What do you want on the new server that is coming?



  • I'm sorry but we're just not ready to talk about this yet, it is getting there, just not yet. Please keep discussing though, we are reading :)

    In the end you have to shut down that bird server if you want this official server to be a success.
  • edited May 2021 PM
    Dreadone wrote: »
    In the end you have to shut down that bird server if you want this official server to be a success.
    I don't think that is really necessary. The impression I have gotten from people who have played or are still playing on DAoC freeshard servers is that the freeshard servers eventually make changes to the ruleset that the majority of their player base doesn't like, some leave and some stay because there is nothing better out there for them.

    From what I can understand many of the players that dislike these changes on the freeshard servers but has nothing better available would gladly leave the freeshard server they are on for an official classic server (a more enjoyable (better) game option is now available for them) and would not mind paying for it. Many of the people that disliked the changes made on the freeshard server they were playing on and left that server seems to be hoping for an official classic ruleset server as well.

    Freeshards don't have any real incentive in form of income to keep their server well populated, an official classic DAoC server would have.

    Then there are quite a few people that haven't played the freeshards which are hoping for an official classic server, I am one of them and I would return with 4 accounts, I know of at least 10 more that would return to official DAoC for such a server with between 1 and 4 accounts. More than 20 new subscriptions just from my group of friends.
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • Jorma wrote: »
    I don't think that is really necessary. The impression I have gotten from people who have played or are still playing on DAoC freeshard servers is that the freeshard servers eventually make changes to the ruleset that the majority of their player base doesn't like, some leave and some stay because there is nothing better out there for them.

    From what I can understand many of the players that dislike these changes on the freeshard servers but has nothing better available would gladly leave the freeshard server they are on for an official classic server (a more enjoyable (better) game option is now available for them) and would not mind paying for it. Many of the people that disliked the changes made on the freeshard server they were playing on and left that server seems to be hoping for an official classic ruleset server as well.

    Freeshards don't have any real incentive in form of income to keep their server well populated, an official classic DAoC server would have.

    Then there are quite a few people that haven't played the freeshards wich are hoping for an official classic server, I am one of them and I would return with 4 accounts, I know of at least 10 more that would return to official DAoC for such a server with between 1 and 4 accounts. More than 20 new subscriptions just from my group of friends.

    The reason(s) players leave shards are the same for those who leave official servers. While there may be a profit motive to maintain player interest on the official servers, the developers have clearly failed to achieve this in the past decade (perhaps longer). You can argue it's as simple as a ruleset change, but shards have demonstrated that's not the case. Even Live demonstrated that 15 years ago. This is why I default to DAoC not being a popular game in the modern MMO market. What makes this game stand out still exists on the official servers (and shards), but it doesn't appeal to a larger player base. You're looking for a nostalgia itch, which is fleeting, instead of embracing the unique concept of DAoC which has yet to be replicated.
  • edited May 2021 PM
    puter wrote: »
    The reason(s) players leave shards are the same for those who leave official servers. While there may be a profit motive to maintain player interest on the official servers, the developers have clearly failed to achieve this in the past decade (perhaps longer).
    The big drops in population on the freeshards have come with changes in the ruleset, the people who handled the development of the servers didn't chose the changes they implemented very well. There can be many reasons to to why, but they chose to implement changes a big part of their player base disliked.
    Official DAoC servers failed as well and for official DAoC the consequences were/are more severe. A classic ruleset server would do very well in my opinion, at some point a few years down the road the interest might start to dvindle and the next patch (ToA) can be implemented, but without the stats caps, ToA stats, ML-abilities, Artifacts and new races.

    puter wrote: »
    You can argue it's as simple as a ruleset change, but shards have demonstrated that's not the case. Even Live demonstrated that 15 years ago.
    No, the former live classic ruleset was an altered version of the game before Trials of Atlantis, ruleset were changed and not in a way that the player base wanted. I am convinced it would have been more successful if it had been a straight copy. The freeshards didn't suffer until they changed the ruleset in a way that wasn't asked for by their playerbase. Then there were more problems with the freeshards, from what I understand, in the way how players were treated by the management crew on those servers.

    puter wrote: »
    This is why I default to DAoC not being a popular game in the modern MMO market. What makes this game stand out still exists on the official servers (and shards), but it doesn't appeal to a larger player base. You're looking for a nostalgia itch, which is fleeting, instead of embracing the unique concept of DAoC which has yet to be replicated.
    So what you are saying is there is not enough people interested in this existing 3 faction player vs. player game, you want everyone to just let this game die and are hoping a DAoC 2.0 is released. Who do you have in mind as development studio for DAoC 2.0?
    I think you are wrong. There are still many that are interested in playing this game but not the versions presently availabe
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • edited May 2021 PM
    Jorma wrote: »
    So what you are saying is there is not enough people interested in this existing 3 faction player vs. player game, you want everyone to just let this game die and are hoping a DAoC 2.0 is released. Who do you have in mind as development studio for DAoC 2.0?
    I think you are wrong. There are still many that are interested in playing this game but not the versions presently availabe

    Exactly. There's only been one game in nearly 20 years, which is stuck in development hell, that attempts to reproduce what makes DAoC unique. The market has spoken regarding its appeal. I would love for a DAoC 2.0, but have no expectation that it will ever happen. Fans, both shard creators and paying players, are the primary reason this game hasn't died.

    There's more conflicting ideas in this thread than common ground, and none of it includes what makes DAoC great. The classic ruleset has been done three times now, each with a different approach: no changes (previous shard), some changes (official), many changes (current shard). The result was the same. Every classic server iteration has failed. Why would this one be different? That's an honest, direct question.

    I'm all for a seasonal / progression server that takes advantage of the nostalgic population boost that will certainly accompany the release of a classic ruleset. But a permanent classic server is not sustainable. That's a fact. The Caledonia event is a great blueprint for a progression type server. Short bursts of time investment is a better strategy to appease the nostalgia crowd than long drawn out time sinks.
    Post edited by puter on
  • I agree with you Jorma that the "classic" that was released last time was a "classic" version that none of the nostalgiaholics really asked for. It included changes and things to the game that just was not classic+SI+housing and so that can't be used as a proper comparison. In fact, I can be used as a statistic of a player that quit that server because it wasn't the classic I or any of my old daoc buddies wanted. Not to mention it's been more recent years that the idea of "classic servers" for these old MMOs have absolutely taken off recently in popularity and wasn't as much of a demand back in the original iteration of the daoc "classic" server.

    As someone who's followed these freeshard servers for various games like EQ, WoW, etc, what's killed the "freeshard" esque community in the EQ and WoW sector is just literally the company creating a real genuine official classic experience that the players have collectively agreed is the golden era. In fact I haven't touched a freeshardesque server for EQ and WoW since they've released their TLPs and classic servers.

    From an EQ standpoint to generate higher levels of success, they worked to evolve their take on catering to this crowd and find ways to prevent/mitigate/re-scratch the nostalgia itch while not stomping on the foundational principles of the specific era they're re-creating a server for. Think about it, what are by a huge margin the most popular freeshard servers? Servers that attempted to recreate the era that the official game company refuses or didn't have the means to provide to these players. In most cases it's the "golden years" patch/expansion era of said game.

    Remember, the original fans aren't poor teenagers anymore. I have 2 kids, house, real estate investments, career. I have 0 problems paying for the games I want to play now, and in fact would be happier paying and playing on officially supported servers. I would literally up and paypal broadsword $500 given proof that it is 100% happening for no other reason than to put my money where my mouth is if they'd call my bluff and then post the screenshot of doing it haha. ;)

    EQ's case, they found that the nostalgiaholics enjoyed a level playing field almost, and it's becoming to prove even moreso than the TLP itself. This is why you see EQ now releasing a new TLP almost yearly. I feel in some ways this is even more important in a DAOC environment because of realm ranks power. It resets the economy, puts everyone on a level playing field, and lets them relive a "server launch" experience and also their favorite nostalgic era. This is why on a previous thread I had made mention of introducing and putting effort into the thought of almost like a yearly release aspect with scheduled mergers to not overpopulate with several dead servers.

    Example of what I envision based on my experience of watching what's worked on EQ's TLP release table:
    • The first ever Classic+SI+Housing server launches and goes for hypothetically 1 year (obviously timing is variable based on several factors, like player retention, numbers, etc).
    • After 1 year this server becomes the permanent Classic+SI+Housing server.
    • Then they release a brand new Classic+SI+Housing server for 1 year which then gets merged into the permanent classic server, and they rinse and repeat this.

    Benefits to yearly new servers that get merged into a permanent server:
    1. Fresh Economy
    2. RR Reset
    3. Level Reset
    4. Level Playing field all around
    5. Merger with permanent server to maintain effort into characters.
    6. Some players staying on permanent server always introducing a trickle of permanent players, while new server gives level playing field for returnees/new players that "missed the boat" on the last one and re-itching nostalgia launch.

    Here's where it gets interesting from a psychological level. The nostalgia only lasts so long. EQ has had several TLPs to learn this fact and about how long the attention span lasts. For them it's about a year or two, for DAOC it might be less time, who knows. But one thing has been certain this entire time. You can RESET the nostalgia by hyping a new server every so often (but not too often) by giving the "new car smell" feel to re-itch that nostalgia. It ends up becoming this black hole infinite nostalgia loop that seems to work wonders. Also New/Returning players that show up 9 months in that would normally be discouraged because of "missed the boat/no point cuz everyone is RR5+/never catch up/etc/etc" thoughts will have another new "level playing field" to look forward to 3 months later.

    I know some of the arguments are going to be around, why would I leave my character I invested so much time with. SAAAME arguments made time and time again on EQ, and a lot of the same/similar arguments happening now with wow classic, etc. But guess what, as the launch gets closer of another new server, they all inevitably get hyped and play anyway.

    I've personally experienced this, and played EQ's first few expansions more times than I care to admit because of that, and have the same crew of buddies that come with every.single.time LOL.

    Thank you by the way @Carol_Broadsword for your response and acknowledging that you're reading. We understand that you can only release information when you can, but your response just letting us know you're reading goes so much further than you know with people like myself. It helps my ability to be impatiently patient without giving up. ;)
  • edited May 2021 PM
    puter wrote: »
    Exactly. There's only been one game in nearly 20 years, which is stuck in development hell, that attempts to reproduce what makes DAoC unique. The market has spoken regarding its appeal. I would love for a DAoC 2.0, but have no expectation that it will ever happen. Fans, both shard creators and paying players, are the primary reason this game hasn't died.
    Of course it's the paying players and shard players that are the primary reason the game hasen't died, what is your point? The reason so many have left is because the development decisions taken on each server has been less than satisfactory for the majority of the players not that the game has always been a game that would be considered bad with todays standards.

    puter wrote: »
    There's more conflicting ideas in this thread than common ground, and none of it includes what makes DAoC great. The classic ruleset has been done three times now, each with a different approach: no changes (previous shard), some changes (official), many changes (current shard). The result was the same. Every classic server iteration has failed. Why would this one be different? That's an honest, direct question.
    The reason the previous shard failed was because they started implementing changes noone asked for apart for the people in charge of development of that shard, the reason official classic server failed was due to the changes they had already from the start and the reason the current shard is failing is because they are implementing changes that very few players on that shard wants. If Broadsword launches a server which is a straight copy of 1.65 patch and only implements sensible changes which impact on the gaming experience for the players are investigated together with the player base before implementation the chance to succeed is greatly improved and I believe it will be successful. The one that seems to have the most conflicting ideas compared to everyone else regarding the success of a classic server in this thread is you. There are some that think it will be to successful and that Ywain will perish when it is launched and don't want that to happen or believes Broadsword don't want that to happen, you are the only one (or at least one of the very few) who seem to belive it will be a faulire.

    puter wrote: »
    I'm all for a seasonal / progression server that takes advantage of the nostalgic population boost that will certainly accompany the release of a classic ruleset. But a permanent classic server is not sustainable. That's a fact. The Caledonia event is a great blueprint for a progression type server. Short bursts of time investment is a better strategy to appease the nostalgia crowd than long drawn out time sinks.
    I believe events on both Ywain and the new (patch 1.65) server would be a better choice. I would not return for a seasonal server where your characters was deleted or moved to Ywain after every season and I don't think it would seem attractive to many people to have it that way. I believe Ywain would benefit from a permanent patch 1.65 server, returning, and maybe a few new, players would probobaly be interested to try Ywain out.
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • Jorma wrote: »
    Of course it's the paying players and shard players that are the primary reason the game hasen't died, what is your point? The reason so many have left is because the development decisions taken on each server has been less than satisfactory for the majority of the players not that the game has always been a game that would be considered bad with todays standards.

    Shard creators, not so much the players as they are fickle. Literally, the design choices being made in the shard community are echoing into the official servers. That's not a coincidence.

    Some want slow progression (XP / RP). Some don't. Some want realm locking. Some don't. Some want expansion classes (i.e. Valkyries). Some don't. The only common ground is no expansion content, specifically ToA abilities and items, post SI. Everything else is up in the air in terms of "sensible changes". It's completely subjective. All three classic servers satisfied your common ground, yet none of them agree with your idea of "sensible changes". This is where you need to find common ground if you want ANOTHER classic server to be successful. Good luck.
  • edited May 2021 PM
    puter wrote: »
    Shard creators, not so much the players as they are fickle. Literally, the design choices being made in the shard community are echoing into the official servers. That's not a coincidence.

    Some want slow progression (XP / RP). Some don't. Some want realm locking. Some don't. Some want expansion classes (i.e. Valkyries). Some don't. The only common ground is no expansion content, specifically ToA abilities and items, post SI. Everything else is up in the air in terms of "sensible changes". It's completely subjective. All three classic servers satisfied your common ground, yet none of them agree with your idea of "sensible changes". This is where you need to find common ground if you want ANOTHER classic server to be successful. Good luck.
    It is quite interesting how you constantly chooses to quote only the part you want to quote and take it out of it's context. I will requote my entire former post hoping you will read it all and understand the full meaning of it:
    Jorma wrote: »
    Of course it's the paying players and shard players that are the primary reason the game hasen't died, what is your point? The reason so many have left is because the development decisions taken on each server has been less than satisfactory for the majority of the players not that the game has always been a game that would be considered bad with todays standards.

    The reason the previous shard failed was because they started implementing changes noone asked for apart for the people in charge of development of that shard, the reason official classic server failed was due to the changes they had already from the start and the reason the current shard is failing is because they are implementing changes that very few players on that shard wants. If Broadsword launches a server which is a straight copy of 1.65 patch and only implements sensible changes which impact on the gaming experience for the players are investigated together with the player base before implementation the chance to succeed is greatly improved and I believe it will be successful. The one that seems to have the most conflicting ideas compared to everyone else regarding the success of a classic server in this thread is you. There are some that think it will be to successful and that Ywain will perish when it is launched and don't want that to happen or believes Broadsword don't want that to happen, you are the only one (or at least one of the very few) who seem to belive it will be a faulire.

    I believe events on both Ywain and the new (patch 1.65) server would be a better choice. I would not return for a seasonal server where your characters was deleted or moved to Ywain after every season and I don't think it would seem attractive to many people to have it that way. I believe Ywain would benefit from a permanent patch 1.65 server, returning, and maybe a few new, players would probobaly be interested to try Ywain out.
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • I'm attempting to be concise and only reply to points I feel need to be directly addressed. The context remains regardless of what I specifically quote.

    In short, every single of you has a different picture of what a true classic server should be. Many of you will quit when the version that is released doesn't match exactly with what you want. There is strong precedence for this and arguments in this thread support that trend. The nuances you claim as major changes are minor in terms of core gameplay. You're not fans of DAoC, you're slaves to nostalgia.
  • edited May 2021 PM
    puter wrote: »
    I'm attempting to be concise and only reply to points I feel need to be directly addressed. The context remains regardless of what I specifically quote.

    In short, every single of you has a different picture of what a true classic server should be. Many of you will quit when the version that is released doesn't match exactly with what you want. There is strong precedence for this and arguments in this thread support that trend. The nuances you claim as major changes are minor in terms of core gameplay. You're not fans of DAoC, you're slaves to nostalgia.
    Ok, so you understood the meaning of "only implements sensible changes which impact on the gaming experience for the players are investigated together with the player base before implementation" after a second chance to read what I wrote. Now it is only the part about what people are wishing for in a possible new server that confuces you.

    You do understand that this thread was started to ask people what they would like to see on a new server and not to ask people what they would demand from a new server. There is a big difference in like to see and demand.
    Just because it isn't exactly as someone considers perfect doesn't mean it would be unacceptable. Me for example don't view patch 1.65 as the perfect game, as can be seen in my second post in this thread, I have mentioned things not in patch 1.65 as things I would really like to see, but I would still return for a straight copy of patch 1.65.

    The reason I asked people to post what they would like to see on the alternate "classic" ruleset server was to give Broadsword the oppurtunity to read some ideas that players have and see what was wished for by several people, this could maybe give them some new ideas and maybe supply them with information to discard other ideas
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • Realize I'm silly late to this thread.
    My idea of "classic" has nothing to do with maps or classes. Because NF in any version is far superior to OF. And the vast majority of class changes are improvements. Nobody wants to play a 1.65 warden. (Granted I'm not fond of the new Warden-as-primary-healer role either)

    Classic to me is killing all the massive stacking bonuses. Things like stat caps, cast speed, melee damage, and especially power recovery. Which is exactly what the official "classic" servers missed on, they just moved the bonuses to non-ToA items.

    And then throw in some other fun change, like setting group size to 6, or 13. Heck, that could change every week. Stir up the group dynamics.

    While you are at it, go ahead and add some various nostalgia things. An OF keep in each realm. An original NF keep with no siege towers, complete with bridges and towers with the ladders to climb. Etc.

    One we've never had. We have (or had) swamps that make you run slower. Makes for an interesting fight dynamic, and friendly to ranged classes. How about some other things like that. "Magic fog" that puts an uncureable nearsight effect on everyone is one - fights would be very tight and melee friendly. Maybe all healing near a graveyard should be halved. Or "Stealth Lore for everyone in this area". Just try some things, but put them in different areas, move them around occasionally, and let the players decide which ones are fun by choosing to fight there.
  • edited May 2021 PM
    Elkad wrote: »
    Realize I'm silly late to this thread.
    My idea of "classic" has nothing to do with maps or classes. Because NF in any version is far superior to OF. And the vast majority of class changes are improvements. Nobody wants to play a 1.65 warden. (Granted I'm not fond of the new Warden-as-primary-healer role either)

    Classic to me is killing all the massive stacking bonuses. Things like stat caps, cast speed, melee damage, and especially power recovery. Which is exactly what the official "classic" servers missed on, they just moved the bonuses to non-ToA items.
    I think many that are waiting for an official classic server doesn't really like the stat caps, cast speed, melee damage. Power recovery could be made into an Realm Ability in form of Font of Power as a choice for certain classes if there is a large demand for it.

    Elkad wrote: »
    And then throw in some other fun change, like setting group size to 6, or 13. Heck, that could change every week. Stir up the group dynamics.

    While you are at it, go ahead and add some various nostalgia things. An OF keep in each realm. An original NF keep with no siege towers, complete with bridges and towers with the ladders to climb. Etc.
    This sounds like possible event ingredients that could be tweaked to suit both Ywain and the alternate ruleset server.

    Elkad wrote: »
    One we've never had. We have (or had) swamps that make you run slower. Makes for an interesting fight dynamic, and friendly to ranged classes. How about some other things like that. "Magic fog" that puts an uncureable nearsight effect on everyone is one - fights would be very tight and melee friendly. Maybe all healing near a graveyard should be halved. Or "Stealth Lore for everyone in this area". Just try some things, but put them in different areas, move them around occasionally, and let the players decide which ones are fun by choosing to fight there.
    Also sounds like things that could be considered for events and tried out in them, if well recieved by the player base it could be something to consider implementing permanently.
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • I hope they never launch the classic server. I never want to go back to those days, weeks, months of levling, waiting for named to spawn at certain times, run out of power and have to wait minutes for power to reg. Noone has time for that. After playing a caster or healer with 127 dex and going to 75.... Just still a fork in my eye.

    they will never launch it, if ywain cant handle another server. Its already been stated. And at this point, it they launch a new server, it will briefly kill Ywain. And why woould people that has RR12-14 characters want to reroll on a slower server?
  • edited May 2021 PM
    Old frontiers with some modifications like the center of Pennine having a couple areas of elevation decreased some while keeping it's uniqueness in it's mountains and scenery, and removing the tree mobs at forest sauvage/penn border(this is probably the only mobs I would remove), maybe even with a new keep in some important areas where terrain will need modified to support them. I'd like there to be no porting but if you have to have it then make it require an objective that will take you to the #3 keep in the middle zone which can be easily cut by taking the forward zone keep. Give the milegates the new model ones with the drop door and LOS improvements.

    A realm timer triggered by rvr activity but do allow plat transfers between realms at an exchange rate calculated by balance, so people can switch if they would like, just not on a whim. I would have it as 48 hours but that is just my personal opinion and something shorter could be fine.

    No max stat buff potions that can be used outside of the border keep or portal keep. No RP bonus potions. Don't think you can milk us with classic that won't go over very well. Give a group disease cure ability somewhere for all realm. Give Pallies endurance chant. Consider keeping some of the melee style changes made over 10 years ago for some classes that were much needed. Only stealthers climbing walls. Some things could be considered going way too backwards but this is for you to decide. If you are looking at 1.65, then there are some corrections that need considered like Left Axe which was heavily nerfed and ended up getting a recorrection over the years to bring it in balance, just as an example. Even hybrid weaponskill buff was not a bad thing for the game! ..yet making the wrong choices could spell complete doom for the whole effort but what I have said I think would not. Going NF RAs may also be good, but I would not have RR5 abilities(without charge) and I would also change things like TWF and Negative Maelstrom out of essense damage and into something else if you go that route.

    But do not give it anything that we've seen here on Ywain in the last 8 years or so. Don't even touch that with a 10 foot pole. no no no no no. It is pretty sad that I would actually consider ToA to be a classic experience at this point in time with what ywain has turned into and I don't particularly enjoy this and would really love to see what you can come up with, yet to be honest I don't think it's going to happen, at least not in a way I would like to see.....I'll try whatever you come up with regardless even if I think there is a better answer to pop decline then progression into TODAY's state.
    Post edited by Lurandal on
  • edited May 2021 PM
    If a progression server were to hit ToA. I don't think it would completely kill it as long as people don't have to spend hours in the zones. No ML raids but yes doing an artifact encounter and getting a instant level 10 with fast respawn times would be good I think! But progressing into the current state is just something.....ugggh. no.... It will die well before the final phase.

    Progression is just so strange to me. How long does it go? What stages do you have? It sounds really hard to develop and something that I doubt could be achieved unless you have old files. Or you actually do put thousands of hours in. But then how do you keep people interested when they know for a fact that their characters will die? I don't know. Maybe on a reset they get to keep their titles and RPs for notoriety but when resetting and during the entire progression you keep hard caps on how many realm skill points can ever be obtained, never exceeding what you would have at rr11 which would be unlocked in the late game. Keep titles and RP forever, persisting past resets, but cap the skill points at different periods through the progression? Not sure it would work but I am trying to figure out what could actually make this work. It has never been tried and I do give you mad props at taking a risk like this where no one really knows how successful it could actually be outside of data from other games, and we do have actual population data for classic experiences after a bit of time passes with this game.

    That is why I am trying to suggest things if you are dead set on this but this is a hard development you need to create several time periods of this game accurately with little error. I know you have hundreds of pages of patch notes but do you have the original server files? that sure would be nice though but if not we will be waiting 10 years for this server. Maybe you could ask MJ nicely for that external drive he keep in his closet lol

    Whatever happens, I would like to see it so that it turns that other place into a place people only go because it is free and not because of, well....yeah. I am rooting for you Broadsword although I am very skeptical. For good reason too.

    I'm not expecting it. I think I'll probably be playing a fully released and completed Star Citizen or CU by the time it happens. The only reason I say this though is because this kind of thing has been dangled infront of us vets since 2008. Over 10 years now they have been danging this ****! A realm invasion server would of been pretty cool though, I think I voted for that one in the poll. :)
    Post edited by Lurandal on
  • Minibard wrote: »
    I hope they never launch the classic server. I never want to go back to those days, weeks, months of levling, waiting for named to spawn at certain times, run out of power and have to wait minutes for power to reg. Noone has time for that. After playing a caster or healer with 127 dex and going to 75.... Just still a fork in my eye.

    they will never launch it, if ywain cant handle another server. Its already been stated. And at this point, it they launch a new server, it will briefly kill Ywain. And why woould people that has RR12-14 characters want to reroll on a slower server?
    I think Ywain will benefit from a new classic ruleset server in the long run. Initially the population will probably drop but I believe several of the returning people will want to try Ywain to see what it is like today and some will like todays Ywain. Running events on Ywain and the new server at different times will probably make people swap server and ruleset and make it so that it takes longer for either to get stale and boring which will prolong both servers life time.
  • @Lurandal

    What you described in your first post is exactly why a straight up classic will never work. People forget that classic was broken af. It's the period of the game with some of the biggest imbalances in the game. People that say that the curernt patch level is unbalanced just don't know what they are talking about. It's as balanced as it will ever be. However, the game did lose some "flavor" in the process as it required giving other realms some abilities they didn't have before.

    There's a reason why the other place didn't straight up plug in a 1.65 server, they annouced a custom server with changes because they knew how 1.65 was broken and needed adjustments.

    As for your second post, the idea of the progression server isn't to reset with every "step", it's simply to basically roll through the last 20 years of daoc in an accelerated format, going from classic, to SI, to NF, to ToA, etc until you get back to where we are now.

    @Jorma Do you even play Ywain to say that? The population isn't at a level to sustain any kind of important drop. The population is workable, at best. There are some nights that the game just isn't fun at all because of the low population.

    The game wasn't great 2 years ago and the launch of the other place really put a dent in the pop permanently. 2 years later we haven't seen any kind of population increase. What would make you think that an official classic server would have that kind of effect? We sometimes see people posting in discord saying that they came from the other place, but these players are extremely rare. When you compare the streams of players, first one being Ywain -> other place and the second being other place -> Ywain, it's probably a 100/1 ratio.

    My personal opinion is that a new dragon patch server would be the best and have the longest and durable pop over time, but that would 100% completely kill Ywain.
  • edited May 2021 PM
    Shoke wrote: »
    @Jorma Do you even play Ywain to say that? The population isn't at a level to sustain any kind of important drop. The population is workable, at best. There are some nights that the game just isn't fun at all because of the low population.
    But that would not change unless more people is attracted back to the game. The population on Ywain will only keep on dropping unless people are attracted back. If more people are subscribing again to have access to the new server and in the same time gets access to Ywain there is a good chance they will try Ywain out. I believe the best way to attract people back to the game is by launching a classic ruleset server.

    Shoke wrote: »
    The game wasn't great 2 years ago and the launch of the other place really put a dent in the pop permanently. 2 years later we haven't seen any kind of population increase. What would make you think that an official classic server would have that kind of effect? We sometimes see people posting in discord saying that they came from the other place, but these players are extremely rare. When you compare the streams of players, first one being Ywain -> other place and the second being other place -> Ywain, it's probably a 100/1 ratio.
    The people that don't want to pay for access to only Ywain but would subscribe for access to both the classic server and Ywain would have that effect in my opinion. Many of those that gets access to Ywain, without paying more than they already are for access to the new server, would probably try Ywain out now and then, especially at times when there is some nice events going on.

    Shoke wrote: »
    My personal opinion is that a new dragon patch server would be the best and have the longest and durable pop over time, but that would 100% completely kill Ywain.
    I don't really think that whould attract many to subscribe. If on the other hand, for people that have subscribed for a classic server, a dragon patch event on Ywain might look like something to try out which would increase the population. This would keep Ywain alive instead of replacing Ywain with a dragon patch server. The players on Ywain would still have their Realm Ranks, templates, trade skills, etc. intact.

    Post edited by Jorma on
  • I thought DAoC had shut down, but was surprised to find it still going. I subbed for a month to play a skald and see if I still liked it. Well, I do but the text in UI boxes is so tiny that I cannot read it. Is there a way to make it bigger? Otherwise, I can't play.
  • Jerry wrote: »
    I thought DAoC had shut down, but was surprised to find it still going. I subbed for a month to play a skald and see if I still liked it. Well, I do but the text in UI boxes is so tiny that I cannot read it. Is there a way to make it bigger? Otherwise, I can't play.

    if your right click the box, you can adjust the text size. At least with Custom UIs
  • Okay I will venture into this morass …

    First off the people who say “Classic is boring” are …. Missing the pont entirely.

    Some people liked the older, simpler, easier playstyle. Straight up.

    I have a big ego, but not so big that I cannot admit that a lot of players are a lot better than I. Always will be, on any server with any ruleset.

    The bonus is that (hopefully) most of them will stay on Ywain where their skills are challenged. A “Classic” server would also be a more (again, hopefully) “casual” server where everyone would n’t need to min-max, spend endless mithril on a template, learn six hot-bars full of necessary skills ….

    For a dedicated or skilled gamer, those things make the game. For a casual gamer it’s more like “What’s hitting me? Why am I dead?” We never get the time to learn from experience and develop the responses which the better and more experienced players have … so we never win.

    Even that would be okay I I could just survive.

    When I hear about “5-7 minutes fights” wow …. That is the grail, for me. That’s why, when I got rolled endlessly in 50 RvR I often went to Molvik, where on a good day I could fight non-stop for 20 or 30 minutes, dying and running back, or rolling with an 8-man PUG where everyone knew enough to be reasonably competitive.

    A five- or seven-minute fight? Absolutely. After five minutes I don’t even care who wins because those five minutes are so good. But nowadays …. Where everyone has abilities I haven’t even learned exist yet …. A five-second fight is the norm (usually with a stealthier who has so much resistance and knows so many tricks I know I am dead from the first tick of poison …. That’s not fun.

    I Think---not sure at all---that what people want is action, excitement, and a chance to survive …. Without having to spend four-eight hours a day learning their characters, and however many weeks (with the support of a good guild) getting the best template …… because a two-hours-on-Saturday afternoon player will never get that stuff. (Of course, that three-times-a-week player pays the same amount as the hardcore players …. But gets Much less return.)

    I think people who want “Classic” are indeed lost in nostalgia … Classic did have a Lot of flaws (in fact, the only common theme throughout DAoC’s 20-year history is the nonstop litany of complaints.)
    But … a “Classic” style server could be created, if BS has the manpower to both code it and maintain it, which most people here think is Not the case. And that sort of server might be successful …. With the above proviso.

    Yes, a server full of casuals would lose population after the first rush … for one thing, even if 10,000 people subscribed, a lot would only be on at odd hours and the actual live population would likely be low. Friday and Satuday nights and Saturday afternoons might rock, but a lot of folks are in different time zones or have different schedules, and are Not going to log in regularly every evening after dinner to keep the BG alive or to make sure their guildmates can do raids, or get crafting, or whatever.

    Also … unless there is non-stop action, even Classic DAoC is not worth the time. There have to be enemies to fight.

    Sure, PvE can be fun---I like it. And I think DAoC might attract a whole new population if it had, say LotRO-style PvE content for people who didn’t want to RvR all the time … but that takes major resources, so ……

    All this sis tuff we all need to consider. No discussion of new servers is valid if we only mention the points we like or dislike.

    So …. What do people who want “Classic” want? (Forget the jaded Ywainites---they want and have Ywain.) Think people want a lot of action, and simple enough mechanics that they can compete without investing huge hours and dollars.

    Whether they know it or not, they want all the post 1.65 fixes which were so effective that no one notices …. Like Left-Axe adjustments and stuff, obvious imbalance fixes that we have all forgotten …. They want all the broken stuff fixed, and none of the complicated stuff included. They want a game which a person can play with pleasure, win or lose, on a casual basis …. And one where a player who is willing to invest 40 hours a week can only get so much more powerful. Yeah, the hardcore guy (or girl) is going to know his /her stuff better, be quicker, make the right moves at the right time, and win .. but I might at least last long enough to learn something, unlike NF today where I get ganked leaving the keep every single time.

    I think such a server Might pay for itself … but it will involve initial investment, and I am not sure whether the money is available or anyone wants to spend it. I am sure that a lot of players who are living in the past (myself included) will come back and not have the fantasy nostalgia trip they are imagining, and many of them might leave after several months .….. And without a very large population, the live population won’t support the player base and the new server will die and a lot of people will learn all the wrong lessons, or no lessons …. But it will be too late.

    Ywain is dying slowly, and I don’t see anything saving it. It is the Pro league, and amateurs who play there are mostly fodder for the pros. No reason for new players to stick it out when they realize that they will have to die for a years or so in order to get to a place where they can compete—unless they are dedicated, skilled gamers, in which case they are playing whatever is the latest iteration of CounterStrike or whatever. I see no way for BS to attract a lot of new players to Ywain.

    Could see a lot of old players returning for a “Classic” server, but I don’t see a huge number staying … and Huge number would be needed.

    I wish there was an answer, a solution, but I don’t see it.

    But please… if we are going to have the discussion for another nine or so pages …. Let’s not say stuff like “Classic is boring” or fantasize about “returning” to DAoC versions which only exist in our fantasies, or imagine BS’s finances, and let’s admit that Ywain is slowly shrinking and not likely to massively grow ….

    Let’s focus on what kind of gameplay we seek, what we really want and what we really like about DAoC, and what we really don’t. The devs are reading this thread, but bickering about BS’s finances aren’t helpful to them.

    What do we Want---Only for the people who want a “Classic” server, no point is saying “I don’t want a Classic server” ….. That is a different thread ….

    And what Don’t we want?

    And where are we willing to compromise a little to get something more than we have now?

    (Sorry, writing this in a hurry because I have a dentist appointment ... I apologize for any logical flaws or misinformation .... )
  • @Tarkus There will never be a casual only server.

    Based on other server launches, we could expect a new server to peak at 4000 concurrent players in it's very max pop.

    However, it took 2.5 years for another server to reach the level of polish that you are looking for.

    The one thing that is garanteed, is that the sweaties will go to the new server where there are casuals to slay. They will kill casuals off the server, then leave when all action is done. It's a 2 year cycle.

    Casuals are looking for a safe place, but it won't happen. Not with daoc that relies on skill/ability and less on RNG. Classic just has less abilities so casuals feel like they use more of their class.
  • edited June 2021 PM
    @TARKUS WHILE that sounds good and I can agree on some you havent read this tread.

    People want LVLing that would take a very long time to reach 50, people want no buff bots, people what no Macroing, people dont want anything over 75/75 stats dont want toa,
    If you read this whole tread you would just smack yourself in the head.

    also like Shoke said, if a new server opens, it will not be just casuals. It will be the die hards that will be lvl 50 the fastest of everyone. and killing people that are Xping in Frontiers.
    Post edited by Minibard on
  • I have read the whole thread. Every post .... every word ..... and yes, it was painful.

    When I consume media--information form other sources, whatever form---I have to be pretty critical (it was my job for a long time.) I have learned to ignore the vocal outliers, the extremists .... Some folks want slow leveling, some folks want to relive the past, some folks want a version of DAoC which has never actually existed, because their memories have edited out the bad and glorified the good---such is nostalgia.

    The question is, what do Most people want, and what will they accept and engage with?

    If leveling is fast but RvR is fun, will that work? If RvR is simple enough that they can compete and active enough that they can get into the action whenever they log on, will that work? if leveling is slow but RvR is worth it, will that work?

    The thread is about finding out what Most people want. it will always be impossible to please anyone completely, but it BS can please three quarters or whatever proportion .... and please them enough to keep them coming back ... then the new server proves its worth (I imagine---I don't know.)

    As for the griefers, the "l337" players who come to farm the less skilled .... if there is no character transfer to Ywain, then that would grow old fast. The griefers would be limited to simple, less challenging gameplay, and while they could run rampant, I think they would get bored ... they couldn't rack up easy RPs and go back to Ywain supercharged. They would be a frog bigger than the pond. I think most of the skilled Ywainites would probably end up back on Ywain because that more the play experience they seek.

    I also realize that the griefers might kill the server before they get sick of being the too-big frogs.

    Also .... I think people obsess over details. it isn't simply casted stun or fewer /use and /use 2s .... it is What kind of gaming experience are you seeking? When you log on to DAoC-new server, what do you want to be able to do and how?

    I liked keep fights, or tower fights. I liked roaming, I also liked multi-group fights. Some people want it to be just 1v1, 2v2, 8v8, and everyone else leave us alone. Neither is wrong. I liked when two realms would attack the third when it had the numbers .... and was okay when one group would "turn traitor" and attack its also-weak ally. Some folks might not have.

    I want to be able to log on and get into a group or a BG and get to the action and not get ganked by stealth groups which have so many abilities that i cannot even hurt one of them while I die of poison. I'd like to be able to join a BG with at least a semi-competent leader and battle similar BGs. if I am to dream big, I'd like to eventually get good enough again that I could actually hold down a spot in an 8-man, even a PUG, and do it well enough not to get booted because I caused a wipe---but BS can't fix what's wrong with me ... :smiley:

    Shoot .... BS might never actually roll out a second server. Then what is all this worrying worth?

    But .... when it comes to asking what people want on the new server ..... I'd personally like people to think a little more deeply than "Patch 1.65." I think we all know that if BS did some magic rollback to 1.65, the complaints---from the people who asked for it---would be endless.

    But as I said somewhere else ... the only constant in DAoC has been that the players complain.

  • Tarkus wrote: »
    I think we all know that if BS did some magic rollback to 1.65, the complaints---from the people who asked for it---would be endless.

    But as I said somewhere else ... the only constant in DAoC has been that the players complain.

    This is guaranteed to happen regardless of what BS does.
  • What do you guys think will be released first? Camelot unchained or the alternate server. Both have been in development for the same amount of time.
  • I have to say that I do not know, or are prepared to guess, but I do hope it will be the announcement of a new a Dark Age of Camelot server that will attract my interest. The announcement regarding the server rulesest (or tweaks to certain rulesets) plays a big part in my excitment/dissapointment.

    A Camelot Unchained release announmcent would be exciting but I think it will take alot more time before that is achievable then it is to achieive an exciting alterante ruleset DAoC server. If an interesting CU game is ever created I would take a look into that as well as playing an entertaining version of DAoC.

    We will have to see if any of the above mentioned announcements will be presented...
  • Saracens wrote: »
    What do you guys think will be released first? Camelot unchained or the alternate server. Both have been in development for the same amount of time.

    I think Squadron 42 and the Persistent Universe comes first :D
  • I have tried to compile the results from the lists posted in this thread.

    If I have misunderstood anyone that person can inform me and I will change the compilation accordingly for next update on results, which I plan to do in another three months.

    In the end I will post the results of the issues where 5 or more people have voiced their opinion. If I have neglected to include something you think I should have included in that compilation please inform me and I will take that into consideration for the next update.

    Alternate ruleset resets
    New server has to be temporary. So seasons.
    Also the resets have to be complete
    complete inability to switch realms unless you first delete all characters on a realm.

    Classic, SI, housing and maybe Darkspire or Catacombs (just for some variation in items and content, adjust items to remove TOA bonuses)

    (1)We start with true Classic
    (2)I would stay if it evolved into Shrouded Isles

    3.no catacomb class
    4.disable ML level, artifacts, TOA bonuses etc.

    TOA should be implemented progressively, on the new server, in a much easier manner.

    I ant Classic+Shrouded Isles+Trials of Atlantis
    Start it out with Classic and Shrouded isles enabled, then add in Trials of Atlantis expansion after several months
    I would LIKE ToA Races and Catacombs Classes
    Multiple accounts allowed, one realm per account.

    1.) Classic+SI+Housing
    3.) Only 1 Realm per Account. No Timers. Its all about realm pride. No Crossrealming.
    Multiple accounts allowed but not logging more than 1 realm at a time.

    Classic/SI/Cata/DR/LotM No ToA

    1.Classic + Shrouded Isles + Foundations.
    2.Multiple accounts allowed.
    3. Only 1 realm per account.
    12. No progression towards later implemented content.

    No stealth classes


    1) No catacombs classes or maulers

    Classic + SI + ToA
    Remove MLs

    My dream would be for a toa

    Season Server- Gets a reset every 4-6months
    Rule Set/Server Type- This would be voted on and would be based off past patches.
    after each Season ends people can then again vote on a new Patch.

    start off with SI/housing. No catacomb classes, include ToA races.

    Most People Love the Idea of a Classic Server.

    ToA was by far my favorite expansion

    I'd like it to be more simple. DAOC was at its best right before ToA expansion.

    toa but with the ability to purchase artifact credit + mls with bps

    some dragon ish patch

    + the quick leveling we have in the bgs.

    hopefully the "new" server has one account one realm :_

    Classic / SI. No master level trials or abilities. Would prefer no artifacts either since everyone just uses the same cookie cutter items then.

    I would either like Mordred back without Catacombs or strict realm pride server. Dont care about the rest. I enjoyed ToA even on Mordred but could do without.

    I'm fairly convinced that no new server will truly capture the classic vibe. It was literally impossible to switch realms on the same server back in the day (unless you delete ofc.) That added so much to the game. Your realm was full of your friends. Everybody else was a red name on the screen that you had no idea who they were, just that they should die!

    im personnaly a very very old daoc player, and i think base game + SI is a must, without all add-ons gear.


    No classic Ruleset ! Playing without all the new stats/abilites/toa etc. ist boring, classic was fun in the days past. But nowadays I'd be bored missing like 30 abilities I could use during a fight. Looking at phoenix I realized having only classic limits me.

    A new server has to be real classic server...
    As the game was at relaese...
    Obviously no TOA or later crap... thats what killed the game in the first place...
    Obviously no realm-hopping.
    And obviously, cant stress too much, no TOA-bonuses or equip....
    If they can manage to limit TOA to PVE than fine, but without ANY connection to PVP.

    so new server has "season" that when time is alloted the said character is locked until next event or stage maybe run 3 months and lock and repeat with another toon then at 12 month mark can have a grand championship of sorts for rare gear, rps, kills, goals set to meet requirements, maybe that's how can get pve involved require x amount of said kill tasks, even if minute, cause I'm not really into the reset idea, enough of this stupid talk here.

    SI-TOA BUT with Artifacts and MLs disabled, got no problem with melee speed and cast speed but damage, style damage, spell damage and pierce? nah, keep it.

    Remove ML's maybe give healing classes group cure, power FoP and group port for free at 50 but no Speedwarps/traps etc.

    The first ever Classic+SI+Housing server launches and goes for hypothetically 1 year (obviously timing is variable based on several factors, like player retention, numbers, etc).
    After 1 year this server becomes the permanent Classic+SI+Housing server.
    Then they release a brand new Classic+SI+Housing server for 1 year which then gets merged into the permanent classic server, and they rinse and repeat this.
    Realize I'm silly late to this thread.
    My idea of "classic" has nothing to do with maps or classes. Because NF in any version is far superior to OF. And the vast majority of class changes are improvements. Nobody wants to play a 1.65 warden. (Granted I'm not fond of the new Warden-as-primary-healer role either)

    Classic to me is killing all the massive stacking bonuses. Things like stat caps, cast speed, melee damage, and especially power recovery. Which is exactly what the official "classic" servers missed on, they just moved the bonuses to non-ToA items.

    And then throw in some other fun change, like setting group size to 6, or 13. Heck, that could change every week. Stir up the group dynamics.

    While you are at it, go ahead and add some various nostalgia things. An OF keep in each realm. An original NF keep with no siege towers, complete with bridges and towers with the ladders to climb. Etc.

    One we've never had. We have (or had) swamps that make you run slower. Makes for an interesting fight dynamic, and friendly to ranged classes. How about some other things like that. "Magic fog" that puts an uncureable nearsight effect on everyone is one - fights would be very tight and melee friendly. Maybe all healing near a graveyard should be halved. Or "Stealth Lore for everyone in this area". Just try some things, but put them in different areas, move them around occasionally, and let the players decide which ones are fun by choosing to fight there.


    Alternating Rulesets, seasonal:
    AlaskaMike, Sheb, Ventic, Elkad
    Reslut: 4

    Classic, SI, housing and Darkspire or Catacombs (no ToA bonuses on items):
    Result: 1

    No Master Levels, Artifacts, ToA-bonuses:
    Astaa, cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jhaerik, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, BloodOmen, Insedeel
    Result: 18

    No Catacombs classes:
    cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Lotion, secky, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, Triq02_Dave, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 19

    Classic, SI, housing, Darkspire, Catacombs and LotM:
    Result: 1

    cartoon, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 13

    Dale_Perf, DraenV, secky, Sepphiroth75, Triq02_Dave, BloodOmen, Yems
    Result: 7

    Triq02_Dave, Thariel, Stoopiduser
    Result: 3

    No mythical caps:
    Astaa, cartoon, Dale_Perf, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, Triq02_Dave, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 18

    Only one realm/account:
    AlaskaMike, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, 47el, Quiggley, Bonzki, Mahvash
    Result: 8

    Multiple accounts allowed:
    DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma
    Result: 3

    Catacomb classes in ToA ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    No stealth classes:
    Result: 1

    Remove MLs in ToA ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    ToA races in SI ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    PvP server:
    Result: 1

    Remove MLs from Ywain patch ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    Launch of a new server with the same ruleset after a period of time where the characters are transfered to the first server and restarted from scratch after a period of time:
    Result: 1

    NF, OF was just bad, sorry, you spent more time travelling to fight than actual fighting.

    New Frontiers 1.0, with some porting adjustments
    NO RP's for taking keeps/towers

    New Frontiers with no ruined keeps.

    2.) Old Frontiers. With Hibs be able to port to bolg/crim. Or something else so hibs can also join the zerg fest in emain
    more easily.Perhaps only when they own all of their keeps Plenty of other zones to choose from for 8vs8 and other playstyles.

    I'd like to see an open world PvP server.

    5.A slightly modified Old Frontiers.
    - Milegates needs adressing in my opinion.
    - Albion frontier needs some tweaks in my opinion.
    - The keeps could be redesigned.
    - Relic keeps could get towers or be made stronger in some fashion, perhaps become a bit weaker if holding more than one relic

    Got to have ML's and water fights

    2)Original New Frontiers

    new frontera server with old island

    - Revamped frontiers, most important features would be
    1. smaller size (between 60 and 70% of current NF)
    2. drastically reduced ports, force people to run to places so smallman/group/roaming action can thrive.
    3. Ideally no underwater fights (can have water, just can't dive)
    4. NF keeps

    NF seems 50 bigger then it really needs to be.
    I hope they do something in Old Frontiers that is Awesome and fun
    I miss the Ruined Keeps and the Buggane Buff.

    only NF no OF.

    3.Old frontiers

    One big frontierzone (way smaller than NF now) without teleporters, but like 4 different starting positions, so one cannot be camped all day.
    Less Keeps/Towers with guards, merely keeps without guards and doors
    Old NF Bridges.
    No Agramon.

    revamp si/housing/blend of OF/NF

    Old frontiers with some modifications like the center of Pennine having a couple areas of elevation decreased some while keeping it's uniqueness in it's mountains and scenery, and removing the tree mobs at forest sauvage/penn border(this is probably the only mobs I would remove), maybe even with a new keep in some important areas where terrain will need modified to support them. I'd like there to be no porting but if you have to have it then make it require an objective that will take you to the #3 keep in the middle zone which can be easily cut by taking the forward zone keep. Give the milegates the new model ones with the drop door and LOS improvements.


    New Frontiers:
    Astaa, Yems, Triq02_Dave
    Result: 3

    New Frontiers with adjustments (porting/keeps/agramon):
    Dale_Perf, DraenV, Sepphiroth75
    Result: 3

    No RPs for taking keeps/towers:
    Result: 1

    Old Frontiers with adjustments (porting/MGs/Albion Frontier/keeps etc.):
    Dreadone, Jorma, The_Classic_Dude, Ermmuss, Lurandal
    Result: 5

    Open PvP server:
    Result: 1

    Under water fights available (diving/breathing under water):
    Result: 1

    Original New Frontiers:
    Result: 1

    Completely fresh frontiers:
    Shoke, Thariel, Ventic
    Result: 3
    No under water fights available (no diving/breathing under water):
    Result: 1

    Implement Ruined keeps and Buggane buff:
    Result: 1
  • edited June 2021 PM

    Some sort of currency that you can use to buy items, once you have encounter credit. Could even boil it down to BPs, so you can earn them via PVP or PVE, depending on what you want.
    Cosmetic reskinning, either using BPs or Mythril.

    Streamlined groupfinder, so people can create leveling groups easier
    8-15 hour play time to reach level 50 (powerleveling would obviously be faster)

    Make Master Level encounters require at MOST two groups.
    Make the artifacts VERY easy to level. Some leveling is healthy, but make it easy.
    Make it so yuo don't need the physical item to drop and be lucky enough to get it, you just need Encounter Credit and the Scrolls in order to obtain your artifact.

    QoL 2020
    - Account balance enabled. Share the money between all chars on your realm
    Since there would be only 1 realm per account you wont be able to easy farm plats on hib
    and use the money on mid for example. This also stops ppl getting scammed when muling.
    - Consignment merchant sales now directly deposit into your account balance (or guild bank in case of guild houses)
    This prevents housing lots to be indefinetely be blocked by players that dont play anymore.
    - Let us skill all tradeskills on 1 toon.

    6.Equipment/drops from the Shrouded Isles dungeons and Dragons are available for purchase from NPC merchants for gold/platinum or an alternative currency like Dragon Scales.
    7. Patterns to change the aestethics of your equipment is available for purchase with Bounty Points.
    8. Respec stones are available for purchase with Bounty Points.
    9. Easier to reach level 50 compared to how it was back in patch 1.65, implement the task dungeons perhaps.
    10. No resets of characters whatsoever.

    3) Quick progression through levels
    4) Mithril Merchants adding ToA, Dragonslayer, and Darkspire reskin patterns.
    6) Disabled Rent on active account. Demolish when/if account is closed.

    fast lvling like it is now
    not take forever to get stuff done

    Change artifacts to normal items (no scrolls, no levelling)

    with buff pots
    with speed pots

    - Fast leveling (20-25 hours /played to get 50 as a casual)
    Randomized item drops when killing players
    Earn BPs and purchase BG gear (same as today)
    XPing in pvp should be as quick as PvE leveling.

    Better XP, Drops, Quests. GET PEOPLE IN THE FRONTIER AND THEY WILL COME!. I always said that Dark Age has a Food chain when it comes to RVR. Solo's Grieve Pver's , Duo/Trio's kill Grievers, Small man's kills duos /Trio's and Full groups Kill Small Man's. Makes for a Healthy Fun Game...unless you are trying to PVE . Risk reward. That's why the XP and Gold/ Loot has to be worth it!

    Biggest thing would be to speed up the leveling. True classic leveling is brutal, and makes the game way less alt friendly

    2.Hard level grind(as in original game)

    Nah, has to be fast levelling. Even the idiots running the other server realised you need that.

    Slow leveling will not help. It will hurt as people remember why it sucked. The idea of classic is to keep the good ideas and remove as much of the bad as you can.

    freexfer between ywain and the new server back and forth as you like. CAP RA to 40 Points, increasing this cap with time going, so even RR14 lifeless people cannot just use all their points.

    Add some RP gained by friend vs. foe ratio in an area of like 3500 around your group. So zerging 80 vs 30 will result in like 5 rp gained. So people will not just join the biggest zerg but fight against it.
    So running down solos for a 8 man is not worth it, but instead looking for other 8mans or the zerg to harass.

    Fast xp or transfer lvl 50 over. No timers

    Leveling has to take ages...
    Every level gained has to have a meaning...
    Obviously no transfer from Ywaine.

    so new server has "season" that when time is alloted the said character is locked until next event or stage maybe run 3 months and lock and repeat with another toon then at 12 month mark can have a grand championship of sorts for rare gear, rps, kills, goals set to meet requirements, maybe that's how can get pve involved require x amount of said kill tasks, even if minute, cause I'm not really into the reset idea, enough of this stupid talk here.

    toa but with the ability to purchase artifact credit + mls with bps

    some dragon ish patch

    + the quick leveling we have in the bgs.

    Account wide quest credit for things like Curse/OW so you dont have to do them 20 times on each realm simular to new horse merchant but you dont have to give him the horse to "register" it.. if you have done it you can get the Bound Item on all your chars.

    Keep leveling quick.


    Alternative currency to purchase items:
    Astaa, Jorma
    Result: 2

    Improved Group Finder:
    Result: 1

    Easier to level up to lvl50:
    Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Lotion, Names, Shoke, LordGriffon, backbone, kroko, Aldious, Ghaval, Minibard, Yems, Stoopiduser
    Result: 14

    Easier Master Level Encounters:
    Result: 1

    Easier artifact access/leveling:
    DraenV, secky
    Result: 2

    All characters on one account have access to all in game currency on that account:
    Result: 1

    Make sure houses owned by inactive accounts are demolished:
    Dreadone, Lotion
    Result: 2

    One character can have all tradeskills fully trained at the same time:
    Result: 1

    Bounty Point merchants with respec stones and item reskin patterns for sale:
    Astaa, Jorma
    Result: 1

    No reset of characters:
    Jorma, Ventic
    Result: 2

    Mithril merchants with item reskin patterns for sale:
    Astaa, Lotion
    Result: 1

    Faster to complete raids:
    Result: 1

    Buff and Speed pots available:
    Result: 1

    Drops from players:
    Result: 1

    Items available for purchase for Bounty Points:
    Result: 1

    More experience from killing other players:
    Result: 1

    More experience, quests and drops from PvE in the frontiers:
    Result: 1

    Same leveling speed as in patch 1.65:
    Ermmuss, Mahvash
    Result: 2

    Ability to transfer level 50 characters from Ywain:
    Result: 1

    Ability to transfer characters back and forth from Ywain:
    Result: 1

    Reward play against superior numbers with more RP and punish playing against inferior numbers with less RP.
    Result: 1

    No transfer of characters from Ywain to the new server:
    Mahvash, Jorma
    Result: 2

    Artifact Credit + Master Levels available for BPs
    Result: 1

    Quest credit for all characters on the account if one character on the account completes the quest:
    Result: 1
    Post edited by Jorma on

    Add some master level abilities to the realm ability list.
    I would actually quite like some TOA stuff, speed chant is aoe rather than group etc.

    Updated RA system. Combine old with new, leave some out

    4.) Old Realm Abilities (no charge, no vanish, no sos for everyone)
    - Timers on Buffs
    - TWF, ST, Maelstrom only castable with los to the groundtarget

    11. Having captured another realms relic in your own relic keep grants 5% increase to damage when in the Frontier zones.
    Having lost a relic to another realm resluts in a 5% decrease in damage when in the Frontier zones.

    - Include some class changes that happened in the last couple years:
    1. Minstrel charm as per current Ywain mechanics
    2. baseline nukes in off spec (Matter in Matter line (Alb), energy in mana line (hib) and spirit in supp line (mid))
    3. Melee styles revamp (let's not have VW on a 4 style off evade chain, Left axe would have side stun, etc)
    - Add stat caps (101 templates) and ToA item bonuses, but reduce item /uses to alchemy charges only. Keep it at 75 / no ToA bonuses if templating becomes too difficult.
    - Revamped NF RAs, mixing OF and NF RAs, limiting the levels of active RAs to 3. Example, can't get purge 5 on a 5 min timer, best you can get is purge 3 on a 10 minute timer, etc.
    - No charge
    - No vanish
    - Have greater speed of the hunt (176% speed) available.
    - skald, bard and minstrel are only speed 5 classes.
    - re-balancing R5 abilities (Alb has all the good ones)
    - Relics have a ramping effect. When you capture a relic, you need to wait 24 hours for the bonus to kick in. That bonus gradually increases (from 0 to 10%) over the course of 14 days. After 14 days, it remains for another 7 days at max bonus. After 21 days, if the relic isn't captured by another realm it resets.

    Paying Mithrril for RVR bonus buffs seems really Gay.

    Relics are meant to add more power and perks, so why not have a system of if 1 realm owns them all they get perks but all keeps and doors are dropped in lvls, 72hr hold time on each relic then gone, if have all 6 then can basically cash them in for a new Relic of Bounty that would spawn in random locations locations, instead it be top end gear, supplies, random crates for lucrative bonuses, all that's there gets the loot, non tradeable drops, with system on a random cooldown timer for the claiming realm of a day or sor something and again enough there...

    And a selfish want

    Old style Necro's with the old mezz/root immune pets

    No max stat buff potions that can be used outside of the border keep or portal keep. No RP bonus potions. Don't think you can milk us with classic that won't go over very well. Give a group disease cure ability somewhere for all realm. Give Pallies endurance chant. Consider keeping some of the melee style changes made over 10 years ago for some classes that were much needed. Only stealthers climbing walls. Some things could be considered going way too backwards but this is for you to decide. If you are looking at 1.65, then there are some corrections that need considered like Left Axe which was heavily nerfed and ended up getting a recorrection over the years to bring it in balance, just as an example. Even hybrid weaponskill buff was not a bad thing for the game! ..yet making the wrong choices could spell complete doom for the whole effort but what I have said I think would not. Going NF RAs may also be good, but I would not have RR5 abilities(without charge) and I would also change things like TWF and Negative Maelstrom out of essense damage and into something else if you go that route.


    Revamp Realm Abilities (Old and new RAs, Master Level abilities):
    Astaa, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Shoke, Lurandal
    Result: 5

    Timers on buffs:
    Result: 1

    Line of Sight requered to cast ground target spells:
    Result: 1

    Change relics efficiency boost and penalty:
    Jorma, Shoke, Ventic
    Result: 3

    Include some class changes from more recent patches:
    Shoke, Lurandal
    Result: 2

    Limit speed 5 chant to Skald, Bard and Minstrel:
    Result: 1

    RvR buffs not available by Mithril:
    The _Classic_Dude, Lurandal
    Result: 2

    Old style Necro's with the old mezz/root immune pets:
    Result: 1

    Gruop disease cure available for all realms:
    Result: 1

    Climb wall ability only available for assassins:
    Result: 1

    8v8v8 instance

    14.Battlegrounds exactly like in patch 1.65.

    5 BG tiers (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50), the BGs are permanent (not a timed session), no player limit, unless one realm is drastically overpopulated.
    Once in a BG, you are artificially boosted to the top level for health, resist and damage calculations
    If flagged as lfg, you are automatically placed in a group following a role logic (3 support, 1 tank, 4 dps) structure
    If flagged as solo, you can remain solo
    You get XP for player and guard kills and for capturing map objectives (flag, tower, keep, etc)

    Make a BG from thidranki all the way up to molvik (molvik was added post toa,but this would be a good compromise). In each bg if you manage to capture the keep in the middle, give a massive xp reward(one that could take someone from level 49 to 50).

    Also spawn randomized bosses, ones that would take atleast 4 people to kill, would always present a different random challenge, on a 30 min timer within each BG that would give a large amount of xp if killed. You could stay in BGS all the way from 20-50.


    Instance for one full group from each realm to battle in:
    Result: 1

    Battlegrounds exactly as in patch 1.65:
    Result: 1

    Revamp battlegrounds, 10 level range, low levels boosted to be competitive:
    Result: 1

    Revamp battlegrounds and make it possible to play and level in battlegrounds all the way from level 20 to level 50:
    Result: 1

    Revamped ML10 loot, Summoners Hall and the original Dragon Campaign.

    4.Same equipment as in the 1.65 patch.

    Actually make Epic armor mean something again.


    Revamp ML10/Summoners Hall/original Dragon Campain loot:
    Result: 1

    Same loot as it was in patch 1.65:
    Result: 1

    Make Epic Armor competitive:
    Result: 1

    1.allow EC account for leveling without race/class restriction, but halve gaining realm point or RR4 cap - encourage people to 'try out' playing with friends.
    2.no xp cap for EC account- this is stupid emo
    5. give EC account for some disadvantages like 1min teleporter delay, double price, half selling, etc etc but NO restriction about playing (class/race comb eg.)
    6.UTF8 encoding chat window please

    14 day free trial return (so people can try the new sub-only seasonal server, which BS already said it will be sub only)
    NOTHING in the cash shop BESIDES SKINS/aesthetics (can you say p2w?)
    Weekly bug fixes
    Realm lock or 4 hour + timer
    Player mounts (not on speed 6), obtainable at level 10 like it is now.
    Less questing
    Removal of magic dmg melee weapons (like leggies)

    - Develop a pvp focused leveling system (similar to Warhammer scenarios)

    what i really want in a classic new server is being able to go anywhere with a horse on pve areas

    Obviously no P2W.

    have a realm timer that's random cooldown 2-8 hrs be well enough not to ruin the loyalty and playerbase.

    · UI Scaling, the the elements are tiny, everyone is using modern resolutions, make the ui scale so we can see our ui elements
    · Map Scaling - I can't read the dots with out glasses/magnifying glass (that's how small the in game map is)
    · Item compare. Allow me to compare two items easily (full details)
    · Buff/Dot icons on the target so I can easily tell if they are ticking or not. Reading text combat tick updates in teh chat window is lame.
    · better indicators of when styles have hit (so I know I can do next in chain (Reading the text hoping I catch it is lame). rather hi-light the next icon in the chain and give an indicator in game HUD.

    UI scaling is nesc ..

    i don't even mean scaling icons..... i mean to have an option to have double size icons and buff icons on the UI

    at 1980*1080 it's borderline
    at 2560*1400 the icons are just a joke
    at higher it's downright ... unviewable.

    doubling the icon size from what we have currently is ... essential as an option. i'm not talking about having really scalable icons, i'm talking about having the current and double size of what is now as an option..

    More updates on the main website not in Discord.

    A realm timer triggered by rvr activity but do allow plat transfers between realms at an exchange rate calculated by balance, so people can switch if they would like, just not on a whim. I would have it as 48 hours but that is just my personal opinion and something shorter could be fine.


    Allow Endless Conquest accounts with lesser restrictions:
    Result: 1

    Redesign chat window to allow UTF8:
    Result: 1

    14 days free for returning players:
    Result: 1

    Only aesthetic things available in cash shop:
    Dale_Perf, Mahvash
    Result: 2

    More frequent bug fixes by the development team:
    Result: 1

    Long wait time to play characters on another realm on the same server:
    Dale_Perf, Ventic, Lurandal
    Result: 3

    Player mounts available as on Ywain:
    Dale_Perf, K4NI
    Result: 2

    Less questing:
    Result: 1

    No melee weapons that does other that slash, thrust or crush damage:
    Result: 1

    A PvP system for PvE leveling:
    Result: 1

    Revamped UI:
    Ragsandsocks, Muylae
    Result: 2

    Better communication for updates by the development team:
    Result: 1

    - Let us skill all tradeskills on 1 toon.

    13. Trade skills exactly like in patch 1.65.

    Yes, please fast leveling and crafting.

    Crafting has to take ages...
    Every point gained has to have a meaning...


    One character can have all tradeskills fully trained at the same time:
    Result: 1

    Tradeskills as in patch 1.65:
    Jorma, Mahvash
    Result: 2

    Faster to level tradeskills:
    Result: 1


    PvP challenges, attack this, defend that etc
    Rotating special events every couple of weekends, perhaps a solo pvp event, group pvp event etc, set in TOA zones or something. Just try stuff out, doing something is better than doing nothing.

    5)Very short down time in between RvR/Seasonal events.

    - Revamped RvR quests to include group vs group incentives. Also make it that the RvR quests are always running. Example, tier 1 is kill 10 enemies, tier 2 is kill 30, tier 3 is kill 50, tier 4 is kill 75, tier 5 is kill 100, etc. and get RPs for each tier. (the counter resets, so to complete tier 3 you need to kill 10+30+50).

    If I could add something, it would be a merger of the Co-Op server. I think it would be awesome if there was a 4th (realm) and it was basically high level monsters that would occupy keeps and maybe even lay siege to keeps? Something like Legion and his horde escaping darkness falls and going for a relic keep or targeting the realm currently dominating RvR? I think this would add a fun factor for when population is low at certain times, and it would bring casual PvE players out to the frontiers. Loot tables and drops would stay in effect so there is high reward/ high risk. Maybe realm points for retaking a keep from this enemy. Thoughts?

    Drop unique boss mobs every month in pvp zones that give a monthly bonus to the realm that defeats them.

    Battleground server merging/folding or something to gather all players across servers to a single battle ground (or something like that).

    I think a home raid server could be pretty cool. Have the ability to raid into Alb, Hib or Mid leveling areas. Kind of like ArchAge where at certain times the zones go to war type deal. You change your leveling during those times and go to different areas not under attack, or you roll the dice and level on knowing you could be ko'd at any time. You could have secondary mile gates within the home realm where you have another chance to defend off the attackers and fix everything that was broken. Segmented areas where you would be safe until the horde of players reach that gate, so you still have time to run. Players could sound a horn at each of the gates letting players know there are enemies in the area and the horns would only work when enemy combatants are in the area so false alarms would not be possible.

    You could move player housing into the segmented areas like settlements and give the opposing realm a chance to smash your house for gold based on the amount of items that has sold on that house or just use the random loot generator for items for that realm based on the player/group that did the most damage. Then when the raid is over you have to repair the house but it can be done very cheaply and easily.

    During times when nobody is raiding your realm you could use NPC enemies attacking an area for players to form up and defend for awesome loot for that level of NPC for that area.


    Standing PVP Challenges and RvR Quest:
    Astaa, Shoke
    Result: 2

    Short time between RvR/Seasonal events:
    Astaa, Lotion
    Result: 2

    Events with NPCs invading the Frontiers:
    IceHilda, Ermmuss
    Reslut: 2

    Battleground for all live DAoC servers:
    Result: 1

    Events when one realms main land can be entered and attacked by the two other realms:
    Result: 1

    The game is actually very good now maybe a bit of realm balance is needed but still the best out there I’ve played the bird it is light years away from daoc ywain 2020 in everything ,excitement speed just general ease of use a new server is a complete waste of time it’s for the people who haven’t played the game in 10 years the ones who went to wow.

    Who in there right mind wants to go back to levelling that takes months who seriously wants no ability’s like charge or the old realm rank abilities they were changed for a reason they didn’t work
    Who the hell wants to walk everywhere or has to have a buff bot to compete.
    Everything in ywain today is because of a thing called evolution all that you crazed new server bellends want is a quick nostalgia fix that will fizzle in months like the bird which is losing players on a daily basis.
    You want a care bear server where you don’t have to think daoc ywain 2020 is hard it is challenging but it is where it’s at no game anywhere else has the same adrenaline and excitement as it is today.
    New server would be a massive waste of resources and would fail.
    If half of you whining bitches spent more time in the game and actually supported it instead of playing dumb made up servers the actual game experience would increase And if your gonna come back at me with any of your crap put your in game name up so we can see if you actually play the game because I would wager 75 percent of you haven’t played the game in 10 years or play the bird.

    I don’t want a new server

    just create a new Battleground with 1.65 Ruleset

    1)I would not migrate to a new server. I don't have the time IRL to commit to leveling characters again I love having my few templated characters that I can just log in and play on.

    we don't need a new server. we barely have enough ppl to run one server. Thinking that people will return and pay for a new server is wishful thinking.

    I hope they never launch the classic server. I never want to go back to those days, weeks, months of levling, waiting for named to spawn at certain times, run out of power and have to wait minutes for power to reg. Noone has time for that. After playing a caster or healer with 127 dex and going to 75.... Just still a fork in my eye.

    they will never launch it, if ywain cant handle another server. Its already been stated. And at this point, it they launch a new server, it will briefly kill Ywain. And why woould people that has RR12-14 characters want to reroll on a slower server?


    Not interested in a new server:
    Brut, Enkertons, Mahvash, Armagedden, secky, Minibard
    Result: 6

    cartoon, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 13

    Dale_Perf, DraenV, secky, Sepphiroth75, Triq02_Dave, BloodOmen, Yems
    Result: 7

    No mythical caps:
    Astaa, cartoon, Dale_Perf, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, Triq02_Dave, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 18

    No Master Levels, Artifacts, ToA-bonuses:
    Astaa, cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jhaerik, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, BloodOmen, Insedeel
    Result: 18

    No Catacombs classes:
    cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Lotion, secky, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, Triq02_Dave, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 19

    Only one realm/account:
    AlaskaMike, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, 47el, Quiggley, Bonzki, Mahvash
    Result: 8


    Old Frontiers with adjustments (porting/MGs/Albion Frontier/keeps etc.):
    Dreadone, Jorma, The_Classic_Dude, Ermmuss, Lurandal
    Result: 5


    Revamp Realm Abilities (Old and new RAs, Master Level abilities):
    Astaa, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Shoke, Lurandal
    Result: 5


    Easier to level up to lvl50:
    Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Lotion, Names, Shoke, LordGriffon, backbone, kroko, Aldious, Ghaval, Minibard, Yems, Stoopiduser
    Result: 14


    Not interested in a new server:
    Brut, Enkertons, Mahvash, Armagedden, secky, Minibard
    Result: 6
  • Considering these boards are free to login to, it's kind of sad that only 18 outright supported a classic setting. Maybe there should be a poll that goes beyond these boards if you truly believe it's widely desired as this isn't very convincing.
  • When did I say no catacombs classes?
  • edited June 2021 PM
    ToA was by far my favorite expansion

    I will remove you from that No catacomb classes the next update though.

    Post edited by Jorma on
  • add me to the not interested in a new server :)
  • Just because ToA was my favorite expansion doesn't mean I didn't like everything that came afterwards...
  • puter wrote: »
    What is the appeal for forcing players into one realm?
    No one can agree on how the live server should work, why should the Alt server be any different?

  • After one week of time to ask me to correct/change the list of wishes and I have recieved 3 corrections/changes/addidtions to include in the results I will update the compilation.

    If I have misunderstood anyone that person can inform me and I will change the compilation accordingly for next update on results, which I plan to do in another three months.

    In the end I will post the results of the issues where 5 or more people have voiced their opinion. If I have neglected to include something you think I should have included in that compilation please inform me and I will take that into consideration for the next update.
  • edited July 2021 PM

    Alternate ruleset resets
    New server has to be temporary. So seasons.
    Also the resets have to be complete
    complete inability to switch realms unless you first delete all characters on a realm.

    Classic, SI, housing and maybe Darkspire or Catacombs (just for some variation in items and content, adjust items to remove TOA bonuses)

    (1)We start with true Classic
    (2)I would stay if it evolved into Shrouded Isles

    3.no catacomb class
    4.disable ML level, artifacts, TOA bonuses etc.

    TOA should be implemented progressively, on the new server, in a much easier manner.

    I ant Classic+Shrouded Isles+Trials of Atlantis
    Start it out with Classic and Shrouded isles enabled, then add in Trials of Atlantis expansion after several months
    I would LIKE ToA Races and Catacombs Classes
    Multiple accounts allowed, one realm per account.

    1.) Classic+SI+Housing
    3.) Only 1 Realm per Account. No Timers. Its all about realm pride. No Crossrealming.
    Multiple accounts allowed but not logging more than 1 realm at a time.

    Classic/SI/Cata/DR/LotM No ToA

    1.Classic + Shrouded Isles + Foundations.
    2.Multiple accounts allowed.
    3. Only 1 realm per account.
    12. No progression towards later implemented content.

    No stealth classes


    1) No catacombs classes or maulers

    Classic + SI + ToA
    Remove MLs

    My dream would be for a toa

    Season Server- Gets a reset every 4-6months
    Rule Set/Server Type- This would be voted on and would be based off past patches.
    after each Season ends people can then again vote on a new Patch.

    start off with SI/housing. No catacomb classes, include ToA races.

    Most People Love the Idea of a Classic Server.

    I'd like it to be more simple. DAOC was at its best right before ToA expansion.

    toa but with the ability to purchase artifact credit + mls with bps

    some dragon ish patch

    + the quick leveling we have in the bgs.

    Classic / SI. No master level trials or abilities. Would prefer no artifacts either since everyone just uses the same cookie cutter items then.

    I would either like Mordred back without Catacombs or strict realm pride server. Dont care about the rest. I enjoyed ToA even on Mordred but could do without.

    I'm fairly convinced that no new server will truly capture the classic vibe. It was literally impossible to switch realms on the same server back in the day (unless you delete ofc.) That added so much to the game. Your realm was full of your friends. Everybody else was a red name on the screen that you had no idea who they were, just that they should die!

    im personnaly a very very old daoc player, and i think base game + SI is a must, without all add-ons gear.


    No classic Ruleset ! Playing without all the new stats/abilites/toa etc. ist boring, classic was fun in the days past. But nowadays I'd be bored missing like 30 abilities I could use during a fight. Looking at phoenix I realized having only classic limits me.

    A new server has to be real classic server...
    As the game was at relaese...
    Obviously no TOA or later crap... thats what killed the game in the first place...
    Obviously no realm-hopping.
    And obviously, cant stress too much, no TOA-bonuses or equip....
    If they can manage to limit TOA to PVE than fine, but without ANY connection to PVP.

    so new server has "season" that when time is alloted the said character is locked until next event or stage maybe run 3 months and lock and repeat with another toon then at 12 month mark can have a grand championship of sorts for rare gear, rps, kills, goals set to meet requirements, maybe that's how can get pve involved require x amount of said kill tasks, even if minute, cause I'm not really into the reset idea, enough of this stupid talk here.

    SI-TOA BUT with Artifacts and MLs disabled, got no problem with melee speed and cast speed but damage, style damage, spell damage and pierce? nah, keep it.

    Remove ML's maybe give healing classes group cure, power FoP and group port for free at 50 but no Speedwarps/traps etc.

    The first ever Classic+SI+Housing server launches and goes for hypothetically 1 year (obviously timing is variable based on several factors, like player retention, numbers, etc).
    After 1 year this server becomes the permanent Classic+SI+Housing server.
    Then they release a brand new Classic+SI+Housing server for 1 year which then gets merged into the permanent classic server, and they rinse and repeat this.

    Realize I'm silly late to this thread.
    My idea of "classic" has nothing to do with maps or classes. Because NF in any version is far superior to OF. And the vast majority of class changes are improvements. Nobody wants to play a 1.65 warden. (Granted I'm not fond of the new Warden-as-primary-healer role either)

    Classic to me is killing all the massive stacking bonuses. Things like stat caps, cast speed, melee damage, and especially power recovery. Which is exactly what the official "classic" servers missed on, they just moved the bonuses to non-ToA items.

    And then throw in some other fun change, like setting group size to 6, or 13. Heck, that could change every week. Stir up the group dynamics.

    While you are at it, go ahead and add some various nostalgia things. An OF keep in each realm. An original NF keep with no siege towers, complete with bridges and towers with the ladders to climb. Etc.

    One we've never had. We have (or had) swamps that make you run slower. Makes for an interesting fight dynamic, and friendly to ranged classes. How about some other things like that. "Magic fog" that puts an uncureable nearsight effect on everyone is one - fights would be very tight and melee friendly. Maybe all healing near a graveyard should be halved. Or "Stealth Lore for everyone in this area". Just try some things, but put them in different areas, move them around occasionally, and let the players decide which ones are fun by choosing to fight there.
    I've said dragon campaign was the best/most well rounded time/era
    Went up to LotM. No Mythical caps minus the mythirians


    Alternating Rulesets, seasonal:
    AlaskaMike, Sheb, Ventic, Elkad
    Reslut: 4

    Classic, SI, housing and Darkspire or Catacombs (no ToA bonuses on items):
    Result: 1

    No Master Levels, Artifacts, ToA-bonuses:
    Astaa, cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jhaerik, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, BloodOmen, Insedeel
    Result: 18

    No Catacombs classes:
    cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Lotion, secky, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 18

    Classic, SI, housing, Darkspire, Catacombs and LotM:
    Result: 1

    cartoon, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 13

    Dale_Perf, DraenV, secky, Sepphiroth75, BloodOmen, Yems
    Result: 6

    Triq02_Dave, Thariel, Stoopiduser
    Result: 3

    No mythical caps:
    Astaa, cartoon, Dale_Perf, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, Triq02_Dave, K4NI, Ermmuss, Mahvash, Insedeel
    Result: 18

    Only one realm/account:
    AlaskaMike, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, Quiggley, Bonzki, Mahvash, LordGriffon
    Result: 8

    Multiple accounts allowed:
    DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma
    Result: 3

    Catacomb classes in ToA ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    No stealth classes:
    Result: 1

    Remove MLs in ToA ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    ToA races in SI ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    PvP server:
    Result: 1

    Remove MLs from Ywain patch ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    Launch of a new server with the same ruleset after a period of time where the characters are transfered to the first server and restarted from scratch after a period of time:
    Result: 1
    Post edited by Jorma on
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