.: ~ KotRT DAoC Custom UI (User Interface) ~:.
Hi all,
Just to let everyone know, I am currently working a new updated look for the Custom UI below giving the graphics a more moddern look. The orgional style will also be maintined. See below for a preview of the new look one.
This will also be more Component based, with various options available for different windows etc.
NEW KotRT UI for Dark Age of Camelot (PREVEW)

Regards AP
Just to let everyone know, I am currently working a new updated look for the Custom UI below giving the graphics a more moddern look. The orgional style will also be maintined. See below for a preview of the new look one.
This will also be more Component based, with various options available for different windows etc.
NEW KotRT UI for Dark Age of Camelot (PREVEW)

Regards AP
.: KotRT Custom User Interface - [UI] - DAoC UI :.
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Symfriar (Friar duh)
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Some random mids and hibs
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Broadsword Online Games
Any interest in iterating with my version of BobsUI? Link in my signature. The framework is all there and adding new options is pretty easy (its directory based more or less). I could help as needed.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
I appreciate your offer, I would like to keep the KotRT UI as a seperate entity for now. At least while its in its creation mode. I am told I am a perfectionist when working. Lets review the situation at a time when I am happy with the overall content.
Reagrds, AP
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This is a preview of the NEW Transparent MapWindow NO Window Border. This new Window includes a MAP Grid that can be turned on/off just by clicking on the Map Area.
If You have comments or Ideas I would like to hear them.
Regards, AP
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
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Here is an image of the latest semi-working version tweaked the graphics a little colourwise from the first img release. added a few other working items, Beta Release for feeed should be in the near future.
Latest Screen Shot of NEW UI
Regards AP
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
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Regards AP.
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FIXED Player Location Icon not working with RvR Zones (Froniters)
Cities & Classic Dungeons have Large/Small Maps Stonehenge & Spindhalla Have Multiple Zone Maps (Mini)
Removed Map Border Overlay as this wa shwing on the Large Maps & GRID also Disabled Untill a later date.
Regards AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
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FULL CHANGE LOG ... βeta (Modern Version)
Change Log ... Beta 1.02
1. Fixed Shields not showing at the docks for E-Vannin,
2. Removed all Large Maps that were implimented (These may be added back later)
3. Re-Enabled Map Border & Loc-Grid (easier for Map Updates in the future less files to edit)
4. Minor Graphics Updates (These will be ongoing as Some elements are still imported from the KotRT-Classic UI)
5. Tabs now working correctly on the World Atlas, (Note the maps here are imported from KotRT-Classic and mob information may not be fullly up to date)
6. Player Location now working with RvR-WarMap.
7. Some other minor Bug Fixes.
Change Log ... Beta 1.01
1. RvR War Maps (Player Location Icon), is currently not working as intended, this should be fixed in the next release. (Noted. 24/05/2018)
2. Classic Dungeon Areas for all three realms & capital cities should have maps large & small included with Mon Locations. (Note, the Mini Map Border will show when using the large map view).
3. Player Location on RvR War Maps has now been fixed. (This will available for test with the next upload)
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
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Right Click image and select view from the drop down menu in your explorer to view at true resolution size.
Maps are now all working OK, I have refrained from Using the large maps at this time. With the Threalm realms using large and small maps there is just too much work to keep all the mob locations upto date. Mob Info has been implimented for the all classic dungeons now in the home lands. Also the grid overlay works as intended as does the border overlay to add an edge to the degfault maps used by daoc, this makes the UI look cleaner. For those vet players like me who like to use LOC command is why the grid over overlay has been implimented.
Icons on the command bars have been updated, (Note these may still be updated according to feedback I recieve).
The Battle status Icon has been made a little smaller 32px/32px to fit into a (64px image), rather than a 128px img. (When I start work on implimenting the windows and layout for 4K monitors this icon will be 64px/64px large (128px image).
Tech info,
If you have an i mage that for example has an on/off state what ever the icon size is the image has to be double its size, more info on this if you read below.
I will be optimizing all img files as the ui moves forward this reduces the amount of memory used on systems which imroves RvR action as it should reduce the the effects of lagg. The format for imgs in DAoC has to be a factor of 2 eg 16, 32, 64, 128, 512,1024,2048 etc etc so if u have for example an image that uses 520x520 pix the imgae file min size has to be 1024px x 1024px hence a lot of wasted space & memoy. This does improve overall game play especially if u r not a top notch game spec PC like myself, I alwys notice when players port in and out of the BG's for example a split sec second of lagg.
This latest version 1.03 will be uploaded soon. just a couple of other things I need to test in the BG's testing was not going well yesterday multiple groups running around to which my chars seemed to be bait no matter which realm i played. Some testing can be done on each individual realm.
Keeps an eye on this space for updates & news soon.
Regards AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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Regards, AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
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Symfriar (Friar duh)
Symsorc (Double duh)
Sympets (Theurg)
Symmond (Arms)
Some random mids and hibs
see change log for full details of this release (http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/thread/8/kotrt-daoc-custom-change-log)
Regards AP
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
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Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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Regards AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
Ridirean an Round Table ~ Hibernia
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Link http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/post/26/thread
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Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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My only recommendation is to make the graphic for *mezzed* a bit more obvious as the current helpers use blue text in a blue box which can be hard to see especially at 1080p
Symfriar (Friar duh)
Symsorc (Double duh)
Sympets (Theurg)
Symmond (Arms)
Some random mids and hibs
To use the different component options atms just use the 1k xml file from the component of your choice and place a copy of it in the Custom Folder overwriting the existing file. Maps cop the map folder of your choice OLD_Maps (Mixed) or NEW_Maps then rename the folder to Maps. Remove the existing Maps folder first.
Regards AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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Version KotRT - DAoC Custom_UI [βeta v1.05a] - 01-07-2018) note this "A" a version update,
Change Log for this version ...
Corrected minor code errors.
Removed all none used files.
This does contain both map file versions (KotRT Classic (OLD) (Small & Large Maps) This is the default used selection. The New Small Size only that can be used with Map Window that has the overlay Loc Grid. Details are in the MAP_Files Folder.
Few minor Graphic corrections & updates.
This Version can be considered the Pre-Release version. There are some things I still want to impliment. Again Time is not on my side a lot going on in RL atm.
Regards AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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@Carol_Broadsword I have used the offical DAoC Trailer Video and some other information from the official DAoC Website. With the view of advertising the game itself along with the possibilty of attracting new players.
I hope this is OK if not please let me know I will remove any offending material.
Url is my signature. Incase you missed it http://kotrt.eu5.org/
This has taken a considerable amount of time and therefor I have not been able to put very much time into updates for the User Interface. I am currently working on updates for the pending 1.25 release of DAoC to make sure the UI will be fully compatable. This will be released for download in the near future and should be completed in time for the offical game update release.
Regards, AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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Broadsword Online Games
DAoC V1.25 Updated UI now available for download "KotRT - DAoC Custom_UI [βeta v1.06] - 01-11-2018).zip"
Notes, Mini maps only are enabled by default, with the map Grid & Map Border implimented.
The Amount of Maps that need to be updated at present are many, and having to update both Mini & Large Maps takes such a lot of time which I just don't have at present.
For the time beining, There are some some custom maps mainly cities, DUyngeons and places of interest that contain the Mob Info. Others are now pulled from the DAoC default maps.
More of the Mini maps will be updated in the future to reflect current game information. As for the large maps this will depend on time available to me in the future.
Regards AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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@Arthur_PenDragon Sorry to thread-jack but I assume you'd be interested in those as well. I've played with some of the map rendering programs but they just don't seem to cut it.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
I have to tell you, the biggest reason I chose not to use your interface was because it constantly looked like I was at 50% hp.. Really confusing to get used to.
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Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
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I am referring to the self-vitals as well. The light and dark scale of the HP bar for yourself, targets and group members is really confusing to get used to. I really tried my best to convince myself.. I found myself in a fight once, and blew IP while at 90% hp because it appeared I was at 50%, lol.. Its a nice UI, but that was all too confusing to me.
Regards AP
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
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The Classic Version will remain at its current version 1.03. It is currently all wokinh with version 1.25 of DAoC.
The Modern Version will take presidence over the classic. I will try to keep the Classic working with DAoC but no new features will be added to that version of the UI from the end of 2018.
Regards AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
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You have seen Valmer maps? They're not ingame but on web.
Broadsword Online Games
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I agree with @Arthur_PenDragon , higher resolution maps would be very useful. Even for things like Quest walkthroughs on the wiki, etc where people could easily mark them up to show mob locations, quest givers, and the like. Also missing is a good set of maps for the new Curse / OW instances. These could have gone a long way in helping people create guides, etc for that new content.
Ewer's Simple DAOC Item DB - Beta with more features coming soon!
DAOC Trophy spreadsheet
Ewer - Gimp Chimp
KotRT - DAoC Custom_UI [Modern v8.1.25. 1.02] - 23-02-2019
This update includes the following changes.
Overview Map MINI Button renamed to GPS (Game Position System)
Labyrinth Dungeon now displays layered maps that change to levcel you are on providing the GPS Button is active.
Few minor code fixes.
Be sure to visit the KotRT Forums for instructions on how to use & install. (Link in my footer)
REgards AP.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
Ridirean an Round Table ~ Hibernia
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Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
The work involved to create a feature that just installs one or certain features is not easy to complete. When mixing UI's the part u want inported has to contain the code as well as graphics, name spaces must not conflict with other ui names spaces otherwise you can undesired effects. How ever in saying that, if once you have unpacked the zip file for the UI and go into the Components you will see various items all in there own folders. This is currently a work in progress and time is not o my side it hasn't been for a few years updating graphics and just keeping the UI working with chnages to DAoC itself is a challenge. Back to the Componenets one that will work would be the KotRT_3DP-Compass if you copy the Componenets folder to the custom UI Folder you are using then open inside that the KotRT_3DP-Compass folder you will see 2x xmlfiles and the graphics files for the compass. This is one i have recoded that would just replaace the standard compass in the DAoC default UI all u do to activate is is copy Compass.xml to the UI root folder overwriting the exisitng one. Some of the other features work this way also, not all are implimented in that way as yet. You would need to back up ur files in the UI root folder (XML Files) and just test each one to see if they work or cause any issues.
Once the I know more about how the NEW UI will work that broadsword are releasing is the time I will fully impliment a system where by parts are chooseable. as @DaRedANT said it is a lot of work and a lot of time.
Regards AP
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
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This version has a few minor bugs fixed-
Added Frontier Maze Areas (ALB, HIB, MID) to Auto Zoom when using ActiveMap (GPS) is used.
Also added _ChanglogLog.txt (Plain Text) to OneDrive to note changes of each version.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
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Mainly minor bug fixes, Maze areas were not switching correctly to overview when using the GPS feature. This has now been fixed on all 3 Realms.
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KotRT - DAoC Custom_UI [EC v8.1.26. 1.00] 1st Nov 2019.
Hi all,
The New UI (Endless Conquest RELEASE) 1s now available, from the OneDrive download section where the Classic KotRT UI can be found. Use the link from the Main Website in the UI Section.
This version is also fully compatable with Pre EC Version of Dark Age of Camelot.
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Will give the UI ago later, remember it being great back in the day
The Custom UI has been tested with Patch 1.27 EC and does not require any update this time.
Personal time has been very limited the last few months, I am looking at a few minor updates as and when I am able. These will be released in the future.
Keep an eye on the forum for updates.
Regards AP
UI available from links in Signature.
WEB-Site http://kotrt.eu5.org/
FORUM http://k-o-t-r-t.proboards.com/
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