought up didnt go unheard. Just happens that the wrong people heard it.

    You have to be more transparent than what is happening now. Consumers are harder to please now. Vendors must try harder to please the consumer especially when more products are offered. Or wait until you run out of consumers.

    And so goes the old cliche' - "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results". Time to change the meta....

    Open it up. Announce cheaters... show the banned list.... explain why they were banned.... Shame those who need shamed... give realm timers a shot.... who knows... lots have left recently... who knows where they are or why they left. But it isnt looking good
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • I think there's an elephant in the room that we should be allowed to openly discuss like a community of adults to hopefully start coming up with more ideas and solutions to fix/save this game(There have been a lot of good ideas thrown around already). As I said earlier no one wants to see this game fail, so no one is advertising for another one to succeed in its place but if we cant talk about a problem how can we fix it?
  • Arcanixx wrote: »
    I think there's an elephant in the room that we should be allowed to openly discuss like a community of adults to hopefully start coming up with more ideas and solutions to fix/save this game(There have been a lot of good ideas thrown around already). As I said earlier no one wants to see this game fail, so no one is advertising for another one to succeed in its place but if we cant talk about a problem how can we fix it?

    Well said ---- though sadly....
  • Ideas can be discussed without bringing up the recent hype train. Most of what I see are doom and gloom posts with little feedback. Constructive criticism goes much further than the destructive criticism that continues to perpetuate throughout these forums.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Sad to see those loyal to Live offer suggestions on how to fix things and ...

    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Post edited by Auberne on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Ideas can be discussed without bringing up the recent hype train. Most of what I see are doom and gloom posts with little feedback. Constructive criticism goes much further than the destructive criticism that continues to perpetuate throughout these forums.

    Actually they can't....or at least haven't; there can never be an actual productive discussion on an open forum without a consensus on so many things, terms/scope/something to focus the conversation; not to mention actual active participation by those who 'make the decisions' ......frankly, there <today> isn't even a consensus on RvR better now .... is there even a consensus on what Realm V Realm is ---- does any player even know what is in the realm of possible <in respect to changes>? Why has this transparency issue been recurring?? --- I submit a large number of players have a different view of transparency than do the developers.

    Post edited by Xyorman on
  • null
    Agree 100 percent
  • Ideas can be discussed without bringing up the recent hype train. Most of what I see are doom and gloom posts with little feedback. Constructive criticism goes much further than the destructive criticism that continues to perpetuate throughout these forums.

    Feedback that's cute oh you mean what we've been telling 'them' for the past 3+ years...
    Meanwhile the last few loyal to live get ... for speaking how they feel @Carol_Broadsword
  • @ beetleguise with the greatest of respect I believe your a recently returned player forgive me if I’m wrong
    most of us never left daoc and have played constantly 7 days a week we have been telling the devs internal boards knights you name it about all this stuff for years.
    People don’t want to bash the game but how do you point out what’s wrong with the game.
  • Hey we all know this is an old game. If BS is having issues we understand I believe. We just want to know is all.
  • Brut wrote: »
    @ beetleguise with the greatest of respect I believe your a recently returned player forgive me if I’m wrong
    most of us never left daoc and have played constantly 7 days a week we have been telling the devs internal boards knights you name it about all this stuff for years.
    People don’t want to bash the game but how do you point out what’s wrong with the game.

    I've been playing this game since 2001 with a few breaks in between that lasted no more than two years. My last hiatus ended three years ago. Literally, I've watched the game evolve over time. It's leagues better now than what it was before.

    You can point out what's wrong with the game without bashing. Simply saying the Devs ruined it doesn't work. Explain how they've ruined it. Provide some context and be specific. Start polls if you're looking for consensus. There are long standing bugs. However, some have been around since the Mythic days and even since the game went Live. Why aren't these fixed still? Probably because they don't know how to without screwing something else up. I used to hear back in the day that Mythic was horrible at writing and noting their code for the game. Granted, that's hearsay but it wouldn't surprise me if that was part of the problem.

    I do agree that BS needs to be more active in the community and be transparent as to what they're working on. The vague "There's a lot in store for 2019" statement means nothing. EA owning the game may vary well be part of the problem as that company doesn't have a good reputation. All we can do is voice our concerns, respectfully, and vote with our feet by cancelling subs if issues are not addressed that we feel should be. If the game dies, it dies. The fact it has lasted this long boggles me but I'll take it.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Transparency ideas.

    1. Bug tracking system (i.e. Jordheim crash bug. - potential fix time vs the problem. "We don't know how to fix it" would be an acceptable answer, even though it would be unpopular. "Yup, we are working on it".. for 3 years, is not. (in my opinion at least)

    2. More active GM's/CSR's. 99% of my appeals are abandoned. Yes.. ultimately by me, but after 3 days, i figure its not gonna happen. I pay less for AAA roadside assistance and they get there within an hour :-). Not bashing, but a statement. If i do need to appeal.. i have that one friend who must have a CSR on speed dial. I will reach out to them and say , "hey ..i didnt get credit for this, or this just happened", 10 mins later i get a tell from a CSR. That's not an appeal system though.. thats the buddy system, and my buddy isnt always on.

    3. Open the ban list. This would reinforce some confidence that GM's/CSRs are actually monitoring appeals, the game, etc. Whats wrong with public shaming? Local papers do it to convicts all the time. Ever watch COPS?... bad boys bad boys... whatcha gonna do.....

    4. Act don't re-act. So many of the recent changes were brought about as a reaction to other circumstances.

    Just a few ideas... criticism is welcome, but please provide feedback. Im paid up for another month. Action is to a level now that re-upping isnt very high on my to do list.
  • Well mr beetleguise like I said you have been away from the game for 3 years and came back recently so you havent been here when people have been suggesting what needs fixing.
    I believe I spelled out in pretty clear words what I think is wrong.
    I’ve also explained in various other posts what to do to fix it now you take that which ever way you want I’m not expecting the status quo to change and to be honest that frustration with not being listened to is a part of why myself and 5000 others might be somewhere else if you don’t think my opinions valid fine I can live with that.
  • Brut wrote: »
    Well mr beetleguise like I said you have been away from the game for 3 years and came back recently so you havent been here when people have been suggesting what needs fixing.
    I believe I spelled out in pretty clear words what I think is wrong.
    I’ve also explained in various other posts what to do to fix it now you take that which ever way you want I’m not expecting the status quo to change and to be honest that frustration with not being listened to is a part of why myself and 5000 others might be somewhere else if you don’t think my opinions valid fine I can live with that.

    You misunderstood. I came back three years ago.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Last 3+ yrs is when this game went off of it's rocker
  • I hear that people feel that they are not listened to and that they are tired of explaining their frustration. With that being said if we could bash each other just a tad less communication would be clearer. We know that Broadsword is focused on Endless Conquest. Moving to a free to play option enforces the idea that Endless Conquest is the way to go.

    It is clear that people want increased population. Aside from more people to play with, if you could have 3 changes, what would they be ? I'll wiggle my nose and see if the magic happens :)
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Realm Timer
    Upgrade on the Relics so that are actually worth keeping.
    Removal of Champ Heals, Sup Buff Pots, Buff Merchants. bring all classes back down to earth. Make is so you need to put buffs and heals in your groups to survive again. Everyone is buffed to the max all the time. 10 minute solo fights are fun once in a while not all the time.
    Post edited by Vanzblade on
  • Killing the bird server isn't going to bring back a whole lot of people. People went there for the changes they wanted and never got or the other way around. You may get some back, but it won't fix everything. Yes, killing that server will leave a lot of those players feeling sour towards BS/EA and DAoC in general.If you were to try to kill it, do so only after F2P is out for live.
  • edited February 2019 PM

    I've been playing this game since 2001 with a few breaks in between that lasted no more than two years. My last hiatus ended three years ago. Literally, I've watched the game evolve over time. It's leagues better now than what it was before.

    You can point out what's wrong with the game without bashing. Simply saying the Devs ruined it doesn't work. Explain how they've ruined it. Provide some context and be specific. Start polls if you're looking for consensus. There are long standing bugs. However, some have been around since the Mythic days and even since the game went Live. Why aren't these fixed still? Probably because they don't know how to without screwing something else up. I used to hear back in the day that Mythic was horrible at writing and noting their code for the game. Granted, that's hearsay but it wouldn't surprise me if that was part of the problem.

    I do agree that BS needs to be more active in the community and be transparent as to what they're working on. The vague "There's a lot in store for 2019" statement means nothing. EA owning the game may vary well be part of the problem as that company doesn't have a good reputation. All we can do is voice our concerns, respectfully, and vote with our feet by cancelling subs if issues are not addressed that we feel should be. If the game dies, it dies. The fact it has lasted this long boggles me but I'll take it.

    the problem is, you see a problem with an upcoming 'change', you have the opportunity to point out the flaw and are summarily ignored, it goes live and fails <much in the way it was pointed out it would> and is eventually changed <often not for the better> or left to fester -- now, rinse repeat and nothing much changes in direction or scope ---while I agree presentation is important, at some point you just have to wonder how are decisions actually made at this place and is change <for the better> a realistic goal.

    Post edited by Xyorman on
  • Sleepwell wrote: »
    Transparency ideas.

    1. Bug tracking system (i.e. Jordheim crash bug. - potential fix time vs the problem. "We don't know how to fix it" would be an acceptable answer, even though it would be unpopular. "Yup, we are working on it".. for 3 years, is not. (in my opinion at least)

    2. More active GM's/CSR's. 99% of my appeals are abandoned. Yes.. ultimately by me, but after 3 days, i figure its not gonna happen. I pay less for AAA roadside assistance and they get there within an hour :-). Not bashing, but a statement. If i do need to appeal.. i have that one friend who must have a CSR on speed dial. I will reach out to them and say , "hey ..i didnt get credit for this, or this just happened", 10 mins later i get a tell from a CSR. That's not an appeal system though.. thats the buddy system, and my buddy isnt always on.

    3. Open the ban list. This would reinforce some confidence that GM's/CSRs are actually monitoring appeals, the game, etc. Whats wrong with public shaming? Local papers do it to convicts all the time. Ever watch COPS?... bad boys bad boys... whatcha gonna do.....

    4. Act don't re-act. So many of the recent changes were brought about as a reaction to other circumstances.

    Just a few ideas... criticism is welcome, but please provide feedback. Im paid up for another month. Action is to a level now that re-upping isnt very high on my to do list.

    I agree with this 100%!! The only thing I would add to this would be working towards putting more things on the MTX shop and lowering the cost of monthly sub's. I think making it $10 a month to play paying for one month at a time would be a good start, and making it so its only $5 a month for a yearly subscription would be great. $15 a month for a 18+ year old game is too much. It's not that people can't afford $15 a month, but many gamers I know of would ask why they would pay $15 a month for a game that old. They would rather pay that $15 a month for a newer game.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Siambra wrote: »
    I hear that people feel that they are not listened to and that they are tired of explaining their frustration. With that being said if we could bash each other just a tad less communication would be clearer. We know that Broadsword is focused on Endless Conquest. Moving to a free to play option enforces the idea that Endless Conquest is the way to go.

    It is clear that people want increased population. Aside from more people to play with, if you could have 3 changes, what would they be ? I'll wiggle my nose and see if the magic happens :)

    1. Lower the cost. They need to increase the MTX shop and lower the sub price. It shouldn't cost more than $60 a year to play this game. It's 18 years old.
    2. FIX THE BUGS!!! Seriously, there are so many major and minor bugs in this game it is ridiculous. I know they are limited on resources, but instead of trying to come up with new content instead focus on fixing everything in the game. Again, it's an 18 year old game. No reason for it to have so many bugs on such an old game.
    3. Ban the cheaters and be public about it and add more in game CSR's. As @Sleepwell said, it takes WAY too long to get an answer when you make an /appeal in game. I shouldn't have to log into the forum and send @Carol_Broadsword a message or hop on discord to report an issue, or even worse, have to use a buddy that know's a CSR. There is an in game appeal system and there should always be somebody on and responding to the in game appeals. If I report a guy cheating I should at least get a response right away from somebody that says they will look into it. When I make an /appeal for anything I'm lucky if I hear back within 3-4 days, and then its usually a very generic email that says nothing.

    I would take those 3 things over some new PvE zone, or revamping of Frontiers, or even a ladder progression server and all 3 of those things would take way less resources. I'm not saying they can't focus on other things as well, but those 3 are the ones that effect me the most.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • RonELuvv wrote: »

    I agree with this 100%!! The only thing I would add to this would be working towards putting more things on the MTX shop and lowering the cost of monthly sub's. I think making it $10 a month to play paying for one month at a time would be a good start, and making it so its only $5 a month for a yearly subscription would be great. $15 a month for a 18+ year old game is too much. It's not that people can't afford $15 a month, but many gamers I know of would ask why they would pay $15 a month for a game that old. They would rather pay that $15 a month for a newer game.

    Dilly Dilly!! 100% Agree
  • I think price question need revisit after Endless Conquest goes live, hard to guess the income needed to run it properly before it's implementation. I don't mind 15 or 30 for the amount of fun I can get, but it will of course vary in every people how much they willing to pay for it.

    I would rather say only lower if it doesn't result even lower support then we currently have.
  • That may take a wait and see attitude. If subs fall drastically, then they won't be able to drop the price. Im sure there has to be a bottom line for overhead.
  • Rulother wrote: »
    Killing the bird server isn't going to bring back a whole lot of people. People went there for the changes they wanted and never got or the other way around. You may get some back, but it won't fix everything. Yes, killing that server will leave a lot of those players feeling sour towards BS/EA and DAoC in general.If you were to try to kill it, do so only after F2P is out for live.

    Thank you!
    Impounded - Warrior__________Gimpound - Champion
    Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
    Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator

    Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743

    >Daoc Videos<
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Gavner wrote: »
    I think price question need revisit after Endless Conquest goes live, hard to guess the income needed to run it properly before it's implementation. I don't mind 15 or 30 for the amount of fun I can get, but it will of course vary in every people how much they willing to pay for it.

    I would rather say only lower if it doesn't result even lower support then we currently have.

    I do agree that this will probably be looked at after f2p comes out and they see how it does. But I still say that $15 a month to play an 18+ year old game is a bit ridiculous.
    Sleepwell wrote: »
    That may take a wait and see attitude. If subs fall drastically, then they won't be able to drop the price. Im sure there has to be a bottom line for overhead.

    Agreed as well. Goes back to your statement about being pro-active instead of reactive. Now with the population so low it may not be feasible to do this.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • The age of the game has nothing to do with server costs, dev salaries, office and operation costs, etc. There will be a free to play option if we live to see it, but we can not change sub fees based on our feelings and perceptions, or the age of the game since it has nothing to do with cost running it. However we can all decide if it worth the cost for us to play or not.

    Countless newer mmos failed and closed over the years since daoc is around. Whatever be the total sum I spent on it, its probably paid off me more in memories then those.

    Anyway, I do understand what you saying, and you feel like the lowered amount would represent more of the worth for you, but that will always be subjective for everyone.

    We have to see how live goes after, and BS will decide based on those to make the most out of it I am sure.
  • Xyorman wrote: »
    the problem is, you see a problem with an upcoming 'change', you have the opportunity to point out the flaw and are summarily ignored, it goes live and fails <much in the way it was pointed out it would> and is eventually changed <often not for the better> or left to fester -- now, rinse repeat and nothing much changes in direction or scope ---while I agree presentation is important, at some point you just have to wonder how are decisions actually made at this place and is change <for the better> a realistic goal.

    Yup alot of people spent their extremely extremely precious IRL time and logged onto Pendragon. Made thread after thread after thread essentially begging 'them' @John_Broadsword not to let things like the stealther revamp/pet patches get unleashed onto Live.

    I wonder why everyone is kinda miffed...Do the math
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    [whining]Sad to see those loyal to Live offer suggestions on how to fix things and ...

    damn whining!

  • I have 5 cents to give that I think is very needed for everyone here. First of all Brut, stop bashing players just because you put more time into the game! I swear if BS started TV commercials and thousands of new players came, they would leave because you and MANY others would be strutting their crap and bashing people for not knowing things. Also about the topic of adding more CSR' much do they make a year? Let me just use $20k a year as an example because its not that much and CSR isn't that high of a position but imagine if you will...a game that makes barely enough to just keep the servers up (why we shouldnt decrease the monthly) you want to add atleast 5 full time CSR's because less than 5 wouldn't change anything...thats over $100k a year just on 5 employee's! I also saw on a comment above that this is such a old game, shouldnt be that bad to fix things...its that bad to fix things BECAUSE its such an old game. You try to update servers, programs or other tech to improve the game and the technology that is running this game is so old that you cant update it or else the legs would crumble apart and servers wouldnt be up anymore. I know a little about coding and my 14 year old niece knows more about coding than the employee's at Mythic did/does and thats why its so hard to fix anything, the code is so jumbled that you cant fix things that i see players mention EVERYDAY like cant increase 200p maximum, Jord crashing spot...stop asking because it cant be fixed...not that they arent getting to it, but because it cant. Also to what Xyorman said "if the game is fun, people will stay" actually many games have you installed because it was fun, you havent uninstalled it because you "might" want to play it one day, if you dont advertise and get a stream of new players, it will eventually die out like it is. Also the employee's at BS is doing a great job of responding to what they can, maybe because they cant afford to hire more, it seems like your going unheard...but Xyorman and Brut, its people like you that we got the crap updates on the classes, now your the ones complaining about them? you told them to give every class a heal, you told them to make things easier....THEY DID IT...and they need to give you a 1-2 year plan? shut the hell up and go play your game, let the big boys run their company, no company is going to come to even their small time employee's saying this is what is gonna happen, especially their customers. this is my 5 cents, i know the grammar is FAR from good because i dont like to concentrate on that unless im at work, so yeah :) much love to BS, thank you for all you do
  • Lemme just add before someone tried to "they can fix it because this kind of coding is like with this blah blah blah" okay so obviously I dont work there so i cant just look at the coding myself and determine if it can be fixed or not BUT i do have enough faith in the employees that work this game that if it could be fixed, it would have been those 18 year old bugs? maybe instead of keep asking or complaining about them not being fixed, you open your mind and try to imagine...can it be fixed? maybe it hasnt because it cant be? hmmmm also i understand not a lot of you know what its like to run a business so some of the comments i hear i just wave but geez...some of that stuff you gotta really try to come up with stuff like think a f2p model will fix anything? all its gonna do is make it worse, sure go ahead...ill still be playing, but your in no way advertising or getting the name of this game out there so no new players are gonna be showing up....only reason you MIGHT see a newer player here or there is because the original creators are making their new game and people wonder what their resume is like
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