Pet classes and ra5 ranger
Hello ! we can adjust this game ! 
Please change ra5 ranger to old abilities,
only hibernia have that, it's unfair, one click and you kill a caster pet.
Thank you

Please change ra5 ranger to old abilities,
only hibernia have that, it's unfair, one click and you kill a caster pet.
Thank you
Post edited by krakulf on
Please make sure that every single class, on every single realm, is exactly the same, so the only differences are races, but they should all get the exact same starting stats.
All other alternatives are unfair.
For the record I have every Archer class and my Ranger is the highest RR. New f2p players will be getting crushed in stealth by the Ranger.
Nvm even the Camelot Herald website has the wrong information listed... warden RR5 kinda sucks now.. confirmed. I thought it was still double dmg and spreadheal the group for the extra or w/e it used to be.
No, just take away hunter pet. Give them dual wield like ranger or shield like scout. I mean, that would make everything "fair". Oh wait, then you would have to give scouts and rangers free 2 handers. Too much work, leave it alone.
Play a sin atm and rangers seem fotm. Remedy can remove my spec line, I feel they should remove IP from all stealth classes for balance purposes.
Charge negates all CC for a short while, hence it negates whole spec lines. A long mez or other forms of crowd control negates my whole spec in mele/bow for a short time. You play a sin for god's sake, with your debuffs/mez's/poisons/vanish you are going to complain about rangers? Sins are WAY more powerful overall than rangers. The only reason sin's think rangers are so op'd is because rangers match up well against sin's.
Listen to yourself... Not only do you think they should remove RR5 from ranger, but you also want remedy removed AND all IP from stealthers. Bias much? I play a pretty damn solid ranger and I can say that many assassins that are not morons can beat me just fine.
This is just typical, "My class got beat by this guy so the class needs to be nerf'd," bull crap. Nothing more and nothing less.
Given the history of assassins, it comes as no surprise that even while they are arguably in one of the best states they have been in, they still want more.
I won't try and rate all the ranged stealthers RR5's @Fateboi but I will say all the ranged stealthers RR5's are nice in the right situation. I would say ranger/hunter gets the edge over scout only because they are less situational.
you can log on midgard and you see very few bonedancer.
That's amazing, when I play my ranger I have lost to 1 sin in 20, when play my hunter I run the same numbers. The only tactic a sin can offer is mezz posion and run, you tried running from a kite class? even then 90% rangers and hunters just hide out the remedy. Played daoc since beta and for years there was a fine balancing act in its own stealth vs stealth sub war, just simply stating that this has gone too far in the direction of rangers an hunters.
I also stand by my statement, some classes are defined by a pet class, you know I can live with warlord bellowing cry etc and pet scares, the ability was only given to rangers because they whined so much about hunters, and in fair ness hunters pet needs looking at. I don't agree with the method.
and how long did that pet completely lock down archer's from shooting, and slowing archers and assasins permantely so they can never touch you with melee, 17 years has it been now ? ;p
now 1 class can some what counter it for a bit ? oh how terrible how do you go on ! ;p
love you just saying ;p
Please don't make statements such as this. We do listen and read everything.
Broadsword Online Games
remember kat we must only praise supreme leader !
Call your local politician, they'd listen and read plenty too. See how far that gets you.
Actual action/back and forth dialogue > Listening and reading
Can you tell me what other rr5 turns spec points against someone?
In general, most of these abilities are designed to mitigate something another class does.
You rely on CC to keep me in melee range? Eldritch is just going to pop Arms Reach and haul ass away.
Burst damage? Warrior is going to use Tetsudo.
Ranged DPS? Eat a Nearsight from a Scout.
Want to use a spec CC spell on that Cabalist pet beating you up? Oops, RR5. No CC for you.
... see a pattern here?
I mean, a few times when I've seen you around and other Hunters I'll struggle to kill the dog only to have it re-summoned seemingly instantaneously. Everybody gets the shaft at some point. That's how the game has always been. Rocks, paper, scissors, and trying to figure out how to mitigate and work around the abilities your opponent has to wreck your day.
I've actually seen some Hunters use the RR5 ability fairly well in a few situations myself. It's not the most useless thing ever, even if it isn't ideal, that's for sure.
For the record, I will admit that hunters got hit hard with the nerf hammer, but only because they were performing so well previously. They needed to get knocked down a bit, although I wish they had put changes in a little slower and gauge how it effected the class overall instead of dropping 3-4 major changes on them in such a short amount of time.
.........and what about ML's? Presience node negates stealth. Speed warp negates speed (use to be spec), ML vs ML - zephyr negates phase shift. Every ability in the game has stuff it tops and stuff that will top it.
And Blur negates root and snare, so what?
Keep in mind that this is DAoC and abilities that negate other abilities were in this game since release and balancing was never about single classes.
If you want a game with exactly mirrored classes and abilities have a look at ESO, and even that isn`t balanced.
Is it that what you want? Boring as f.....
I have actually said many times that I would be fine with remedy changing, for a rr5 that is actually useful for a sniper/bc hunter. Good job on making assumptions.... /clap
btw...none of those examples are even close.
Your argument holds no water, there are tons of abilities that negate a spec line for a short duration, it's not just limited to RR5's but if you want to go that way the menty RR5 negates many spec lines as you can no longer target the caster, the skald RR5 negates all CC, the runey RR5 negates melee damage, the warrior RR5 doesn't completely negate damage but for all intensive purposes it pretty much almost does. Fundamentally, the argument that an ability shouldn't exist because it limits or negates another ability/spec is really quite ludicrous. By that rationale your ability to summon a pet and interrupt any ranged abilities is a hinderance to any ranged caster and therefore should not exist. See how stupid this logic you are employing really is when applied to any other situation? Just face it, you are being overdramatic because you have to actually employ thought and just a tad more effort to kill a ranger than 90% of your other targets.