Any chance the lags for lots of german players can be fixed?

Looks like lots of german players have serious lag issues right now.
Any chance the company can talk to the carriers about that?


  • ill be honest with you man, that's highly unlikely broadsword to persuade and have any kind of leverage to fix that issue, its not broadswords fault this is happening, i feel like the individual that's having these problems needs to contact their internet provider?
  • I don't think it's just certain players;) it's the entire server imo=/ we all have been experiencing severe lag issues lately;) Not to mention, I used to be able to dual log my main acct and bot acct ( not all of us can afford to buy or make sup pots;) I've given several away to friends, would be nice to be able to dual log my bot acct again;) ) It freezes and goes LD right away=/ The game has also caused issues with discord, I log into game, then discord ( yes i'm runnin both as admin;) ) and ppl can hear me, but i can't hear them=/ I log out of game and it fixes it, then i log back into game and all is ok;) ( I never had discord issues before, just recently;) I've uninstalled and reinstalled drivers, discord and the game;)
  • Cant be complete germany. No issues here.
  • Baby wrote: »
    I don't think it's just certain players;) it's the entire server imo=/ we all have been experiencing severe lag issues lately;) Not to mention, I used to be able to dual log my main acct and bot acct ( not all of us can afford to buy or make sup pots;) I've given several away to friends, would be nice to be able to dual log my bot acct again;) ) It freezes and goes LD right away=/ The game has also caused issues with discord, I log into game, then discord ( yes i'm runnin both as admin;) ) and ppl can hear me, but i can't hear them=/ I log out of game and it fixes it, then i log back into game and all is ok;) ( I never had discord issues before, just recently;) I've uninstalled and reinstalled drivers, discord and the game;)

    A lot of the problems between the game and Discord, is Discord not the game. I use cellular internet as I'm in a remote location and can't get cable, so I monitor my data usage closely. Discord uses almost twice as much data as the game does. And remember, awhile back (I don't remember how many years) the game servers were shut down and the game now runs on amazon cloud servers. So the performance of the server isn't in the control of Broadsword anymore.
  • Baby wrote: »
    I don't think it's just certain players;) it's the entire server imo=/ we all have been experiencing severe lag issues lately;) Not to mention, I used to be able to dual log my main acct and bot acct ( not all of us can afford to buy or make sup pots;) I've given several away to friends, would be nice to be able to dual log my bot acct again;) ) It freezes and goes LD right away=/ The game has also caused issues with discord, I log into game, then discord ( yes i'm runnin both as admin;) ) and ppl can hear me, but i can't hear them=/ I log out of game and it fixes it, then i log back into game and all is ok;) ( I never had discord issues before, just recently;) I've uninstalled and reinstalled drivers, discord and the game;)

    Have you tried playing in windowed mode? I can dual log np.
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • Windowed mode ftw, makes everything so much better
  • Old hamster, need younger one!!
  • Steroids too!!
  • @Tubben: maybe that‘s why i wrote „lots of german players“ and not „for all german players“?
  • Tubben wrote: »
    Cant be complete germany. No issues here.

    i think it's just one German internet provider (Deutsche Telekom), which is the largest one i believe ?
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Muylae wrote: »
    Tubben wrote: »
    Cant be complete germany. No issues here.

    i think it's just one German internet provider (Deutsche Telekom), which is the largest one i believe ?

    Not only Deutsche Telekom. Some guys from austria and england do have the same problems.

    It's ONLY with Ywain. All other connections are very fine (i have VDSL2 with 50mbit, ping is about 10-15 ms).

    AND: At about 22:30 in germany it is much better...just between 18-22:30 it is so much laggy :(

    At EU-Prime-Time it is that worse, that many players leave the game. :(

  • Muylae wrote: »
    Tubben wrote: »
    Cant be complete germany. No issues here.

    i think it's just one German internet provider (Deutsche Telekom), which is the largest one i believe ?

    i dont know if it's the largest, My ISP is an local provider (Willy Tel).
  • no;) i never ran, nor do i run windowed mode;) ( I never had these issues til recently=/ seems since these last "hot fixes" ) I never crashed as often as I do now=/ with only one acct up=/ and can't dual log my bot and main acct;) the second acct crashes as soon as i log in it, and first acct stays on;)
  • Just ran a duo w/EU mate - he had bad lag, whereas I had no more than usual e.g. milegates. Players have also been disappearing now more often on EV AND in relic town with increasing frequency daily. The time was 2100cet - 2230cet.

    OT: By the way the Curse chap. 6 bracer and the skald class auras are not stacking (consistently) now, if the skald's chant is up first my bracer /use does not stack consistently, 1 stack out of 10 tries tonight. Will test again and report.
    Founder/GM of Ásatrúar, guild of Miðgarðr
    In defense of the Original Spirit of Daoc
    True to Miðgarðr c.2001
  • Thanks all, we're investigating the lag/disappearing reports!

    @Thjo This was changed, please see the bug report and hot fix notes:
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • What kind of information can we provide to support you in this process? Are there any IPs we can trace or something like that to identify the problem?
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