Category "Changes that need to be made"

There's no section for this, our choices are as limited as any other DAoC board, seriously so much stuff needs filtered that having somewhere that doesn't need to be would be great, like I dont know, game developement!

A Dev board where things can be posted would be an idea. I know Devs have a lot on their plate as it were, but there are people with great ideas that play this game that don't have anything more or less to say than ways to improve the game over all.

I play HIbernia, What I have to say, changes Devs can do, and in my case, my one change for Hibernia is "DONT!". Don't ever ever ever change Hibernia, leave it as it is. Don't give it any more stupid quest series', don't do any character changes (unless it's to revert it back to pre-toa stuff). Just, don't touch Hibernia, there's nothing I can give you beyond that.

Have your fun breaking the game, when it comes to Hibernia, instead of 'improving' it, just fix bugs. I guarantee you Hibernia as a whole would love a pet pathing bug fix over ANY shaman damage shield they can put on anyone and kill all melee chars buff. They'd love a don't crash in TNN than a charge tank reinforced wearing savage 1 shot any class in the game thing. They would love a kill the three Curse Battle Group mob steps instead of Curse 1-8, instead of an area-of-effect life drain Spirit Master spell (which the Valewalker 10 second timer aoe lifedrain was removed 4 years ago because it was too over powered mind you and they didn't get Mastery of Concentration)

I'm not asking for 'god mode' like Midgard has (and yes, if they ever figure out what they have, it really REALLY is, stupidly so 'god mode'). I'm asking for a board to fix known and problematic development issues. Game balance is game balance, who cares, Broken however is broken. Provide us a place to bring to game developers on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, things that are broken or patches that will go live that just need totally /removed. Removing pve to allow crafting it instead? Really?? Like really really??? Let's just slap WoW on the cover of this game and click 'begin'. REALLY????

As long as there's a Hibernia, there will be a Dark Age of Camelot. You're doing your best to destroy it, but we're still here because we are people and people will always RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE!! :) Just let us rage against the developers of the machine by sharing with them issues that can be fixed, and for coders out there, codes to fix them :) Fix bugs and people will find hope.

Put in realm timers and you'll give new players a chance to re-subscribe. Remove /use and you'll get returning players to pay subscriptions. Do both and you'll give yourself a chance to make a successful game again.

I post this as someone thinking very strongly (along with some very active leading people) to switch to a shard. I'll pay my $ here, this is where I would love to play. This game is broken, it needs fixed, Until it is, you're welcome to my money, but I'm going to play a better version of this game. The people the Developers listen to, aren't as loyal as me or the people I'm talking about, If you want help to fix things, let us, no charge, no bias, just give us a board you'll read. I guess since my buttons are 'ask a question, or save draft' I'll go with a question...

Can we have such a message board?
Remove /use on items
Add 6 hour RvR realm timer
The first 3 steps needed to improve DAoC, everything else is a waste of time


  • P.S. Message board folks, I'm not asking for somewhere to express frustration, I'm looking more toward growth. So if this ever comes to pass, those of you who post what they 'dont like about a specific place or realm or unfairness', this is for those that can fix things. There's a lot of you out there that do it for free for yourselves, help out the Devs to do it for everyone else :)

    Frustration with this game can go anywhere, I mean, seriously? What are you thinking with game developement?? But this isn't the place for any of that, this is for fixing broken things, not for fixing creativity things
    Remove /use on items
    Add 6 hour RvR realm timer
    The first 3 steps needed to improve DAoC, everything else is a waste of time
  • Hib groups are nothing to laugh at. Alb needs a little more utility on some key classes
  • Ok so what I understand is that, I will quit if you change Hibernia? and we need a new board section?
  • Hahaha alb grps need more utility?? Seriously? Alb grps can dominate when played right, you need like 6 hib classes to get the utility of 3 alb
  • scerff wrote: »
    Hahaha alb grps need more utility?? Seriously? Alb grps can dominate when played right, you need like 6 hib classes to get the utility of 3 alb

    That's interesting, *cough* Bard *cough*
  • Hib groups have more healing and damage mitigation that any other realm. The dps may not be as high as a mid grps but far more healing
  • I would trade a sorc for a bard any day of the week
  • scerff wrote: »
    Hahaha alb grps need more utility?? Seriously? Alb grps can dominate when played right, you need like 6 hib classes to get the utility of 3 alb

    I'll break it down for you real quick:

    Bard = Sorc/Minstril + Cleric/Friar
    Warden = Earth Theurg + Cleric/Friar
    Druid = Cabalist(in terms of root/pet utility) + Cleric/Friar
    Mentalist = Minstril + Cleric/Friar

    So those are, in my opinion, the four most important hib classes and what albs require to match...
  • Wait my eld has cl heals. So. Sorc + cleric/friar.

    Please...Stop mindlessly sticking to a bg leader and learn your classes..

    Each realm is different for a reason. It you want it all the same play wow.
  • Minibard wrote: »
    Wait my eld has cl heals. So. Sorc + cleric/friar.

    Please...Stop mindlessly sticking to a bg leader and learn your classes..

    Each realm is different for a reason. It you want it all the same play wow.

    I'm confused the point you're trying to make. I was simply demonstrating to @scerff that his statement regarding albion to hibernian class utility was incorrect.
  • scerff wrote: »
    Hahaha alb grps need more utility?? Seriously? Alb grps can dominate when played right, you need like 6 hib classes to get the utility of 3 alb

    Don't be Delusional. Overall group utility of a Bard > Sorc any day.
  • edited September 2018 PM
    seriously, savage can one shot anything ?

    with a potential max damage cap of 640 + 358 + 355 + 358 (4-6 % chance to do a quad hit, depending upon RR, using the slowest weapons in the game on the highest damage style) there is NO WAY to one shot anything except for a caster that doesn't have his self buffs up or has been just ressed. and yes, i'm good at killing resurected casters again....

    the damage number i post are for hitting level one mobs, the caps, not the realistic damage you do on players

    the chance to do a quad hit is 4-6 % depending on RR

    that gives 640+358+355+358 (1711) *.30 = 2234 damage damage cap on a quad hit with 4 crits, keep in mind that is cap damage with 4 crits doing an average crit on each, not actual damage. you will only hit cap damage on a caster that is unbuffed / has his self shields not up

    so 5 % (quad hit) * 1 / 16 (quad crit, actually slightly less, i'm using 50 % chance to crit, not 49) is the chance to do a quad hit with 4 crits averaging 30 % extra damage with mop 9

    the chance to do an average 4 crit on a quad hit on MY savage is 0.3125%

    savages can only one shot casters in ideal conditions where casters are unbuffed or don't have self shields up. and even then the chances are minimal.

    Post edited by Muylae on
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • null
    What i am getting at is you can take any class and say you need 2 of another.

    Sorc = ment + bard/eld
    Friar = warden + bard
    Necro = every hib class
  • They shouldnt do anything till they fix the freakin disappear bug.
  • Muylae wrote: »
    seriously, savage can one shot anything ?

    with a potential max damage cap of 640 + 358 + 355 + 358 (4-6 % chance to do a quad hit, depending upon RR, using the slowest weapons in the game on the highest damage style) there is NO WAY to one shot anything except for a caster that doesn't have his self buffs up or has been just ressed. and yes, i'm good at killing resurected casters again....

    the damage number i post are for hitting level one mobs, the caps, not the realistic damage you do on players

    the chance to do a quad hit is 4-6 % depending on RR

    that gives 640+358+355+358 (1711) *.30 = 2234 damage damage cap on a quad hit with 4 crits, keep in mind that is cap damage with 4 crits doing an average crit on each, not actual damage. you will only hit cap damage on a caster that is unbuffed / has his self shields not up

    so 5 % (quad hit) * 1 / 16 (quad crit, actually slightly less, i'm using 50 % chance to crit, not 49) is the chance to do a quad hit with 4 crits averaging 30 % extra damage with mop 9

    the chance to do an average 4 crit on a quad hit on MY savage is 0.3125%

    savages can only one shot casters in ideal conditions where casters are unbuffed or don't have self shields up. and even then the chances are minimal.

    Stop you`re 1v1 paper daoc, that would be a good step. We all know what happens if you have a Midgard melee train on your simply doesn`t matter if a savage do 3,4 or 5xx damage if you have 2 on your back.

    If you take a step aside, take a break, trying to see daoc as neutral as possible,`ll know how borked the rvr (and pve) is, compared to daoc 3-5 years ago. And guess what? It isn`t getting better, even worse.

    If i see that they delay a patch until ???? (and the whole f2p thing) just because they failed on a automatic name change (their words) i can imagine why they fail on fixing bugs.
    Get a student, give him 10$/h, charge 10$ per namechange and alter the DB manually once a week. <<<<----easy working name change, easy money.

    But no, we make it the more complicated way and delay all following stuff to infinity. Good job.
  • who really cares about name changes---besides ebayers and cheaters............
  • 47el wrote: »
    who really cares about name changes---besides ebayers and cheaters............

    I wasn't the most creative person in my younger days when creating characters, but you're right it is a small detail compared to everything else this patch is supposed to bring.
  • Minibard wrote: »
    What i am getting at is you can take any class and say you need 2 of another.

    Sorc = ment + bard/eld
    Friar = warden + bard
    Necro = every hib class

    That's not even close lol. Sorc doesn't get heals, both ment and bard do. Friar doesn't get bladeturn, warden does. Everything I posted was of nearly equivalent value, you literally just tried to rebuke me with slight similarities, again not even close.

    The only one I'd agree with you on is the Necro.
  • Ment bard and eld don't get aoe bolt range root and mezz either. Warden doesn't get demzz, friar does. Sorc gets great dps and tons of utility..also most bards aren't specced to heal
  • scerff wrote: »
    Ment bard and eld don't get aoe bolt range root and mezz either. Warden doesn't get demzz, friar does. Sorc gets great dps and tons of utility..also most bards aren't specced to heal

    Bards might not get bolt ranged mezz but you're forgetting the instant amnesia which has been full-on retard for Broadsword not to nerf
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