wizard cloak of loyality 15% damage bonus for the group
stupid idea. how one can give such a bonus to a caster, who every alb group has in group. this is a netto magic damage increase of 15% for albion over midgard and hibernia. in hibernia a similar ability has the loyality cloak of the valewalker (10% magic damage / 10% range). but this is a hybrid class, who is rare in group or if, the group makes less magic damage as they would if they would have used the spot for a caster. so give this ability also to caster classes in midgard (i.e runemaster or spiritmaster) and hibernia (i.e. eld or menta) or give it in albion to a hybrid class, like the reaver for introducing balance again.
Omg, hard times are coming.
not nerving wizards themselves. its not the intension of the post, its the differenz between the realms. didnt no, that runemaster also have it, than it would be fair for balancing to give it to caster class of hibernia, too. or give a casterclass of hibernia a 15% primary magic resist on the cloak. why main casters in alb and, as i know now , in midgard, have this ability and hibernia not. sorry this i dont ander stand under balancing. either to give it to all realms in the same manner or give a counter measure to one of them. simple.
RM cloak is short duration. Is wiz also short duration? VW cloak is like 10m chant.
Ment = group power heal
Eld = stealth
Ani = summons a pet that bolts
Um mal zu deiner Differenz zu kommen (engl.: about the difference)
@Broadword op wants Albs and Mids to get baseline stun on caster. Could you please do him this favor?
You do realize that this has been the case since when... like 2005? When ToA released?
Difference between realms is good, not bad. Uniformity is boring, uniqueness of each realm based on their strengths/weaknesses is what makes daoc good. Unfortunetely, as the years passed the game and classes become more and more similar. Classes that had unique mechanics have been revamped (old necro as an example) to turn them into more mainstream classes. Mid celerity is on all realms, RAs are spread accross every realm and the only differentiating RAs now are the R5 abilities...
Wizards get a different cloak because their old cloak led to abuse and the proliferation of a really dumb playstyle (camp a spot and drop traps). Wizards don't get groups much outside of zergs, however the heat debuff could change that a bit. And like it was said, it's now very similar to the RM cloak.
Yes, but now they made stormlord pretty strong for keep fights. But they let one realm have a class which can climb+stormlord. And it is the realm which is considered to be strongest in keep fights.
Does this make any sense?
Wiz is 20 seconds
i agree completely. but in the overall sum it should be balanced, what is now not. for instance, if wizard has the 15% magic damage increase for group, give a caster class of other realms for instance a 15% magic resistance (primary) for the group. not necessarily damage
yesterday and before yesterday i was with the herozerg and he always had to interrupt keep raids in albion, cause the damage input was too high, for giving healers a chance. i know. lots of albions find the hero-zerg and his attacks on albions keep annoying at all and find it good, that he interrupted the keep raids, although he is only seeking for fights. on the other hand of site, alb-players often tend to stay in keeps in rarely go into offense (yesterday they did on behn suprisingly). so they wait for two, three hours for nothing. if this really is, what they want. than okay. go for it. have fun with waiting in keeps.
broadsword should consider the consequences of their patch policy. either players logg into realms who benefit from that, and the remaining players in the other realms try to build workarounds, typically avoiding it. thats not good for rvr at all sites.
No. The 15% magic damage does not raise your damage cap. It works like an acuity buff where it brings your damage closer to the cap.
It is NOT a 10 minute buff. The buff lasts 25 seconds with +25% Spell Duration. Please make a Wizard on Pendragon and check for yourself if you don't have a level 50 Wizard on Ywain before opening a thread and spreading misinformation.
So, you actually got some opposition in other realms and first thing is, you call for a nerf?
Well, if hero had to interrupt some keep fights, then of course, we nerf albion at once....we nerf them, so that hero can again take keeps as he wants to. This is the primary goal!
I'd rather adjust the VW-Cloak to 10 sec duration. you now, should be balanced?
Mind blown.
earth wiz nukes matter hence useless in alb setups (servant necro does everything better, if one willingly decides to make a matter train) and ice wiz nukes cold also even more useless in alb setups (and again, sight necro does everything better).
Hence no, there is no real reason to boost other realm's nukers based on the fact that the wiz got this ability because the wizard is and remains a useless class that nobody is gonna take in proper setups, and even if you are thinking of keep siege - successful siege defense is like 1 in 10 for alb, so I don't think that this is gonna change the world for keep deffers anyway.
(on a different note, I have been advocating in favor of a single target disease spell for the ice wizard for years to make it slightly more appealing for 8man roaming, which would effectively make the wiz an alternative to the cabalist in alb caster setups, but this is a totally different story and nobody listens anyway)