Make DAOC Playable Again
80 Million RP disparity between realms.......
@John_Broadsword @Carol_Broadsword @Lea_Broadsword Something has to be done to address this. Relics can't be taken back. PBAOE is ridiculous. No Population Bonus to bring in more Mids/Albs or incentivize anyone to join those realms in take backs.
I've got 6 active accounts.... I buy Mithril weeeeekly..... I'm supporting Broadsword the best way I know how, with my hard earned money. I love this game. I want it to survive. Please....address this as fast as you possibly can, or you will lose some of your die hard players.
I know there is also a skill disparity that has to be addressed by the community. There need to be more 8s and less zergs. I know this is a problem. I know Asatruar perpetuates the problem. I want to work to address it, and try and get some of the returning players in 8 man situations instead of sticking a zerg leader night after night where they can get lost in the shuffle and skirt by on inadequate skills. I fully acknowledge that IRC is a group of great players who are taking advantage of the new zerg meta that has dumbed down this game and it's players. Good for them! Let's develop some 8s that can grow, learn(from IRC even) and compete with them. As it is now, mindless numbers sit around waiting for a BG to form up....... That is not how this game used to be played.
My 2cents.

@John_Broadsword @Carol_Broadsword @Lea_Broadsword Something has to be done to address this. Relics can't be taken back. PBAOE is ridiculous. No Population Bonus to bring in more Mids/Albs or incentivize anyone to join those realms in take backs.
I've got 6 active accounts.... I buy Mithril weeeeekly..... I'm supporting Broadsword the best way I know how, with my hard earned money. I love this game. I want it to survive. Please....address this as fast as you possibly can, or you will lose some of your die hard players.
I know there is also a skill disparity that has to be addressed by the community. There need to be more 8s and less zergs. I know this is a problem. I know Asatruar perpetuates the problem. I want to work to address it, and try and get some of the returning players in 8 man situations instead of sticking a zerg leader night after night where they can get lost in the shuffle and skirt by on inadequate skills. I fully acknowledge that IRC is a group of great players who are taking advantage of the new zerg meta that has dumbed down this game and it's players. Good for them! Let's develop some 8s that can grow, learn(from IRC even) and compete with them. As it is now, mindless numbers sit around waiting for a BG to form up....... That is not how this game used to be played.
My 2cents.

I'm not suggesting that zerging on any realm is bad. I'm just pointing out that @INACA pointed to Asatraur specifically. There seems like a much more obvious target....
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
I was merely saying that being a member of Asatruar, as I am, others might call me out for hypocrisy. I was simply acknowledging that I know it's a problem that we must try and solve as well by changing some of our behavior.
Makes perfect sense.
You'll get a 50/50 response to that as well. If they recommended a server reset at this point, i'd hang up my DAoC boots for good. You'll have others who are 100% onboard. Cut population in half again and im not sure you'll have enough to pay the light bill.
Considering Broadsword has lost more population than they've retained in the past 3+ years, I'd take those odds to bring players back. EC was suppose to be Ywain's savior. Maybe it will be in the next three months. Maybe a new server will bring population back. I really don't know anymore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I honestly couldn't care less about starting over so long as there is a healthy population to play with. No amount of progress in game is going to pay off for anyone. Ya'll need to allow yourself to let go and realize the time invested is in the moment and not for some long term goal.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
You think they would setup and design a new server in less time than that? I'm skeptical at best.
I'd agree with population. Thats key. But other servers (not saying they were legal or did it the right way) tried the wipe method. They were popular for 3-4 months, and now they're no better off than where they started. Hardcore players will always outplay casual.. whether it be time invested or talent. No different than people who work 80-90 hours a week typically making more money than those who only work part time.
Think you are in the wrong thread, man. This has nothing to do with our play style. That was a secondary comment about something I see as an issue in the game, PLAYER SKILL. If you think Asatruar is solely responsible for that, you are out of your ever lovin mind. Take your troll comments somewhere else, man, like maybe the now defunct PC board.
This is pretty much where I'm at. Two years ago I would have been entirely against a server wipe and/or selling R5... now I don't care, so long as the population receives a boost.
Introduce an underpop bonus which is high enough motivating people to play other realms
The overall population will not change from this. For this we have to wait until next patch i guess. There must come big changes to EC, because they need so long for it. Maybe this will bring more population.
EC definitely needs changes!
At the moment I've played an EC account for 2 days and it's no wonder players come and go. The restrictions with pots, housing, bank etc is nuts. Also, EC accounts are toast in RvR and the realm points are awful, It's like EC accounts are up for the slaughter and have no benefits of getting somewhere in RvR. Maybe that's the point of subbing.
Yeah, no one will come back with EC.
I find on mid and alb it is harder to get a group unless you already know people. When I join a bg on alb or mid I also see a lot of accusations of spying. Anytime anything goes wrong people freak out screaming about the spys. I don't see any of this on hib.
Herorius runs every day, and when he is on there is no real bg presence on the other two realms to respond most times. In the evenings when I am on the albs and mids both have a bg going but they seem afraid to engage.
The albs can defend well with caster heavy groups, but without a lot of tanks they have a hard time taking a keep. Albs need to start recruiting more tanks, toons that will survive a hard push. 57 heretics is good for open field or defence but they don't storm keeps well.
I get the feeling that the realm hoppers aren't hopping to/from hib. It feels like the hopping is going from alb to mid causing both realms to be weak at times. Maybe a realm bonus with a loyalty component would help stop this.
Long rant over.
the basic principle behind all of this is the motion of a) stop feeding the enemy rps - which in itself means if we have any chance of dying don't try at all.
thus the denial of rps/action proceeds. this denial can be logging out/off, afking for extended periods of time to starve enemy, swapping to same realm as enemy so you won't feed them or just simplyly testudoing back to your keep when there is a chance you might die.
you and others mention IRC alot, whilst they are on top of the food chain currently - the second they fall off of that, they become just like you and others and join the denial queue.
its either win or don't play at all for alot of pvp players (this applies to any pvp game - not just daoc) - how do you make it so everyone has some sense of accomplishment even if losing.
There always been frustration towards something by the "losing" side, but losing sides in general also been varied depending on which prime people play at. Hib dominance have happened before too, and asking developer for cure for player-driven issue is not the only way to go forward. Relic resets might be reasonable, and yes even timer made casual people choose the safe bet, and log hib BGs. Still relic reset likely reset it for a few days only at this point.
It's the same issue with underpop bonuses, 50% bonus RP of 0, or guaranteed wins with Hero BG, - your average -player didn't care either, so I see that system failed, only gave extra RPs to those who can manage to wipe zergs with much lesser numbers, and they do that regardless anyway. While some blame that being gone made this issue, last 1 year it's not been the first precedent of Hib holding relics, and taking them back immediately for a very long time.
Mid has issues, that I don't see going to change neither for EU or US lead. Heros tactic is pretty simple, there is just no willingness to do the same. You might nerf heavies Fury, give mids uninterruptable pbaoe (as we seen), as long their side will adapt, this won't change. Hell even some BG leaders refuse to use multiple toons and tactic, let alone their crew.
The willingness to improve is really something to value today, and right, being 8 more often helps with that. Blaming others for losses and turn a blind eye on our own faults won't be good enough in a PvP game, casual people in BGs need good leaders, and at least 1 semi-decent group too. It might even help with running BG against Hero in the long run, they die alot too, just not thanks to consistent strategy.
People afraid to 8v8 because of IRC, and they being daily topic everywhere. Just start with 8, and if they on and start dominating, make Voltrons, it has worked before, and I think they don't mind fighting more people, they are used to that. Just don't stay there forever, if job done move on, you still going to learn from losses, and be able to get revenge with some help at times.
There is a way out without mercy from BS to help, but sadly I am pessimistic about any player-driven solution to happen. I see game changes only temporary bandaid as long hero keeps being consistent, and other sides resentful.
Get rid of IRS is a start
Overall +1
Most issues today IMO are rooted in population. Hib has dominated before, and the top spot has usually been a turntable, sometimes lasting a month, a couple years, or in some cases the life of the server (speaking archived servers). So with one dominating realm being a near constant, the changing variable is population.
200 vs 100 is one thing, at least with 100 people you will get plenty of kills, plenty of RP's to go around.
50 vs 10 is another. Add multiple language barriers, general pessimistic attitude, and some ill-advised patches and you have what we have today. I agree the devs should not bail anybody out of this situation, but we are still looking through too small of a lens here. The game needs to change for the population we have, not strive to keep the same system designed for several thousand people playing on the same map.
Until BS does something that improves the system, we will have this cycle on repeat. This could even be used to explain why no solution to realm timers will work. Extend realm timers or remove them, you will alienate people. We had "realm pride" and realm timers work before because there were multiple servers, and you could only play one realm per server. With one server, there will always be some swapping, so the entire model needs some rethinking there as well.
ATM we are trying to hold up a broken system designed for something we don't use it for, and trying to change the inner workings (class balances is a good example) instead of fixing the system as a whole. Does this mean DAoC 2? Does this mean they need to change the relic/port system and create a new flow? That's all up to @John_Broadsword . The feeling I get from BS is they will not listen to their general player base, since they have internal boards anyways.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
What's that? 15 minute realm timers are the reason Hibs camp keeps? You then go on to tell us the actual reasons why people play Hib and why they all play bombers. Lol.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
Hello guys How r yall?
Have fun & good luck out there in the big bad gaming world!!!!
Hammer to the face!!!
The solution is to give negative RP penalties to the vastly overpopulated realm.
The sheer weight of Hibs would lessen overnight if they logged in to find they have a -90% RP penalty for being overpopulated.
Guess John being post IRC shows....once a cheater always a cheater, but no worries on Live...they dont GAF as long as you pay.
The anti-zergers now swing on Hib zergs nuts all night....sad
Thats good in theory... but you still have people who were loyal to hib, and have played there this whole time... you would unfortunately punish them severely for playing the game theyve been playing for a long time... the loyalty thing is the only thing that really makes sense, and i cannot wrap my head around how it would work.. people have given theories and advice. Im not gonna donate to the realm that is dominating, and im not gonna flop to the realm that dominates... no real solution at the moment.
First order is to undo the new 325 delve PBAE. There is not a single heal in this game that can keep up with that kind of damage. Put 3-4 in a small area and it is insta gib. If they are incapable of realizing how utter a failure that is then we now know they don't care of the ultimate outcome of the server. They'll take your 14.99 to the bank every month as long as you let them.
Amnesia is ineffective. I've seen my screen say that "soinso's is interupted" (or whatever the actual log line is) but still get hit by the same person 3-4 times in only a few seconds.
I've only had hit or miss success with alternating shield swipe with power leak, oh and warrior cloak for 10s...
Edit: i would love a way to have gameplay logs saved to verify what we see in game. I can't believe in this day and age BS won't less us see our own logs.
Chat logging can be enabled/disabled by a key bind which is assigned in /keyboard under Chat.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
I've been playing Hib since I started the game back in 2002... I think I may have 1 Alb 50 and maybe 2 Mid 50's... That would kinda suck to have that much of a penalty. Yes, I'm only one voice, sure - but still.
Between IRC and Herorius, it's already six feet under.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but, IRC plays across all three realms, yes? Forgive the ignorance, I have only returned a month ago from a year hiatus.
I think we could all agree if the game population overall was higher, many of these issues wouldn't be a thing. I was an advocate for realm timers, After running a few groups since coming back, I can see the negative impact it has on the action when you log onto let's say, Mid, and there are already 3 mid groups roaming EV, so everyone takes a 15min break and you log Hib or Alb, only to come out and now the mids have logged because of no action...
It's a tough situation, and like I said if server population was higher, this just wouldn't be an issue. I would love to see @Broadsword almost eliminate all restrictions on EC accounts, and get people back in the game. As I've said in posts before specifically about EC, if they remove all restrictions except for RP and BP reduction alone, then that would eventually get people to subscribe... Because if someone is enjoying the game, and enjoying RvR, they don't want to be getting 1/4 to 1/5th of the RPs that subscribed players are getting in comparison (yes, it really is at minimal 25% of the amount of RPs that subbed players receive, I came back on EC and it was terrible)
Makes me wonder why Ywain doesn't attract more competitive players...then I realize they play elsewhere. Which is ironic considering the numerous class balance changes over the years were in favor of competitive play.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
Because f*ck getting better, let's just zerg. They must be cheaters anyways why even try to improve right guys, right?
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
More to my point, those who did "git gud" have moved on. Most of what's left are stubborn folks who play the game the same way for the past 10+ years, which is perfectly fine. It's their $15. But there's nothing to offset those who actually play the game to the fullest since they are in a super minority. What boggles me is that the game continues to be developed around skill based play yet that playerbase is largely gone.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
I love them so much I aspire to be as great as them they are just so adorable
Why oh why did broadsword bring in 15 min timers my poor irc heroes have to wait 15 mins now to exploit I mean change realms.
Please get off irc back these guys are wonderful people who cares if they sit in there moms basement for 3 days at a time sitting in there own poop and drinking through a straw they bring so much joy to the game with there cute litttld hats and they jaunty way they tell everyone how great they are.
I love there cute cuddly little faces and when ever I see them appear on ev I get a warm glow inside because I know irc are here and the world is a better place .