Realm Points

Please change the RPs to the previous level again and add the RP bonus to the daily quests again. This is honestly very frustrating if you play as a casual. At least keep the old boni up until a decent realm rank. The guys that are playing all day every day will still make a lot of rps but the casual players really struggle to move up in the world. Maybe start reducing realm points after RR9 but until then apply the old system. There are so many high rr players around and it is very difficult to compete with the current stipulation.

I could imagine a lot players becoming demotivated. If you are hell bent on keeping it as is then please introduce a 200% realm point buff in the mithril shop.


  • edited December 2019 PM
    I don't think we need to go back to the old RP earning system. Subbed players can still catch up with the Buggane potion at low RR. All RP earnings are affected by bonuses for subbed accounts so I don't feel that the current RP progression is terrible. EC players could use some help at low RR, imo. Adding a RP reward to the Roaming with Friends daily and possibly supplying a EC only Buggane potion for low RR players (sub RR5) would help.

    The RR gap is going to be very high due to the age of the server and it's not realistic to expect new players to close that gap without investing a significant portion of time to the game. It's usually best to zerg surf at low RR before branching out into groups or solo (depending on class). I see more people sticking to the BGs to help gain some RR before they hit 50. It'll be slower but likely less frustrating. The more people who take this approach the better it'll be for low RR players (EC or subbed).

    Edit: Another idea would be to increase Doppelgangers worth from 400 to 1,000 RPs. PvE for RPs is generally frowned upon but some alternative options can help those struggling to get some RR to be competitive. As a side note for those who may not be aware, all BGs (Battlegrounds) have rubble fetch quests that can be acquired from each realms border keep and reward RPs that scale with each BG.
    Post edited by Tyrantanic on
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • I don’t think for subbed it is enough. Literally everyone on EV is rr10 plus. To catch up as a casual will take many months. If it would be faster to at least 8 would make everything a lot more of an even playing field for certain classes. For EC players same thing, if you don’t want to pay for the game but want more RPs then buy a pot from the mithril store. Broadsword has to pay bills from something. If you’re a hardcore player then the progression above a certain player won’t harm you. My highest is a 10L6 warrior which is not very high but I couldn’t care less if I am 10L6 or 12L0. However, my RR5 Valk would feel a significant difference between RR5 and RR8.

    So whoever wants to go full on and maximize still can invest the time into getting RR12 but for those casuals it would be nice to at least get a nice boost up until a decent RR as some classes really require a lot of realm points to spend like healer, skald or Valkyrie for example.
  • Considering how many rps it takes to get rr14: My input this morning would implement a 'finish the lvl 50 epic and begin big boy RVR with whatever RR 60 Realm Skill Points is".
  • RPS are fine... i did #1 in rps last week w/ 1,082,480 rps just in 4 days time w/ 100% rp bonus with monthly subbed bugger buff & MTX 50% rp bonus potion. AND I ZERGED SO YOU KNOW, IM BAD LIKE THE OTHER CASUALS ;) trololol..
  • I agree with OP. I do like the bugg pots but miss the burst rps of the old quests. It was really nice for low rr char progression. A suggested fix would be to scale the quest rewards even more for lower rr toons. I personally think RR progression should be rapid at the low rrs and help close the gap. I think a lot of classes start getting very strong and competitive ~rr6. I also understand what @Jollygreenjerk is saying but to me personally zerg surfing is akin to pve and I would rather pull out my finger nails.
  • RPs suck. Last night we ran and 8 man, no keep defenses. 3.5 hrs, 100 kills 57k. 47k from kills. That use to be a 100k+ night. No i am going to buy potions when i already pay $60 a month for my accounts.
  • People that PAY shouldn’t have to spend MORE!!

    Non subscribers should pay for RP buffs.
  • They dont "have to pay" The previously inflated rps were addictive. We were all rp-aholics. EC introduced RP anonymous.. .they still allow you to binge by dumping some extra cash into the BS stockings though. They don't define it as pay to win though. Its more of a "pay to be closer to what you used to be"... pay a lot... I feel like im playing some new age mobile game. My next suggestion... super canon treb doomhammer for 2k mithril... GO
  • Llewd wrote: »
    I agree with OP. I do like the bugg pots but miss the burst rps of the old quests. It was really nice for low rr char progression. A suggested fix would be to scale the quest rewards even more for lower rr toons. I personally think RR progression should be rapid at the low rrs and help close the gap. I think a lot of classes start getting very strong and competitive ~rr6. I also understand what @Jollygreenjerk is saying but to me personally zerg surfing is akin to pve and I would rather pull out my finger nails.

    It's already 75% bonus up to 4L0 how much higher can it possibly go? That's on top of the holiday bonuses and "Vet bonuses" etc...
  • Fateboi wrote: »

    It's already 75% bonus up to 4L0 how much higher can it possibly go? That's on top of the holiday bonuses and "Vet bonuses" etc...

    It was the burst from finishing the daily quests that accelerated the RR progression.
  • You also had access to the bugg buff before.
  • The daily quests didn't help close RR gaps. Only the Buggane buff does.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • edited December 2019 PM
    im not sure whats so hard about closing the rp gap and then with all the rp bonus buffs we should be good

    ~~FOR EXAMPLE~~ -> solo kills bc the numbers are easier

    Without mtx/vet RP pots ---

    RR1-RR5 gets 300% "bonus"(around 10k solo kill) , rr5-7 gets 200%"bonus" (around 6/7k solo) 7+ gets 100% of "new" rps totals (around 3/4k solo)

    all they need to do is implement a formula based on RR of rp gainer
    Post edited by Namelez on
  • KoeKoe
    edited December 2019 PM
    RPS are fine... i did #1 in rps last week w/ 1,082,480 rps just in 4 days time w/ 100% rp bonus with monthly subbed bugger buff & MTX 50% rp bonus potion. AND I ZERGED SO YOU KNOW, IM BAD LIKE THE OTHER CASUALS ;) trololol..

    3rd week in a row (since I've been counting) that Hero zerglings have taken 25-30 or 22-30 top rp spots. So, rps are okay if you are a hib, but trust me this isn't sustainable.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »
    The daily quests didn't help close RR gaps. Only the Buggane buff does.

    @Tyrantanic That's an equivocation at best. While it didn't give you More rps (as only the bugg/solo buff did that), more rps for all helps to close the RR gap. Full stop. It's not a linear progression, it's exponential with R11 being the sweet spot (probably). An extra 300k a week over a month is enough for someone to get to 6L5 from nothing (55rsp's), but it's not enough for someone to get from 11L9 to 12L0 (1rsp).
  • You're correct that RR is not linear. RR progression is exponential up to RR11 and then becomes logarithmic which adds a pseudo barrier for higher RR. This is why the difference between RR11 and RR12 is huge in comparison to lower RRs. I was advocating for the EC cap to be raised to RR11 for this particular reason as it is not difficult to reach, even with the current RP earnings. Yes, the Daily Quests helped with increasing overall RP earnings but had the added effect of larger numbers rolling smaller numbers to get kill credit. This is the fundamental problem with RP quests: they promote larger forces dominating smaller forces. The better approach would be to increase RP earnings per kill. That way smaller forces are incentivized to kill larger forces rather than the opposite.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • edited December 2019 PM
    So you’re asking for a 300% boost to rps earned @Namelez if Solo (in the example).

    Surely you can see how utterly ridiculous that sounds right? Kinda shows you how we got into the current state of affairs.
    Considering the overall realm health and balance vs I want RR3L0 in six (solo) kills and whaaaaa I can’t make 5L0 in less then a week now...
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • Worst experience ever trying to get anything at RR1 on my nightshade. I was farmed by everything this week. Most encounters were RR10+.

    To give you some idea of my skill level. I used to be RR10 and lone enforcer 10 some years ago before I sold my characters to pay for college. I very rarely died in a 1v1. Zerging stealth was my biggest problem.

    I was hoping to leech my way to RR5, but there isn't any of that. It's just some core 8 mans fighting each other. The shear size of the frontiers makes anything but 8 mans impossible to work with. I can't wait 2 hours on a bridge to see if something will cross it that isn't 8 man. Back when I was playing the server was jammed with people, you could find all variety of players to earn points from.

    I truly think they need to put in a way to just give anything new an automatic RR5 bonus right away.

  • edited December 2019 PM
    Fateboi wrote: »
    So you’re asking for a 300% boost to rps earned @Namelez if Solo (in the example).

    Surely you can see how utterly ridiculous that sounds right? Kinda shows you how we got into the current state of affairs.
    Considering the overall realm health and balance vs I want RR3L0 in six (solo) kills and whaaaaa I can’t make 5L0 in less then a week now...

    Nope, not asking for a 300% bonus, simply saying that the RPs should go back to how they were, but be decreased the higher RR you are. Everyone complains about the RR gap and this is a solution to get everyone on a near level RR field the fastest

    my example was how to "fix" the rp nerf with the 300% bonus being the pre-EC RPs
    Post edited by Namelez on
  • Prank80 wrote: »
    Worst experience ever trying to get anything at RR1 on my nightshade. I was farmed by everything this week. Most encounters were RR10+.

    To give you some idea of my skill level. I used to be RR10 and lone enforcer 10 some years ago before I sold my characters to pay for college. I very rarely died in a 1v1. Zerging stealth was my biggest problem.

    I was hoping to leech my way to RR5, but there isn't any of that. It's just some core 8 mans fighting each other. The shear size of the frontiers makes anything but 8 mans impossible to work with. I can't wait 2 hours on a bridge to see if something will cross it that isn't 8 man. Back when I was playing the server was jammed with people, you could find all variety of players to earn points from.

    I truly think they need to put in a way to just give anything new an automatic RR5 bonus right away.

    More people would help, more low rr people. Did you check solo zones?
  • Prank80 wrote: »
    Worst experience ever trying to get anything at RR1 on my nightshade. I was farmed by everything this week. Most encounters were RR10+.

    To give you some idea of my skill level. I used to be RR10 and lone enforcer 10 some years ago before I sold my characters to pay for college. I very rarely died in a 1v1. Zerging stealth was my biggest problem.

    I was hoping to leech my way to RR5, but there isn't any of that. It's just some core 8 mans fighting each other. The shear size of the frontiers makes anything but 8 mans impossible to work with. I can't wait 2 hours on a bridge to see if something will cross it that isn't 8 man. Back when I was playing the server was jammed with people, you could find all variety of players to earn points from.

    I truly think they need to put in a way to just give anything new an automatic RR5 bonus right away.

    You're a NS, you can leech the Hero zerg like all of the other wall climbers and ding your rr5L0 that way.
    TBH it's kinda scummy, but just realize that you don't have OP'd magic resists or stoicism so you will most likely die.

    I feel your pain being low RR is bad because you have low Mastery of Stealth (MOS) and you will get seen a mile away. Not many people run bridges these days, maybe try the mazes or climb into a CK (beno/bled) and camp the portal stone.

    I agree that the realm point and realm rank disparity is probably the biggest barrier for returnees to the game and unless something changes it's going to stay that way.

  • edited December 2019 PM
    Fateboi wrote: »

    You're a NS, you can leech the Hero zerg like all of the other wall climbers and ding your rr5L0 that way.
    TBH it's kinda scummy, but just realize that you don't have OP'd magic resists or stoicism so you will most likely die.

    I feel your pain being low RR is bad because you have low Mastery of Stealth (MOS) and you will get seen a mile away. Not many people run bridges these days, maybe try the mazes or climb into a CK (beno/bled) and camp the portal stone.

    I agree that the realm point and realm rank disparity is probably the biggest barrier for returnees to the game and unless something changes it's going to stay that way.


    I tried to leech but at that rate they're all over the map it will take quite some time. Ya it does feel scummy. But it was the only way I did get any rps so far.

    What is OP'd magic resists or stoicism.
    Perhaps my spec and temp is bad. But I thought it was pretty decent.

    Here is my temp:

    Here is my spec.
    50 +11 stealth
    29 +11 Pierce
    49 + 0 Evenom
    50 + 11 CS
    5 +2 CD
    Post edited by Prank80 on
  • Namelez wrote: »
    im not sure whats so hard about closing the rp gap and then with all the rp bonus buffs we should be good

    ~~FOR EXAMPLE~~ -> solo kills bc the numbers are easier

    Without mtx/vet RP pots ---

    RR1-RR5 gets 300% "bonus"(around 10k solo kill) , rr5-7 gets 200%"bonus" (around 6/7k solo) 7+ gets 100% of "new" rps totals (around 3/4k solo)

    all they need to do is implement a formula based on RR of rp gainer

    yo what? you all still getting 3-4k a solo kill? I'm getting between 400-1200 from rr2-12...
  • @Prank80 That temp is really bad. I thought that website got taken down... anyways, I'm sure you can find more up to date temps on there for NS
  • Prank80 wrote: »
    Worst experience ever trying to get anything at RR1 on my nightshade. I was farmed by everything this week. Most encounters were RR10+.

    To give you some idea of my skill level. I used to be RR10 and lone enforcer 10 some years ago before I sold my characters to pay for college. I very rarely died in a 1v1. Zerging stealth was my biggest problem.

    I was hoping to leech my way to RR5, but there isn't any of that. It's just some core 8 mans fighting each other. The shear size of the frontiers makes anything but 8 mans impossible to work with. I can't wait 2 hours on a bridge to see if something will cross it that isn't 8 man. Back when I was playing the server was jammed with people, you could find all variety of players to earn points from.

    I truly think they need to put in a way to just give anything new an automatic RR5 bonus right away.

    Not having too many issues soloing on a RR3&4 BD. You can still do it at low RR, but don't be surprised if you find a high RR that rolls you.
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • edited December 2019 PM
    Prank80 wrote: »
    I tried to leech but at that rate they're all over the map it will take quite some time. Ya it does feel scummy. But it was the only way I did get any rps so far.

    What is OP'd magic resists or stoicism.
    Perhaps my spec and temp is bad. But I thought it was pretty decent.

    Here is my temp:

    Here is my spec.
    50 +11 stealth
    29 +11 Pierce
    49 + 0 Evenom
    50 + 11 CS
    5 +2 CD

    Hero gets stoicism and Vampiir (dementia) gets access to op'd magical resists. As a wall climber you won't have either one of those so be prepared to potentially die by casters.

    I guess my point is that Alb/Mid lower RR stealthers don't have the option to leech rps from a Zerg like Hero.

    I looked at the temp and the resists are horrible. Low Heat and low crush resists, low hits is a nightmare for your NS.
    Also you want to be 10/10/10 for your melee TOA's. I'd strongly considering re templating.

    Lower end:


    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • Fateboi wrote: »

    You're a NS, you can leech the Hero zerg like all of the other wall climbers and ding your rr5L0 that way.
    TBH it's kinda scummy, but just realize that you don't have OP'd magic resists or stoicism so you will most likely die.

    I feel your pain being low RR is bad because you have low Mastery of Stealth (MOS) and you will get seen a mile away. Not many people run bridges these days, maybe try the mazes or climb into a CK (beno/bled) and camp the portal stone.

    I agree that the realm point and realm rank disparity is probably the biggest barrier for returnees to the game and unless something changes it's going to stay that way.

    Fateboi wrote: »

    Hero gets stoicism and Vampiir (dementia) gets access to op'd magical resists. As a wall climber you won't have either one of those so be prepared to potentially die by casters.

    I guess my point is that Alb/Mid lower RR stealthers don't have the option to leech rps from a Zerg like Hero.

    I looked at the temp and the resists are horrible. Low Heat and low crush resists, low hits is a nightmare for your NS.
    Also you want to be 10/10/10 for your melee TOA's. I'd strongly considering re templating.

    Lower end:



    Ya I can retemp. I was going with ring of dances and SOM for the stealth lore but I think that is where I'm gimped it for utility. I don't get how they're so horrible, having 2-3% from 26% isn't what I could constitute horrible. Isn't the cap 26%?

    What about my spec?
  • if you like to zerg and take /defend keeps, RPS are great. But for those that like to run 8 man on island, RPS suck. Which force us to play a style we do not like playing if we want RPS
  • Hence my suggestion to increase RPs per kill and add a 5K base RP reward for completing Roaming with Friends daily. BS could even curb back the defense / capture bonuses by 50%. They should bring back the population bonuses too.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • With the new realm point system the Realm points have been taken from roaming 8/small mans and given to zergs. You can make 10x the rps/hour attack/defending keep and towers than a group of 8 can make roaming around looking for fights. RP quest were left in For Solo and zerg quests. My thoughts would be to reinstate the underpopulation bonus (You should be rewarded for selecting the realm with less population to balance the game). Make Battlefield potions stack with buggane draughts for subbed players. Make Battlefield potions craftable since you can no longer farm aurluite to buy them. And bring back the roaming with friends quest but at a reduced realm point reward say 10k. 500k bounty points for a rp bonus pot with 3 charges is also laughable imo.
  • Tyrantanic wrote: »
    I don't think we need to go back to the old RP earning system. Subbed players can still catch up with the Buggane potion at low RR. All RP earnings are affected by bonuses for subbed accounts so I don't feel that the current RP progression is terrible. EC players could use some help at low RR, imo. Adding a RP reward to the Roaming with Friends daily and possibly supplying a EC only Buggane potion for low RR players (sub RR5) would help.

    The RR gap is going to be very high due to the age of the server and it's not realistic to expect new players to close that gap without investing a significant portion of time to the game. It's usually best to zerg surf at low RR before branching out into groups or solo (depending on class). I see more people sticking to the BGs to help gain some RR before they hit 50. It'll be slower but likely less frustrating. The more people who take this approach the better it'll be for low RR players (EC or subbed).

    Edit: Another idea would be to increase Doppelgangers worth from 400 to 1,000 RPs. PvE for RPs is generally frowned upon but some alternative options can help those struggling to get some RR to be competitive. As a side note for those who may not be aware, all BGs (Battlegrounds) have rubble fetch quests that can be acquired from each realms border keep and reward RPs that scale with each BG.

    i find myself to agree with you ... for once :D

    the current rules don't encourage anyone to play i think.

    then again, personally, i don't mind the drop in rp across the board. i play very few chars and they are very high RR. from my pov, getting those chars higher rr is near to impossible atm. but at the same time, new players can't catch up fast. is that good for me ? yes. is that good for the game ? i think not. i think the restrictions on the EC players are too severe when it comes to progression in rp.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Perhaps a Rp modifier while your smally/solo. just like the lone wolf buff? fgs dont need the buff imo.. would encourage the hoard to divide hopefully
  • I had some solo fights yesterday. With the buggane buff I had 8 kills and completed my solo quest. This took about 1.5 hours and I made about 27k on my 10LX warrior. Which is not very great. After that we small manned a bit and the rps were similarly disappointing. The lower RPs would be fine if you have more constant action but looking at the activity level recently it makes no sense to have such low rps.

    Again, I am not necessarily complaining about the higher RRs but for characters above RR6 it is a similar problem and it turns into an absolute grind for one point. If the realm point requirements increase exponentially from RR8/9 would be completely fine but before the progression is just too slow. Please consider that especially in small man you compete against a lot of high rr players and it leaves you with no opportunity as a casual player to indulge in solo or small man activity.

    The opposite, it actually demotivates you and cancel the subscription.

  • The games dead and you get no RPs when you actually kill people. Lower RPs is fine when you get constant action, EC is pretty much a flop so far, so the "action" part that we were expecting never happened.
  • Funny how many hours I played with zero regard for realm points. Maybe the number of points should be tied to hours played in NF or other RvR spots and not "kills."
  • Well I have fun killing people, and killing people rewards RPs, so usually higher RPs = higher fun :P
  • edited December 2019 PM
    Muylae wrote: »

    i find myself to agree with you ... for once :D

    the current rules don't encourage anyone to play i think.

    then again, personally, i don't mind the drop in rp across the board. i play very few chars and they are very high RR. from my pov, getting those chars higher rr is near to impossible atm. but at the same time, new players can't catch up fast. is that good for me ? yes. is that good for the game ? i think not. i think the restrictions on the EC players are too severe when it comes to progression in rp.

    I agree with most of the people who have said stuff here. its not that I want more realm points exactly, I just don't have the carrot on a stick any more (where is that reward cycle). I still have fun playing (when I find action) but there is no drive to get me to do it again the next night or over the next month and I fear it will drive more to leave (an no, dont put in more weekly/monthly quest just make it feel like I did something by playing (yes im not really accomplishing something when I do well and get realm points, yes the driveway needs shoveled and the dishes washed, but my monkey brain really likes seeing it being rewarded for the things i like to do).

    When a lot of the points are based off quests Im just like oh cool nice bonus. but when I get points after a hard 1v1 fight im like oh ya look how many points I got for being awesome!. the second experience is just better in my opinion but I guess you "unfairly" reward the better players any may make a bigger gap, but whatever I still find I have more fun being rewarded for being good even if its few and far between (look at the battle royal craze, its not like you win often (much less then 50%) but when you do win it feels better then a game where you win 50% of the time in my onion.
    Post edited by rocketait on
  • KoeKoe
    edited December 2019 PM
    I wish there was an underpop bonus. It makes getting steamrolled by massive realm zergs/stealth zergs/ and duo/trios every 20 seconds much more tolerable, if when you actually get a kill the game says "yeah, you earned that, bud". I think everyone is sick of me saying it but again, anything to get people to fight the underpop realm/create action for when otherwise even the zergers get bored and log off.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • Yea please bring back underpop bonus!
  • Thrakonna wrote: »

    More RPs just means that you reach the point where you no longer get RPs sooner. So better ask for more fights than for more rewards.
  • null
    I always have good action
  • rocketait wrote: »
    When a lot of the points are based off quests Im just like oh cool nice bonus. but when I get points after a hard 1v1 fight im like oh ya look how many points I got for being awesome!. the second experience is just better in my opinion but I guess you "unfairly" reward the better players any may make a bigger gap, but whatever I still find I have more fun being rewarded for being good even if its few and far between (look at the battle royal craze, its not like you win often (much less then 50%) but when you do win it feels better then a game where you win 50% of the time in my onion.

    You have a point, but say for keep siege or open field fights, basically anything more than solo/duo, there's a lot going on and you aren't looking at combat log to see how much rp that kill netted. Love keep siege bonuses for a similar reason though, can wait for the bonus post-fight and it tells you how awesome (or underwhelming in my case) you were.
  • I rather have good fights and "thrill of hunting" over RPs...sure Rps are nice but it's not everything.
  • A BG event in Cathal Valley would be very good action and super quick rps for lower and newer players.
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