Dynamic Population Bonuses Return
Based on feedback we've received since the 1.126 patch, the Dynamic Population Bonus feature is active once again!
As a refresher, here's how the system works:
Dynamic Population Bonus

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As a refresher, here's how the system works:
Dynamic Population Bonus
- This system will reward underpopulated realms with bonus realm points to help offset and stabilize population imbalances.
- The current bonus status will be displayed to players when viewing the realm selection screen and in-game on the /realmwar 'bonuses' window.

- The dynamic population bonus is re-calculated every 15 minutes and only calculates based on the number of players within the New Frontiers region.
- The bonus amounts are as follows:
- 81-90% population of most populated realm: +10% RPs
- 71-80% population of most populated realm: +25% RPs
- 61-70% population of most populated realm: +40% RPs
- 51-60% population of most populated realm: +55% RPs
- 41-50% population of most populated realm: +70% RPs
- 31-40% population of most populated realm: +85% RPs
- 0-30% population of the most populated realm: +100% RPs
- These bonuses will stack with all other bonuses!
Click here to visit the DAoC Herald!
Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games
Broadsword Online Games
Not the post for this
And +100 from me
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
Im sorry was this the post for it? https://forum.darkageofcamelot.com/discussion/2995/boat-glitch#latest
speaking of, your lips must be getting chapped bc you do have some brown on your nose bud.
They finally got bullied into making changes so why not keep the pressure up
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
At this point anything they address is a bloody miracle. Enjoy this blessing
I'm enjoying the extra $30 per month
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
+70% yay
Fairly sure the boat glitch is due to lack of computer memory. That fixed it for me. Zero instances since I got 2g more ram. Just my 2c. Cost me ~$30 or whatever.
What's the glitch?
Proud of you!!
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
Your client send a request to the server to get on the boat (lets call this message A). To make thing seem snappy the client places you on the boat in the next open seat.
At the same time (or slightly before) a other player gets on the boat (and as they see the same open seat, as your message has not came in yet, they get in the seat you are getting in).
When your message (message A) gets to the server it notices that the boat is full and probably ignores it (forgetting to tell your client to get off the boat).
When the boat starts moving your client trys to move you with the boat but at some point the server says stop speed hacking you can't move like that and puts you back to where it thought you where moving fine. This whole time your client thinks you still have the onboat flag set and just tells you that you can't pickup boats (same message if you continue to get on the boat while really on a boat). So the fix is to just tell your client to get off the boat (it tells the server and the server says what the crap are you doing your not on a boat (and then does not tell your client or the client ignores it who knows))
Doesnt always work. Sometimes when i type /disembark or hit my macro key to /disembark, it tells me i am not riding a boat. Immediately afterwards if i try to mount up on my horse, it tells me i cannot do this while riding a boat. The quickest solution for me has been to relog.
Btw you don't have to re log. You can type /mou and it usually fixes that bug that keeps your character on a boat or mount when you're not actually on one. Same happens with rams on a rare occasion and /mou fixes all of them for me and others I have told.
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
>Daoc Videos<
What Impounded said. This used to happen to me quite frequently and /mou will "disembark" you from the boat.
There is no reason Hibs shouldn't still have all 6 relics, but as a Mid I'm glad they've left them alone. Our current trajectory is downward currently and I'm fighting just to get 4-5 solid groups put together each night.
We've had a really good last few nights all things considered I just wish the Albs would do something constructive. I can't even get my BG there to support whatever they are doing in time before they get pushed off a keep or tower.
On topic in not sure why they changed the daily quests to get bp vs rp. In the long run it only hurts the low RR folks and outside of a handful of players was of little consequence to high RR folks. Pre patch you could hit RR5 in a week or less of consistent play. Now it will take longer post RR8 which benefits the established folks because it now takes longer to close the gap. In a game where a difference of 10 players in numbers is significant that's not helping anyone.
HIb zerg and stealth zergs are killing the game, and they seem perfectly ok with that. Anyone currently playing hib is responsible for the state of the population. I came back to the game about 4 weeks ago, and the entire time I have had to take long boat rides and fight hibs with 5 -6 relics.
If you cant manage to kill anything, maybe stop playing.
Probably gonna have to. I don't think mids will muster much tonight. Hibs just Shermaning everything. Right now I don't even have enough guildies on to form a single group, much less the 2-3 groups we had just a month ago.
BroadSword, you've failed. Just flip the switch and turn it all off.
Hibs own Beno, Bled, Glen and all the towers on EV. And took all the relics today.
Many in mid /reg and the zerg /as said they are done.
Good job, Hibs! /clap
Stop blaming the hibs, the zergs, stealth, and that random guy that camps the dock with a yellow dog and blame the people we pay to facilitate the "fun" (game devs for anyone who missed it, it's the game devs I'm talking about).
I agree devs made a mistake..no doubt. But, with that said, people are choosing to take advantage of that mistake and hurt the game. It is a mutual path of destruction, atm. Population used to be able to weather these mistakes. I am concerned that is no longer true and wish the players would have more long term thinking when making their choices.
So untill the devs do something can we stop smashing everyone into the dust (the rp/ relics won't be worth much if no one is left to fight).
I would guess there is a large percentage of the population of this game who is older then a child (guessing the median age is probably closer to 30-40 haha) so maybe we can stop acting like children and be nicer to each other in general?
But until devs do something I think I will unsub a few accounts (they got some days left but no need to keep auto renewal on right?) Though it's probably unlikely they are monitoring this, they probably just monitor number of accounts actively subbed but whatever.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
The problem is, people want their 14.99 worth. If they wont get it in Alb or Mid then they will on Hib, simple as that.
They said they'd do an adjustment to EC after seeing how it was progressing. They said that from launch. I don't see the issue, some people just want to complain about everything.
I've been getting like 35-50k an hour (not near as good as some but I'm also not 8manning). That's enough for me to go out there even though 3/5 times i'm dead before I get any rps. It's those other 1-2x where I kill 2-3. So, yeah, it's very difficult to go out vs superior numbers. You seem to find small mans everywhere, even their own maze/solo spots. It's absolutely helping to create action, but yes, it is hard. If it were easy everyone would do it.
Except it'll be a solid 5 months later. By the time they make any adjustments, the EC players will have moved on. They had a narrow window to capture and retain them. That window has closed. Yes, I will complain when paying $15 / month yields less value than what's provided for free else where. Small team or old code can only go so far before you appear incompetent. Lack of transparency and communication is not helping their case either.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
And lettting people wait and then do not enough is uncool.
I'll say im impressed that mids have either rolled onto their hib toons and joined instead of feeding the beast. Thats a surefire way of stopping it altogether. No one feeding, no one getting fed. It doesnt take long for all side to /cancel sub when its like that .. and when i say all sides.... i mean most .. The vast majority have toons on all realms now... but when one realm has obvious dominance, and the players don't change.. then BS at least comes up with some idea, or players /cancel.
I know it is an old and tired complaint but man...stun nuke is just plain stupid. It is so easy to rack up the kills with it. Add in the new pbaoe meta and holy smokes. The defense bonus alone was 37k.
Seriously, something needs to change because the frustration that comes from trying to fight against hibs ...especially when IRC is on their hibs.... is beyond a "fun challenge" and just plain not fun.
Perhaps the population bonuses should also impact the difficulty of the keep? Tougher guards/stronger doors or something? Also, relics should reset every 3 days or so. I'm not sure. But what is for sure is the Primetime American Hibs are riding the coat tails of the Hero Zerg... slowing him down would do much to help the health of the game.