Pendragon Patch 1.125

Patch 1.125 is now up on the Pendragon test server!

Friends and frenemies,

The wait is over. Our fingers may be numb and tired, our eyes dry and drooping, but patch 1.125 is here and the day seems brighter already.

The crisp Spring and humid Summer weather has come and gone but nothing beats a perfect Autumn day for the launch of a major version (even to our test server) - especially one that coincides with Dark Age of Camelot's 17th anniversary month.

Patch 1.125 is chock full of updates and fixes that we're confident you'll enjoy. Bountycrafting is here with the ability to earn end-game gear exclusively through RvR.

Better yet, despite the previous Producer's letter warning of difficulties with the Race, Gender, and Name changes, we're ecstatic to announce that all 3 are in 1.125 and the mechanism for them is streamlined and part of the character customization interface. We know you're going to love how it works! Several much-requested bug fixes and client/server performance measures have been implemented as well.

But before you dive into the full notes, we'd like to humbly request your help.

Yes, you.

We need your help to ensure that this patch launches as smoothly as possible. The Race, Gender, and Name change feature is something we want you all to use A LOT and it involves fundamental changes to characters - the more eyes looking at it and trying to break it the better! Any major bugs found will be handsomely rewarded!

Additionally, the Bountycraft system has a TON of items available to be crafted and woe be us if, despite our testing and re-testing, one of the recipes has the wrong ingredient listed or crafts a different item than intended. Users that have experienced crashes at specific locations in cities or dungeons and users that occassionally see other characters and monsters disappear should visit Pendragon and see if those issues are all cleared up!

Finally, there are many, many RvR-related changes that will affect how siege warfare is waged in the frontier and battlegrounds. We'll be hosting some events while 1.125 is on Pendragon and we encourage you all to come out and enjoy the fun!

Without further ado, check out the rest of the patch's highlights below or better yet read the notes in their entirety by clicking the image-link!

Click here for full notes for Patch 1.125!


John Thornhill

Important Note:
We highly suggest separating out your normal game directory from your Pendragon game directory *before* patching and testing on Pendragon.

Click here to visit the DAoC Herald!
Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games


  • Ohh nice !
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • so I see that bitching wins again, @Carol_Broadsword @John_Broadsword I mean you gave ST to a 2nd Alb class, and didn't remove it from the first or add it to a 2nd class on the other 2 realms.
  • edited October 2018 PM
    .Im a little lost on why another alb class would need access to static tempest.What exactly is the reasoning behind that idea?

    You can look at the class numbers and see that last week there were 74 lvl 50 thanes playing on mid.

    There were 179 combined Ments/champs on hib

    There were 206 combined friars/minstrels with 102 of them being friars

    Hibs and Albs already have more access to St then mids,you going to add it to a secondary mid class?
    Post edited by Grish on
  • edited October 2018 PM
    They do listen to feedback here on the officials!!!!!!
    I made a post about albion needing a 2nd class with ST and we got it !

    WOOT ALB NATION !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Post edited by Natebruner on
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Grish wrote: »
    .Im a little lost on why another alb class would need access to static tempest.What exactly is the reasoning behind that idea?

    You can look at the class numbers and see that last week there were 74 lvl 50 thanes playing on mid.

    There were 179 combined Ments/champs on hib

    There were 206 combined friars/minstrels with 102 of them being friars

    Hibs and Albs already have more access to St then mids,you going to add it to a secondary mid class?

    Just another poor <that is a as kind as I can be> decision; don't look for rational explanations, there aren't any....

  • This patch is amazing !

    Name changes have been corrected and are coming !!!!!!!!!!
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Static Tempest Needs to be removed from the game not added.

    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • carol,

    if i do a race respec on pend its not permanent is it?
  • carol,

    if i do a race respec on pend its not permanent is it?

    Not to your live toons, no, but is on Pendragon. Testing the respecs only affects Pend.
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • So you increased the casting time of the cure root spell on Smite Cleric and Affinity Druid and Cave Shaman from 3 seconds to 10 and yet the spell has a 5 minute reuse timer. What purpose is this. There is already a 5 minute reuse timer. It isn't like it can help more then 1 player. Take away the reuse timer or leave the cast timer alone please.

    The Friar recast time on the only passive heal for alb is twice as long as the effective time? If you don't want it to be spammed, at least set the reuse to the active time, 15 seconds. That way if the friar forgets to recast then it is up to them. Don't penalize a class that has no defense against melee by making it twice as long as the usefulness.

    Everyone is glad to see the pet through door bug is being addressed

    Now for the abomination you call the Vampiir: The vamp is the only class that can cast a damage spell while in combat and it is not effected by the melee. There are no reuse timers on the hots, which obviously is an issue since you made it so on the Friar. There are no reuse timers on the insta claw spam, which has been an issue with every other class that has insta's in the game. look at minstrels and skalds as well as every caster with debuffs. They climb walls, see stealth, have a spell that allows them 41% increased speed in combat and ignores speed warps plus charge. They have an insta cast pet when all they have to do is cast a bolt to gain mana. They can remove root or snares by sacrificing their pet with just a 3.5 sec spell, but when they have mana can recast pet immediately. Yes it has a longer reuse timer then the cleric/shaman/druid have but still it is not a targeted spell, works on themselves and they have a boost of speed in combat. Some regard to equality of similar spells should be used when looking at making class balance. They have self buffs which can't be stripped other than AF, so they don't worry about jumping into the fight yet they get the same effects from charges as everyone else. The closest class to this is the Mauler and they don't have a bolt to gain power to cast, can't run around at speed while ignoring speed warps, can't climb walls, don't have access to charge and must get in combat to gain any power to cast.
  • Also please address that abilities that strip random buffs are shearing Buggane's from people. This is just wrong. No matter what realm you are in, shearing the Bug or Lone Wolf is just not right.
  • Carol with BS looking to Nerf poisons (good move) i would still like to see the ability to increase damage better by viper.

    So lifebane is a 82 point dot now which is fine but there should be more reward if one spends 34 ra points and only gets 40% increase. I think when someone wants to be a viper shade it takes away from other areas like aug stats, purge and MOP.

    could they look into this?
  • Ewer wrote: »
    @John_Broadsword @Carol_Broadsword Do any of the changes to show countdown timers on qbars in 1.125 require updates to custom UIs?
    No, the timers should appear on all custom UIs too.

  • Mins does not need ST. If you insist on adding more st to alb, put it on thurgs and give mids access to it on another class. It is a huge swinger of fights and having such a large disparity in classes that have access to it between realms isn’t very fair and equitable. Perhaps give it to shamans or skalds
  • Giving ST to mini's was a good call.

    I'm glad broadsword listens to feedback posted here.
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • With group port being given to Sorcs, Mins are pretty much going to be an unnecessary class in Alb. The addition of ST is probably a reason to keep them around. Mid and Hib have SoJo on their healing classes. If BS would have given that to Alb I would agree that mini's don't need it and put it on something else, but since Sorcs have been given WB, Speed 5 and now group port, Mini's only group benefits are SOS and the siege buff. If a group doesn't siege they are useless.

    Hopefully we see a lot more MINI'S now
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Carol with BS looking to Nerf poisons (good move) i would still like to see the ability to increase damage better by viper.

    So lifebane is a 82 point dot now which is fine but there should be more reward if one spends 34 ra points and only gets 40% increase. I think when someone wants to be a viper shade it takes away from other areas like aug stats, purge and MOP.

    could they look into this?

    i have to agree with this!

    dot dmg pre nerf with max viper: 132 + 40% = 184
    dot dmg post nerf with max viper ist much lower than pre nerf dmg without viper!: 82 +40% = 114

    for 34 ra points i get +32dmg per tick before resis!!! no one will do this!!! huge nerf for viper shades.
    and another boost for blade infiltrators, 1. highlander 2. curse vest +10 str cap

    i really miss the improvements for pierce assassins. its way harder to get high dex/str temps
    pls boost +dex items and viper dmg.

    minstrels dont need static tempest!!!!!
  • Everyone please send in feedback.
  • As a minstrel I'm thrilled with the change - SOS, ST and Siege buff give us added components to various types of play styles. Also glad to see sorcs get mass gate - it doesn't change the viability of minstrels in a group considering you can scroll out already if you don't have one.

    Keep in mind that hibs have endless interrupts/cc/root/snare etc and mids have castable AOE stun. This was an absolutely necessary fix and I'm glad @John_Broadsword & co witnessed and listened to feedback.

    Here's one thing I'd like to propose: bring back harp rez on the silent night, but make it ineffective on other minstrels, infiltrators & scouts. I get why it was removed (and CL rez, too) but I think restricting it to non-sneaks solves the problem. @John_Broadsword what say you?

    Thanks all.
  • As a minstrel I'm thrilled with the change - SOS, ST and Siege buff give us added components to various types of play styles. Also glad to see sorcs get mass gate - it doesn't change the viability of minstrels in a group considering you can scroll out already if you don't have one.

    Keep in mind that hibs have endless interrupts/cc/root/snare etc and mids have castable AOE stun. This was an absolutely necessary fix and I'm glad @John_Broadsword & co witnessed and listened to feedback.

    Here's one thing I'd like to propose: bring back harp rez on the silent night, but make it ineffective on other minstrels, infiltrators & scouts. I get why it was removed (and CL rez, too) but I think restricting it to non-sneaks solves the problem. @John_Broadsword what say you?

    Thanks all.

    Here I'll fix it for you... Keep in mind that ALBS have endless interrupts/cc/root/snare etc
  • Daelin wrote: »

    Here I'll fix it for you... Keep in mind that ALBS have endless interrupts/cc/root/snare etc

    Give all of us an example of the competitive CC advantage albs have in an 8v8 fight? A theurg? BS adjusted those accordingly in this patch (and that decision makes sense). Curious what else you could be referring to.
  • The Nerf to necros what the heck. Yes sorcs got teleport and mins get st and some heretic loving, but the Nerf to clerics and necros is downright stupid. The necro already had to deal with the Nerf from before.
  • edited October 2018 PM
    can we hot fix /filter out of the game please ? having a /filter option implies to one that you can use cuss words because there is an option to turn them off if people don't want to read it

    very misleading ;\

    instant 3 day ban for using a cuss word in region chat in a non aggressive or mean manner without any warnings, or any warnings ever on my accnt, people cheat and get warnings

    very bizzare to me ;\

    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • Rulother wrote: »
    The Nerf to necros what the heck. Yes sorcs got teleport and mins get st and some heretic loving, but the Nerf to clerics and necros is downright stupid. The necro already had to deal with the Nerf from before.

    Not a patch goes by where Necro doesn't get a nerf.
  • I also found out that my toon on pendragon has 150 less hits
  • I also found out that my toon on pendragon has 150 less hits

    Do the starting attributes need to be set when you copy a character to pendragon?
  • What a horrible patch. Mid gets horrible race choices, Thanes chain lightning gets timed, and Heretics get a huge boost. And minstrels....Wtf. only albs love this patch.
  • I also found out that my toon on pendragon has 150 less hits

    Does it have the same gear too? Perhaps hafta recopy latest version -- only a guess.

  • Yet another necro nerf give us a break broadsword no need for it what so ever.
  • Brut wrote: »
    Yet another necro nerf give us a break broadsword no need for it what so ever.

    Hasn't begun to approach the total WARLOCK nerf's -- but, hey, who is counting....

  • A climbing stealther with ST ... Really?
    Another skald nerf - while they are still waiting for their 3+yr "coming soon" fix and the joke of it is - all we asked for was ST hahaha oh the irony!

    re Theurgs: The maximum number of theurgist pets that can be out at once has been reduced from 16 to 12.
    Theurgist pets will no longer obtain new targets if their original target dies.
    Finally - but also please look into the fact they can lock someone down using a couple GRAY pets. It's completely ridiculous.

  • Will be crafted as 99% or 100% quality (random chance)

    Are you serious? 400,000 bps and I might make a 99% item and have to start all over gathering bps.. that is completely unacceptable. It should be 100% only. You already made these ridiculously high to craft and theres a chance to make nonMP items.
  • Xyorman wrote: »

    Hasn't begun to approach the total WARLOCK nerf's -- but, hey, who is counting....

    *thinks @Xyorman hasn't played a witchcraft warlock recently* I think @Obelisk showed in his recent duo video how effective warlocks still are.

    Necro's have received 6(?) nerfs by the time this patch has been implemented. I don't see them pwning every single class out there. They definitely were way over the top when released but they are in a good position now, no need to further compromise that.

    Seriously, warlocks lost the ability to UI spam 1 less pbaoe, lmao, and they cry nerffff

  • *thinks @Xyorman hasn't played a witchcraft warlock recently* I think @Obelisk showed in his recent duo video how effective warlocks still are.

    Necro's have received 6(?) nerfs by the time this patch has been implemented. I don't see them pwning every single class out there. They definitely were way over the top when released but they are in a good position now, no need to further compromise that.

    Seriously, warlocks lost the ability to UI spam 1 less pbaoe, lmao, and they cry nerffff

    Clearly you have zero idea of all of the nerfs, and btw I do have a WC lock, and CAN be effective and being OP are massively different things .... total nerfs on Nec don't approach what was done to warlocks <needed or not>
  • edited October 2018 PM

    Give all of us an example of the competitive CC advantage albs have in an 8v8 fight? A theurg? BS adjusted those accordingly in this patch (and that decision makes sense). Curious what else you could be referring to.

    Alb 8v8 is the strongest out of all realms even without a theurgist. Sorc has incredible utility with bolt range mezz, access to ae root, a yellow pet even if spec'd 40/36 for yellow bolt range mezz and greater than 1500 range ae root at 36 body. Albs have the best interrupts followed by hibs then mids. CC isn't as important as interrupts in an 8v8 fight. The first cc is only a big deal if their purges are down or they are blindsided. Also if Albs run a minstrel they bring some of the most annoying interrupts in the game. Two insta dd's to rotate on diff targets, insta stun, flute mezz that can be done while moving, zephyr and a long casting ae mezz (which most won't do as they will just give immunity for sorc mezz) then they can pull out their weapon to swing and interrupt then go back to instruments. Most alb group setups will bring more pets to the fight than hib or mid groups.

    Now let's get back to your original statement of saying "As a minstrel I'm thrilled with the change - SOS, ST and Siege buff give us added components to various types of play styles."

    In this you mentioned various types of play styles and then went on to just ask about 8v8 CC advantage. For 8v8 ST isn't going to help you as it will most likely be used on either a moc'd caster/healer which you would just zephyr anyways or a bodyguarded target to force them to move or a last ditch effort to peel a train off of a class who isn't bg'd (which is the exact same way it is already used on a friar) so this addition doesn't really help your class in 8v8 (If you feel you need more for your class asking for something else will benefit you more than ST). For battlegroup/zerg playstyle adding ST to your class is a huge advantage as Albion already has the longest range spammable damage and it includes a snare from the heretic. Next you have sorcerers who have bolt range AE mezz and access to greater than 1500 range up to bolt range spec'd ae root. This gives Albion a huge advantage for interrupts versus the other realms as sorcerers are a very popular class. For battlegroup/zerg fights giving minstrels Static Tempest is huge as the same class can sos in and ST clumps of players. Or in a keep fight they can SoS in drop ST then Phaseshift out. No other realm will be able to do this. Or if SoS is down they will be able to just phaseshift in and wait it out and then drop ST on the target they choose as they will have time to do so. The only way to stop Minstrels from dropping ST in a great spot in a keep/tower would be to zephyr them out of the room before Phaseshift fades. This one change of giving ST to minstrels will give Albion a huge advantage over both hibs and mids and I actually feel it would be gamebreaking.
    Post edited by Daelin on
  • edited October 2018 PM
    Perhaps they need to lose Sojo.
    They can still climb stealthed to drop it on people defending. I do not see ANY realm who can pull that off.

    In before "we don't mirror classes and all classes are unique" bc I have 2 Minis a skald and bard - I can say that this is completely over the top.

    [/quote] For battlegroup/zerg fights giving minstrels Static Tempest is huge as the same class can sos in and ST clumps of players. Or in a keep fight they can SoS in drop ST then Phaseshift out. No other realm will be able to do this. Or if SoS is down they will be able to just phaseshift in and wait it out and then drop ST on the target they choose as they will have time to do so. The only way to stop Minstrels from dropping ST in a great spot in a keep/tower would be to zephyr them out of the room before Phaseshift fades. This one change of giving ST to minstrels will give Albion a huge advantage over both hibs and mids and I actually feel it would be gamebreaking. [/quote]

    Post edited by Ssavii on
  • Can we please make a /ignore account name;) so that the people you have on ignore can't continuously harass you on different character names;)? There is so much hate in this community lately=/ all some of us want to do is play and have fun;) It isn't fun being cyber-bullied, sexually harassed and or lashed out at in region chat, (or any chat channel) or in tells.
    People who use the channels as they were intended to;) should not have to stop using said channels;)
  • Baby wrote: »
    Can we please make a /ignore account name;) so that the people you have on ignore can't continuously harass you on different character names;)? There is so much hate in this community lately=/ all some of us want to do is play and have fun;) It isn't fun being cyber-bullied, sexually harassed and or lashed out at in region chat, (or any chat channel) or in tells.
    People who use the channels as they were intended to;) should not have to stop using said channels;)

    Better leave Baby alone, /hugs @Baby
  • /hugs Amp;) @Amp_Phetamine ;)
  • People shouldnt be harassing other people in the game, its just childish,but when you grp with a person thats known for that cant say Id expect any different.
  • Grish wrote: »
    People shouldnt be harassing other people in the game, its just childish,but when you grp with a person thats known for that cant say Id expect any different.

    really? I've been treated this way before i ever supported Nate's BG's... so ye, that's also not right to do that to a person, only because they group with someone else;) I've just been getting more of it now, and there have been witnesses to this;) in the past and present;)
  • Baby wrote: »

    really? I've been treated this way before i ever supported Nate's BG's... so ye, that's also not right to do that to a person, only because they group with someone else;) I've just been getting more of it now, and there have been witnesses to this;) in the past and present;)

    Yes really,like I said its childish and uncalled for, but you hang around with a dog thats got fleas you end up with em sooner or later yourself.

    Its not like anyone playing dosent know how Nate has acted, and the reasons hes been banned in game and on postcount.You run with him you are essentially saying you are ok with how he acts and treats people.
    I dont group with people like that because I dont condone that behavior ingame or real life.
  • you just have to laugh at them baby, as they are so salty to spend their time doing that, as you are sitting back having fun out doing your thang^^ ;)

    laugh at the haters, because they are truly funny when you stop and think aobut it lol
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »
    you just have to laugh at them baby, as they are so salty to spend their time doing that, as you are sitting back having fun out doing your thang^^ ;)

    laugh at the haters, because they are truly funny when you stop and think aobut it lol

  • edited October 2018 PM
    Can carolk@broadsword explain why:
    Heretics AF got boosted
    Thanes chain lightning is castable now
    Mid got the worst race choices possible
    Vamps still untimered claw
    Minstrels getting ST (2) for a really that also has (3) DI classes...
    Post edited by Tanky on
  • Will be crafted as 99% or 100% quality (random chance)

    Are you serious? 400,000 bps and I might make a 99% item and have to start all over gathering bps.. that is completely unacceptable. It should be 100% only. You already made these ridiculously high to craft and theres a chance to make nonMP items.

    I second this concern. Items should be 100% only.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • Grish wrote: »

    Yes really,like I said its childish and uncalled for, but you hang around with a dog thats got fleas you end up with em sooner or later yourself.

    Its not like anyone playing dosent know how Nate has acted, and the reasons hes been banned in game and on postcount.You run with him you are essentially saying you are ok with how he acts and treats people.
    I dont group with people like that because I dont condone that behavior ingame or real life.

    That makes absolutely no sense. You're generalizing a certain individuals behavior and associating it with any person he comes into contact with? By that standard, do you assume that everyone in Xyormans guild/group/zerg are hyper competitive men? Do you assume that every person in Hero's guild/group/zerg are calm, collective, fun loving zergites?

    Those are the kind of blanket statements used to generalize specific problems.

    So you're essentially assuming that, and albeit you disagree with, Baby being harassed in game, through tells, on forums, etc., is wrong but it's her fault because she groups with a certain individual and it's essentially her fault to begin with...
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