I have too much time on my hands
Hello, welcome to Flight #2019. We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Buffs are secured and locked in an upright position. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away. Should we lose altitude under pressure, during the flight, grab your recall device. If you are a sojourner you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. The Captain (Carol) has cleared us for takeoff. Destination GREATNESS.
Book your flight!!!❤️❤️ Yessssss I have already purchased my ticket!
I'M BUCKLED IN AND READY FOR TAKEOFF!!!! Hugs!! We fly together!
I'M BUCKLED IN AND READY FOR TAKEOFF!!!! Hugs!! We fly together!

Bumblebunny to the rescue !
Uh oh
Well said! Happy new year!