
If you haven't looked, you should -- several keep changes will be made in the upcoming patch, I suppose to 'improve' RvR; the stated goals of which are:
To allow more players to participate in siege warfare using their class abilities instead of helping on a ram.
To help make boiling oil more effective/dangerous.
To allow smaller forces a better chance at impacting the realm war map by taking towers or even lower level keeps.
To reward realms for bringing more melee classes to sieges; which can leverage the siege damage chants of Minstrels, Skalds, and Champions.
This maximimum of 1 person on rams has the consequence of making the ram always swing at its fastest rate; as such, ram swing speeds have been halved. Ram damage remains unchanged.

I really don't think this was vetted very well or reflects the actual issues in described the changes are somewhat unimpressive and unless they are combined with something else, I fail to see how the desired results will be achieved <not to mention the overarching idea of improving RvR>. I think there is a disconnect between players and developers regarding what problems currently exist --- there will always be 'discussion' over fixes, but I think a much better job defining the problems is required --- but that would mean actual discussion so.....


  • Newsletter link:

    Keep and Tower Door Changes

    In patch 1.125 we'll be making a change to keep and tower doors in the form of scaling difficulties, as follows:

    "Difficulty" refers to the damage dealt to the gate by all sources and not the gate's hitpoints which are unchanged unless noted.
    • Merchant keeps' (Benowyc, Bledmeer, Crauchon) outer keep gates have the same difficulty as all keep/tower gates do on live currently. This is considered "base" difficulty.
    • Merchant keeps' inner keep gates are about 100% sturdier than base difficulty.
    • Center keeps' (Boldiam, Glenlock, nGed) outer keep gates are about 33% sturdier than base difficulty.
    • Center keeps' inner keep gates are about 166% sturdier than base difficulty.
    • Relic keeps' (Renaris, Hurbury, Fensalir, Arvakr, Ailinne, Scathaig) outer keep gates are about 66% sturdier than base difficulty.
    • Relic keeps' inner keep gates are about 233% sturdier than base difficulty.
    • Coastal keeps' (Berkstead, Erasleigh, Sursbrooke, Nottmoor, Blendrake, Hlidskialf, Crimthainn, Bolg, da Behnn) outer keep gates are about 50% weaker than base difficulty.
    • Coastal keeps' inner keep gates are about 10% weaker than base difficulty.
    • All normal NF tower gates are about 100% weaker than base difficulty.
    • Ellan Vannin tower gates are about 100% weaker than base difficulty and have 50% less hitpoints than a normal tower's gate.
    • All battleground keep gates are about 100% weaker than base difficulty.
    • The new gatehouse doors protecting the oil on outer keep walls are about 100% weaker than base difficulty and have 70% less hitpoints than the keeps' gates at that keep (scales as the keep levels).
    These changes are made for several reasons:
    • To focus keep sieges more around "courtyard" fights since the inner gates will become much more difficult and allow defenders (or 3rd realms) more time to interfere with an under-siege keep.
    • To adjust the difficulty of tower and battleground gates back to pre-1.123 levels and encourage more tower-taking in NF.
    • To make supply-line keeps more difficult to take while also making it easier to gain a foothold in the outer reaches of a realm's frontier.

    • Rams can now be made near Benowyc's door
    • Fortified Field and War Rams can now only be ridden by 1 player at a time.

    This is done for several reasons:
    • To allow more players to participate in siege warfare using their class abilities instead of helping on a ram.
    • To help make boiling oil more effective/dangerous.
    • To allow smaller forces a better chance at impacting the realm war map by taking towers or even lower level keeps.
    • To reward realms for bringing more melee classes to sieges; which can leverage the siege damage chants of Minstrels, Skalds, and Champions.
    • This maximimum of 1 person on rams has the consequence of making the ram always swing at its fastest rate; as such, ram swing speeds have been halved. Ram damage remains unchanged.
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • Sometimes i think they don`t have a hint of an idea how the rvr experience really is atm, sadly.
  • So wArlords will have no effect on ram speeds anymore? I guess I’ll be switching my armsman to battlemaster as there is little other reason to use warlord over battlemaster
  • BurkleyRIP wrote: »
    So wArlords will have no effect on ram speeds anymore? I guess I’ll be switching my armsman to battlemaster as there is little other reason to use warlord over battlemaster

    One of may things not taken into account; the desired affect don't match the changes based on the numbers etc ---- you have to wonder if the reality of the RvR experience <well really people fighting people to comlete a quest cause realm is kaput for the most part> is even understood .....

  • BurkleyRIP wrote: »
    So wArlords will have no effect on ram speeds anymore? I guess I’ll be switching my armsman to battlemaster as there is little other reason to use warlord over battlemaster

    Warlords still affect ram speed. Just as a full 16-person ram on Ywain currently will swing at it's fastest (base) rate and then will still be swung even faster if a Warlord is running the ram, so too will it work with a 1-person ram after 1.125.
  • But doesn't this statement mean that ram's base rate is still halved?
    ram swing speeds have been halved. Ram damage remains unchanged

    And are Siege twrs or wall damage points affected --- ultimately, I am missing how this < or any of this> gets more 'tank' classes in the game or in a siege; there seems to be a disconnect on what is actually happening and what is being changed...
  • devs really need to hop on during eu hours and see how the game is being played. keep this...tower that. hero here, hero there. yeah lets make it to where he is in a keep even longer. the problem is that this is now NUMBERS GAME! Hero come to mid on a daily basis with over 50 realm hoppers while true mids have 8-10 to defend. yeah, we really want to courtyard fight that! fix crap in the game that is currently broken instead of adding stupid irrelevant crap and your population wont keep declining. fix bugs that the players have been crying for, maybe the population will increase. right now, this game is on the wooden table awaiting the guillotine! LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS!!!
  • edited October 2018 PM
    remove climb walls from heavy tanks plz and thx
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • Implement something for heavens' sake.
  • Xyorman wrote: »
    But doesn't this statement mean that ram's base rate is still halved?
    ram swing speeds have been halved. Ram damage remains unchanged

    And are Siege twrs or wall damage points affected --- ultimately, I am missing how this < or any of this> gets more 'tank' classes in the game or in a siege; there seems to be a disconnect on what is actually happening and what is being changed...

    Yes, the base rate of rams swing speed is halved, making a Warlord even more important :).

    Siege towers will have a few more restrictions added as well as take longer to create and walls will also take less damage.
  • Maybe I missed where you guys are fixing the doors so that Pets can NOT make it inside the inner keep w/ the doors up. AND where you can't place Shrooms up top the inner keeps.

    I'm being 100 here. I am missing it?
  • You are. Because these aren't the full notes. :)
  • Granted these aren't the full notes; but the concept of encouraging cy fights seems improbable unless some serious issues in regards to population flow/numbers is addressed, so far it seem we are just 'rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.' None of these things, as is, will affect the outcome of any fight as currently constructed.
  • devs really need to hop on during eu hours and see how the game is being played. keep this...tower that. hero here, hero there. yeah lets make it to where he is in a keep even longer. the problem is that this is now NUMBERS GAME! Hero come to mid on a daily basis with over 50 realm hoppers while true mids have 8-10 to defend. yeah, we really want to courtyard fight that! fix crap in the game that is currently broken instead of adding stupid irrelevant crap and your population wont keep declining. fix bugs that the players have been crying for, maybe the population will increase. right now, this game is on the wooden table awaiting the guillotine! LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS!!!

    You do realize that what Hero does during EU hours is done to Hib during American prime time by Mid right? Your comments have merit, but seriously quit making it a Herorius issue. All realms deal with this at some time or another. Midgard just happens to be the red headed step child during EU hours. Do like Nate and start building up a better zerg to compete. You can't expect BS to fix a community issue.
  • @RonELuvv

    You may be correct that a missing counterzerg is a community problem, but the overall (dwingling) number of players is a problem where BS is responsible. We wouldn`t be here discussing ram-speed, oil barrels etc. with 3-500 players more.
    We do the best in our guild to keep returning players playing (happens once in a while, 2-3 within the last 2 weeks), but that doesn`t counter the number of players that stop playing.
    The missing public OW and Cursed Raids are going to be a problem for returning players, same if they missed some events.

    I didn`t read 1 note about a *Welcome back to Camelot* Campaign. So whats up with it?
  • RonELuvv wrote: »

    You do realize that what Hero does during EU hours is done to Hib during American prime time by Mid right? Your comments have merit, but seriously quit making it a Herorius issue. All realms deal with this at some time or another. Midgard just happens to be the red headed step child during EU hours. Do like Nate and start building up a better zerg to compete. You can't expect BS to fix a community issue.

    Really? You lose Crauch and Nged every single day, often Scaith and or Ail too??? When does this happen -- sounds like incredible nonsense to me....the issue is Population and Population flow

  • edited October 2018 PM
    Remove climb wall on tank , way to go .
    Post edited by Hellblast on
  • the problem is that this is now NUMBERS GAME!

    This has always been the case for Zerg/Realm Based RvR (Numbers)

    Even more so after certain adjustments such as cap on aoe (16), heavy tank patch and AoE Rezz / Supremacies.

    This isn't a new issue (like you all make it sound to be) - its always been here to some degree ever since i started playing. Whether (my servers) it was the Galroth Zerg, Bierhoff/Kexejar Zerg or Hellvamp Zerg to the Xyorman/Herorius/Anna's of today.

    Leaders/players/zergs have changed how they play or in the current case "not play / where they play".

  • edited October 2018 PM
    tald wrote: »

    This has always been the case for Zerg/Realm Based RvR (Numbers)

    Even more so after certain adjustments such as cap on aoe (16), heavy tank patch and AoE Rezz / Supremacies.

    This isn't a new issue (like you all make it sound to be) - its always been here to some degree ever since i started playing. Whether (my servers) it was the Galroth Zerg, Bierhoff/Kexejar Zerg or Hellvamp Zerg to the Xyorman/Herorius/Anna's of today.

    Leaders/players/zergs have changed how they play or in the current case "not play / where they play".

    While I basically agree, it's numbers flow and the reasons for it more than the other things; now, more than ever, numbers make the most difference. Players are incentivized to roll over smaller numbers to complete quests and gain the most rp. While perhaps not new -- there were options to deal with those issues <for every realm> that simply have been weeded out of the game --- that and the complete ignoring of class balance has just destroyed RvR. Leaders do what the players want; leaders can only do what they have the numbers to do. When folks are basically incentivized to attack realms with 70/80/greater bonuses.... the overall point being how do these proposed changes <granted they are not the entire patch notes> address the issues? In and of themselves, they don't seem to be capable of the limited effects stated.
    Post edited by Xyorman on
  • SymSym
    edited October 2018 PM
    What I see is people like Nate attacking the most populated realm non stop. Unfortunately it has now become 2nd most populated as we have seen a well documented realm hop by the BG fodder mids. Alb nevermore had like 20 people in the BG the other day lol! So most populated realm attacking 2nd most populated. That’s about as good as it’s going to get...

    Also you are starting to see the mid zerglets running 8 man now because they can’t get any RPs repeatedly wiping to the Alb Zerg. That’s also good for the game...
    Post edited by Sym on
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • Sym wrote: »
    What I see is people like Nate attacking the most populated realm non stop. Unfortunately it has now become 2nd most populated as we have seen a well documented realm hop by the BG fodder mids. Alb nevermore had like 20 people in the BG the other day lol! So most populated realm attacking 2nd most populated. That’s about as good as it’s going to get...

    Also you are starting to see the mid zerglets running 8 man now because they can’t get any RPs repeatedly wiping to the Alb Zerg. That’s also good for the game...


    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Sym wrote: »
    What I see is people like Nate attacking the most populated realm non stop. Unfortunately it has now become 2nd most populated as we have seen a well documented realm hop by the BG fodder mids. Alb nevermore had like 20 people in the BG the other day lol! So most populated realm attacking 2nd most populated. That’s about as good as it’s going to get...

    Also you are starting to see the mid zerglets running 8 man now because they can’t get any RPs repeatedly wiping to the Alb Zerg. That’s also good for the game...

    I really think you need to click on the bonus tab on your /RW map ---

  • You can't blame ALB NATION for showing up ….

    If there's no fight.... we will come and start one. Surely Midgard hasn't fallen below Hib population during USA primetime.
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • edited October 2018 PM

    You may be correct that a missing counterzerg is a community problem, but the overall (dwingling) number of players is a problem where BS is responsible. We wouldn`t be here discussing ram-speed, oil barrels etc. with 3-500 players more.
    We do the best in our guild to keep returning players playing (happens once in a while, 2-3 within the last 2 weeks), but that doesn`t counter the number of players that stop playing.
    The missing public OW and Cursed Raids are going to be a problem for returning players, same if they missed some events.

    I didn`t read 1 note about a *Welcome back to Camelot* Campaign. So whats up with it?

    Oh, I agree that #'s are down and these kinds of zergs exacerbate the problem for sure. No doubt about it. I just get so f'ing sick of people that complain about Herorius during EU time yet act like the exact same thing doesn't happen on Hib during American time. That is all I was commenting on. Mid has their zerg during American prime, and Alb has lately been doing similar with Nate. Hib zerg is non-existant during American prime, unless we are talking about Nexxron's stealther zerg.
    Xyorman wrote: »

    Really? You lose Crauch and Nged every single day, often Scaith and or Ail too??? When does this happen -- sounds like incredible nonsense to me....the issue is Population and Population flow

    No, we normally lose Crim and Bolg every single day. At least on the days that I log in they are almost always gone. Occasionally they take Crauch or Nged, but normally its Crim and Bolg. Now what is your next dumb comment @Xyorman? I'm aware population is low, but how often when you are running the zerg in Mid do you tell your guys, "Hey guys, we have to many and there isn't enough Albs or Hibs to fight so log off and go to the other realms!" Answer: Never. So shut the hell up with that noise. You are every bit as much of a problem with this zerg issue as Herorius is.

    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • edited October 2018 PM
    No, we normally lose Crim and Bolg every single day. At least on the days that I log in they are almost always gone. Occasionally they take Crauch or Nged, but normally its Crim and Bolg. Now what is your next dumb comment @Xyorman? I'm aware population is low, but how often when you are running the zerg in Mid do you tell your guys, "Hey guys, we have to many and there isn't enough Albs or Hibs to fight so log off and go to the other realms!" Answer: Never. So shut the hell up with that noise. You are every bit as much of a problem with this zerg issue as Herorius is.

    As usual you have no idea of which you speak --- When I do run the BG, we did shut down often when there was nothing to fight --- taking Bolg is not shutting down all the ports in hibb; which, again, Herorius does EVERY DAY, neither we nor the Albs did that --- so while your being petulant, consider you may just be wrong
    Post edited by Xyorman on
  • You are. Because these aren't the full notes. :)

    cool, that is what I thought... or I was going crazy
  • When the hell did port citites get brought into this @Xyorman? Reading comprehension is your friend. I simply stated to the poster who said Herorius is the problem (he said nothing about taking port cities) was ruining DAoC during EU prime hours. I simply said that the Mids and Albs do the same during American time. You are as much the problem as Herorius is. The only difference is that lately Nate has been able muster up enough to give you some fights. Sounds like you are fine with that. So I guess the solution would be to find somebody like Nate or you during EU prime to fight Herorius.
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    When the hell did port citites get brought into this @Xyorman? Reading comprehension is your friend. I simply stated to the poster who said Herorius is the problem (he said nothing about taking port cities) was ruining DAoC during EU prime hours. I simply said that the Mids and Albs do the same during American time. You are as much the problem as Herorius is. The only difference is that lately Nate has been able muster up enough to give you some fights. Sounds like you are fine with that. So I guess the solution would be to find somebody like Nate or you during EU prime to fight Herorius.

    Here : No, we normally lose Crim and Bolg every single day. At least on the days that I log in they are almost always gone. Occasionally they take Crauch or Nged, but normally its Crim and Bolg. Now what is your next dumb comment @Xyorman? I'm aware population is low, but how often when you are running the zerg in Mid do you tell your guys, "Hey guys, we have to many and there isn't enough Albs or Hibs to fight so log off and go to the other realms!" Answer: Never. So shut the hell up with that noise. You are every bit as much of a problem with this zerg issue as Herorius is

    Perhaps it's your comprehension; port cities---Crauch as above, the other poster talkd about the 7 days a week, even when their are NO BG's at anytime running against Herorius; NO, MIDS AND ALBS DO NOT turn HIBB Red/Blue every night -- never did, though they should --- not to mention the minute Hero logs on you can watch numbers drop in Alb/Mid by 60% or more depending on day --- so, you can rant all you wish -- your facts are wrong -- you can blame me for your problems, but facts are facts.
  • Xyorman wrote: »

    Here : No, we normally lose Crim and Bolg every single day. At least on the days that I log in they are almost always gone. Occasionally they take Crauch or Nged, but normally its Crim and Bolg. Now what is your next dumb comment @Xyorman? I'm aware population is low, but how often when you are running the zerg in Mid do you tell your guys, "Hey guys, we have to many and there isn't enough Albs or Hibs to fight so log off and go to the other realms!" Answer: Never. So shut the hell up with that noise. You are every bit as much of a problem with this zerg issue as Herorius is

    Perhaps it's your comprehension; port cities---Crauch as above, the other poster talkd about the 7 days a week, even when their are NO BG's at anytime running against Herorius; NO, MIDS AND ALBS DO NOT turn HIBB Red/Blue every night -- never did, though they should --- not to mention the minute Hero logs on you can watch numbers drop in Alb/Mid by 60% or more depending on day --- so, you can rant all you wish -- your facts are wrong -- you can blame me for your problems, but facts are facts.

    You say no Mids, yet Ghealer/Yggoo (aka Xyorman) can be farmed daily trying to defend the keeps. He knows who you are and enjoys completing quests while you "try" to defend.
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • You say no Mids, yet Ghealer/Yggoo (aka Xyorman) can be farmed daily trying to defend the keeps. He knows who you are and enjoys completing quests while you "try" to defend.

    Nothing to do with the conversation and factually inaccurate but hey, what I would expect
  • Xyorman wrote: »
    You say no Mids, yet Ghealer/Yggoo (aka Xyorman) can be farmed daily trying to defend the keeps. He knows who you are and enjoys completing quests while you "try" to defend.

    Nothing to do with the conversation and factually inaccurate but hey, what I would expect

    lol so you are saying you don't log on YGGOO and defend bled/glen during the day?
    I can post vids if you want to keep on with lies.
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • I guess for some, reading isn't 'fundamental'....
  • Xyorman wrote: »
    I guess for some, reading isn't 'fundamental'....

    last night was rough... 1st fight you must have called for the bg to get in that tower?
    Do you realize u killed half your bg with that call ?
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
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