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  • The former More on styles, from the 02/19/2021 grab bag (https://darkageofcamelot.com/article/friday-grab-bag-02192021): Regarding Combat style bonuses… My understanding is that there are 4 tiers of modifier (none/low/medium/high)worth (0/5…
  • I'd say it depends on if your smallman includes a reliable healer, a heal proc (from either cleric, friar, bard or aug healer) and wether your class has a useful class cloak for grouping or not. Solo temps often run OW cloak for the SoM charge wh…
  • RPGrandPa wrote: » Questions 1) Templates: Do we have a place online to find premade templates we can use? 2) I remember seeing something about skins for armors and weapons you could do. I wanna say you bought Mithril off the website for $$? I…
  • You used to be able to call for your mount, and while waiting for it you could cast spells or speed of the hunt throughout the mounting 'animation', even throughout its completion. Now if you are casting a spell at the same time as the mounting proc…
  • Carol_Broadsword wrote: » Yes, these bonuses of either resist piercing OR conversion should add up to 5% on all class curse sets. The Minstrel’s set is being adjusted in 1.127! If this is the case then please have a look at the Spiritmaster…
  • if you're looking for information on how the class itself functions, what tools it has available and some general gameplay tips then this guide should cover most of it:
  • I am of the impression that keeps are too hard to take and an uninteresting endevour to undertake in general even for the zergs that no one really likes to do. Now, this sounds strange given a certain cow and how easily he paints the map green on th…
  • chanter cloak works on pure single target direct damage nukes and nothing else. Spells like the mana eld 179 dd/snare or light chanter 209/10% debuff are double component spells and do not work, a light chanter that wants to utilize this has to s…
    in RA question Comment by Flik January 2020
  • if you're killing the mobs with bombers (they count as pets) or your controlled pet it's possible only your animist will get credit because pets getting the deathblow on mobs will in many cases only award credit to the pet owner and not his group (a…
  • 3) the knight program we had for many years but which was scrapped in recent times was basically this, at least closely related to it. Said program seemed to have a lot of (strong) mixed feelings about it, but overall I got the impression that th…
  • I don't buy the argument that nerfing stealthers makes them group more the same stealth zergs are still around now as when the first iteration of the stealth patch hit and sins were godmode, didn't make them split up and go solo/smallman back the…
  • that allakhazam loot list isn't correct/updated. he drops the standard dragon items and a few exclusive items which you can't get from the scale merchant, e.g. the diamond spiked gauntlets in your screenshot. other unique items he drops: http…
  • @Thjo Your "spirit of the game" argument makes sense if you consider how the game originally was back in 2001. At that time you stuck to one realm as you really had no other option other than play another server where you'd pick another realm to sti…
  • Carol_Broadsword wrote: » How will EC work regarding multiple accounts/multiboxing? Can I run a macro-team? No, Endless Conquest accounts are not permitted to multibox/macro-group in PvE or RvR. Further, one Endless Conquest account is able to …
  • Running 7x3 buff icons is a more or less known way of "fixing" things like right-click crashes or many random crashes in general. Make sure to uncheck the 'oldest first' box next to the options. It works for me and for everyone I know that have t…
  • @Fateboi I'm confused. Are you saying that through your observations you've come to the conclusion that "IRC" likes to stick the biggest zerg and run laps around the island with them chasing lesser numbers? If so I believe you have "IRC" confused wi…
  • Why exactly is anything more than 15 minutes necessary? People say that they think it is needed but neglect to provide any reasoning for why they think so. For people that swap realms 15 minutes is quite the wrench thrown in the works, but (hopefull…
  • When people can view a video of perfectly normal gameplay and believe, nay, be utterly convinced, that cheating is occuring that explains a lot to me regarding the "rampant cheating" that is going on and Broadsword needs to get on top of according t…
  • There never was any official statement regarding the length of realm timers from Broadsword as far as I know, until now. Rather, that number was commonly hypothesized in the discussions amongst the players, where the anti-timer faction would labe…
  • Ciddire wrote: » 1) This comment was made during the time macro software was banned and radar was rampant. Neither of these are issues anymore (radar hasn't been functional for awhile now) and macro tools are legal use under specific conditions.…
  • Would prefer this over timers that's for sure
  • It is true none of us know what the future may hold. We do however already know with absolute certainty that no matter what the outcome is it doesn't change the fact that realm timers will be an inconvenience for some of the playerbase who likes to …
  • Having population dramatically increased by EC is an optimistic view point, one that we all hope for, but an optimistic one none the less, one there is no guarantee for. Telling us to quit crying and wait is basically handwaving peoples legitimat…
  • Impounded wrote: » xuu wrote: » lol this is the end of the world for 8mans.... I can confidently say that as playing in an 8man every single night. I know what the action is. You do not and cannot understand the implications because you are not …
  • Great post @Waffles especially this part: Waffles wrote: » The biggest issue is you’re taking feedback and votes from a bunch people who have little understanding of game balance and all they want is what they believe will benefit them the most …
  • How about if you want realm pride you work towards inspiring that feeling in people, instead of force it?
  • Not to mention, even if you do wait 30 minutes to try and find better action, there is no guarantee that you actually will. Even the 5 minutes it takes us to swap and get back out right now the action can change (happens more often than not). Becaus…
  • Thank you for the time and effort you've put into this project. The chimp feature as well as having a place where up-to-date templates can be found has been greatly appreciated. Many a returning player have been refered to it, and it always warrants…
  • If you die to any mob that is considered a realm guard it will count as a pvp death. Such a death may not even show up in your /stats for the session, but even so it'll be added to your characters overall death count.
  • I'm with @Tyrantanic on this one. Having zerged a decent amount myself tagging alongside Rescu this last month I've payed attention to the change in the /bg numbers when a) a keep take (in hib mostly) is attempted and b) when the alb zerg whiped …
  • Gogol wrote: » Substrate wrote: » Flik wrote: » Getting there eventually Flik: poor hero: lol /clap And your global /play? idk that's a lot of toons to go through and check man Most of those rps were made in the last 2-…
  • You know people where making many of the same 'classic server rocks' arguments two years ago when that other server launched and its initial showing of large amounts of players clearly displayed it as the superior game type. How's that server doi…
  • Xyorman wrote: » Flik wrote: » Calm down @Areir , all I've done is correctly point out that my preferred playstyle would only end up suffering if a timer were to be implemented, I merely want that to be taken into consideration when weighing the…
  • Seemingly not a bad idea for general purposes, but a realms over/underpopulation doesn't necessarily indicate the quality of its roaming 8man action. For instance it's common that hib has a huge bonus US time because mid and alb zergs are out, but h…
  • wasting time playing the game, not twiddling your thumbs while waiting to do so.
  • We'd be more inclined to stay on a worse realm action wise as opposed to wasting time, resulting in a worse playing experience, or log off early if at the end of the prime time. Again, it'd be manageable, but for my playstyle it's only cons with …
  • Calm down @Areir , all I've done is correctly point out that my preferred playstyle would only end up suffering if a timer were to be implemented, I merely want that to be taken into consideration when weighing the options.
  • Areir wrote: » A realm timer would prevent Alb, Mids and Hib from jumping to defend a relic insantaneously, Would that really have any impact on your 8v8? A timer would hinder our efforts of balancing the realms for better action, either denyin…
  • Areir wrote: » It's not about your 8 man Flik, it's all about the what the game was designed for and that is Realm vs. Realm...when your bg drops by 15% when you attempt a relic take shows it all. A realm timer is needed. Not only my 8man, many…
  • Impounded wrote: » Flik wrote: » I see the problem for the battlegroups, but if a player feels the need to swap a realm but is unable to, isn't the player with that mindset more likely to just log off rather than keep losing? One could ask thems…
  • My group usually looks to switch realm to the one with the fewest 8-mans running in order to get the most action, sometimes multiple times per night as groups split and new ones join the fray. Being unable to do this or having to wait 15-30 minut…
  • Amp_Phetamine wrote: » I appreciate your input @Flik and I agree with you but I counter on this... valewalkers were amazing 1v1, right? Yet they were upgraded to make them more desirable for groups. Why can't that be the case for the Armsman then …
  • I'm personally very much against any kind of tweaking that affects heavy tanks, unless it means to nerf them. It seems most of the complaints stems from them not being as strong for soloing as they once were. While I agree that is the case it is …
  • ^pretty much this While the mezz has been initiated and then 'loaded' you may use any of your insta abilities including crescendo and even re-charming your pet (assuming you use the pulse charm) but you can't cast anything like demezz or it'll br…
  • Issue with putting actual high-end items on the mithril merchant (or worse, a %chance to get high-end items) like the new cursed gloves or the sets is broadsword will immediately get called out for intentionally making things too difficult for the c…
  • You will get the items original skin, in this case OW mighty eyes.
  • rest assured my friend, the stealther eradication project is underway