What you done with Stealth



  • edited December 2019 PM
    Kroko wrote: »
    I dont know what exactly is changed in kings gear.
    Pierce is str/dex based. So you need high str/dex for your dmg.
    Blades is only str based. Then you dont need dex that high.
    But you should have 120+, maybe even 127 for your dmg stats.
    Quickness like 70-80 should be ok.
    Melee dmg, style dmg, and melee speed should be at 10.
    Mythical dps should be at 10.
    That all helps your dmg.
    Your hits and AF are rather low.
    You need to euqip your weapons in the template builder. Otherwise the stats dont count.

    You can do Curse/OW for getting good items. For example OW mighty eyes, cursed gauntlets, etc.
    If you spec 50 stealth, you dont need +stealth in temp. You also dont need +envenom.
    Your spec is ok. Evenom is abit low, but im no expert for that.

    Freezing King Mythirian has 5% Endu regen, in case you run out of endu often.

    Ya don't look at the stats, hp or caps they're all incorrect unfortunately on all kings gear. I figured that out a little late when templating my first time.

    STR 343
    Dex 409
    HP 2703
    Con 315
    Buffed my quick is 245
    Post edited by Prank80 on
  • Prank80 wrote: »

    Yep here it is. Note that it's not entirely correct stat wise as this site has not updated the new kings gear which is really awesome now. Resists are correct but stats and skills are off. I was happy that I managed to create a template without SC/crafting lol.
    I also run a staff for a 20% resist melee resists @ 20 seconds for my main use.


    Skills :
    50+14 Stealth
    37+14 Pierce
    37+3 Evenom
    44+14 Crit
    32+14 CD

    This is just my opinion but I think your envenom is to high I go 20 on mine plus go 45 crit for deaths door. look for me in game I will help you

  • Assassins are in a decent spot at the moment but Viper needs to go back to how it was years ago.

    Viper 1 - 25%, Viper 2 - 35%, Viper 3 - 50%, Viper 4 - 75% and Viper 5 - 100%
  • @Sleepwell I essentially remained a tried and true soloer until I stop playing about a year ago. I was always at solo areas on my toons, and I essentially hated every minute of it (waiting for /bow and people refusing to fight you... don't even get me started). Going to moy/trelle/folley was a last resort to find fights after Broadsword took away box quests and ruined keeps.

    I used to love the idea of "hunting" as a soloer and trying to find solos/duo/trios that I could jump on at the opportune moment... that doesn't exist anymore. But I never once got rolled by a fg visi/stealth, or a smallman of visi/stealth, or ANYTHING that wasn't 1v1 and was like, "man, f*ck those f*ggots"... naw, that's the game (do I tell everyone in /region what they are doing? of course, but that's the game). People need to nut up and stop complaining about losing and blaming it on nerfs. My most favorite thing to do is to play "nerfed" classes and beat people, or play speclines that people think are trash and get kills with them... DAoC is a skill-based game, and dying over and over again only teaches you to be better.
  • Armagedden wrote: »
    @Sleepwell I essentially remained a tried and true soloer until I stop playing about a year ago. I was always at solo areas on my toons, and I essentially hated every minute of it (waiting for /bow and people refusing to fight you... don't even get me started). Going to moy/trelle/folley was a last resort to find fights after Broadsword took away box quests and ruined keeps.

    I used to love the idea of "hunting" as a soloer and trying to find solos/duo/trios that I could jump on at the opportune moment... that doesn't exist anymore. But I never once got rolled by a fg visi/stealth, or a smallman of visi/stealth, or ANYTHING that wasn't 1v1 and was like, "man, f*ck those f*ggots"... naw, that's the game (do I tell everyone in /region what they are doing? of course, but that's the game). People need to nut up and stop complaining about losing and blaming it on nerfs. My most favorite thing to do is to play "nerfed" classes and beat people, or play speclines that people think are trash and get kills with them... DAoC is a skill-based game, and dying over and over again only teaches you to be better.

    Ya but what class did you play? Sounds like this nightshade is your calling now. :wink:
  • edited December 2019 PM
    Assassins are in a decent spot at the moment but Viper needs to go back to how it was years ago.

    Viper 1 - 25%, Viper 2 - 35%, Viper 3 - 50%, Viper 4 - 75% and Viper 5 - 100%

    Atlest a viper buff will not affect grouped sneeks that much (can't apply more then one dot). However it's not like it will make poisons what they use to be as it takes so long to get poisons down now by yourself (7sec per poison!), but ya this would be fun... would it help.. idk I think there is more then just damage that is causing this problem.
    Post edited by rocketait on
  • Kat wrote: »

    Heya - I am prolly not the best person to ask since I have not played much since the sin nerf, have only played one stealth class, and I have not tried the hybrid/melee. From my pov, as the weakest hunter spec (sniper), overall - the good sins could kill me...esp the ones that were good at resetting the fights. I would win sometimes, lose sometimes. Bad sins just died and luckily for me, there are a lot of bad sins in the game :). I would say that a bad archer could beat a decent sin if the archer caught the sin unstealthed and everything down :P

    btw...I miss vapors. He was so fun. I duo'd with his sin...got a scout to rr7 - so many years ago. @Mace80 - thanks for reminding me of fun times

    He was a really good dude. Stiles on the other hand... lol he was at least hilarious in voice chats.
  • Prank80 wrote: »
    Give me a few good reasons to play a stealther with all of the new stealth changes.

    This new stealth system is so bad now. Having to sink my RA just to be the way I was before patch is frustrating. 30 RA points poof gone sets us back 3 ranks. That's a huge nerf on my damage output

    Every class is hunting us to the point people aren't playing. Times have changed.

    The element of surprise is seriously overrated by your team.

    You don't give me many options for solo sneaking anymore and it's really frustrating to play now then it used to be.

    Play Ranger. Thanks to bias, that'll never get really nerfed.
  • I don't get it honestly. Sin's weren't broken before the last patch. The main problem imo is that after having the fast stealth trying to play with the new slow stealth just drops the game to a crawl. Makes me not even want to play either of my sins anymore. Really most visibles of any decent rank rr5 plus shouldn't lose 1 v 1 vs a sin and they shouldn't have prior to the latest nerf either.
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