Exploit or not... I genuinely need confirmation.
So, game mechanics are designed to make you move slower when heavily damaged. However, as many of us know, side stepping (strafing) ignores this speed penalty and allows you to move at full speed + sprint. It is used fairly regularly to escape death these days.
Is this intended and if not is it an exploit to use an unintended bug (For lack of a better word) to your advantage?
FYI I am not talking about in combat staging to land positional styles.
Is this intended and if not is it an exploit to use an unintended bug (For lack of a better word) to your advantage?
FYI I am not talking about in combat staging to land positional styles.
is it like the old sprinting backwards in the water
Sub does not protest.
As for Strafe when low HP. It's not a hard concept to grasp and anyone can do it VERY easily. Use it yourself to get out of a bad situation. It's not breaking ToS or an exploit. Just a use of game mechanics. Poor ones if I say so myself but nothing illegal.
Strafing although it seems hard it just takes a little practice. "Stick a Buffbot or a friend to you in a duel and learn to strafe around/through them and land side/back styles. Once you get that down go and master it on players in NF. Takes a day or two to get it down.
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
The reason why run through exists is actually very simple and has its origins in a problem that existed in a number of other games such as Helbreath: lack of run through created opportunities for players to block each other.
Using Helbreath as an example, say you wanted to block an area that was accessible through a narrow passageway. You'd just stand there and other players couldn't pass through you. DAoC solved that issue with run through. It created other issues but it solved a major one.