Valentine's Event, RvR Bonuses, and Live Hot Fix
Love is in the air as we celebrate the return of our Valentine's Day event and celebrate President's Day weekend with some RvR bonuses! Hot Fix notes included, and are now live!
This event will run from Thursday, February 13th through Tuesday, February 18th.

RvR Bonuses
In honor of Valentine's day and President's Day weekend, the following bonuses are active for the duration of the event as well!
On Ywain:
Live Hot Fix Notes
Ruined Areas
Siege Weapons
Class Changes
Heal Power Cost Increases
General Bug Fixes
Click here to visit the DAoC Herald!
This event will run from Thursday, February 13th through Tuesday, February 18th.

RvR Bonuses
In honor of Valentine's day and President's Day weekend, the following bonuses are active for the duration of the event as well!
On Ywain:
- 25% bonus to RPs from kills
- 50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons.
- 50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons.
- 50% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities.
- 40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
- 20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
- 20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
- 10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Live Hot Fix Notes
- Loyalty cloaks now level 50% faster.
- Enchanter's Loyalty Cloak /use1 has been changed as follows:
- No longer provides a radius-increase to spells cast for 60s.
- Now provides a reset quickcast ability.
- Enchanter's Freezing Vest proc Enchantment of Crystal now correctly applies to the pet.
- Champion's Dragon Curse set bonus has been changed as follows:
- No longer provides a radius bonus to the level 33-39 debuffs.
- Now increases the effectiveness of Level the Odds and Even the Odds magic resistance buffs by 50% in addition to the existing bonus of increasing their range from 1000 to 1500.
- Champion's Dragon Curse set is now properly identified in the Bountycraft window as Varshe's Dark Armor, Varshe's Dark Greaves, and Varshe's Dark Armguards and have the proper armor icons.
- New User Journey quest rewards no longer ask for players to select a choice of 1 armor reward and instead just grant the single armor piece directly.
- New User Journey quest rewards will now properly show up for "different realm" characters that complete the quests on the Gaheris server.
- Gaheris players will no longer be offered the Daily RvR quests in the relic towns.
- The quest Unraveling: Kingly Crisis will now always spawn the demon lord when players on the quest enter the Throne Room.
- The level 30 and level 40 Skyros Order, Naxos Society, and Melos Alliance faction quests in Mesothalassa have been re-enabled.
- The Priceless Antiques quest will now properly step when speaking with Nydimeth on step #9.
- Players currently stuck on step #10 without a Tarnished Key can now re-interact with Nydimeth and she will advance the quest.
Ruined Areas
- All acquired teleport buffs will once again immediately be stripped from any grouped-players in the ruined areas.
- Cleansed diamond seals (used to craft the etched aquamarine eye) are now available for sale directly from Taxidermy Supplies NPCs in housing.
- Players with Fiery Diamond Seals may still turn them into the various trophy NPCs to receive the same cleansed diamond seal.
Siege Weapons
- Boiling Oil and Fortified War Rams now take 60% less damage from Palintones.
- Field War Rams now take 30% less damage from Palintones.
- Palintone Ammunition's radius has been reduced as follows:
- Default, Heavy Bolt, and Honed Heavy Bolt radius reduced from 200 to 25.
- Toxic Bolt and Lethal Bolt radius reduced from 350 to 125.
- Boiling Oil's splash radius has been increased from 400 to 500 units.
- This change means that either side of the outer gatehouse "nooks" will be hit by oil now.
Class Changes
Heal Power Cost Increases
- Specialization-based casted group heals now cost 50% more power to cast.
- This change affects Bards, Clerics, Druids, Friars, Healers, Paladins, Shaman, and Wardens.
- This does not affect baseline casted group heals or group-based HoTs or regens.
- It also does not affect Warlock group heals as they are secondary-cast and have their power cost controlled by the primer selected.
- Spread heals now cost 100% more power to cast.
- This change affects Clerics, Druids, Healers, and Warlocks.
- Warlock's spread heal power cost is no longer percentage based (which was based on base power pool and costing less power than intended) and is now a hard-power cost. This puts their power cost on even footing with other support classes using spread heal.
- This change affects Clerics, Druids, Healers, and Warlocks.
- These changes are aimed to reintroduce power pool management on support classes and to reduce the effectiveness of non-LOS heals in certain situations, such as keep sieges.
- Armsman now receive the Snapshot ability at level 25 for free and no longer receive it in Crossbow specialization.
- The level 50 PBAoE DD Resounding Aura has had its damage increased from 343 to 375 and had its snare component removed. It now only targets and hits enemy realm players, pets, and realm guards.
- The Bone revenant line of spells have had their delves updated to state that the revenants will only spawn against enemy player targets and have had their max number spawned increased by 2 at all levels.
- Please note that the max number limit includes any spawned Commander and sub-pets along with the revenants.
- The red, level 40+ str/con, dex/qui, haste, and acuity debuffs no longer have a radius.
- Champion's Dragon Curse set bonus has been changed as follows:
- No longer provides a radius bonus to the level 33-39 debuffs.
- Now increases the effectiveness of Level the Odds and Even the Odds magic resistance buffs by 50% in addition to the existing bonus of increasing their range from 1000 to 1500.
- The enchantments in Enchanting specialization are now available at higher specialization levels as follows:
- Enchantment of Ice moved from level 6 to level 16.
- Enchantment of Stone moved from level 16 to level 26.
- Enchantment of Fire moved from level 26 to 36.
- Enchantment of Mana moved from level 36 to 40.
- The level 46 and 50 enchantments remain unchanged.
- Enchanter's Loyalty Cloak /use1 has been changed as follows:
- No longer provides a radius-increase.
- Now provides a reset quickcast ability.
- Enchanter's Freezing Vest proc Enchantment of Crystal now correctly applies to the pet.
- The level 48 Torrential Blaze uninterruptible DD/ramp has had its cast time changed from 2.0s to 2.5s.
- The level 50 style **** Strike in Fist Wraps has been changed from an anytime follow-up to now follow-up the level 18 rear positional, Wind Taker.
- Mercenary's Dissolute Swings Realm Rank 5 should now correctly clear all haste debuffs on initial firing as its delve states.
- Please note that it is intended to allow subsequent haste debuffs to land however.
- A new level 50 spell has been added:
- Channeled Rage – PBAoE DD – 345 Spirit Damage – 2.5s cast – 300 radius – Only targets and hits enemy realm players, pets, and realm guards.
- The level 50 PBAoE DD Spellbinder's Torrent has had its damage increased from 325 to 365 and had its snare component removed. It now only targets and hits enemy realm players, pets, and realm guards.
- The Vale Defense Realm Rank 5 has had its damage absorption values lowered from 2000 to 1500 for the Valewalker and 1000 to 750 for their group.
General Bug Fixes
- Various error and destination messaging on battleground, hub, and dungeon teleporters has been cleaned up.
- Hamish Duncana should no longer become permanently un-interactable.
Click here to visit the DAoC Herald!
Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games
Broadsword Online Games
increase of delve from 325 to 365 (not to 425) means that to get it we need 50 cursing and we lose the level 22 uninteruptable primer, which means it will do less damage uninteruptable than the 325 delve with the better primer and will drive us out of power even faster. dunno if much warlocks will bother to get this.
Of all the annoying people here (and trust me, there are many), I'd say it's a close call between you and Brut for prize of being the most boring, tiresome poster on this forum.
ohhh noooo we have power management now on the i win heal button that heals through disease....
Great hot fix.
Holding my resub for events though.
I love it so much. People have no idea how spoiled they have been for so many years. Now they actually need to pay attention and communicate with people they are trying to heal. But to be fair I wish they would be OOP in 5 casts.
Completing gutting Fist Wraps Maulers? Why not address the things that are really OP about them - like the Mag absorb, stacking multiple defense buffs, etc. I can’t see anyone playing a 50 Fist Wraps Mauler anymore - I’d rather the delve be lowered and the chain stay anytime.
I’m still not convinced nerfing champ debuffs is gonna change anything - there are like a dozen or more reasons why Hib bomb groups are the best. The ease of having PBT, SoS, TWF, and previously ST (we’ll see how this changes) in every setup, more stat and resist debuffs overall on casters, baseline stun, etc.
If we’re gonna adjust group heals this much, it’s probably time to add spec group heal to Heretic and adjust the delve of the crappy Smite/Cave/Nature group heals.
Also, it’s time Matter Cabs got some [useful] love - like the 199/10% spec DD Supp SMs got - they have some of the worst single target damage in the game and a terrible DoT and AoE DD. If this means the other 179 non-self debuffing casters (Mana Eld, Supp RM, Matter Sorc), get the same, then so be it.
Accounts still down
turns out to be another 'change the game' patch with the changes to heals.
watch subs drop further.
have you ever played a warlock ?
probably not.
and neither have the developers i think.
Very true.
Thats super harsh on the FW line. I'm not sure anyone was even crying about this? It was strong but Vale is still 195 delve at only 29 spec... much better than maulers now 145 @ 50 rear positional. And Vale isn't even a pure melee class, where high FW is. AM absorb and the offensive heal proc, combined with mag buff, are the issues with mauler that are broken in solo/smally. 50 FW spec, not so much.
BS : lets change this.
BS: oh
BS: lets not undo the changes, but lets change something else
BS: oh
BS: uhm, that didn't go well, but lets not undo the thing we changed and lets change some else
BS: oh
BS: that didn't work out well, lets not undo that change, what can we change else to compensate ?
BS: oh
Needs to be 400 (and same goes for Warlock) and we should be adjusting the power usage of all PBAE to something like 100 a cast.
If Bringer of Death and Necro Rank 5 are such an impediment to Necros having a competitive PBAE, then Enchanter Rank 5 + pet proc buffs, SM pet intercept + pet group heal Rank 5, Eldritch MoC + Rank 5 for CC immunity, etc. should be a problem. Not to mention the fact that Necros have arguably the least CC of any caster in the game.
There are literally 50 ways you can adjust 50 FW maulers, *if* you think the anytime chain damage is the issue, without totally gutting them.
1) lower the delve
2) change the damage type to something other than matter (like Valks have crush damage)
3) change/remove the massive Matter debuff proc on the Mauler cloak
4) remove the 20% weaponskill buff in Mag
etc. etc.
The Mag Absorb debuff probably shouldn't work on Maulers unless they have high FW spec, anyway (similar to how nukes in AM don't work without high staff spec). It's way too easy for staff maulers to get/maintain their power.
Because not all of us run 3fg deep at all times.
I would like to point out that the heavy tank skill "rampage" does not block/prevent the application of dehaste spells upon activation. I'm not sure if this is as intended, I only thought to bring it up after reading the tweak to the mercenaries rr5.
The newly added PBAOE delves won't change the current meta since the current 425 delve PBAOEs will still be in place. Even though Warlocks have the benefit of not needing to purchase MoC (frees up 30 RSPs), they do take a hit on damage and power. I don't think the prospective PBAOE delve reflects that disparity and it should be boosted accordingly (at least 400). While I hate Necromancers, I don't think the 345 PBAOE delve is sufficient so it will probably need to be boosted as well. The Bainshee I can understand since the PBAOE can be put up with Quickcast (unless that has changed).
Maulers don't need a PS nerf, imo. They are problematic in other ways. But that has already been covered.
Other fixes I'm fine with overall.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
Just spent half the night hitting power pots and /uses and still never had a full power... all open field with few los issues as well. Telling you, nerfing heals to appease the whiners who spent the last 6 months complaining about Herorius and his heals just screwed all healers.
And, Please, if you're not subbed and playing the game "stfu in here" as Nsaney used to say.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
Ya, spreadheal and group heals were two different things. Maybe even removing group cure disease could've been an option.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
So now you get to actually learn how to play the class. You should be excited. Imagine all the possibilities that await you in the near future.
Again nothing for reavers to make them more group friendly how about a melee group buff similar to the sorc buff that coupled with the reduction in spellcasted time of the minstrel aoe casted mez would make alb tank group synergy much better.
The healing nerf I am pleased with it needed to happen group heals on a healer are a crutch most decent healers will use single target it should only effect zergs sieging keeps but we will see.
The champ changes needed to happen as did the enchanter changes but I agree the chanter class still needs toning down especially on the pets with the snare.
Seems to be a step in the right direction.
Again warlocks needed that nerf to the spread heal that was just stupid but at the risk of sounding boring again why does necro get short end of stick again the lowest spell damage increase why not make pbaoe equal across the board that’s one change that’s bound to piss people of it seems again that your favouring with banshee buff.
Nice to see my boring posts have been listened too and at the same time a small nerf to hib has been induced allways a good thing and triggered a few hibs at the same time.
Now I’m off down the pub to bore some more people about real life **** toodle pip.
Very good change, thx!
I've tested grp heals on friar yesterday, it's totally fine, need some management, but single was preferred anyway, and it should be. Awesome change.
Necro PB besides complain seemed to hit hard for what necro is (class who can freecast/get dmg boost from r5 etc).
Maulers should have seen this coming for a long time, no use being surprised, maybe side chain would been better, but thats about it.
But just having to spam 5 pets, and the fight is done, is pretty lame.
Or make the stun a bit longer and then immunity.
Why there is sth that can perma stun someone? Thats crazy.
the changes just make it more interesting.
Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi
The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure
I agree.. its just makes you incorporate strategy instead of spamming the same key 100 times in a row.
And @Strolch , how did this affect hibs any more than albs or mids. I can only assume you're talking about the group/spreadheals change. Thats across the board (ALL primary heal classes). Will it affect the hero zerg more than others?.... maybe... because it was always more obvious that those healers were half afk button pushers anyway.. .this was a change in the right direction. I can't wait to see how the meta changes.
I don't understand your complain post. Albs and mids won't build a zerg anymore because, why? Casual albs and mids already earn 0 rps defending against Herorius... what is your point again? How many payed accounts will be lost? Certainly less than the number of payed accounts that requested these changes.
So please, @Strolch. Explain to me EXACTLY how these changes are going to obliterate Hero's ability to keep zerg? Healers will no longer be able to sit passively out of sight and spam spread/group heals with no consideration to mana management? The average healer is actually going to have to "play"? It was an absolutely necessary and appropriate move.
P.S. - ALL healers saw these changes - so to suggest this is somehow a two realm exclusive benefit is incorrect. Also, the bainshee benefited the most compared to the warlock and necromancer as well, but please continue to protest and irrationally claim that this was a direct nerf to hibernia.