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Good ole days @Siambra
@Shoke i have no clue, and i have no clue at all why people making assumptions that will be a new server at all.
TOA!!!! I am not sure why people don’t cant play the game if there are toa...bunch of morons i guess.
They wont lol and it only get worse.
The game allowed him to catapult inside the keep and then got him banned? LOL funny as about all the other players who been cheating all the time are they getting banned also? Wow , kinda silly tbh all they had to was stop the catapult ev…
What server? There’s hasn’t even a hot fix lately.....what server? LOL
Lol Solic their patch doesnt have anything to do with Covid has with your wallet if you whiling to pay them. Otherwise friend , keep waiting and waiting. Glad i closed all my accounts. Plus they dont even say nada to the customers if “hello…
Yep EC shoulda been fixed months ago....what are they waiting for? That is really frustrating.
They def need to fix EC, if folks can have access to their own house/guild that would be a lot more people playing. And then quit the restriction, people who are EC now, paid for their account for years. My 2c. I logged on yesterday and there was on…
I would love to see OF back , would be hella fun massive fights in between gates.
Towers not gonna make any difference , what would make any difference to keep attracting people back is a change into the EC. But i guess we have to wait on that a little bit more.
Lots of action lately....and welcome back.
So sorry to hear, another daoc player gone my prayers goes out to his family at this difficult time
Great patch @ Carol
All the best Sleepy.
Implement 1hr realm timer and you have realm pride right there. My 2cents. Done with this for now anyways. When Publix gets very expensive and not worth my money i go to Walmart. ;p
Also 10s delay on region chat is not cool at all. EC in my understanding should have at least a vault account that they could share through all their toons, since vault keeper inst enough. Remove the restrictions and let people use all the classes l…
Yes, his doing that everyday now. He did on my wizard yesterday and on my theurgist, is really frustrating to see a realm mate doing sucha thing and yet BS doesnt fix this crap. Is another thing that will turn people way if they don’t listen to the…
Players here has become so damn rude about everything, seriously did you have to open thread about folks that is not even playing this game anymore ? Would you like someone stabbing you in the back? Wondering how would you feel about it.
Macro inst allowed in rvr zone for years now, so if you see someone macroing in rvr zones, screenshot and send to Carol i am sure she will take care of it.
Yep @Shoke but they did anyways, and i told them from the are going to screw the existing players by doing this kinda thing. Having us buy Mithril to lvl a cloak is beyond me. So i am giving up, pop is getting low every time i log …
Remove the god damn 10s delay in region. What’s up with that? Is more stuff BS looking to break that inst broke? I really dont see why the delay, very annoying.
There you go @Tyrantanic at least someone with brain about this whole EC situation. I really don't see why EC cant a hold of their toons they had work hard for years and years. And for those who are returning players cant even create a stealther if …
I think it’s pretty silly if you ask, is not like we are in a freeshard and they have to actually put people in slow mode? C’mon this has gotten way too far. And no explanation why as always.
Take care Ron. Good Luck in whatever in you doing. Peace.
Finally someone with a brain in this board. I am all for fixing the keeps please.
I am very sorry. Always sad when someone especially DAOC player dies. I did love to see so many people for his funeral.
Awesome news BS , finally realm timers!!! Hope all those left will come back
Realm timer 1hr at least and you will see at least the pop climb back up. I still have my bot account open for now.
Yep stay on topic @Fatboi!!!
Don’t get me wrong but $15 is a lot for a lot damn bugs, and bugs that’s hasn’t event looked at it for months, no matter how many times we players have asked. Crashing in Jordheim for over a month is just silly.
@Fateboi, I am in the topic as everyone else here in this post. You are totally lost or look that way. No one asked you to go make an acct in there to make sure of things kiddo. TC
@Solicfear , very sad. But you said it all. I cant express how sad I feel seeing a game I been playing since it came out going the way it is.
Sorry Beetle I have to disagree. DAOC is not only focused around rvr was never and will never be, part of that is because all the raids mentioned is fun and people miss that. PVE/RVR is what daoc is about.
@Vrisslar you said everything what DAOC actually used to be and people actually enjoyed, ML raids, df raids, dragon raids, all the other raids you have mentioned is what daoc is about. Everything has become so easy that folks don't even remember wha…
Yeah me2 Beetle
Yay!!! GK returns!!!!! that should be a lotta action in nf
The merchants been missing and why?
LOL omg soooo damn cute hahaha
Don't know some weird fella lol.
I see Hue, changed his name just to cursing on the forums huh? Poor kid.
No macro in rvr zone, it hasn't been allowed for a long time now. I am not sure what is the issue understanding that.
Happy New Year Carol, have fun and congrats to your brother!!!!
I have to agree with you Beetle, but i am still think the realm timer at least 30mins would solve that hop, hop problem.
30mins timer will do it imo.
LOL ikr little luri's cause they are cute!! @Keltorius. The other day I did blow you a kiss on my rm Happy 2019.
@Daelin, totally agreed with you.
Merry Christmas everyone!!! Hope you all have a safe and fun holiday.
Happy Holidays Everyone!!! Have a wonderful time Drive safe!!!