Kill spam

Please @beibhinn, remove kills spam limitation... It has no sense nowadays...
Aureola BloodWalker - Shadowblade - RR11L1 - Lone Enforcer


  • Was it intentionally done? Or an acciden when redoing something?
  • Intentional modify some months ago
    Aureola BloodWalker - Shadowblade - RR11L1 - Lone Enforcer
  • I'm not sure what the original reasoning was behind limiting the kill spam. It was quite useful in identifying where certain people were located, but also in identifying potential rp farmers in NF regions.
  • Aureola wrote: »
    Intentional modify some months ago

    I don't believe that is right. The modification seems to have happened right before the patch. There is another thread in which Carol mentioned they are looking into it. (that leads me to believe that it was unintentional and they are possibly trying to figure out what code change caused it).
  • edited December 2018 PM
    Highly doubt it’s unintentional on Pendragon they have dev toools that on the fly can increase or reduce radius of basically anything. For example the actual dmg of an oil pour, the radius of dmg, and how much dmg each class takes.

    Another example how the PN nodes on docks and also speed warp magically doubled in radius one day (no patch notes).

    Recently expanded the radius of kill credits on midsummer ring from CK to zone wide...
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • That may be true Phat, but how many people truly test? Is it enough to notice an effect if x was changed, then y was affected? If i had the time to invest i'd gladly help test, but 1 to 2 hours a night is all i can manage to log on at the moment, period. I'm not paying to test.

    If they adjusted x, y and z, and it affected 4 other things. Would they catch that with the amount of people actually testing?
  • spam is the shepard, we are the sheeps ! we are lost baaaaah
  • edited December 2018 PM
    It’s just irritating when you are paying 16-32$ USD/month and ‘they’ make a change that affects a lot of their customers and can’t be bothered to come clean.

    Personally doesn’t effect me but it’s a dishonest business practice we just can’t Yelp about it...
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • I think they were trying to throw a bone to soloers when they introduced the "solo zones" by making it hard to hunt them down.

    I know it'd be impossible to code but I'd still like to see it only show spam of those whom are even or greater in number to your group.
  • Mace80 wrote: »
    I think they were trying to throw a bone to soloers when they introduced the "solo zones" by making it hard to hunt them down.

    I know it'd be impossible to code but I'd still like to see it only show spam of those whom are even or greater in number to your group.

    As a solo'r I don't think this was really effecting us too much. Maybe a person like Saki or another high level solo player, but overall I believe this was used more by solo's to avoid stealth zergs and other visi zergs.
  • Hmm I still solo on occasion and used to solo exclusively (until the solo game went to crap) and from my experience, groups and small mans seemed to watch for spam of known soloers and went hunting for their easy rpts. Saki for sure... lol

    Come to think of it, I actually think if you're caught cheating/banned at any point your spam should be in bold so everyone knows to come kill you.
  • That said, yes I think spam should be turned back on.
  • Mace80 wrote: »
    come to think of it, I actually think if you're caught cheating/banned at any point your spam should be in bold so everyone knows to come kill you.

    there is videos all over postcount of people cheating and nothing is done, I think everyone would LOVE a public list of every time there is an in game ban to shame people and try to discourage them from doing it, but clearly they have no intention of losing a sub even if the person is cheating or not ;\
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »

    there is videos all over postcount of people cheating and nothing is done, I think everyone would LOVE a public list of every time there is an in game ban to shame people and try to discourage them from doing it, but clearly they have no intention of losing a sub even if the person is cheating or not ;\

    Oh I agree... It is all wishful thinking. I am under no illusions that any of these things would even be considered.
  • edited December 2018 PM
    what I don't get is like the statues in town, they didn't let people get a statue because of cheating.. but they leave them to keep playing and cheating and ruining every ones time

    I don't get many choices made by broadsword, [removed]
    Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »
    there is videos all over postcount

    Again, like we've stated already, these need to be appealed ingame and videos/screenshots emailed in. Posting on postcount does nothing except post it on postcount.

    See Lea's posts here:

    and here:
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • Can i appeal that kill spam isn’t working? Or was it intentionally changed?
  • We appeal exploiting of safe path yet the person is still in game lol. Obviously afraid to lose subs and doubt ftp will take effect anytime soon.
  • Huehuaehue wrote: »

    there is videos all over postcount of people cheating and nothing is done, I think everyone would LOVE a public list of every time there is an in game ban to shame people and try to discourage them from doing it, but clearly they have no intention of losing a sub even if the person is cheating or not ;\

    they seem way more concerned about losing a sub due to banning someone than losing a 100 subs to people who are fed up with playing against cheaters...

    i would want to see a weakly announcement of BS of people who they banned for what reason, i think that would restore a lot of faith in them.


    this week Tab Fren (anyone remember this ??? :D ) smashed the following people ..

    ttt for using illegal third party tools / 7 day suspension.
    qqq for ingame harrasment / 3 day suspension
    xxx for wallhacking / perma ban
    yyy for rp farming / 7 day suspenion and rp reset to rr zero / accounts xyz, yxz and zyx were terminated as a result.
    zzz for .... you get the meaning.

    and in case you wonder what XXX to use, use the highest RR character on the account ;)
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • I feel the “frustration” is that no one actively monitors the gameplay. Most of us don’t have time to film/edit/upload and submit via email as we are busy in game and IRL. @Carol_Broadsword
  • Every moment smallman/fg running solo spots, no problem if the catch ppl running solo, they still did that
    Aureola BloodWalker - Shadowblade - RR11L1 - Lone Enforcer
  • Just generate more kills = more spam problem solved ...genius:)
  • theyprobably turned down kill spam range to help 8 mans and decrease amount of adding or getting zerged down by 16 slots and so on and it is a good thing and really makes sense
  • Gig wrote: »
    theyprobably turned down kill spam range to help 8 mans and decrease amount of adding or getting zerged down by 16 slots and so on and it is a good thing and really makes sense

    anything that makes it harder to see IF there is action and makes the game feel dead is bad. making it harder to have no info about where to go or where not to go is bad. keep is under siege ? no deathspam ? do we have a chance to defend ? i'm not going there. people NEED feedback that has ALWAYS been there.

    also swords only showing up for bigger encounters is BAD.

    yeah sure it 'might' benefit some of the elite 8 mans, but is this what this game is about ?

    i honestly don't understand why BS made these changes that only seem to cater for a very select few of elite groups. those groups will do good no matter what. if BS makes changes they need to benefit the largest group of players, not a few elite groups. for the average players these changes were bad.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • From my understanding the swords would still show up fairly quickly in larger scale fights? So it doesn’t really affect any « zerg » wars? It was frustrating as hell to start a good fight and then have a Bg swoop in and wipe everybody.
  • Muylae wrote: »
    yeah sure it 'might' benefit some of the elite 8 mans,

    i honestly don't understand why BS made these changes that only seem to cater for a very select few of elite groups. those groups will do good no matter what.

    How does it benefit elite 8 mans / groups? The big fish rely on spam to find the small fish.

    It hasn't ALWAYS been like this.

    Its new method is good for multiple play styles for different reasons and different times of the day - it also promotes active RvR where you need to actually roam rather than passive style of port-kill-port-kill-port-kill.
  • @Carol_Broadsword @John_Broadsword was it ever confirmed that this was intentional?

    As long as this has lasted, i cannot assume otherwise...
  • tald wrote: »

    How does it benefit elite 8 mans / groups? The big fish rely on spam to find the small fish.

    It hasn't ALWAYS been like this.

    Its new method is good for multiple play styles for different reasons and different times of the day - it also promotes active RvR where you need to actually roam rather than passive style of port-kill-port-kill-port-kill.

    it just makes you sit in the relic town because you think noone is out. giving the players the impression that nothing is happening and that the game is dead is NOT good.

    like another change that happened a long time ago, no longer be able to do /who "zone name" which gave you an idea if a keep that was under siege had sufficient number of defenders to make a decision about whether to go and help defend or don't bother to go and feed rps. now way to many players just assume that there is not enough defenders and avoid going there to defend.

    hell, while broadsword is at it, maybe they should remove the cups/hammers/trees from the map, remove the swords, remove the flames and remove guard spam from the keep or tower your guild owns... seems strait up in line with the rest of the situational awareness removal things they do...
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • No, not intentional. We are aware of it and working on it, though!
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • No, not intentional. We are aware of it and working on it, though!

    Thank you so so much!!!!!
  • thanks for this update
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Stop working on it, better to not have it.
    But..... as you always listen to the inner circle zergers and still do it... make it so the longer from the actual zone you are the coarse the information is.

    ie. if at relic zone X was killed in EV by Y
    ie. if at EV X was killed in the Ayres by Y

    At least by having it like that you wont have 8 mans running down a solo fight as easy or a zerg by 100 running down a 8 man easy
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