1.126B Pendragon Test-Server Patch Notes

Patch 1.126B is now on our Pendragon Test server!

Many of these changes are in direct response to the feedback we received on the 1.126 test-server notes. Please hop on and test our latest changes and leave us your detailed feedback!

Important Note:
We highly suggest duplicating your game directory and using the duplicate copy as a Pendragon-only game directory *before* patching and testing on Pendragon.

For those interested in testing on Pendragon, follow the character copy process here!

Click here to read the full notes on the Herald!
DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games


  • edited November 2019 PM
    First questions

    Power tap radius nerfed to 150, Endo tap will stay the same or also get nerfed?

    Keeping the for the realm RP bonus will provide incentive for players to realm swap during keep sieges with the short-duration 15 minute realm timer.

    Also didnt see a reason for merc nerf, /shrug

    Thanks for fixing skalds <3
    Post edited by Dale_Perf on
    "...the best thing to do if you disagree (or agree) isn't to ask us why (which is rhetorical)...." -John_Broadsword
    "the patch [1.127] is later this year" -Carol_Broadsword, aka "constable paddy biehbien of the **** local community Enforcement force "
    send a message with your wallet
  • @Carol_Broadsword which incoming patch notes will remove the proposed increased mez duration and radius? Feedback has been sent in through the feedback forms and on these forums from various posters.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    pbaoe : most pbaoe classes will now do roughly equal damage with high level moc while doing pbaoe than before while doing pbaoe without moc. when testing this on my wizard, doing ranged ae ice dd with ice debuff effect + 2 pbaoe casts (under moc) i pretty much killed anything that wasn't a tank.

    if i compare that with warlock pbaoe i feel that warlocks are no longer a viable pbaoe class. going out of power in 4 casts with level 48 pbaoe using uninteruptable mode or going out of power in 3 casts using the level 50 pbaoe that adds a ... snare and no extra damage ... kills noone without other people contributing damage.

    the way siege warfare goes atm, the powerdraining happening makes warlocks already largely ineffective with pbaoe anyway.

    the whole warlock curse spec was based on doing pbaoe doing slightly less uninteruptable damage than other pbaoe casters who moc pbaoe (before the last nerf to uninteruptable mode), while also doing 'slighly' less damage single target due to not having an equal delve nuke that also doesn't have a self debuff component.

    with current proposed system, curse warlocks will be left in the dust doing pbaoe uninteruptable, doing pathetic damage and going oop in seconds, will be left in the dust if they spec moc by a 100 delve difference in delve on the pbaoe, negating their whole system, and will be left in the dust with their ranged nukes, without or without moc.

    this will be the end of curse warlocks. doing 40 % of 325 delve (and oop in 4 casts if noone uses powerdrain, faster with the very relevant tanks rushing in while also doing powerdrain as we see with herorius right now) vs 75 % of 425 delve for 30 seconds (on a timer) is the end of curse spec. curse range dd doesn't compare to other realm single target nuke in pbaoe casters and if we also need to spec moc then our complete damage output becomes garbage.

    Post edited by Muylae on
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Why are we making MOS an RA again?

    If broadsword is going to make that an RA then give me an option to boost my bow damage of adding mastery of archery which can add a certain % to bow damage. + to bow already does nothing so at least give us a choice to put those points back in to MOS or move slower but raise bow/melee?

    Also i would make viper 5 100% again and bring back the old lifebane. the current viper is a joke for 34 ra points.

    before BS did the class overhaul patch having to spec for MOS was great but with all the classes given huge boosts and access to stealth detection items stealth classes need the extra RA points to compete.

  • KoeKoe
    edited November 2019 PM
    Muylae wrote: »
    pbaoe : most pbaoe classes will now do roughly equal damage with high level moc while doing pbaoe than before while doing pbaoe without moc. when testing this on my wizard, doing ranged ae ice dd with ice debuff effect + 2 pbaoe casts (under moc) i pretty much killed anything that wasn't a tank.

    if i compare that with warlock pbaoe i feel that warlocks are no longer a viable pbaoe class.

    I agree with you but would just paraphrase to say that Warlocks are getting the 325 delve version (for the non-primary/UI realm caster), not the 425 delve version the primary pbaoe class gets, so on mid hopefully somone starts playing a SM because damage is 30% greater! Of the three classes (Bain/Necro/WL), warlocks can't really use their UI for more than a few short seconds, three casts at 50 curse spec, assuming that nobody has a power drain node up or is otherwise power shearing. Because of the minimal power useage by bains and necros they are fine speccing 50 in their main line and can pbaoe for an extended push, again Warlocks can't. If you are going to spec a WL for siege defense you would have to go 45 curse maximum, so that you could possibly bomb for 9 seconds rather than 3. For simply a snare component it's not worth it.

    Also just curious why Necros don't get the 35% snare component as Bains/Locks do, that seems like it should be fair.

    As a side note I'm fine with the UI differences between Bains (constant pulse no down time, low power use, but slightly lower dps- twice as slow but casts at 100% not 60%) Necros (longer downtime but also much longer duration) and Locks (when usable but only 9 seconds in optimum situations/templates). The parity between these three is that Locks can't spec above 45 curse to make it work... which I guess means I think the 35% snare version should be at 45 curse.

    Post edited by Koe on
  • KoeKoe
    edited November 2019 PM
    Why are we making MOS an RA again?

    If broadsword is going to make that an RA then give me an option to boost my bow damage of adding mastery of archery which can add a certain % to bow damage. + to bow already does nothing so at least give us a choice to put those points back in to MOS or move slower but raise bow/melee?

    Also i would make viper 5 100% again and bring back the old lifebane. the current viper is a joke for 34 ra points.

    With the loss of free MOS 9 I would be fine with Sins getting a matter dot as well as the body one on application.

    I also agree with the few comments I've heard that archer damage isn't what it once was. Archer damage was capped (most archer classes could reach 400 dex when 101 was the cap). Conversely, assassins and the "slash/Str" craze has really benefited from the extra 26 to stats, and the addition of strength heavy races. On damage mitigation, all archer targets often have group casted AF buffs, 10% conversion, AF/hits charges, and higher capped resists. the parity that existed several years ago is a little more broken than it would be, so I'd favor up to a 10% archer damage increase, provided that they lose their MOC and the ability to PS while speed burst without having the speed drop. That style of play just provides "bad habits" to players of tower camping timers and grouping in large numbers, the PS/SB away while the other grouped mates collect rps for you.
    Post edited by Koe on
  • Koe wrote: »

    I agree with you but would just paraphrase to say that Warlocks are getting the 325 delve version (for the non-primary/UI realm caster), not the 425 delve version the primary pbaoe class gets, so on mid hopefully somone starts playing a SM because damage is 30% greater! Of the three classes (Bain/Necro/WL), warlocks can't really use their UI for more than a few short seconds, three casts at 50 curse spec, assuming that nobody has a power drain node up or is otherwise power shearing. Because of the minimal power useage by bains and necros they are fine speccing 50 in their main line and can pbaoe for an extended push, again Warlocks can't. If you are going to spec a WL for siege defense you would have to go 45 curse maximum, so that you could possibly bomb for 9 seconds rather than 3. For simply a snare component it's not worth it.

    Also just curious why Necros don't get the 35% snare component as Bains/Locks do, that seems like it should be fair.

    As a side note I'm fine with the UI differences between Bains (constant pulse no down time, low power use, but slightly lower dps- twice as slow but casts at 100% not 60%) Necros (longer downtime but also much longer duration) and Locks (when usable but only 9 seconds in optimum situations/templates). The parity between these three is that Locks can't spec above 45 curse to make it work... which I guess means I think the 35% snare version should be at 45 curse.

    some interesting notes from you.

    -if you spec a warlock 45 curse, then your single target is horrible. already speccing 48/49 curse leaves you with single target damage that is not up to par with the other casters. going 45 curse to compensate for the resent nerf in the uninteruptable primer just criples your single target damage, and warlocks have no ranged AE to start with. except for their rr5, which is a joke.

    and what's the point anyway in the level 50 curse 325 delve pbaoe with snare ? mobs will run away from me slower while i pbaoe them ? wtf ? not a single warlock will ever spec 50 curse, just like no single savage ever specced 50 savagery to get climb walls, outside of maybe a handful of tests that proved not worth it.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • In all seriousness, why are they even nerfing the power shouts / acuity shears to begin with?

    It's a dynamic that no one has complained about. It makes some lesser played classes more useful in group settings.

    It reminds me of a child popping bubble wrap, for no other reason than it's at his fingertips.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Kudos to forcing all Archers to have to pay RA points to spec in MOS and adding back 5K rps onto the daily quests.

    Still wondering about the Mauler level 50 spell Aura convergence. Per the changes probably won’t goto 50 AM anymore.

    For the proposed Mauler changes, why is this reducing the power pool of group mates by 50%? It is very common especially in close spaces like the CK/Towers to get actively power leaked (150 units, loses 100 power.) As a caster this already taps your power sometimes to zero and AOE interrupts.
    Also why reduce the radius from 2000 units to only 500 units for enemy power leeching? In the open field that’s a very small radius. Also isn’t this a 50 Aura Manipulaton spell?

    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • @Fateboi on the top of my head, the only real utility I see is that of you have tanks in your group, and you are in a keep/tower fight attacking and you want to push in a group of PBae, you can pop 50AM spell, R5 and your heavy tank pops rampage. You can pretty much push a roof doing that. Can even pop BAOD for some extra flavor
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Correct I barely used this level 50 spell typically only during an extended Tower fight.
    Now it’s useless in the open field because it’s takes 50% of friendly power pool. The enemy power leech radius was nerfed from 2000 units to a meager 500.
    This is the issue I have with “class balance” changes which are proposed/vetted on the internal boards. All of this is done in secret then added onto Live.

    Anyhoo GL
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • Manaleech from 350 to 150 radius...really? Playing a Tank will suck more and more....

    And how many Players are really playing a Champion? 1-2 every evening in EU-Prime-Time maybe. And you nerf this calss a little more? Watch out your own statistics befor killing some classes.

    I hate Broadsword more and more....
  • Idk, I play in a group that has a champ 99% of the time, BM champ with pin replaced the hero in the hib hybrid using a caster mauler
  • Most groups should be rolling with a battle master for BG. In close spaces (towers) active power leaking can be devastating. I’ve seen it happen many times with IRC setup vs the Mid Zergs. @Strolch
  • edited November 2019 PM
    thought the power leak radius was fine, its the only option to kill the zergs camping towers and keeps now a days

    we definitely know who cried about this

    tanks as it is are already underplayed in most zergs, the mid zerg for the most part cant even push because they lack tanks, and it actually takes cordinated effort for power leaking tanks to get in there and powerleak, i dont know BS is nerfing effective abilities to deal with zergs.

    My only issue with Balancing in this game its never a small reduction, there always seem to be a tendency to nerf something to oblivion instead of starting out small, look at feedback then slowly adjust, can PLEASE have small buff toning/nerfs instead of these major changes everytime.

    Thank you.
    Post edited by Yems on
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Power leak isn't the only way to deal with zergs in tight spaces. It's just much easier to mass interrupt them by spamming it.

    That being said, the change won't stop BM style spam with sappling strike which remains at 350 radius. Sure, power leaking can be devastating against a caster heavy zerg but not being able to style sucks too and it will interrupt the same. So nothing has truly changed here.


    Don't forget there are three additional BM styles with 350 radius: Dex debuff + shear follow up and the follow up to essence flames. So yeah. Only shifting which styles get used here.
    Post edited by Tyrantanic on
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • I suppose, hypothetically, you could at least moc in these scenarios as you will now have power
  • Rofl i have literally np with 50 curse spec in small 8 or bgs and i dont run out of power on my warlock i can cast for over 20secs pair that with power pull refills from items i habe like 2 or 3 i never have a prob with power so maybe instead stop gimping yourself by not going 50 in one spec line thats why you do crap dps that only works for toys ans if you going to use a base line spell for a debuff train

    And as for mos i wont even spec it was i dont need the move speed and and i wont be trying to line up perfs on targets i just let them come to me so they wont even see me in time to reach and as an archer your not teying to melee if you do see a sin just tabe tabtarget and eather pointblank or rapid fire
  • edited November 2019 PM
    @Daelin you did not see it because its not being changed.

    @MoS change, I like it.
    @Skald change better can deal with this, glad they did the same with champ.

    @SM change, oh thats going to be a nasty 199 delve 10% debuff.
    Post edited by Snaillyn on
  • At this point lets just roll back to pre class balance patch. Game was so much better pre ow and curse campiagn
  • To bad that will never happen @Sepphiroth75 game was good then, but would you be saying that after years on year of no changes or patches from that point. Like i said, you would be bored of a game with no changes. Lets just hope we can get changes and still stay interested in the game.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Names wrote: »
    Rofl i have literally np with 50 curse spec in small 8 or bgs and i dont run out of power on my warlock i can cast for over 20secs pair that with power pull refills from items i habe like 2 or 3 i never have a prob with power so maybe instead stop gimping yourself by not going 50 in one spec line thats why you do crap dps that only works for toys ans if you going to use a base line spell for a debuff train

    And as for mos i wont even spec it was i dont need the move speed and and i wont be trying to line up perfs on targets i just let them come to me so they wont even see me in time to reach and as an archer your not teying to melee if you do see a sin just tabe tabtarget and eather pointblank or rapid fire

    i am trying to understand what you are saying... language issue i guess.

    running out of power : i run out of power doing uninterruptible casts and in lord rooms doing nothing whatsoever. the reasons being the cost of the uninterruptible casts and the power-draining. outside of that, no power issues. i an cast nukes on a gate with once in a while a few seconds pause to recast a hex power chamber without ever stopping. and i don't ever use the powerless cast as it has a huge casting speed penalty.

    as for power, my WL has 2 50% power charges, arcane syphoning 20 % and power regain 25 % and i always use the omni regains, and occasionally use the other % power regain pots. it doesn't get much better than that when it comes to power regain and toys. still i am oop in 4-5 uninterruptible casts and sometimes in a lord room even much faster. with the damage reduction from uninterruptible casting, that doesn't really kill anything anymore. i find myself using the 50 % power regain charges and before i can even cast another uninterruptible pbaoe, i'm oop power AGAIN.

    i'm not sure what to make from your comment about using the baseline for a debuff train. please explain.

    Post edited by Muylae on
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Get moc or get the level 38 or 48 primer in hexing , your spell will hit more hard and will cost way less power , and use the warlock set . Dont forget the warlock is the only class in game with a free moc . You can have an instant power heal 40% with your bubble too and have acces to a power regen value 20 depending on your spec .
    Post edited by Hellblast on
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Don't forget Warlock get range bonus primer too.

    Short test on epic armor WL (46 curse) on lvl 50 Dummy
    150 Range away with Purecast: 315 dmg
    150 Range away with Critical Range (115%): 362 dmg

    Which is almost 15% bonus damage in this case that would equal a 373,75 delve PB even with 46 Curse. With 120% range, moc, and 425 delve PB the warlocks PB damage would be insane, so I guess thats the reasoning behind it. Once there is a minimal distance from caster, the range bonus is amazing.

    Edit, some bonus numbers:
    100 Range away with Purecast: 442 dmg
    100 Range away with Critical Range (115%): 476 dmg (7,7%)

    200 Range away with Purecast: 207 dmg
    200 Range away with Critical Range (115%): 268 dmg (29,5%)!

    It's fairly rare to sit constantly on 0 range from enemies. Warlocks should just go MoC too like all other casters if they want really high PB dmg.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Why are we making MOS an RA again?

    If broadsword is going to make that an RA then give me an option to boost my bow damage of adding mastery of archery which can add a certain % to bow damage. + to bow already does nothing so at least give us a choice to put those points back in to MOS or move slower but raise bow/melee?

    Also i would make viper 5 100% again and bring back the old lifebane. the current viper is a joke for 34 ra points.

    before BS did the class overhaul patch having to spec for MOS was great but with all the classes given huge boosts and access to stealth detection items stealth classes need the extra RA points to compete.

    I have done some testing on Pendragon and I can say that the assassin is pretty much a waste to play with the envenom as low as they are now and its going to be hard to augment that missing damage with the 34 ra's we now have to use for MOS. My next testing will be with the ranger but I forsee the same. Moving at a slower rate with all the stealth lore is pretty much impossible. New challenges a wait us in the frontiers and I do not see good things.

  • @Hellblast Necros also get a free MoC at 50 Deathsight. Granted, it's on a reuse timer but one could effectively respec their skill points every fight and have it permanently up. Tickles me to think that RA respec was nerfed for this reason but skill respecs can be just as abused.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • In theory @Badgor Assasins should be walking slightly faster if spec’d for Max MOS and Blur.
    Majority of Archers are composite 50 stealth right now, but since they get free MOS9 they get a lot more FE/MOP which will change.

    Envenom already got hard nerf before and now takes another unjustified nerf. They seem to forget that Archers have access to 100% free Remedy that already negates an entire spec line. Possibly time to remove free Remedy altogether or make it an RA that Archers need to pay points for.

  • edited November 2019 PM
    The poison mezz nerf and disease 10 % resist debuff was justified .
    Post edited by Hellblast on
  • Disease was already dropped by 50% @Hellblast same with the poisons. Envenom line is almost worthless now and Archers get Remedy access 100% free.
    Time to remove free Remedy from Archers or make them pay RA points for the ability.
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    Disease was already dropped by 50% @Hellblast same with the poisons. Envenom line is almost worthless now and Archers get Remedy access 100% free.
    Time to remove free Remedy from Archers or make them pay RA points for the ability.

    I think all the stealth lore will be the real problem soon we just wont beable to get out of the way fast enough of roaming groups and after the last posion nerf i spec'd out of it do to remedy and how weak the posion is. With allthe cc in this game if you dont spec det 9 on a tank you have a hard time getting a group but like I said befroe lets just increase the mezz timer.. Ugh!! Its going to be Dark Age of Castalot. Time to get a bomb group going

  • The mezz radius increase will significantly effect the classes who can’t spec for DET9+ stoicism. They will get clump mezzed much easier now and sit for a much longer duration. This will allow groups like IRC to wipe out much larger numbers.
    Imagine being a f2p/EC player or just a returning player and getting beat down by all of these rr11-rr12 groups. How long are they going to stick around.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    Snaillyn wrote: »
    To bad that will never happen @Sepphiroth75 game was good then, but would you be saying that after years on year of no changes or patches from that point. Like i said, you would be bored of a game with no changes. Lets just hope we can get changes and still stay interested in the game.

    There is a big difference between normal patches and a complete over haul over the
    Fateboi wrote: »
    In theory @Badgor Assasins should be walking slightly faster if spec’d for Max MOS and Blur.
    Majority of Archers are composite 50 stealth right now, but since they get free MOS9 they get a lot more FE/MOP which will change.

    Envenom already got hard nerf before and now takes another unjustified nerf. They seem to forget that Archers have access to 100% free Remedy that already negates an entire spec line. Possibly time to remove free Remedy altogether or make it an RA that Archers need to pay points for.


    Free Remedy can be easily beaten a number of ways especially now with everyone having 180 heal proc/HOT armor, IP gloves and increase hit point templates. Fights last longer and without even bringing mez poison into the discussion usually a well played assassin will out last an archer using remedy.

    Also they should bring back viper 5 being 100%. Can we keep one RA like it used to be please BS

    Post edited by Sepphiroth75 on
  • Being able to outlast free Remedy isn’t the issue @Sepphiroth75 Archers shouldn’t have acess to free Remedy that 100% negates Envenom.
    Now that the envenom line is reduced by 50% yet again it’s time to take a look at free Remedy for Archers.
  • Fateboi wrote: »
    Being able to outlast free Remedy isn’t the issue @Sepphiroth75 Archers shouldn’t have acess to free Remedy that 100% negates Envenom.
    I think Rangers shouldn't have access to an RR5 that 100% negates Beastcraft.
  • @Fateboi To be fair, IRC doesn't wipe out people because their RR. It won't be different then what people do nowdays, group up against them, until they do the same, making a zerg v zerg warfare after a while which is casual-friendly.
  • edited November 2019 PM
    I’m not referring to IRC’s RR. I’m more worried about the ability to retain 10-20% of the returning EC accounts.
    Just how long do you think an EC player will stick it out when they are getting farmed by rr11-rr12’s.
    I’m thankful for the communication from @John_Broadsword but they really need an outside POV to help them see glaring blind spots.
    Open communication shouldn’t require the paying customer to beg for insight. It’s nearly 2020, with the launch of EC it should be being pushed on all social media. Making a few posts on a limited forum and Discord isn’t enough.

    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • edited November 2019 PM
    I agree that patch-notes would be better to be completed with developers notes for clearer first understanding of intentions at first read, that some gaming companies do now days.

    Also, EC Players need a more simplified version of EC Restrictions, and Sub bonuses. It's a little messy, with confusingly lot of differences even if majority is a minor thing.

    When I first returned I thought the RR differences made the huge impact why I suffered solo. Later to find out it's better understanding on temps, increased skill differences over the years, and very lastly the RR. Best players often don't stuck down with 1 High RR toos, and keeps producing them, unless of course they have every class at decent RR already, it's pretty common to see some do way better at rr3 then some on rr12.

    Procs/Hots etc also been nerfed, there is better kings gear coming, so itemization differences also shrunk, which is nice.

    I am on side to help new/returning player with info, and advise to join BGs, PUGs for a while (also get some RR which is fairly fast till 6) before going out solo, to not be discouraged by others with better understanding of current environment

    Edit: Soloing is not just pain for starters, but even most decent soloers get zerged, have difficulties find fight at times. Hopefully this will change if theres better population, and there be more PuGs which can fight with at their own level.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • I wouldn't say envenom is useless, unbreakable snare that doesn't respect/give immunity in my mind is one of the strongest abilities in the game.

    Considering everybody gets R10 pretty easily, I don't see it justified to give free stuff to different classes.

    Maybe give a dumbed down version of Remedy/charge to archers and light tanks, if they want it on a shorter CD then they invest points in it.

    My 2 cents.
  • @Shoke really, you just said give remedy to a light tank?! Man have you even played a light tank?
  • edited November 2019 PM

    Take a deep breath, drink a cup of coffee, and read what I wrote a second time.

    I do agree my syntax wasn't the best though.

    "Maybe give a dumbed down version of Remedy/charge to archers and light tanks, if they want it on a shorter CD then they invest points in it."


    Give a dumbed down version of remedy to archers and a dumbed down version of charge to light tanks.
    Post edited by Shoke on
  • Your right shoke free charge 5 on light tank is too mutch , free charge 3 by exemple would be less abusive .
  • With all these reversions, it's almost like how classes were balanced before was fine. I'd be ok with Charge being a Realm Ability again for light tanks just to piss off my MA. =P
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Hah, yeah well i will agree hole heartedly with that comment then @Shoke
  • Charge V for free was a huge buff. This resulted every light tank invest heavily in other dmg RAs, and Reflex attack been nerfed because of that. Too bad, reflex attack was fun, and free Charge killed it. Maybe figure something else out, reflex attack used to be unique.
  • Gavner wrote: »
    Charge V for free was a huge buff. This resulted every light tank invest heavily in other dmg RAs, and Reflex attack been nerfed because of that. Too bad, reflex attack was fun, and free Charge killed it. Maybe figure something else out, reflex attack used to be unique.

    this is a common thing with management. I used to love using ML10 weapons and they got nerfed due to pet stances but when the stances were removed the nerfs remained. Same for viper. i use to love being a viper 5 shade and then BS had to ruin envenom. Fast forward envenom is getting nerfed again but viper 5 is still not 100%. I guess this what happens when you try to over haul all the games classes and introduce 6 month campaigns with OP items when all it did was drive away the current player base.

  • this is a common thing with management. I used to love using ML10 weapons and they got nerfed due to pet stances but when the stances were removed the nerfs remained. Same for viper. i use to love being a viper 5 shade and then BS had to ruin envenom. Fast forward envenom is getting nerfed again but viper 5 is still not 100%. I guess this what happens when you try to over haul all the games classes and introduce 6 month campaigns with OP items when all it did was drive away the current player base.

    Would it be better if they reverted the game to around the time BS took over or would a different timeframe be better?
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • Looks like warlock level 50 pbaoe delves at 2.0 speed even though notes say 2.5 speed and all other classes have 2.5 speed pbaoe now. Hard for me to test if it's actually casting faster than the 2.5 speed spell.

    (Even if this is accurate I doubt any warlocks spec 50 curse for the pbaoe as you'd lose the ability to MOC).
  • Gavner wrote: »
    It's fairly rare to sit constantly on 0 range from enemies. Warlocks should just go MoC too like all other casters if they want really high PB dmg.

    Gaven, you have a point that if a lock wants to have high pbaoe damage UI they should get MOC like other casters, however you forgot that Bains have free anytime 100% pbaoe moc and Necros get a free 25 sec high level moc. I doubt either of those classes invest in much MOC (necros possibly at high rr).

    ALSO you don't mention that Eldys, Chanters, Wizards, Cabbies, and SM's (just 1 on mid) will have 425 delve pbaoe, not the reduced warlock/bain/necro version. So, saying locks should just go MOC for high damage isn't a great argument since a mocing 425 is going to be 30% more impressive than what a lock can do. That's like having 7 power relics!!!!!

    Your argument on range is a bit lacking also, as using the range buff, locks pbaoe range is consistent with other casters. Using the UI buff it's severely impacted (and as you agree it's rare you are pbaoing something from less than 100-150 range).
  • edited November 2019 PM

    I am not Gaven, SM and Warlock PB both 300 radius, so no, the range bonus does favor Warlocks PB (Which can go up to 120%)

    Bainshees does have recast time, and frequency which is worse then casted PBs speed.

    Sorry, 120% range bonus+MOC+425 delve on warlock would be more busted then any other PB.

    I do get, that most of warlocks feel comfortable using the uninterruptable primer enjoying they don't have to spec MOC, but that nerfs PB damage (because not using the range bonus that range primer provides). It still is a sub-spec, it's like being upset that a lvl 18 nuke don't do enough damage. Use range primer, get MoC, and locks will do very good PB, and get a small bonus from snare still.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • I think its too late to revert as we have gone too far with updates but i truly think this all could have been avoided if the class balance patch would have never happened.

    I want to point out i think change is good and classes like the necro needed to be updated. The vision was great but not executed correctly. As i always say less is more and i think when you look at changing classes or items it is better to not go so dramatic especially in a old game like Daoc.
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