Daoc Population

so...I come home after a night out with some friends....8 people online in nf. 8....8 people..including myself. 2am EST. sadly, I will not be renewing and am done leading. @Carol_Broadsword thank you for everything you have done. thanks for all the conversations. Sadly, you guys listened to the wrong crowd and paying the ultimate price. on the bright side, 8v8v8 sounds fun but wont pay the bills. See you guys on the server that cant be named! RIP DAOC you will forever be missed and talked about.


  • I agree. Both accounts done this month probably.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Paindancer u are spot on :-) population is a joke, and im also done paying
    Post edited by boomling on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    When you guys happened to have the mood to make BG recently, mids had 100+ minimum on NF.

    Yes, I am sure not much around at 2 AM when even US goes to sleep, or at many hours of the day really recently, and for this I too mainly blame the miss-management, miss-communication recently, which I am really sad for also. Hoping the hype of other things die down fast, and Broadsword have enough time to repair whats needed to repair, it's mostly up to them. It's clear that enough players want to play the game still.

    However jumping immediately on hype train after so many years, going to play Clone Wars leaving many still around I feel at a certain extent leaders are right part of the problem or make it deepen. We still see a certain realm whos leaders not left everyone right away still pulling tolerable numbers. Yesterdays rage quit exactly shows you guys just need a reason to stop out of boredom or whatever blaming everyone and everything but own patience or lack of interest.

    Things not the brightest I do get, but lets be real, game itself is not any worse then in December but the population on off-hours. People just rather leave as soon someone knocks on door promise the fairy land that will last forever for free, and won't have any issues after years for sure. Sadly, ruining live will make us have no alternative to return to when if for whatever reason people want to come back. I am sure whatever decisions made/not made to drive DAoC at the current state, BS are aware of the current population problem.

    Sad to hear you guys stop, I know I expected too much to stick around for a while to see if DAoC has any chance to recover. You guys don't owe us anything of course, thank you for pasts leads, and have a good one.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • Not to late to save this great game, but down to extreme measures now.
    BS need to do 3m free for loyal subscribers and publicly go out and say, ye our plan has not be done in time, were sorry.
    At same time do a 1m come back to camelot campaign for any closed account while giving everyone a timeline of intent for f2p instead of the fluff we are guessing is on the way. If its change, go out with it.

    It have to happed during feb and it might already be the point of no return John, i sincerely hope not thou.
  • Sadly, you guys listened to the wrong crowd and paying the ultimate price. on the bright side, 8v8v8 sounds fun but wont pay the bills.

    Every playstyle is entitled to its own perceptions.

    60v8 doesn't either.

    You can lay blame where ever you want - but the playerbase itself has just as much to fault.

    Offpeak doesn't support your playstyle - but it supports many others.
  • tald wrote: »

    Every playstyle is entitled to its own perceptions.

    60v8 doesn't either.

    You can lay blame where ever you want - but the playerbase itself has just as much to fault.

    Offpeak doesn't support your playstyle - but it supports many others.

    While I do agree on first part, there is no playstyle that benefits from 30 players / realm on NF. The number itself indicates that is a minority that won't be able to upkeep the game, most did follow the numbers, thats pretty clear.
  • First time I didn't play live last night, when I could have in months. So many missed opportunities and lessons not learned. Shame, but appears the end is nigh
  • I too cancelled mine. Lack of preparation for the burning bird server really made no sense. Plenty of time to come up with something to counter the opening of the new server but Little was done.
  • Prime time population is still fine whether that be EU or US. Later Paindancer.
  • Gavner wrote: »

    While I do agree on first part, there is no playstyle that benefits from 30 players / realm on NF. The number itself indicates that is a minority that won't be able to upkeep the game, most did follow the numbers, thats pretty clear.

    Those numbers are quite regular offpeak and various times of the week and year.

    It supports good enuff solo, smalley and pug vs pug action.

    feel free to browse my offpeak stream including a 7v8 pugstyle towards the end.


  • tald wrote: »

    Those numbers are quite regular offpeak and various times of the week and year.

    It supports good enuff solo, smalley and pug vs pug action.

    feel free to browse my offpeak stream including a 7v8 pugstyle towards the end.


    I do get it Tald, I didn't say it doesn't exist, but denying lowering numbers even offpeak is hard. I said most prefer higher overall, and off-peak playerbase either, it can be seen many chose other things just because higher population.

    I won't say some don't enjoy playing at lower numbers, but lower pop brings live no good overall in the long run.
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Free to play for all without restriction its a good beginning .
    Post edited by Hellblast on
  • Sad to see the population drop so dramatically. Thanks to the bg leaders who have led us in the past years.
  • At least you hit rr12 before the exodus
  • Pop is really bad in the solo game and seems to be bad for small man and group since they will camp for that one random player. Since they appear to have no equivalent fight

    Number One Assassin
    Guilds: Shinobi / At Post Me /Vicomtessa
  • I haven't logged in all week this week, which is very unusual for me. I usually play every day for about 30-45min before work or an hour at night. Since mid-January, I have seen pop go from average of 25-40people in NF at 6-7am EST, to 5-10.

    I remember 2-3 years ago population on the weekend was up to 200-300 in NF on all realm... I wonder what happened within those 3 years...

    my sub is up the middle of this month and I'm not gonna renew for the first time since I started playing this game. I'm just tired of one terrible patch after another, and so is everyone else. I truly believe that it's not so much the bird that is making people leave, but the fact that everyone has been so fed up for so long and just have something new to try to help them ween off this addiction that has taken all of us haha.

    I have a stockpile of games I bought on sale around Christmas time on Steam so I'll be playing through all of those the next couple of months.

    P.S. If BS said they were going to straight up delete OW+Curse+Freezing from the history of this game I would come back in a heartbeat. I wouldn't even came about losing thousands of plats worth of gear, I would be too excited that those campaigns and gear creep is gone
  • This is self defeating. The playerbase wants BS to solve the population crisis but the playerbase is the problem. BG leaders are logging early because they get beat down a couple times. Some players are complaining there's no action but do nothing to seek it out because they're camping. Many players don't want to do Curse or OW, which have been toned down drastically, but want MORE PvE content. This is a no win situation for BS.

    I don't see the appeal for the bird. That's a time in DAoC history that I have zero interest in as I've already experienced it before. Live is always changing for better or worse. However, the game isn't unplayable. There's an opportunity on the horizon with Endless Conquest. We can either build a strong community with it or let toxicity perpetuate, inevitably killing the game.

    I'm sad to see you go, Pain. Mainly because I know it will reduce the BG playerbase on Mid. I will only continue to lead a BG on Hib if there's another BG to fight. Hopefully, someone steps up to the plate.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Surprised nate hasn’t taken credit for population decline since his dots are forcing people to cancel
  • Shame as there is still an appetite for DAOC, just not the DAOC Broadsword are pushing.
  • maybe its time for BS follow the lead of the server that shall not be named and put in realm timers and publicly shame those people that get caught cheating and banned for it
  • @Beetleguisse

    - None asked for more PvE, but the existing ones to be worth doing outside the 2.
    - None said BS can summon players by force, but has the ability to fix stuff (like /uses, inflation, realm timer etc)
    - Not unplayable is not an argument, however I agree many things better in last 9 months, which need to be recognized.

    Else, yes, hope we can keep things up until further improvement and free to play, choosing the false promise of longevity of free stuff without responsible companies, people is not the answer though, but the short term happiness. Even their players best interest is to keep live around for competition, and a different environment to exist.

    If live stays alive until the further delayed Endless Conquest comes out, I am sure they will accommodate, besides reasonable negativity here, people in game mostly very kind and helpful.
  • BS catered to the 8 mans for years. This is what is left. Now BGs consist of Hib having numbers 24/7 with all the relics and once another BG gets rolled players either rage quit or log over to Hib and add to the zerg. 2 accounts cancelled and the 3rd runs out in a week or so. The solo game is gone and that's the only reason I play. Oh and F the "solo zones" worst idea ever.
  • This is self defeating. The playerbase wants BS to solve the population crisis but the playerbase is the problem. BG leaders are logging early because they get beat down a couple times. Some players are complaining there's no action but do nothing to seek it out because they're camping. Many players don't want to do Curse or OW, which have been toned down drastically, but want MORE PvE content. This is a no win situation for BS.

    I don't see the appeal for the bird. That's a time in DAoC history that I have zero interest in as I've already experienced it before. Live is always changing for better or worse. However, the game isn't unplayable. There's an opportunity on the horizon with Endless Conquest. We can either build a strong community with it or let toxicity perpetuate, inevitably killing the game.

    I'm sad to see you go, Pain. Mainly because I know it will reduce the BG playerbase on Mid. I will only continue to lead a BG on Hib if there's another BG to fight. Hopefully, someone steps up to the plate.

    First time i disagree with u beetle:-)

    1. BS cut have done many Things, so peeps dont left the server, some of the suggestion is allready posted in this thread. (realm timers, public shame of thoose WHO cheats, bugfixing etc)
    2. U say, u can find peeps that is maybe right in us time, but eu time its completely dead untill 18.00 even a fg is a zerg and will have a hard time to find another fg. maybe they can be Lucky in weekends. try make a /stat rp u will see 2000 rp is enough to make it on list
    3. U Also mention endless conquest like it cut be the light to get the situation turned. But like i posted in other thread its my understanding that f2p will get a separat server and not allowed on ywain before paying. so can not see it would help at all.

    if this shut have a chance, BS shut start listen to the old playerbase and not a few players selcected with only solo or fg playstyle for they do have very bad calls atm, Just see the problematic with ST and they trying to do new content instead of fixing lds etc. players have been trying to tell something is wrong for months but still no listening and now there is a price to pay. But there is no Winners all Loose and that is the bad thing here

  • edited February 2019 PM
    Post edited by Midithir on
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Post edited by Midithir on
  • Remove solo zone , get ruined keep back , nerf stealther , fix existing bug , make game free to play or lower the price and stop adding more pve content and new gears .
  • I don’t think at this point realm timers or solo zones and ruined keeps would be enough to save the live version.
  • it would be a start :-) then we maybe have hope BS listen to reason, because hellblast is spot on with good suggestions but yeah will not be enough at this point. Maybe they shut make it free to play but focus on platselling, methrill selling etc no one wanna pay for empty servers and that is the case eu time.
  • edited February 2019 PM

    This is an example of an elitist attitude: complaining that templates no longer make characters OP. How dare the average player be able to compete in RvR.

    The MTX store is a good idea. Still in its infancy but has the opportunity to expand. Bountycraft is a good idea. Not comprehensive but there's room to add items. The New User Journey is a good idea. Some quests are buggy but it allows new players to become familiar with gameplay mechanics. The idea behind the campaigns was sound, just poorly implemented. They aimed to revamp old areas while promoting group play to discourage macro teams from farming them. This is good if you want to build a community. Unfortunately, the implementation was poor due to its original difficulty and buggy quests. The QoL changes have been awesome. There are a few that could be added still (i.e. using stacked items, more bank space, etc).

    The main problems I have with the game are the unnecessary class balance changes and PvEing RPs. However, neither have killed the game for me. Even the gear creep has been brought down by removing stackable ablatives and reducing the ridiculous heal proc values.

    Don't get me wrong. There are still problems. However, constantly bitching isn't constructive and not well received. But hey, it's your $15.
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • boomling wrote: »

    First time i disagree with u beetle:-)

    1. BS cut have done many Things, so peeps dont left the server, some of the suggestion is allready posted in this thread. (realm timers, public shame of thoose WHO cheats, bugfixing etc)
    2. U say, u can find peeps that is maybe right in us time, but eu time its completely dead untill 18.00 even a fg is a zerg and will have a hard time to find another fg. maybe they can be Lucky in weekends. try make a /stat rp u will see 2000 rp is enough to make it on list
    3. U Also mention endless conquest like it cut be the light to get the situation turned. But like i posted in other thread its my understanding that f2p will get a separat server and not allowed on ywain before paying. so can not see it would help at all.

    if this shut have a chance, BS shut start listen to the old playerbase and not a few players selcected with only solo or fg playstyle for they do have very bad calls atm, Just see the problematic with ST and they trying to do new content instead of fixing lds etc. players have been trying to tell something is wrong for months but still no listening and now there is a price to pay. But there is no Winners all Loose and that is the bad thing here

    You're free to disagree. But your last point is a rumor. BS has not stated whether F2P will be for another server or Ywain as those details have not been released.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • I can’t imagine they create a completely new server, which would require money to run. Much more cost effective to throw them into an alreadybrunning server, with much more room lately with all the cancelled subs
  • I am sry if i start and untrue rumor, but im sure i have read it in some kind of newsletter send to my email i have been looking for it but i have deleted it, and on that part i really hope I have made a terrible reading mistake and confused Things a litlle, Because i really hope im mistaken. But maybe someone can unravel the truth on this matter.
  • 2 AM US, 7am EU.

    Even Hard Core DAOC players have grown up and most of us have non-game interests/jobs/real lives.

    I think why you are seeing the large reduction in people burning the midnight oil is this, combined with the fact that Mid-January, college students/high school students are back to class and also can't stay up really late.

    Believe it or not, Log-ins and RPS gained are still up 40% from last summer's lows.... even with the obvious reduction once school was back in session. : http://www.excidio.net/herald/stats/realm/
  • edited February 2019 PM
    New server for classic/Si wouldn’t cost them @BurkleyRIP they already have the backup to Pendragon sever.
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • This is self defeating. The playerbase wants BS to solve the population crisis but the playerbase is the problem. BG leaders are logging early because they get beat down a couple times. Some players are complaining there's no action but do nothing to seek it out because they're camping. Many players don't want to do Curse or OW, which have been toned down drastically, but want MORE PvE content. This is a no win situation for BS.

    I don't see the appeal for the bird. That's a time in DAoC history that I have zero interest in as I've already experienced it before. Live is always changing for better or worse. However, the game isn't unplayable. There's an opportunity on the horizon with Endless Conquest. We can either build a strong community with it or let toxicity perpetuate, inevitably killing the game.

    I'm sad to see you go, Pain. Mainly because I know it will reduce the BG playerbase on Mid. I will only continue to lead a BG on Hib if there's another BG to fight. Hopefully, someone steps up to the plate.

    The playerbase does what's available, and that has been consistently, imo, anti-Realm, and pro PVE for Rp....IDK who logs so much but running around outnumbered or watch as numbers switch is zero fun, running around <especially lately> with a bonus and still zero fights is a waste of time---- decisions were made, people are choosing not to play more and more -- you can point a finger anywhere you wish, the numbers are what they are......perhaps all the things the Devs said were not wanted , really were...there is a move for BS, follow the simple maxim...When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging ... maybe it's time to try something they think WONT work.
  • Can I have your stuff?

    so...I come home after a night out with some friends....8 people online in nf. 8....8 people..including myself. 2am EST. sadly, I will not be renewing and am done leading. @Carol_Broadsword thank you for everything you have done. thanks for all the conversations. Sadly, you guys listened to the wrong crowd and paying the ultimate price. on the bright side, 8v8v8 sounds fun but wont pay the bills. See you guys on the server that cant be named! RIP DAOC you will forever be missed and talked about.

  • Hellblast wrote: »
    Remove solo zone , get ruined keep back , nerf stealther , fix existing bug , make game free to play or lower the price and stop adding more pve content and new gears .

    Everyone is QQing over how BS ruined zergs and catered to 8mans when this is the real issue... Class balance atrocities and terrible bug after bug as a result of introducing new PvE content and gear creep that was never wanted is the real reason population left
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Auberne wrote: »
    I agree. Both accounts done this month probably.

    Unfortunately my subs are coming to an end. As much as people know i've quit several times this is definitely fare well. I have nothing else to say but to say Broadsword tried very hard but this game was already in a decline from the beginning before they took over.

    Wish you all the best that stay and hope you guys get some population back but I'm done.
    Post edited by Solicfear1 on
  • Armagedden wrote: »

    Everyone is QQing over how BS ruined zergs and catered to 8mans when this is the real issue... Class balance atrocities and terrible bug after bug as a result of introducing new PvE content and gear creep that was never wanted is the real reason population left

    There haven't been real 8 man's in years -- balance is a huge issue, to be sure, but it's the general destroying of the core of the game that is more the issue; RP's have always been a goal but you are incentivized to run over more with less and complete the quest and this is worse now that BP's are so important -- so Relics are PvE'd and realm hopped defended ---why, to complete the quest.

  • After 3 weeks i can tell you that don`t need....

    - buffbots
    - multiple accounts
    - macro teams
    - 10 ML abilities
    - 4-6 CL buffs
    - 3-6 different charges
    - playing each realm 3-x times per day
    - toxity in each available unmoderated chat channel

    ....for having fun.

    Even the Class balance musn`t be perfect if you know somebody is working on it, not in 6-x month..in 1-4 weeks.

    Impossible? Not really....
  • I will only continue to lead a BG on Hib if there's another BG to fight. Hopefully, someone steps up to the plate.

    as you had what 90+ tonight vs 40 maybe? Cool.

  • Every patch BS has done more people have left, but everyone forgets one reason people leave. And that is BS don't do nothing about the cheating that goes on in the game. People get mad and leave. You got spy bots in towers and keeps, they hop in chat channels to relay what the other bg is doing. People using vanish back to back,no wall hacks, people running threw walls tanks to get inside and kill people or see how they set up. You can report it and BS does nothing. So many players are leaving going to another game were the people listen to the players, and they discipline cheaters.
  • Might as well shut this post down heaven forbid we discuss what’s happening in game.

  • as you had what 90+ tonight vs 40 maybe? Cool.

    How soon you all forget that Hib had no BG during US prime for years. We started off with less than 2FG, wiped numerous times, and not once logged because we were outnumbered. Now, both Mids and Albs get a taste of being the underdog and suddenly the sky is falling. I stuck to what I said. There was no Alb BG tonight and I logged shortly after the Mid BG logged.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." - http://www.mythicentertainment.com/
  • Kinda sucks to see mods in here reviewing posts just to edit them, but declining to comment anywhere.
  • tald wrote: »

    Every playstyle is entitled to its own perceptions.

    60v8 doesn't either.

    You can lay blame where ever you want - but the playerbase itself has just as much to fault.

    Offpeak doesn't support your playstyle - but it supports many others.

    2 Mids in NF atm enjoy your playstyle
  • edited February 2019 PM
    Clumsy wrote: »
    2 Mids in NF atm enjoy your playstyle

    least i deal with facts (and not fibs)

    at the time you posted this there was a fgm out and also kaptkent defending bled with quite a few mids. defending it vs a fgh+ and also from what i hear some albs joined teh battle as well.

    the fight at bled was big enuff to net Norren 68k rps in 48 minutes before they even took the keep.

    there is still a fgm+ out atm.

    Post edited by tald on
  • tald wrote: »

    least i deal with facts (and not fibs)

    at the time you posted this there was a fgm out and also kaptkent defending bled with quite a few mids. defending it vs a fgh+ and also from what i hear some albs joined teh battle as well.

    the fight at bled was big enuff to net Norren 68k rps in 48 minutes before they even took the keep.

    there is still a fgm+ out atm.

    This is only because the realm points on offer are artificially high to make up for the lack of action in general.
  • Population kind of reminds me of the end of the old EU servers. Only the action on those servers right up to the end was better than what is on offer at the moment.

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