What do you want on the new server that is coming?



  • Strolch wrote: »
    We just need not so big Frontiers, DF + Laby + POC. Thats much to big for the 100-300 Players.

    Close NF, Close POC. Just let Labyrinth and DF stay on for Realmwar ! Much more Action...not that much running around doing nothing!

    I am thinking this is like one of the top worst ideas I have seen on this board
  • edited June 2020 PM
    Classic/SI/Cata/DR/LotM No ToA obviously.

    Basically old Gareth/Ector/Lamorak. The most updated yet playable version of DAoC.

    Frankly I could live without LotM but Cata and DR were solid AF.
    Post edited by Jhaerik on
  • “The most updated and playable version of DAOC” vs old Classic cluster doesn’t quite compute.
    I had fun on the Classic cluster, but that was what several years ago now?
  • It wasn't classic
  • I have tried to compile the results from the lists posted in this thread.

    If I have misunderstood anyone that person can inform me and I will change the compilation accordingly for next update on results, which I plan to do in another three months.

    In the end I will post the results of the issues where enough people have voiced their opinion. If I have neglected to include something you think I should have included in that compilation please inform me and I will take that into consideration for the next update.

    Alternate ruleset resets
    New server has to be temporary. So seasons.
    Also the resets have to be complete
    complete inability to switch realms unless you first delete all characters on a realm.

    Classic, SI, housing and maybe Darkspire or Catacombs (just for some variation in items and content, adjust items to remove TOA bonuses)

    (1)We start with true Classic
    (2)I would stay if it evolved into Shrouded Isles

    3.no catacomb class
    4.disable ML level, artifacts, TOA bonuses etc.

    TOA should be implemented progressively, on the new server, in a much easier manner.

    I ant Classic+Shrouded Isles+Trials of Atlantis
    Start it out with Classic and Shrouded isles enabled, then add in Trials of Atlantis expansion after several months
    I would LIKE ToA Races and Catacombs Classes
    Multiple accounts allowed, one realm per account.

    1.) Classic+SI+Housing
    3.) Only 1 Realm per Account. No Timers. Its all about realm pride. No Crossrealming.
    Multiple accounts allowed but not logging more than 1 realm at a time.

    Classic/SI/Cata/DR/LotM No ToA

    1.Classic + Shrouded Isles + Foundations.
    2.Multiple accounts allowed.
    3. Only 1 realm per account.
    12. No progression towards later implemented content.

    No stealth classes


    1) No catacombs classes or maulers

    Classic + SI + ToA
    Remove MLs

    My dream would be for a toa

    Season Server- Gets a reset every 4-6months
    Rule Set/Server Type- This would be voted on and would be based off past patches.
    after each Season ends people can then again vote on a new Patch.

    start off with SI/housing. No catacomb classes, include ToA races.

    Most People Love the Idea of a Classic Server.

    ToA was by far my favorite expansion

    I'd like it to be more simple. DAOC was at its best right before ToA expansion.

    Expansion rotations


    Alternating Rulesets, seasonal:
    AlaskaMike, Sheb, Yems
    Reslut: 3

    Classic, SI, housing and Darkspire or Catacombs (no ToA bonuses on items):
    Result: 1

    No Master Levels, Artifacts, ToA-bonuses:
    Astaa, cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jhaerik, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke
    Result 11

    No Catacombs classes:
    cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Lotion, secky, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, Triq02_Dave, warduke
    Result: 13

    Classic, SI, housing, Darkspire, Catacombs and LotM:
    Result: 1

    cartoon, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke
    Result: 7

    Dale_Perf, DraenV, secky, Sepphiroth75, Triq02_Dave
    Result: 5

    Only one realm/account:
    AlaskaMike, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma
    Result: 4

    Multiple accounts allowed:
    DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma
    Result: 3

    Catacomb classes in ToA ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    No stealth classes:
    Result: 1

    Remove MLs in ToA ruleset server:
    Result: 1

    ToA races in SI ruleset server:
    Result: 1
  • edited July 2020 PM

    NF, OF was just bad, sorry, you spent more time travelling to fight than actual fighting.

    New Frontiers 1.0, with some porting adjustments
    NO RP's for taking keeps/towers

    New Frontiers with no ruined keeps.

    2.) Old Frontiers. With Hibs be able to port to bolg/crim. Or something else so hibs can also join the zerg fest in emain
    more easily.Perhaps only when they own all of their keeps Plenty of other zones to choose from for 8vs8 and other playstyles.

    I'd like to see an open world PvP server.

    5.A slightly modified Old Frontiers.
    - Milegates needs adressing in my opinion.
    - Albion frontier needs some tweaks in my opinion.
    - The keeps could be redesigned.
    - Relic keeps could get towers or be made stronger in some fashion, perhaps become a bit weaker if holding more than one relic

    Got to have ML's and water fights

    2)Original New Frontiers

    new frontera server with old island

    - Revamped frontiers, most important features would be
    1. smaller size (between 60 and 70% of current NF)
    2. drastically reduced ports, force people to run to places so smallman/group/roaming action can thrive.
    3. Ideally no underwater fights (can have water, just can't dive)
    4. NF keeps

    NF seems 50 bigger then it really needs to be.
    I hope they do something in Old Frontiers that is Awesome and fun
    I miss the Ruined Keeps and the Buggane Buff.

    only NF no OF.


    New Frontiers:
    Astaa, Yems
    Result: 2

    New Frontiers with adjustments (porting/keeps/agramon):
    Dale_Perf, DraenV, Sepphiroth75
    Result: 3

    No RPs for taking keeps/towers:
    Result: 1

    Old Frontiers with adjustments (porting/MGs/Albion Frontier/keeps):
    Dreadone, Jorma, The_Classic_Dude
    Result: 3

    Open PvP server:
    Result: 1

    Under water fights available (diving/breathing under water):
    Result: 1

    Original New Frontiers:
    Result: 1

    Completely fresh frontiers:
    Result: 1

    No under water fights available (no diving/breathing under water):
    Result: 1

    Implement Ruined keeps and Buggane buff:
    Result: 1
    Post edited by Jorma on

    Some sort of currency that you can use to buy items, once you have encounter credit. Could even boil it down to BPs, so you can earn them via PVP or PVE, depending on what you want.
    Cosmetic reskinning, either using BPs or Mythril.

    Streamlined groupfinder, so people can create leveling groups easier
    8-15 hour play time to reach level 50 (powerleveling would obviously be faster)

    Make Master Level encounters require at MOST two groups.
    Make the artifacts VERY easy to level. Some leveling is healthy, but make it easy.
    Make it so yuo don't need the physical item to drop and be lucky enough to get it, you just need Encounter Credit and the Scrolls in order to obtain your artifact.

    QoL 2020
    - Account balance enabled. Share the money between all chars on your realm
    Since there would be only 1 realm per account you wont be able to easy farm plats on hib
    and use the money on mid for example. This also stops ppl getting scammed when muling.
    - Consignment merchant sales now directly deposit into your account balance (or guild bank in case of guild houses)
    This prevents housing lots to be indefinetely be blocked by players that dont play anymore.
    - Let us skill all tradeskills on 1 toon.

    6.Equipment/drops from the Shrouded Isles dungeons and Dragons are available for purchase from NPC merchants for gold/platinum or an alternative currency like Dragon Scales.
    7. Patterns to change the aestethics of your equipment is available for purchase with Bounty Points.
    8. Respec stones are available for purchase with Bounty Points.
    9. Easier to reach level 50 compared to how it was back in patch 1.65, implement the task dungeons perhaps.
    10. No resets of characters whatsoever.

    3) Quick progression through levels
    4) Mithril Merchants adding ToA, Dragonslayer, and Darkspire reskin patterns.
    6) Disabled Rent on active account. Demolish when/if account is closed.

    fast lvling like it is now
    not take forever to get stuff done

    Change artifacts to normal items (no scrolls, no levelling)

    with buff pots
    with speed pots

    - Fast leveling (20-25 hours /played to get 50 as a casual)
    Randomized item drops when killing players
    Earn BPs and purchase BG gear (same as today)
    XPing in pvp should be as quick as PvE leveling.

    Better XP, Drops, Quests. GET PEOPLE IN THE FRONTIER AND THEY WILL COME!. I always said that Dark Age has a Food chain when it comes to RVR. Solo's Grieve Pver's , Duo/Trio's kill Grievers, Small man's kills duos /Trio's and Full groups Kill Small Man's. Makes for a Healthy Fun Game...unless you are trying to PVE . Risk reward. That's why the XP and Gold/ Loot has to be worth it!


    Alternative currency to purchase items:
    Astaa, Jorma
    Result: 2

    Improved Group Finder:
    Result: 1

    Easier to level up to lvl50:
    Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Lotion, Names, Shoke
    Result: 6

    Easier Master Level Encounters:
    Result: 1

    Easier artifact access/leveling:
    DraenV, secky
    Result: 2

    All characters on one account have access to all in game currency on that account:
    Result: 1

    Make sure houses owned by inactive accounts are demolished:
    Dreadone, Lotion
    Result: 2

    One character can have all tradeskills fully trained at the same time:
    Result: 1

    Bounty Point merchants with respec stones and item reskin patterns for sale:
    Astaa, Jorma
    Result: 1

    No reset of characters:
    Result: 1

    Mithril merchants with item reskin patterns for sale:
    Astaa, Lotion
    Result: 1

    Faster to complete raids:
    Result: 1

    Buff and Speed pots available:
    Result: 1

    Drops from players:
    Result: 1

    Items available for purchase for Bounty Points:
    Result: 1

    More experience from killing other players:
    Result: 1

    More experience, quests and drops from PvE in the frontiers:
    Result: 1

    Add some master level abilities to the realm ability list.
    I would actually quite like some TOA stuff, speed chant is aoe rather than group etc.

    Updated RA system. Combine old with new, leave some out

    4.) Old Realm Abilities (no charge, no vanish, no sos for everyone)
    - Timers on Buffs
    - TWF, ST, Maelstrom only castable with los to the groundtarget

    11. Having captured another realms relic in your own relic keep grants 5% increase to damage when in the Frontier zones.
    Having lost a relic to another realm resluts in a 5% decrease in damage when in the Frontier zones.

    - Include some class changes that happened in the last couple years:
    1. Minstrel charm as per current Ywain mechanics
    2. baseline nukes in off spec (Matter in Matter line (Alb), energy in mana line (hib) and spirit in supp line (mid))
    3. Melee styles revamp (let's not have VW on a 4 style off evade chain, Left axe would have side stun, etc)
    - Add stat caps (101 templates) and ToA item bonuses, but reduce item /uses to alchemy charges only. Keep it at 75 / no ToA bonuses if templating becomes too difficult.
    - Revamped NF RAs, mixing OF and NF RAs, limiting the levels of active RAs to 3. Example, can't get purge 5 on a 5 min timer, best you can get is purge 3 on a 10 minute timer, etc.
    - No charge
    - No vanish
    - Have greater speed of the hunt (176% speed) available.
    - skald, bard and minstrel are only speed 5 classes.
    - re-balancing R5 abilities (Alb has all the good ones)
    - Relics have a ramping effect. When you capture a relic, you need to wait 24 hours for the bonus to kick in. That bonus gradually increases (from 0 to 10%) over the course of 14 days. After 14 days, it remains for another 7 days at max bonus. After 21 days, if the relic isn't captured by another realm it resets.

    Paying Mithrril for RVR bonus buffs seems really Gay.


    Revamp Realm Abilities (Old and new RAs, Master Level abilities):
    Astaa, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Shoke
    Result: 4

    Timers on buffs:
    Result: 1

    Line of Sight requered to cast ground target spells:
    Result: 1

    Change relics efficiency boost and penalty:
    Jorma, Shoke
    Result: 2

    Include some class changes from more recent patches:
    Result: 1

    Limit speed 5 chant to Skald, Bard and Minstrel:
    Result: 1

    RvR buffs not available by Mithril:
    The _Classic_Dude
    Result: 1

    8v8v8 instance

    14.Battlegrounds exactly like in patch 1.65.

    5 BG tiers (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50), the BGs are permanent (not a timed session), no player limit, unless one realm is drastically overpopulated.
    Once in a BG, you are artificially boosted to the top level for health, resist and damage calculations
    If flagged as lfg, you are automatically placed in a group following a role logic (3 support, 1 tank, 4 dps) structure
    If flagged as solo, you can remain solo
    You get XP for player and guard kills and for capturing map objectives (flag, tower, keep, etc)


    Instance for one full group from each realm to battle in:
    Result: 1

    Battlegrounds exactly as in patch 1.65:
    Result: 1

    Revamp battlegrounds, 10 level range, low levels boosted to be competitive:
    Result: 1

    Revamped ML10 loot, Summoners Hall and the original Dragon Campaign.

    4.Same equipment as in the 1.65 patch.

    Actually make Epic armor mean something again.


    Revamp ML10/Summoners Hall/original Dragon Campain loot:
    Result: 1

    Same loot as it was in patch 1.65:
    Result: 1

    Make Epic Armor competitive:
    Result: 1
  • edited July 2020 PM

    1.allow EC account for leveling without race/class restriction, but halve gaining realm point or RR4 cap - encourage people to 'try out' playing with friends.
    2.no xp cap for EC account- this is stupid emo
    5. give EC account for some disadvantages like 1min teleporter delay, double price, half selling, etc etc but NO restriction about playing (class/race comb eg.)
    6.UTF8 encoding chat window please

    14 day free trial return (so people can try the new sub-only seasonal server, which BS already said it will be sub only)
    NOTHING in the cash shop BESIDES SKINS/aesthetics (can you say p2w?)
    Weekly bug fixes
    Realm lock or 4 hour + timer
    Player mounts (not on speed 6), obtainable at level 10 like it is now.
    Less questing
    Removal of magic dmg melee weapons (like leggies)

    - Develop a pvp focused leveling system (similar to Warhammer scenarios)


    Allow Endless Conquest accounts with lesser restrictions:
    Result: 1

    Redesign chat window to allow UTF8:
    Result: 1

    14 days free for returning players:
    Result: 1

    Only aesthetic things available in cash shop:

    More frequent bug fixes by the development team:
    Result: 1

    Long wait time to play characters on another realm on the same server:
    Result: 1

    Player mounts available as on Ywain:
    Result: 1

    Less questing:
    Result: 1

    No melee weapons that does other that slash, thrust or crush damage:
    Result: 1

    A PvP system for PvE leveling:
    Result: 1
    Post edited by Jorma on

    - Let us skill all tradeskills on 1 toon.

    13. Trade skills exactly like in patch 1.65.


    One character can have all tradeskills fully trained at the same time:
    Result: 1

    Tradeskills as in patch 1.65:
    Result: 1

    PvP challenges, attack this, defend that etc
    Rotating special events every couple of weekends, perhaps a solo pvp event, group pvp event etc, set in TOA zones or something. Just try stuff out, doing something is better than doing nothing.

    5)Very short down time in between RvR/Seasonal events.

    - Revamped RvR quests to include group vs group incentives. Also make it that the RvR quests are always running. Example, tier 1 is kill 10 enemies, tier 2 is kill 30, tier 3 is kill 50, tier 4 is kill 75, tier 5 is kill 100, etc. and get RPs for each tier. (the counter resets, so to complete tier 3 you need to kill 10+30+50).


    Standing PVP Challenges and RvR Quest:
    Astaa, Shoke
    Result: 2

    Short time between RvR/Seasonal events:
    Astaa, Lotion
    Result: 2
  • edited July 2020 PM

    The game is actually very good now maybe a bit of realm balance is needed but still the best out there I’ve played the bird it is light years away from daoc ywain 2020 in everything ,excitement speed just general ease of use a new server is a complete waste of time it’s for the people who haven’t played the game in 10 years the ones who went to wow.

    Who in there right mind wants to go back to levelling that takes months who seriously wants no ability’s like charge or the old realm rank abilities they were changed for a reason they didn’t work
    Who the hell wants to walk everywhere or has to have a buff bot to compete.
    Everything in ywain today is because of a thing called evolution all that you crazed new server bellends want is a quick nostalgia fix that will fizzle in months like the bird which is losing players on a daily basis.
    You want a care bear server where you don’t have to think daoc ywain 2020 is hard it is challenging but it is where it’s at no game anywhere else has the same adrenaline and excitement as it is today.
    New server would be a massive waste of resources and would fail.
    If half of you whining bitches spent more time in the game and actually supported it instead of playing dumb made up servers the actual game experience would increase And if your gonna come back at me with any of your crap put your in game name up so we can see if you actually play the game because I would wager 75 percent of you haven’t played the game in 10 years or play the bird.

    I don’t want a new server

    just create a new Battleground with 1.65 Ruleset


    Not interested in a new server:
    Brut, Enkertons, Mahvash
    Result: 3
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • edited July 2020 PM

    Alternating Rulesets, seasonal:
    AlaskaMike, Sheb, Yems
    Reslut: 3

    cartoon, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke
    Result: 7

    Dale_Perf, DraenV, secky, Sepphiroth75, Triq02_Dave
    Result: 5

    No Master Levels, Artifacts, ToA-bonuses:
    Astaa, cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jhaerik, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke
    Result 11

    No Catacombs classes:
    cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Lotion, secky, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, Triq02_Dave, warduke
    Result: 13

    Only one realm/account:
    AlaskaMike, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma
    Result: 4


    New Frontiers:
    Astaa, Yems
    Result: 2

    New Frontiers with adjustments (porting/keeps/agramon):
    Dale_Perf, DraenV, Sepphiroth75
    Result: 3

    Original New Frontiers:
    Result: 1

    Old Frontiers with adjustments (porting/MGs/Albion Frontier/keeps):
    Dreadone, Jorma, The_Classic_Dude
    Result: 3

    Completely fresh frontiers:
    Result: 1


    Revamp Realm Abilities (Old and new RAs, Master Level abilities):
    Astaa, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Shoke
    Result: 4


    Easier to level up to lvl50:
    Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Lotion, Names, Shoke
    Result: 6
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • What server? There’s hasn’t even a hot fix lately.....what server? LOL
  • I'm sure we'll get something in late Spring. >:)
  • Mid summer 2020 and nothin but crickets. I truly wish they made this server a reality.
    Set up a Go Fund me page and watch the interest!
  • 1) I would not migrate to a new server. I don't have the time IRL to commit to leveling characters again I love having my few templated characters that I can just log in and play on.

    2) Broadsword implemented all this new gear and class changes and just completely set everything out of whack and are taking months to years and YEARS to fix things that could so easily be tweak with small consistent patches. yet nothing.

    3) It still blows my freakin' mind why @Broadsword hasn't lessened the restrictions to EC players right after it was released. The hype and momentum from the news of EC is completely gone now and they very well could have missed a very big boat of people wanting to come back to game... Also, without going too much into it, but I have seen lots of players give some really awesome ideas and advice on how to make DAoC into a more F2P model with lots of cool MTX shop stuff, but I have no idea the time and money it would cost (or the risk) of changing the play model, but with each new day I start to think Broadsword has less and less to lose.

    It's all just so sad
  • They will not ask for input. They will do what they want at a snail's pace and disregard any feedback, like they have in the past.
  • The games population is back to meh except for the weekends. I don't think it could be sustainable.
  • edited August 2020 PM
    we don't need a new server. we barely have enough ppl to run one server. Thinking that people will return and pay for a new server is wishful thinking.
    Post edited by secky on
  • edited August 2020 PM
    Last night the server lagged so bad during the 3 realm keep fight I thought it was going to crash. We had 1000s playing before (a decade ago) and now the server lags when there are maybe 200-250 in a single zone?
    Post edited by Rok1 on
  • graphic requirements in 2005 were not the same
  • Graphic requirements is probably not the issue here for that lag to happen. It's going to be a combination of a couple things.

    What is NOT causing it is the capabilities of the clients connecting.

    What contributes to it is, hosting limitations in the form of memory allocation and broadband capabilities.

    At this point, we can only conjecture as to how the server is being hosted and on what kind of hardware, and what kind of limitations of the broadband.

    Perhaps Broadsword is doing something now that they believe is cost cutting in their eyes, but at the expense of the enjoyment of the paid subscribers. If that is the case, the company might want to review it's business plan pronto if this "lag" keeps continuing regularly to everyone that is trying to play.
    "And that's the Bottom line. Cause Stone Cold Griff said so!".
  • edited August 2020 PM
    secky wrote: »
    we don't need a new server. we barely have enough ppl to run one server. Thinking that people will return and pay for a new server is wishful thinking.

    Please take this with a grain of salt, as I am not attempting to be aggressive with you. All I am attempting to do here is point at certain facts in history that you are probably not aware of.

    As you may or may not know, there is a daoc freeshard community out there. Some rulesets at one time or another (including current) have enjoyed a high degree of success. I am not telling you how to find them, just know they are out there.

    Anyhow, Looking at history of DAOC, the MAX number paid subscribers was during the Pre- ToA era, up to and including the first 3 months of the introduction of ToA. AFTER that was when sub's started going down, and there has NOT been much of a recovery to speak of, for the exception of when EA/Mythic brought back the Classic + SI servers in the 2005-2007 time frame. It was at the point that the company enjoyed a significant bump in the positive range for subscriptions. Pretty much similar as to WoW bringing back their Classic server ruleset this past year.

    Now that we have established these facts, please allow me to interject my opinion.

    Since we already know that there was/is indeed interest in a previous patch version of DAOC than what is current produced by Broadsword, then wouldn't it stand to reason that if it was successful before (it definitely was, politics brought that previous version down), then if BS has the time and resources, why wouldn't they want to reinvest in that previous version that made them so much money to begin with?

    Ok, I get there will be arguments against that portion of my opinion, but I am going to follow up with this --

    At this point, with all the complaining about low population with current ruleset, Then why not bring back classic and use that as a way to get more players to cross over into the current modern ruleset?

    Ok... more arguments incoming, I get it, so how about this --

    Every other method has not worked. ONLY bringing back Classic brought "subs" back up. So what have you as current players got to lose if the one tried method that did work, is used again to bring players back to the paid DAOC community?

    Seriously, what do you and or Broadsword have to lose in this? Pride? Cause it aint goinna be the almighty dollar to be lost.. only to be gained.
    Post edited by LordGriffon on
    "And that's the Bottom line. Cause Stone Cold Griff said so!".
  • So do you think people like Herorius and others that have high rr toons will want to start over on a new server? it will put a fork in daoc splitting up the population. not enough will come from the other place because they are cheap.
  • Minibard wrote: »
    So do you think people like Herorius and others that have high rr toons will want to start over on a new server? .

    Np, they can stay on Ywain. I think there will be enough people for a new server. Just read the threads which were written 8 months ago.
  • game started going downhill with the loss of realm pride...........

    guess it turned into realm point pride.......

    only thing i think would bring it back would be a major realm loyalty bonus to rps/bps for staying on one realm...

    hopefully the "new" server has one account one realm :_
  • Eagerly awaiting new server release with a bunch of friends in tow. Just want something fresh and a reason to come back to a game i used to love.

    Classic / SI. No master level trials or abilities. Would prefer no artifacts either since everyone just uses the same cookie cutter items then.

    If I could add something, it would be a merger of the Co-Op server. I think it would be awesome if there was a 4th (realm) and it was basically high level monsters that would occupy keeps and maybe even lay siege to keeps? Something like Legion and his horde escaping darkness falls and going for a relic keep or targeting the realm currently dominating RvR? I think this would add a fun factor for when population is low at certain times, and it would bring casual PvE players out to the frontiers. Loot tables and drops would stay in effect so there is high reward/ high risk. Maybe realm points for retaking a keep from this enemy. Thoughts?
  • i think the codeing to do that would be way to much f o r this old game lol
  • I would either like Mordred back without Catacombs or strict realm pride server. Dont care about the rest. I enjoyed ToA even on Mordred but could do without.
  • As Broadsword have announced they will share their plans for the alternate "classic" ruleset server very soon I have updated the results of the issues where enough people have voiced their opinion:


    Alternating Rulesets, seasonal:
    AlaskaMike, Sheb, Yems
    Reslut: 3

    cartoon, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda
    Result: 9

    Dale_Perf, DraenV, Sepphiroth75, Triq02_Dave
    Result: 4

    No Master Levels, Artifacts, ToA-bonuses:
    Astaa, cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jhaerik, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda
    Result 13

    No Catacombs classes:
    cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Lotion, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, Triq02_Dave, warduke, LordGriffon
    Result: 13

    Only one realm/account:
    AlaskaMike, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, 47el
    Result: 5

    Not interested in new server:
    Armagedden, Brut, Enkertons, Mahvash, secky
    Result: 5


    New Frontiers:
    Astaa, Yems
    Result: 2

    New Frontiers with adjustments (porting/keeps/agramon):
    Dale_Perf, DraenV, Sepphiroth75
    Result: 3

    Original New Frontiers:
    Result: 1

    Old Frontiers with adjustments (porting/MGs/Albion Frontier/keeps):
    Dreadone, Jorma, The_Classic_Dude
    Result: 3

    Completely fresh frontiers:
    Result: 1


    Revamp Realm Abilities (Old and new RAs, Master Level abilities):
    Astaa, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Shoke
    Result: 4


    Easier to level up to lvl50:
    Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Lotion, Names, Shoke, LordGriffon
    Result: 7

  • I definitely didn't say only up to ToA... I've said dragon campaign was the best/most well rounded time/era
  • edited January 2021 PM
    The only thing I can find regarding wishes for the alternate ruleset server that you have posted in this thread is:
    ToA was by far my favorite expansion

    I can update the results if you post what you are hoping for on the new server. I do not remember dragon campaign times very well, what was the ruleset back then?
    Post edited by Jorma on
  • Is this list tentative? Can you add the rule set specific for players that are kool aid proof/don’t buy into the decade old new server is coming meme?? Thanks
  • What do you mean what was the ruleset? Lol
  • Was Labyrinth of the Minotaur implemented? Was all the zones from all the expansions available? Which Frontier version was it? Was all classes/races now available also available then? What was the difference between todays Ywain and DAOC during the dragon campaign era?
  • edited January 2021 PM
    Went up to LotM. No Mythical caps minus the mythirians
    Post edited by Triq02_Dave on
  • I would love if we got the game when they released of new frontiers in 2004
  • How about this for a new server
    No cheating and csrs who actually get off there lazy asses and did something about it.
    How about a new server without scripting where it’s actively banned like on the bird ban the 1 button no skill robot players.
    How about a new server where broadsword employees and in game representatives did something about shady groups with shady reps instead of running with them.
    How about a new server where using discord as a means to cross realm coordinate and gain an advantage were banned.
    How about a new server where 24 7 zergs were discouraged and 8 or small became the focus of the game with balance based on Rock Paper Scissors instead of from whines from duellers or soloers.
    The only thing I would bring back from the old daoc is bridges old archery and I’d stop stealthers being able to see each other grouped.
    You regurgitate all the same old crap about old back in the day daoc but the problem ain’t going back in time it’s fixing and tweaking what you got now.
  • Who's shady Brut
  • @Brut well said!!
  • edited January 2021 PM
    Agree with brut as well tbh. Freeshard isn’t even a profit based project and the devs care more.
    Post edited by Grizlie on

    As Broadsword have announced they will share their plans for the alternate "classic" ruleset server very soon I have updated the results of the issues where enough people have voiced their opinion:


    Alternating Rulesets, seasonal:
    AlaskaMike, Sheb, Yems
    Reslut: 3

    cartoon, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda
    Result: 9

    Dale_Perf, DraenV, Sepphiroth75
    Result: 3

    Result: 1

    No mythical caps:
    Astaa, cartoon, Dale_Perf, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda, Triq02_Dave
    Result: 14

    No Master Levels, Artifacts, ToA-bonuses:
    Astaa, cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jhaerik, Jorma, Keltorius, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon, IceHilda
    Result 13

    No Catacombs classes:
    cartoon, CreatE, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Keltorius, Lotion, Sepphiroth75, Shoke, The_Classic_Dude, warduke, LordGriffon
    Result: 12

    Only one realm/account:
    AlaskaMike, DraenV, Dreadone, Jorma, 47el
    Result: 5

    Not interested in new server:
    Armagedden, Brut, Enkertons, Mahvash, secky
    Result: 5


    New Frontiers:
    Astaa, Yems, Triq02_Dave
    Result: 3

    New Frontiers with adjustments (porting/keeps/agramon):
    Dale_Perf, DraenV, Sepphiroth75
    Result: 3

    Original New Frontiers:
    Result: 1

    Old Frontiers with adjustments (porting/MGs/Albion Frontier/keeps):
    Dreadone, Jorma, The_Classic_Dude
    Result: 3

    Completely fresh frontiers:
    Result: 1


    Revamp Realm Abilities (Old and new RAs, Master Level abilities):
    Astaa, Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Shoke
    Result: 4


    Easier to level up to lvl50:
    Dale_Perf, Dreadone, Jorma, Lotion, Names, Shoke, LordGriffon
    Result: 7

  • lol i would gladly give up remedy for old pb, critshot and slam
    also only way i wouild bother would be if they had no realmswapping or least a real realm timer--4-8hr
  • what's the point in making an alternative server if noone can agree on what i should be ?
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
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