Pendragon Patch 1.125A

Patch 1.125A is now up on the Pendragon test server!

Click here to check out the full patch notes and please keep the feedback coming to help us continue improving this 1.125 update.

Important Note:
We highly suggest duplicating your game directory and using the duplicate copy as a Pendragon-only game directory *before* patching and testing on Pendragon.

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DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games


  • Minstrel change seems fair enough like the idea of ichor on a mini.
    A tic having st sounds a good choice if your gonna give it anyone Shame they lost ichor but hey I’m sure tic players out there will be better qualified to say whether it’s a thumbs up.
    Like the cabby rear stun and taunt just what I’m looking for in a group set I’m planning no complaints guys sounds like your listening.
  • edited October 2018 PM
    Summing up my feelings about this:
    Trade-ability: I am happy some concerns was heard, but still too much plat in the system, very high bp cost to make, so it's impossible how the market will "price" these items - as it will bring less raids too -, if they stay at same place, this feature may end up more or less help very minority of people. Still, it's a nice direction taken, really glad for it, hope prices be lowered a bit too. Early thumbs up.
    Proc and /use adjusment: Great direction, can argue about the right "maximum", still, really happy for this.
    BP Store changes: Speed feels overpriced for the quality of life it has effect on small man / solo players. Most classes that solo / small man tend to earn much less BPs, wouldn't punish them for some QoL improvement, yet, glad for lowering it.
    Spellcraft Quality of Life improvement: Well, of course its nice, happy for it.

    Last but not least,
    Class Balance update: Seems like Albion having +1 ST is a goal, despite having the most DI classes too already. I would argue against it. This patch so far really trying to help albion, and punish midgard so far, but I don't see what's the reasoning behind (Mid remain 1 ST). However, regardless of reasons, thats just how I personally feel. I would really love some comments from @Broadsword every time they make some balance change, not just get the changed data. This would help us to see the why's behind the changes, regardless it being wrong or right directions. Does Albion feel week recently?

    Same goes for mentioned in pervious topic, Lifetap is definitely powerful, so is SM Warrior pet. However I wouldn't nerf LT dmg value because of having the pet. Still could argue that many other casters have other strong toys what can remain unchanged. Sorcs of course been hell strong forever, looking at options, wont even list the toys there are. Cabalists got love too recently, so do Wizards. If the issue is the warrior pet, I dont see a reason to make it have the lowest dmg value spec LT, nerf the pet accordingly, not the LT dmg value, the issue won't change, but only in scenarios where it doesnt matter. When straight dmg needed, the Lifetap's value matters, not its utility. The problems is with its utility where value doesn't matter, so this change doesn't makes sense, change the issue, not the ability that takes part, so the class won't suffers loss where it never shined (Straight up dps).

    Overall: Any changes can be made before this hits live, but many changes already positive, will see how this will end up. Keep up the good work!
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • The other realms have CHAIN wearing ST classes.

    Albion has a healer (in leather) and now a cloth hybrid who gets ST.
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • edited October 2018 PM
    You gave ST to another healer class? Well at least there are plenty of tics in Alb to use this. Still waiting on changes to necros (no nerf) and vamps (nerf)

    The cost reductions to bps are nice, same with the changes to heal procs.
    Post edited by Rulother on
  • ST is instant, that cloth is 30% ABS and +360 AF or more, and so far math goes 2>1. We could argue if it's necessary for alb to have 2 ST classes or not, but I don't see that the reason is where you mentioned. Same goes with having the most DI classes.
  • Yep good point nate and to answer your question gavner yeh I think average alb players not leet players have felt left behind in recent patches.
    People felt tics were nerfed necros have been nerfed to much and the other realms seemed to get a lot more.
    I think this patch brings a little bit more utility to Albion.
    Still not all rosy in the garden but it’s a start
  • Tics will be over the top now. Increased snare alone is gonna be crazy in zergs, add in st and ugh. Better than minstrel. Still not optimal. Pally was my probably a better choice and would solve Nate’s unsubstantiated claim that armor type matters with st classes.
  • edited October 2018 PM
    12 tics got over 100k last week, compared to 32 minstrels. Let's keep an eye on that balance now we know what's going to happen with ST. Happy with the change. Pally would have also been fine.
    Post edited by Auberne on
  • @Carol_Broadsword Appreciate the viper boost but at viper 5 with 10% spell pierce and 6 spell damage using lifebane it tics for 116 damage on a player with full body resists + cl buffs.

    For what it takes to get 50 envenom, making a 10% spell pierce Template and invest 34 ra points the ROI is better than before but still lacking.

    I would suggest reverting it to old levels of viper which were:

    + Rank 1: 25%
    + Rank 2: 35%
    + Rank 3: 50%
    + Rank 4: 75%
    + Rank 5: 100%
  • My suggestion regarding static tempest still stands. Remove it from Mentalists and Friars. Give it to Paladins. Then, you have one ST in each realm on non-charge hybrids.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Would just like to point out to everyone that is always saying how BS never listens to the community that almost all of these changes were in direct response to the communities complaints. I'm not saying they always listen, but you have to give them props on these changes.
  • Also, Inconnu Theurgist, please.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Natebruner wrote: »
    The other realms have CHAIN wearing ST classes.

    Albion has a healer (in leather) and now a cloth hybrid who gets ST.

    Don't worry Nate, I'm sure your superior tactics (cough #'s) will overcome this problem.
  • My suggestion regarding static tempest still stands. Remove it from Mentalists and Friars. Give it to Paladins. Then, you have one ST in each realm on non-charge hybrids.

    This really makes the most amount of sense to me as well. That or give it to another mid class, that part honestly puzzles me.
  • Rulother wrote: »

    This really makes the most amount of sense to me as well. That or give it to another mid class, that part honestly puzzles me.
    Parity, perish the thought....
  • I meant to say that Mids should get another class with it
  • I also agree that Mid should get another ST class if they are going to go live with a second ST class on Alb. However, I still feel my suggestion is the best compromise.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • 5l5 already

    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • JFC broadsword, why not rename this patch the Alb loven/other realm screwing patch? So the Hybrid class with the highest AF and ABS (after patch) now gets ST on top of a BAOD and Tic RR5 (and I have a RR8 tic btw). You nerf Thanes chain lightning. Let me remind you Mids dont have a third wall climber and only 1 ST class. But ****, lets give Albs whatever they ask for.
  • Tanky wrote: »
    JFC broadsword, why not rename this patch the Alb loven/other realm screwing patch? So the Hybrid class with the highest AF and ABS (after patch) now gets ST on top of a BAOD and Tic RR5 (and I have a RR8 tic btw). You nerf Thanes chain lightning. Let me remind you Mids dont have a third wall climber and only 1 ST class. But ****, lets give Albs whatever they ask for.

    I forgot about the lack of a third wall climber. Give this to Savages. Climb wall should be baseline, including for Minstrels.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -

  • I forgot about the lack of a third wall climber. Give this to Savages. Climb wall should be baseline, including for Minstrels.

    If minstrels get baseline wall climb, which I'm fine with, then stealth should be removed as well. Would help SOME of the alb stealth groups.
  • Also, Inconnu Theurgist, please.

    Necessary bump ^
  • edited October 2018 PM
    NM it doesn't matter
    Post edited by Tanky on
  • Tanky wrote: »

    Let me ask this...why do Albs have to have the most of everything? 3 wall climbers (yes hib to), 2DI classes, soon to be 2 ST classes, I mean come on Broadsword, enough is enough.

    This is why I advocate for an even playing field. I am totally fine with each realm having unique abilities. However, I am not okay with cross realm abilities being unevenly distributed.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Also, Inconnu Theurgist, please.

    **Cough** - koby thanes **cough**
  • Some people just whine about everything.
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Kinda funny hearing mids and hibs whining when you guys have been totally indulged last couple of patches.
    Free charge for light tanks and giving healers speed plus the skald buff rediculous shaman healing buffs plus the stupid damage shield made Midgard a very strong high utility realm.
    Spirit masters are just insane classes to play bonedancers also had the love stick.
    Now you get thanes who also got love
    In fact everything in mid got some form of love.
    Then you got hib with the stupid enchanter melee buff coupled with the overpowered champion love the Druid love the animist love and the valewalker love and don’t even mention what they did to vamps I mean seriously a vamp with a pet.
    Now look at alb you nerf our main interupter class you nerf our necro and because we get a second st it’s the end of the world jeez give me a break.
    Where was the help for group reavers
    I’ve played all three realms since these patches came out and the other 2 realms are far the easiest to play if anything there should have been a serious nerf to vamps no need for that pet whatsoever plus a timer on claw.
    Ok I’m done now lol wall climb for savage seriously nearly spat my cornflakes out.
  • When it comes to realm abilities between the three realms DI,ST,Climb Walls they should be equal between the realms 100%.

    When it comes to class abilities and utility it should be differences in my opinion.
  • Brut wrote: »
    Kinda funny hearing mids and hibs whining when you guys have been totally indulged last couple of patches.
    Free charge for light tanks and giving healers speed plus the skald buff rediculous shaman healing buffs plus the stupid damage shield made Midgard a very strong high utility realm.
    Spirit masters are just insane classes to play bonedancers also had the love stick.
    Now you get thanes who also got love
    In fact everything in mid got some form of love.
    Then you got hib with the stupid enchanter melee buff coupled with the overpowered champion love the Druid love the animist love and the valewalker love and don’t even mention what they did to vamps I mean seriously a vamp with a pet.
    Now look at alb you nerf our main interupter class you nerf our necro and because we get a second st it’s the end of the world jeez give me a break.
    Where was the help for group reavers
    I’ve played all three realms since these patches came out and the other 2 realms are far the easiest to play if anything there should have been a serious nerf to vamps no need for that pet whatsoever plus a timer on claw.
    Ok I’m done now lol wall climb for savage seriously nearly spat my cornflakes out.

    So much bias I don't know what to say. There is a reason you have been called out before when you talk about Albion.

    /facepalm @ Brut.
  • edited October 2018 PM
    Everyone has some bias toward their most loved realm which is totally understandable.

    For myself, I mostly play Hib/Mid these days (BM/Chant/War/SM), but have a Paladin, Merc mains on Alb too, which I play less these days after Albion population got higher. Although this Bias might not mean that certain people wrong on something, it may also come from experience time to time. My BM, Merc getting nerf I can't complain, light tanks in general feel very strong indeed. My issue with SM nerf also isn't about the nerf itself, but the way it's executed - Punishing areas where it had never issue (DPS), less punish in areas where it's been strong (Intercept Pet vs Melee)-

    Although none, including myself can be 100% accurate, and reasonably non biased, neither developers can always get things right.

    That's why some kind of Developer Insights from @Carol_Broadsword @Broadsword would be nice to have for us to understand reasons behind these changes to avoid guessing whats behind them. Many changes most of us welcomed, but some are critiqued, what can come into my mind:

    - Most discussed is ST changes. Albion cherish it, but the number of level 50 Thanes compared to Champs+Ments, and Friars+Heretics online most of times doesn't compare well, and Albion already have the highest amount of DI chars.
    - Some don't like the stealthers power level at the moment, but of course stealthers don't like nerfs, divisive topic.
    - Necros critique if they further nerf is needed. As I don't have any, I can't comment on this, however some of my casters died from aoe dot alone once or twice hehe.
    - Regarding the SM nerfs, whats already mentioned, the execution of it. Why can Cabalists keep their higher value (lower specced) lifetap?
    - Some miss Vamp adjustment compared to other toons nerfs.

    Overall the Team been very responsive with the community recently, which is great, and for that I too am grateful. :)
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • It's post's like that from Brut that hold this game back and derail genuine discussion.
  • edited October 2018 PM
    Nice changes and a step in the right direction, just a few things i do not personally like or understand.

    1. @Carol_Broadsword Any chance you could give a clue about the reason to nerf the Spiritmaster Lifetab while at the same time letting Cabalist keep theirs ? Cabalist with 45 body and some matter get both nearsight and AoE disease, it just seem more powerful then anything Spiritmaster can do with a Dark spec.

    2. Why was Cabalist as the only original pet caster given taunt on a pet again but nothing was given to Spiritmaster and Enchanter ? ( Unless i ofc missed something in the patch notes. )

    3. Heretic with high AF + ABS + access to AoE snare nukes + access to Physical defense RA + access to DI and so, is this really a smart move to put ST on this class ? Wasnt it better to remove 1 ST from Hibernia so each realm have 1 ST each ? or maybe just remove ST from the game, cause honestly a 5 RA point ability that removes stun imunity and spams AoE stun seem kind of silly to me.

    4. Heal procs i would personally have loved if they had all been decreased to 120, if they are going to keep current setup atleast remove heal bonus effect from them.
    /use % based heals both HoT and the cursed gloves i wish you would have nerfed more or changed to something else that would be less powerful.
    Currently any class using 1 Handed melee combat seem useless, unless they got some DD proc attached to the style, as most 1H damage cant keep up with heal procs

    5. Bountypoint crafting being tradeable and 100% craft is nice, however i really doubt it will help returning or new players much, Cursed dont happend often and i really doubt enough people will be crafting an selling thise BP items enough to drive the plat prices down, so returning and new players are still looking at farming a plat mountain or in crap gear fighting players alot stronger then them in both RR and items for months to craft items them self.
    @Carol_Broadsword something was still in progress aimed at a later patch right ? :)

    Edit: Fixed some typos and other errors, oh dear.
    Post edited by Vrisslar on
  • cool looks like all love for the alb realm once again, im guessing the employees play alb , pretty obvious
    AlbionExiles (Warden) | AlbionExecutioner (Champion) | AlbionExile (Bainshee)
  • Please refrain from calling this an alb love patch as you could be accused of bias and you may be called out whatever that means in your abomination of the queens english.
    Great patch broadsword keep that alb love coming.
  • Brut wrote: »
    Please refrain from calling this an alb love patch as you could be accused of bias and you may be called out whatever that means in your abomination of the queens english.
    Great patch broadsword keep that alb love coming.

    Aside from the tic buff + ST, I wouldn't call this an alb loving patch. The nerf to Friars, Clerics and Necros...

  • Gavner wrote: »
    Summing up my feelings about this:
    Trade-ability: I am happy some concerns was heard, but still too much plat in the system, very high bp cost to make, so it's impossible how the market will "price" these items - as it will bring less raids too -, if they stay at same place, this feature may end up more or less help very minority of people. Still, it's a nice direction taken, really glad for it, hope prices be lowered a bit too. Early thumbs up.
    Proc and /use adjusment: Great direction, can argue about the right "maximum", still, really happy for this.
    BP Store changes: Speed feels overpriced for the quality of life it has effect on small man / solo players. Most classes that solo / small man tend to earn much less BPs, wouldn't punish them for some QoL improvement, yet, glad for lowering it.
    Spellcraft Quality of Life improvement: Well, of course its nice, happy for it.

    Last but not least,
    Class Balance update: Seems like Albion having +1 ST is a goal, despite having the most DI classes too already. I would argue against it. This patch so far really trying to help albion, and punish midgard so far, but I don't see what's the reasoning behind (Mid remain 1 ST). However, regardless of reasons, thats just how I personally feel. I would really love some comments from @Broadsword every time they make some balance change, not just get the changed data. This would help us to see the why's behind the changes, regardless it being wrong or right directions. Does Albion feel week recently?

    Same goes for mentioned in pervious topic, Lifetap is definitely powerful, so is SM Warrior pet. However I wouldn't nerf LT dmg value because of having the pet. Still could argue that many other casters have other strong toys what can remain unchanged. Sorcs of course been hell strong forever, looking at options, wont even list the toys there are. Cabalists got love too recently, so do Wizards. If the issue is the warrior pet, I dont see a reason to make it have the lowest dmg value spec LT, nerf the pet accordingly, not the LT dmg value, the issue won't change, but only in scenarios where it doesnt matter. When straight dmg needed, the Lifetap's value matters, not its utility. The problems is with its utility where value doesn't matter, so this change doesn't makes sense, change the issue, not the ability that takes part, so the class won't suffers loss where it never shined (Straight up dps).

    Overall: Any changes can be made before this hits live, but many changes already positive, will see how this will end up. Keep up the good work!

    Your post started out nice, then devolved into a "My realm isn't getting buffed enough compared to the others <insert paragraph of unfairness and how underpowered your realm is here>"
  • Auberne wrote: »
    It's post's like that from Brut that hold this game back and derail genuine discussion.

    Sort of like the, "healer needs melee" thread.
  • I like the adaptions in 1.125A mostly. I still think ST shouldn't go to Minstrel but also not to Tic (because of the way unbreakable snare + ST to reset shield stun works). I rather see it on paladin or better not added at all.

    Further I still would like to see a way to craft bp items with currency or currency ingredients that can be gained by solo/small man PvE (mainland/SI quests) to help out true new player or returning players that do not have enough bps. Currently it's nice that you can replace your items of your first characters with BP items and then trade your original items to your alt. But to gain the first set of equipment, so that you can actually go into pvp competitively is still rather hard to achieve.

  • hmm Yeh funny that forgot that totally unbiased mid healer melee thread
  • Adeera wrote: »
    I like the adaptions in 1.125A mostly. I still think ST shouldn't go to Minstrel but also not to Tic (because of the way unbreakable snare + ST to reset shield stun works). I rather see it on paladin or better not added at all.

    Further I still would like to see a way to craft bp items with currency or currency ingredients that can be gained by solo/small man PvE (mainland/SI quests) to help out true new player or returning players that do not have enough bps. Currently it's nice that you can replace your items of your first characters with BP items and then trade your original items to your alt. But to gain the first set of equipment, so that you can actually go into pvp competitively is still rather hard to achieve.

    If anything further is to be done regarding bountycraft it should be limited to slight reductions in the bounty point cost. Allowing the gear to be traded will be significantly beneficial, plus, running the PvE content for the items would still be the fastest way to obtain it.

    Bountycraft wasn't designed for brand new players to take advantage of (that's the purpose of the PvE campaign), it was designed to give vet players an alternative option to obtain gear outside of running PvE campaigns.
  • This is starting to sound like we are at Burger King.
    Your way right away !

    I'll have a double meat cheeseburger with mayo & cheese. Please put the pickles on the side.
    Toast the bread plz and a large order of fries. Umm and a large diet pepsi . Thanks!
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Natebruner wrote: »
    This is starting to sound like we are at Burger King.
    Your way right away !

    I'll have a double meat cheeseburger with mayo & cheese. Please put the pickles on the side.
    Toast the bread plz and a large order of fries. Umm and a large diet pepsi . Thanks!


    The days of 1.124 are gone and forgotten when bonedancers were face raping everything in sight. A few people properly address concerns with changes and suggest alternatives. The rest simply throw out crying posts about why class X is getting Y and their class is garbage in comparison with no actual consideration to why these changes were needed in the first place.
  • edited October 2018 PM
    "My realm isn't getting buffed enough compared to the others <insert paragraph of unfairness and how underpowered your realm is here>"

    This generalization could be used to any player suggesting anything really.

    Apart from questions I had in my newer post, me personally had 2 balance change critique all together out from the whole patch. I have a Merc, BM, Savage, Zerker, all them get weaker Reflex Attack, no complains, light tanks definitely strong, they recently got free charges, they still be very powerful after. I personally had issue with 1 class change, and 1 realm ability for a realm out of whole balance side of the patch. That isn't much compared to all the changes classes get in various realms I would say. Even regarding the 1 class nerf, only a minor part where I see problem at with the EXECUTION (not the reason behind the nerfs necessity), I can not critique the warrior pet's nerf, as it has a fair argument. Regarding the ST changes ATM Alb have 1 ST class, Hib have 2 ST class, Mid 1 ST class. Seeing 2-2-1 distribution on a very powerful RA is suddenly fair now, and anyone voicing this is unreasonable, okay.

    Here it seems like voicing any opinion is a personal attack on Albion, lol. I said 0 things outside the ST against the other Tic buffs, or Wiz rr5 buff. I even said that some Necros complained they don't need further nerfs, however since I do not have a Necromancer, but have various other toons, I said I cant comment on that on a personal experience. I think that's fair enough. What's more, I could suggest many OP toons, from all 3 realms, but I can only comment on what's actually planned to change.

    There's many changes in the patch that most of us cherished, and overall nice in this patch. Just because you crave for that ST - some would even reroll for it -, don't accuse everyone else for being nonsense. To be a little satiric, in Nate's own accounts, they already destroy every other realm, so whats the problem? Don't like competition? ;)
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Druid need more toy . Now with all Cl selbuff unshearable they really need something news like disease or something , shaman are op if you compare versus Druid .
  • Sovereign wrote: »

    Sort of like the, "healer needs melee" thread.


  • Xyorman wrote: »


    But not inaccurate.
  • Sovereign wrote: »
    Sort of like the, "healer needs melee" thread.

    What thread was this.

  • Sovereign wrote: »

    But not inaccurate.

    Wildly inaccurate -- ranters hjacking a thread don't make them accurate or even correct.....whiners whine

  • Gavner wrote: »
    "My realm isn't getting buffed enough compared to the others <insert paragraph of unfairness and how underpowered your realm is here>"

    This generalization could be used to any player suggesting anything really.

    2 of your 3 paragraphs were complaining about mid classes versus alb...

    My "generalized statement" is applicable to many players, and in regards to the post of yours I quoted, it was applied to you.

    Don't forget I liked how you started your post, it just ended up breaking down into a 'mid doesn't get this compared to alb, etc.' complaints.
  • Auberne wrote: »

    What thread was this.

    An abomination that should never see the light of day ever again.
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