Weekend RvR

Rescu and Xyorman do not appear to be leading a BG during US prime on the weekends anymore. I was told through the grapevine that many from the Mid BG have switched over to the flaming bird. This is unfortunate considering the weekends had all three Realms active at one time. As a result, I am considering to lead an Alb BG on Saturday against the Hero BG during US prime. If Smeger is still around, we can have ourselves a nice wholesome three way. ;)

I will continue to lead a Hib BG Sunday nights if an opposing force is present. Last night was slower than previous weekends but we managed to have fun with the Mids. Those were some fun fights, Jenini. You do a really good job holding the roof on EV towers. Makes me miss the old bridges with ladders. The fight at Glen was also great even though we wiped. I won't shy away from bringing the action out. =) See you all next weekend.
"The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/


  • We had a lot of fun last night. Sat night not so much. Several logged and hit up the flaming bird as well. Its the norm now. Lopsided fights will promote a lot more of that im afraid. Its a hard call. People will flock there for now. Getting them back may be more difficult.
  • I only played a tiny bit this weekend but when I did the population was fine. I was on for about an hour and saw the Hib BG take the ghost keep and while taking it in Albion I noticed that the Albs had a decent amount of defenders and the Mids also had a decent amount that tried to ass-jam the Hibs.

    Obviously the bird has put a dent in population, but it just opened. With some time that population will drop. As others have stated in other threads, I don't think losing some of the BG leaders is a bad thing. Maybe other forms of RvR will start to happen again. It's not doubt that as zergs get bigger and bigger than 8 vs 8, small man, and solo takes a hit. Maybe if these BG leaders quit leading others will start doing other forms of RvR.

    I do agree that you won't get everyone back, but those that stay away were probably going to leave regardless if a new server opened up. I would also point out that when Vold 1.0 was around and closed it got myself, @Sleepwell, my buddy Corey and his wife, and our friend Adi to all come back and try live. 4 of the 5 of us are still around. So there is still opportunity for BS to get lots of old players back to live through this free server.
  • Its more of the snowball affect @RonELuvv . We've been mainly runnin 8 or 16 or some variation in between. Thats usually fine even when the bgs are rolling because the 8's or 16s or vairation we've been fighting provides action. Both of the usual zerg leaders in mid are playing over there the majority of the time now. So when the opposing bgs got bored, they started hunting whatever they could find. Thats where the snowball affect takes place. Several of us hoped over as well when that happened. I agree with you that the other will not sustain, but it has put a LARGE dent in population. Whole guilds and in this case whole zergs have hoped over to test the waters. Its bad enough when that happens, but its not just those who go to play there... multiple realms become affected. No zergs... no one for the counter zerg to fight, which means your typical roamers are getting zerged.. so they roll to the bird as well... the snowball just gets bigger. I'm fine with it... just wonder how long it will last.. and if Live can outlast it. As long as subs are getting paid it doesnt really matter, but at some points if subs take a hit,... what happens then?
  • edited February 2019 PM
    I just take it as the same issue that happened when Vold 2.0 opened. All the same things were said. Live survived that. This (imo) won't be any different. Sure, as you said there is a snowball effect happening, but this is an 18+ year old game. Whether new free servers opened or not, this game won't last forever. I don't think the bird opening will help Live, but I don't think it will kill Live either. Most that play there will quit and move on to other games. A few will maintain accounts on both servers, a few will come back, and even a few more will do like we did and that server may be what makes a few of them decide to come back and try Live after VERY long times away from the game.

    All BS can do is to try and make it so when people do come back that they stay. Fixing bug's, making the game cheaper, trying to learn from past mistakes (OW/Curse) and focus on what the majority of players look to do when they play here is what will get BS through this.

    By the way, since alot of your 8-16 man is not running as much due to a decline in population, then you need to hit me up and hop in TS!! We haven't heard from you in FOREVER!!! :) We miss ya buddy!
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • yep----the nice 12 hour realm timer seems to work---
    wish a certain brit didnt roll mid though lol
  • You should talk to Rescu himself and find out why he wasn't on this week end before you make assumptions. You know what happens when you assume...

    RL happens from time to time.
  • Rye wrote: »
    You should talk to Rescu himself and find out why he wasn't on this week end before you make assumptions. You know what happens when you assume...

    RL happens from time to time.

    Not so much an assumption as an observation. Alb population during US prime has been extremely low for over a week. I am simply offering up a solution, even if temporary, to keep the three-way action strong.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Rescu and Xyorman do not appear to be leading a BG during US prime on the weekends anymore.

    That my friend is an assumption! You did not have all or any information concerning why Rescu wasn't on and by the sound of it Xyorman as well. Again RL happens and just because someone isn't in game does not mean that they have given up on leading anything.
  • What I believe was the intent of the post was that if there wasn't an Alb or Mid BG and there was a Hero BG at US Primetime, then Beetleguisse will run one so that there is a chance of a 3-way battle.
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • Siambra wrote: »
    What I believe was the intent of the post was that if there wasn't an Alb or Mid BG and there was a Hero BG at US Primetime, then Beetleguisse will run one so that there is a chance of a 3-way battle.

    This. I have no interest in taking over another Realm.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • What I believe was the intent of the post was that if there wasn't an Alb or Mid BG and there was a Hero BG at US Primetime, then Beetleguisse will run one so that there is a chance of a 3-way battle.

    If that is the case, he should have made that statement instead of assuming BG leaders were not leading anymore. He is putting out misleading information that is incorrect for other players. If you do not have the information then keep your assumption to yourself.
  • Rye wrote: »
    What I believe was the intent of the post was that if there wasn't an Alb or Mid BG and there was a Hero BG at US Primetime, then Beetleguisse will run one so that there is a chance of a 3-way battle.

    If that is the case, he should have made that statement instead of assuming BG leaders were not leading anymore. He is putting out misleading information that is incorrect for other players. If you do not have the information then keep your assumption to yourself.

    They both have the opportunity to clarify. @Xyorman and @Rescu

    I understand very well that RL takes priority over the game. However, their absence has been noted. It's not meant to be dissuasive. No need to be defensive.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Defensive? I'm not being defensive! How dare you defend the idea that being defensive is what I am being when I'm not because being defensive is something I would never defend even if it was the right thing to do because being defensive is something I would not ever do while being proactively defensive.
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • I am not defensive at all. Just making a point that you have zero information as to why these BG leaders were not in game and if they are not going to lead BGs anymore. Its misinformation and that is how rumors and BS get started.
  • Rye wrote: »
    I am not defensive at all. Just making a point that you have zero information as to why these BG leaders were not in game and if they are not going to lead BGs anymore. Its misinformation and that is how rumors and BS get started.

    Zero isn't quite correct. I know less about Albs status than Mids. Regardless, the offer still stands. They've been absent and can clarify if they desire.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Well I can tell you for Alb you know zero!
  • Mid BGs are non existent on US time past 2 days for certain, and been very short on weekend either, leaders being frustrated all the way, in bitter mood about running at the moment.

    Of course there is people to blame too, because they would never join someone new, even if have numbers running around. It's easy to see that both Alb and Mid took a hit recently, which can be solved, but many hopped alternate games or to Hib side. Until someone show up that people are willing to follow, and announce their BG in the right way, this is unlikely to change, it's just what it is right now.


    Easy to see the drop on playercount, and RPS, however these stats by itself doesn't mean much, so need to examine it like such. Even so, it might indicate recent absence of leadership, and some of playerbase atm.
  • Keep posting bunny pics Siambra, love them!!
  • Without an opposing BG during US prime time it’s basically no fun to just run over un organized people defending the GK. That being said it’s 25K rps.
    I understand why the op doesn’t want to squash the little remaining action left, because it just forces everyone to log off.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Lets be frank. People have umpteen reasons for moving on and I've heard them all. This includes everything from game direction, patch releases, bugs, cheating, OW/ Curse, no realm timers, the assenine gameplay and a toxic attitude towards players and devs. They may be tired of the Hero BG and his wrecking ball approach to RVR, or simply want a new challenge, brought on by a sense of nostalgia. Whatever their reason, they are entitled to it.

    People do not run or participate in BGs on Ywain as much as they used to, because there's a more attractive offer elsewhere. While they may not have cancelled - assuming they can afford to not play a game they are paying for - they are surely thinking about doing so, even if its only temporary. They may be back once they novelty wears off or play sporadically at weekends in order to see how things are panning out, but there are no guarantees. Its a high stakes game from BS's standpoint to allow players to drift away like this, considering they may never come back. The Origins poll for a few years ago evaporated and the Endless Conquest will be a year late, if it launches.

    Broadsword elected to prioritize masks, pet patches and MTX respecs over a proper FTP model, at the same time that a free alternative was looming in the rear view mirror. They underestimated the threat and are witnessing the consequences.

    Over the years, many games have come along and tried to replicate or at least provide a comparable RVR experience to DAOC, or the next new MMO came out and tried to take a chunk of the pie. With each incarnation, the player-base thinned out, but many of them came back. I find it ironic that after all the threats over the years, the death of DAOC may end up being itself.
    Post edited by Auberne on
  • I have left and came back so many times, still love this damn game!!!!

    I have no plans to play on the bird, would bring back some memories of my old Alb/Bors days and mostly make me feel sad. I have met new friends now and would rather not conjure up old memories.
  • I agree Kelt. I love this game to much to leave it right now. I did enjoy those fights on HT. My guys are getting better by the day and our numbers are still great. I do hate the fact that we lost so many to the game we shall not name. Dont worry, we will still bring some pain to midgard and help support some fights. As for now i know one thing and that is were not afraid to hit a good fight. Does suck though when we have 16 and hibs or albs have 80. I hope that some people will come back or BS finds some way to to bring people back but i feel they dont care anymore or they would have stepped up already. Hope to see you guys on the battlefield and hang in there. I see alot more fighting in future. ;)
  • Something about the game has me hooked. I've tried many others and nothing has worked for me as well. My time in game varies but it is part of my day. I can't go to the bird because 1) feels like I'm trying to revisit a version of High School that doesn't exist and 2) I don't knowingly use or buy stolen merchandise.
    Bumblebunny to the rescue !
  • You gonna make me go AWWW aren’t ya Siambra? lol
  • You all killed my shade last night and Nooooo hugs from the lil blue shammy when she ran over my corpse. lol. Keltpoker was his name.
  • Lmao. I didnt even notice since we rolling people right and left. Was fun fights. I hope the fights stay and we dont get super out numbered. We decided to form up a bit later so we dont get zerged down by the 60 to 80 man. Either way EJ is here to stay and bring the pain. Lol
  • Broadsword elected to prioritize masks, pet patches and MTX respecs over a proper FTP model, at the same time that a free alternative was looming in the rear view mirror. They underestimated the threat and are witnessing the consequences.

    This and a few other things; there is no urgency in repairing realm....Dark Age of Questalot isn't much fun....
  • Bring It Smurf Girl!!! lol
  • That's fine. I'll stay on Hib then this weekend.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • if that other server is the elephant in the room, then noone has mentioned the whale in the room yet ... MJ's game. if that launches any time soon ... oh dear. the elephant is bad, the elephant + the whale ... i can't even start to imagine how many people will be left on ywain.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Auberne wrote: »
    Lets be frank. People have umpteen reasons for moving on and I've heard them all. This includes everything from game direction, patch releases, bugs, cheating, OW/ Curse, no realm timers, the assenine gameplay and a toxic attitude towards players and devs. They may be tired of the Hero BG and his wrecking ball approach to RVR, or simply want a new challenge, brought on by a sense of nostalgia. Whatever their reason, they are entitled to it.

    I loved this part of your post @Auberne. So many people think that if BS just did X, Y, or Z that it would be a magical fix and everyone would come back, but people fail to realize that there is a plethora of reason why people leave. Many of those people are not coming back, even if you "fixed" what upset them to begin with, not to mention that any of those "fixes" you would do would turn around and upset another player and possibly cause them to quit. That is one of the biggest issues that a MMO runs into. With so many players and different playstyles you can't please everyone.

    A perfect example of this was hunter. When I started here 2 years ago hunter was an absolute beast. Their pet and kiting capabilities made it so a hunter could pretty much kill anything with ease if played well. People were upset about it and complained in the forums. I played a hunter as my second toon and I had to agree that the pets were over the top. After enough complaints BS put the nerf hammer on them and changed ALOT on the class. I might even agree that they over did it a bit. That upset certain players that played that as their main. I know of one that left over it. Now how does BS handle that issue? Do they try and please the masses that thought hunters were op'd in their current state or do they try and keep the people playing hunters happy? Now multiply this one tiny issue by about 100,000 or more and you can see how every little change can upset any # of players, especially over all that has changed in 18+ years.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Hunters were a great example. People complained that they were over the top. They changed them. Those same people then complained .... "where did all the mid hunters go that we used to fight"... or.. "now hunters group up and zerg us down". X was asked for. BS did Y and Z was the result.

    @Muylae has a great point. Theres already new cake being offered. Add another slice to the buffet line and who knows.

    @RonELuvv and i have discussed this many times. Small changes please. small... tiny... not game changing... not in an 18 year old game. Start small... its easier to roll back if it was a mistake... its easier to add to if its not enough. Making grandiose class or game changes is a bad idea.
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Agreed there are many reasons that people leave the game and very few reasons to stay these days. That said most probably won’t return although a few might.

    With CU on the horizon there’s not much time left to ‘fix’ things. F2P is very late to the game and it’s not the only deal in town anymore...

    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • People's relationship with DAOC is like a marriage, only one that's heading for divorce due to a lack of communication, trust and the fact that the rumpy pumpy isn't what it used to be. To be fair, if my marriage was like DAOC, i'd have cheated on my wife years ago. A lot of people have decided to ditch the tired, broken down old nag, for the voluptuous page 3 model that has been flirting with them for the past year or go. I get why..
  • I like voluptuous!!! lol

    But, I get your point.
  • Sleepwell wrote: »
    @RonELuvv and i have discussed this many times. Small changes please. small... tiny... not game changing... not in an 18 year old game. Start small... its easier to roll back if it was a mistake... its easier to add to if its not enough. Making grandiose class or game changes is a bad idea.

    Amen to that! Like you said, small changes allow for adjustment. Big changes are harder to adjust on the fly.
    Fateboi wrote: »
    With CU on the horizon there’s not much time left to ‘fix’ things. F2P is very late to the game and it’s not the only deal in town anymore...

    Agreed 100%!! I'm more worried about CU than I am about that other server. BS needs to get stuff rolling well before CU is released, in order to stem the flow of people leaving to try other pastures.

  • I imagine CU will be the biggest contender for the DAoC playerbase since it's a spiritual successor. However, the gameplay mechanics sound different than DAoC so it may not feel that way. I will definitely be among those who try it out when it's released. In the mean time, I'll scratch my RvR itch on DAoC.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • it is kinda funny that a few peeps that already got banned by the bird have similar names here on live lol......
  • 47el wrote: »
    it is kinda funny that a few peeps that already got banned by the bird have similar names here on live lol......

    I like that they post it publicly
  • Sleepwell wrote: »
    Hunters were a great example. People complained that they were over the top. They changed them. Those same people then complained .... "where did all the mid hunters go that we used to fight"... or.. "now hunters group up and zerg us down". X was asked for. BS did Y and Z was the result.

    @Muylae has a great point. Theres already new cake being offered. Add another slice to the buffet line and who knows.

    @RonELuvv and i have discussed this many times. Small changes please. small... tiny... not game changing... not in an 18 year old game. Start small... its easier to roll back if it was a mistake... its easier to add to if its not enough. Making grandiose class or game changes is a bad idea.

    yes, i couldn't agree more, small changes. BS tends to overdo every change they do. using a sledge hammer where a scalpel is needed is one of the things that upsets a lot of people. hunters, necromancers, so many examples. better to change not enough and change a bit more if still needed later on than to overdo it and then leave it or nerf it imho.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Sleepwell wrote: »
    Hunters were a great example. People complained that they were over the top. They changed them. Those same people then complained .... "where did all the mid hunters go that we used to fight"... or.. "now hunters group up and zerg us down". X was asked for. BS did Y and Z was the result.

    @Muylae has a great point. Theres already new cake being offered. Add another slice to the buffet line and who knows.

    @RonELuvv and i have discussed this many times. Small changes please. small... tiny... not game changing... not in an 18 year old game. Start small... its easier to roll back if it was a mistake... its easier to add to if its not enough. Making grandiose class or game changes is a bad idea.

    well put
  • Fateboi wrote: »

    I like that they post it publicly

    this needs to be done live!
  • C*****t U******d....not going to do it.....just stop dreaming about it
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