Friday Grab Bag - 12/13/2019
Welcome to our end of year Grab Bag! Many questions answered below, including a quick word on what's to come for Dark Age of Camelot in 2020! (ohhh, aahhh)
Don't forget! Our Midwinter event starts Tuesday, December 17th and our 12 days of Midwinter gifts returns on Saturday, December 21st! Make sure your bags are cleared out
Hope everyone enjoys the holiday period and we'll be back with the Grab Bag in the New Year!
Thank you all for sending in your questions, and remember to please keep sending them in for our devs! You can submit any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions. Feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
Continue reading for all the news!
For returning players, is there an easy way to find out what archive server or Ywain server you have characters on? Besides having to log in, get to a server, check each realm, quit and logging in again and repeating the process for each server.
If I decide to upgrade my Free to Play Account to a subscription account for a month, will the account once again return to a free to play account once the subscription runs out?
Question on the animist. When I cast multiple Briar Detonation or Briar Storm (Pet PBAE), the Harbinger War pet seems to have it's own casting speed that does not match my own. It also appears that it does not cast all the spells I do(since I cast a lot more faster). How is the animist and the pet suppose to work for this circumstance?
Is it true that for temping maximum life 600, we need be 400bonus cap hits and 600normal hits to reach that 600 in template? Or temp 600? How do you get to 600?
Has Jari the pig trophy mob been removed from the game? I have been looking for him 2 to 3 times per day for over six months. I have tried looking during the day and at night; I have tried not killing any pigs and I have tried killing all the pigs; I have tried just killing Wilbur.
None of these strategies has worked so far. Thank you.
On the Item Search I found this Mauler staff but the only info on where to get it ingame is “Mauler Test Store” – what is this and where to get the staff?
We used to get dragon scales for killing Nosdoden and the other 2 SI dragons in the dungeons, obviously dragon scales were removed in place of bp's but the SI dragons don’t drop bp's - is this intended??
If I as a fire wizard hit a leather user with a fire DD will I hit harder than a Eld not using fire damage if the DD value was the same?
(question in regards to resist table)
The turkey legs have been a very nice addition to the game.
It's sparked a lot of small man action for my friends and me, while almost giving people an RVR-focused way to slowly collect bounty points through a little leg work. Has there been any consideration to keeping the quest, or adding a quest like it, in the game?
I need Flames of Prometheus and the only way to get them is through Atlantean Glass and the only way to get that is by exchanging Diamond Seals in DF for them. I don’t have Diamond Seals anymore and I don’t have enough glass to get the Flames of Prometheus – how do I acquire this item?
Any status on when we can expect the new website? I think it would go a long way helping new and returning players to have updated utilities such as a character planner and template builder. The current database has been a great addition.
Any updates on plans for next year?
An exciting year ahead, for sure
Don't miss our Saturday night giveaway stream on our official Twitch channel this Saturday (December 14th) as I'll be giving away a ton more Mithril than usual AND have a Max Character Boost also to give away (level 50, ml10, cl15 token) !! Stream starts at 10:30PM GMT / 5:30PM EST.
We wish everyone a happy holidays and a safe and happy New Year!
Here's to 2020!
Click here to visit the DAoC Herald!
Don't forget! Our Midwinter event starts Tuesday, December 17th and our 12 days of Midwinter gifts returns on Saturday, December 21st! Make sure your bags are cleared out

Thank you all for sending in your questions, and remember to please keep sending them in for our devs! You can submit any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions. Feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
Continue reading for all the news!
For returning players, is there an easy way to find out what archive server or Ywain server you have characters on? Besides having to log in, get to a server, check each realm, quit and logging in again and repeating the process for each server.
Currently the only way to see a list of all of your account’s characters and their server is to send an email to They’ll get back to you as soon as possible with that list (please be sure to include the account name in your email and to email them from your account’s email address).
However, as soon as next week there will be a new “View Characters” feature on the Account Center that will list out all characters on an account by server!
However, as soon as next week there will be a new “View Characters” feature on the Account Center that will list out all characters on an account by server!
If I decide to upgrade my Free to Play Account to a subscription account for a month, will the account once again return to a free to play account once the subscription runs out?
Not immediately. There is a 180-day limit before any recently subscribed account will be eligible for Endless Conquest, as described in our FAQ and Features Table.
Question on the animist. When I cast multiple Briar Detonation or Briar Storm (Pet PBAE), the Harbinger War pet seems to have it's own casting speed that does not match my own. It also appears that it does not cast all the spells I do(since I cast a lot more faster). How is the animist and the pet suppose to work for this circumstance?
These spells do call the pet to cast them but in this case the subsequent pet-casted spells are instant-cast. However, if the pet is currently in melee combat, it cannot immediately cast any spells (this is how all monsters/pets work) and instead queues up its next spell based on its swing time. All of the queued up spells will fire upon the end of the swing timer but this can result in some of the Animist-casted PBAoEs being delayed if the Animist casts multiple spells during the pet’s swing timer. When the pet is set to passive or is not in melee combat, all of the PBAOEs will fire immediately after the Animist’s casts with no delay.
Is it true that for temping maximum life 600, we need be 400bonus cap hits and 600normal hits to reach that 600 in template? Or temp 600? How do you get to 600?
At base, a character gets a cap of 200 hits and would need to include +400 hits cap in their gear to be able to reach the 600 hits cap. Then they’d also need to have 600 hits from their gear.
Has Jari the pig trophy mob been removed from the game? I have been looking for him 2 to 3 times per day for over six months. I have tried looking during the day and at night; I have tried not killing any pigs and I have tried killing all the pigs; I have tried just killing Wilbur.
None of these strategies has worked so far. Thank you.
Jari has not been removed. Killing the boar piglets and wild sows and waiting for Jari to spawn is your best bet!
On the Item Search I found this Mauler staff but the only info on where to get it ingame is “Mauler Test Store” – what is this and where to get the staff?
A sharp eye! This looks like a test object that was missed from our filter. It does not drop anywhere in-game. We’ll filter this one out in the next update, thanks!
We used to get dragon scales for killing Nosdoden and the other 2 SI dragons in the dungeons, obviously dragon scales were removed in place of bp's but the SI dragons don’t drop bp's - is this intended??
Yes, this is intended. There are numerous other areas to get Bounty Points now (RvR, Darkness Falls, Curse Campaign, and TOA Bounty quests) and Nosdoden drops other rewards too!
If I as a fire wizard hit a leather user with a fire DD will I hit harder than a Eld not using fire damage if the DD value was the same?
(question in regards to resist table)
No, armor resist tables only work against melee attacks.
The turkey legs have been a very nice addition to the game.
It's sparked a lot of small man action for my friends and me, while almost giving people an RVR-focused way to slowly collect bounty points through a little leg work. Has there been any consideration to keeping the quest, or adding a quest like it, in the game?
The Supplies for the Cause quest is a permanent style quest that offers the exact same reward as Turkey Legs and involves a similar goal of collecting supplies or rubble from the maze and ruined areas in the Frontier. Additionally, we’ll have other event quests that are identical to the Turkey Leg collection quest, including one coming next week with the Midwinter event!
I need Flames of Prometheus and the only way to get them is through Atlantean Glass and the only way to get that is by exchanging Diamond Seals in DF for them. I don’t have Diamond Seals anymore and I don’t have enough glass to get the Flames of Prometheus – how do I acquire this item?
Altantean Glass, Dragon Scales, Aurulite, and Blood Seals are still plentiful on the Market Explorer in housing. And if one of those currencies becomes unavailable there, there is still the possibility to convert it from the other currencies at the Alternate Currency Converter NPC in each realm’s capital city. As time goes on and those alternate currencies do dwindle out we’ll be adding in alternate ways to purchase these Flames, and other items like it, but we’re a long way away from those currencies running out at this point.
Any status on when we can expect the new website? I think it would go a long way helping new and returning players to have updated utilities such as a character planner and template builder. The current database has been a great addition.
We agree and work continues on the new website! We’ll be focusing on those tools first and then launch the new website when most are completed. The next web-tool coming is the template builder; followed by the character planner, leaderboards, Realm War status, and housing directory!
Any updates on plans for next year?
In the first quarter next year we’ll be continuing our response to Endless Conquest feedback as well as delivering numerous bug fixes and some other goodies in the form of a 1.127 update.
Afterward, our alternate server proposal will then be our major developmental focus. Our original proposal of a subscription-only ‘Classic + Shrouded Isles + Housing’ server that advances (vote-based) through DAoC’s subsequent content is still the plan. We’ll be sharing the details of that server’s ruleset, like which Frontier it will use and what other changes will be involved with it, as we get through 1.127! Depending on how this alternate server goes, we will be launching subsequent versions (perhaps with some fun variations) with a more forced progression.
With that said, Ywain will continue to be the primary long-term focus as we view it as THE game. With Endless Conquest and the ability to play for free we’ve seen a great number of returning and new players out exploring our beloved world and more importantly, endlessly battling each other in the Frontier and battlegrounds!
While alternate servers may seem like a shift away from Ywain in the short term, in the long term they will be another boon to the game as a whole and to Ywain. New and returning players alike will have a chance to start fresh on the new servers, learn or re-learn the game, gain realm rank and eventually transfer over to Ywain with their established characters, which will continue to grow Ywain’s population over time. In addition to the momentum from Endless Conquest and this future momentum from these alternate servers, we are also in the midst of an investigation into bringing DAoC onto Steam! 2020 is going to be a great year for Dark Age of Camelot and with these plans coming to fruition, there will be many more ahead!
Afterward, our alternate server proposal will then be our major developmental focus. Our original proposal of a subscription-only ‘Classic + Shrouded Isles + Housing’ server that advances (vote-based) through DAoC’s subsequent content is still the plan. We’ll be sharing the details of that server’s ruleset, like which Frontier it will use and what other changes will be involved with it, as we get through 1.127! Depending on how this alternate server goes, we will be launching subsequent versions (perhaps with some fun variations) with a more forced progression.
With that said, Ywain will continue to be the primary long-term focus as we view it as THE game. With Endless Conquest and the ability to play for free we’ve seen a great number of returning and new players out exploring our beloved world and more importantly, endlessly battling each other in the Frontier and battlegrounds!
While alternate servers may seem like a shift away from Ywain in the short term, in the long term they will be another boon to the game as a whole and to Ywain. New and returning players alike will have a chance to start fresh on the new servers, learn or re-learn the game, gain realm rank and eventually transfer over to Ywain with their established characters, which will continue to grow Ywain’s population over time. In addition to the momentum from Endless Conquest and this future momentum from these alternate servers, we are also in the midst of an investigation into bringing DAoC onto Steam! 2020 is going to be a great year for Dark Age of Camelot and with these plans coming to fruition, there will be many more ahead!
An exciting year ahead, for sure

Don't miss our Saturday night giveaway stream on our official Twitch channel this Saturday (December 14th) as I'll be giving away a ton more Mithril than usual AND have a Max Character Boost also to give away (level 50, ml10, cl15 token) !! Stream starts at 10:30PM GMT / 5:30PM EST.
We wish everyone a happy holidays and a safe and happy New Year!
Here's to 2020!
Click here to visit the DAoC Herald!
DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games
Broadsword Online Games
Yes, you will be forced to move, but many will refuse, and this will put pressure on Broadsword to release the next alternate server, meaning that once again Ywain will have competition from another server. I don't see an end to this. Ywain will be the less populated, less attractive, less fun server indefinitely.
Also, are you guys planning to have instant 50 MTX purchase available at release of new server? (Not against it at all. =p)
We took something away, gave no replacement, and now require you to seek out the community to fix this issue instead of us, thanks. I don't understand why we would make returning/new players go to the market, buy an alternate currency (that no longer exists/drops), exchange it for another alternate currency (that also never drops), then you can go buy the item you need. Just screams laziness when the item could be added to BP merchants at a set cost.
A new server is fine. The idea to let people vote about changes is very good. But im not convinced that this will have a positive effect on Ywain. You need to give people a reason for switching to Ywain. Why should they do it?
And the time scale...When will new server launch? 2020? 2021? How should Ywain survive until then? Im not convinced about that. But...we will see.
I lol'd pretty hard when it said to go buy it in the housing market... They literally just made glass meaningless except for Flame of Prometheus which is almost 100% necessary. I hope all the glass hoarders up their prices ten-fold so we can grab some popcorn and watch the fireworks
Welp ladies and gents this answered my question about resubbing. Looks like I will re-sub for the 12 days of christmas, get my housing and items together, then have to wait 6 months before I can play again
Edit: This 180 days of inactivity literally makes zero sense. Broadsword needs to be about getting bodies into the game, not penalizing people... This f2p model is literally bonkers.
Similar to why there is no server # on Herald we can't due to EA being publicly traded company, we've explained this before.
And if you read the answer on the Flame, we said we'd add an alt way to purchase it as the currencies dwindle. I get you don't like certain things Perf, but at least read the answers.
Broadsword Online Games
Anything that requires code changes takes time, and not an easy fix. Those code changes also require downtime, which we try to keep to a minimum and not take the servers down multiple times for individual fixes.
Alt server we said in the Grab Bag would be after 1.127, that's still 2020, not 2021. More info and details will come out as we go through even 1.127, this is just a "here's a look a head" note.
Broadsword Online Games
Regarding @Dale_Perf 's point, I still don't see why there wasn't a mechanism in place to convert alternate currency directly to BPs. Then, you wouldn't have to wait to transfer those items over to BPs (or Bountycraft / Doppel shards). Telling players to buy currency that's left via housing is flawed. What if those merchants are full? Can't buy them. Not to mention EC players can't use them so they're completely locked out of this.
Speaking of EC, why keep the 180 days unsubscribed requirement? All it does is lead to less players in game. BS has already demonstrated they can determine when characters were created so bypassing restrictions shouldn't be a problem. Class selection still remains pitiful. The RSP cap is ridiculous, especially for returning players.
A new server sounds great and all but I'll believe it when I see it. These time lines always take longer than originally planned. BS will have to decide what approach they're going to take with class balance / QoL. A simple patch reversion won't work (there's an example of that currently). I'm not sure how well BS's vision fits in a classic setting.
Still no word regarding the underpopulation bonus. Maybe it's not needed so much during US prime but it definitely is during EU prime. Give it another month and 8 players will sway the bonus again regardless of the time zone. I'm personally not going to pay money for another population drought. Other than a new server, I'm not sure how BS will recover this time.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
Good call. Makes Xmas more interesting when you don’t know what presents you are getting.
Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
I read the answer, Carol. I explained how I thought it was lazy to go this route. Making customers do a run-around (especially since we still haven't figured out how to automatically de-list consignment merchants when theyre full), instead of giving us a replacement for what has been, for lack of a better term, forgotten about by the devs. Adding it in the future, when BS makes changes/patches at a whim with seemingly no consistent time-line or feedback on the matter, doesn't give me much confidence. The question posed here is something that should be in a bug report not a grab bag.
I wouldn't hold your breath you're getting coal this year
as others have said, please revamp some of the presents. No big deals, just get rid of the unused currencies (obvious) and, imo, the RoG items. Theyre no more relevant to the game, as far as i can see it. Sadly, but thats what it is.
Here is a suggestion to that issue. It is probably not so easy to do, otherwise you would already have done it, but lets see:
- is it possible to add HP bonus to /bonuses and to the mouseover in the UI? I think not being able to see the HP/HP cap increase created a lot of added confusion
Hope website isnt one of your priorities because its pretty OK as of now. Only think, integrate the bug-tracker closer to the site
New server - i think the demand is clearly there. So probably at some point can't ignore it.
Congratulations tho on the approach to make this a road to Ywain! I think this will a great chance for the Ywain population in the medium term.
My suggestion is to make the experience limited in character progression so there will never be much of a gap between older and newer players. And those who miss the progression at some point can transfer over to Ywain.
Here is what i personally think makes most sense
- Max RR is RR7 (here most classes have the "extended basic" set of abilities. Just like you did for EC accounts
- World SI + Housing, yoiu already said that and i think its pretty obvious, too (not because i dont like it but because that was the major feature request for "Classic"
- Make the classes same as live. A completely balanced setting is anyhow never possible and if it is too different the gap to Ywain may become too large. That includes Realm Abilities
- Allow Transfer to the classic server for toons that do not exceed the predefined caps (charcopy stripped of all equipment and skills execpt XP and RP)
- Decide for some of the battlegrounds to have a ruleset that on Ywain, e.g. every other BG has a changed ruleset (open to 50, capture the flag mechanism if such a thing is possible etc ...)
Looking forward to 2020, i think you guys at BS are doing a decent job all things considered :-)
LoL I'm sorry but is your suggestion to cap the RR so that the new players won't be affected by "much of a gap".
This is the actual mentality that has brought the current Ywain into the state that we find ourselves in 2020. New players unable to compete because they barely play the game on Live then whining to the masses for changes and promptly quitting.
This is pretty funny and clearly must have been written in absolute jest...
A classic server where all the hardcore players will be RR10+x in no time will be no more appealing to new/previous players than the current Ywain is, where you may get steamrolled on a daily basis by high rr groups.
Thus my suggestion to cap character progression on such a server. Assuming people play just for the fun of it. Maybe it is naive. But i think like that. If you dont agree thats fine for me, actually i couldn't care less.
After 15 hours, the most HC groups are already 50, within 2 days they are temped and killing everybody.
Casuals will say "screw that I'm not playing in that server, everybody is high rank I can't compete".
And the wheel starts again.
The only thing that could save a daoc server is for the hardcore players to keep enough interest so that they keep interest to fight each other. Then the casuals don't get farmed as much and can enjoy the game.
then maybe there will be less farming of toons in poc and lab lol
This is the purpose behind their version of a progression aka Ladder or Season (Path of Exile).
Everyone starts on an even brand new and level playing field. There will always be the "hardcore" who will push and have an early advantage. This was also the case with Live and Old Frontiers. There was always some higher RR roaming 8's as well as stealthers who where much higher RR.
If you limit the duration of the server to a traditional season or ladder approx 2-6 months in duration you can can have a chance at rotational patch or rule sets. If certain players don't enjoy OF then they can wait for the next season or ladder. If they prefer the SI and/or TOA with NF then they can just hold off and sub until the server has progressed. In the end the forced transfer back onto Ywain will allow players to continue to play their toons and focus accounts back onto Ywain for seasonal events. Seasonal events like Hallowed, Turkey legs, Saving Midwinter etc.
I think their is more to the problem then this but that is what I glanced at and shook my head.
They hopefully work on the restrictions next year.
Nice contradiction.
It's working at bringing people in, but not necessarily keeping them. Sorry my point was not made.
It would appear the currency exchanger will not take my old aurulite.
The npc in the rift will not take it either.
I still have a small buttload and would like to be assured my countless hours did not go to waste.
This is the biggest problem. basically pay-to-win with red buffs not being accessible, nor speed of the hunt, which is sad. We need bodies in NF and with the current restrictions no new EC account is going to get there and have a good time there
Personally, I'd like to see no restrictions, multiple logins excepted.
Thanks for the reply.
Figured it out.
Took an embarrassing amount of time to realize there were more pages than the default glass page.
I ran around the capital looking for other changers specializing in other currencies.
Not really pleased about the exchange rate, though.
Matthew 21:12-13 and all that.
Completely unnecessary.