solo BP quests for returning/new player give too few reward

Am I the only one that thinks that these quests give way too few BP? It's actually much easier to get bp with a already established toons via pvp kill quests. For new/not competitive characters only the supply / doppelganger are an option (outside of zerg). Now both supply quests weekly give 60k together, while the average high end item costs around 250k-400 + 2-4x 15k - so around 300k. This alone means 5 weeks for a single item ... to me that's really too slow.

-Supply (ruined area) + suplly (EV) should give you nearly enough to buy one receipe. Then another one to buy the rest of the ingrediance.
-Further the doppelganger quest should be split into 25 doppelganger OR the 3 lords to give another solo option
-make all three quests without limit (not daily, not weekly)
-make sure the traveling merchants don't have these rediculous prizes, a returning player cannot pay 100p+. Between 10-40p should be a good range.
-give an pve alternative -> use the old mainland and SI quests (45+) to get currency to by the receips. Solo "casual, not competitive" player need a way to proceed on their own.


  • edited November 2018 PM
    I haven't really checked out the new quests yet but I wondered how it would work with the supply and ev supply quests being weekly only. I'm fine with all of the rest. The doppelganger one provides a pretty decent rp amount (I thought) so I am ok with that one only allowed to be done once a week. I would need to go out and experience it myself before I said anything for sure on this, but I don't see why the supply and ev supply quests are not repeatable as often as you want. It doesn't reward much if any rp's and as you stated, people need alot of bp's to get gear. If a new or returning player wants to do those quests over and over again then I think it should be fine. It gets more people out in the RvR zones which improves action. Maybe at least consider making them daily instead.

    As far as the pve for currency suggestion, we have that. It would be doing the actual OW and Cursed raids. No need to add more imo. Also, I have a feeling the travelling merchants prices will go down as market prices on items start dropping bit we will have to wait and see on that.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • From what I hear, its not good.
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    I haven't really checked out the new quests yet but I wondered how it would work with the supply and ev supply quests being weekly only. I'm fine with all of the rest. The doppelganger one provides a pretty decent rp amount (I thought) so I am ok with that one only allowed to be done once a week. I would need to go out and experience it myself before I said anything for sure on this, but I don't see why the supply and ev supply quests are not repeatable as often as you want. It doesn't reward much if any rp's and as you stated, people need alot of bp's to get gear. If a new or returning player wants to do those quests over and over again then I think it should be fine. It gets more people out in the RvR zones which improves action. Maybe at least consider making them daily instead.

    As far as the pve for currency suggestion, we have that. It would be doing the actual OW and Cursed raids. No need to add more imo. Also, I have a feeling the travelling merchants prices will go down as market prices on items start dropping bit we will have to wait and see on that.

    Not sure which realm you are - I haven't seen ANY curse raid in the last 4 weeks on mid and once there is one it might not even be my time zone or I have rl stuff that prevents me from joining. Same can be said about certain items - either the house merchant can't hold any gold or the prize is set above 200p to make sure you pay a fortune or none in housing at all. Last time the traveling merchants were up GMoV was 150p and I expect the same for curse armor pieces but hopefully they learned the lesson.

    The quests take very long and are rather boring, yet they really don't provide you a lot. If I run around as free rps at least I want to see some reasonable progress. I don't think I will continue questing on mid (have no equiped char), while on alb and hib were I have fully equiped and competitive chars I will (just next to normal pvp and then get those items for the alts). IMO the current system is unfriendly to beginner/returning player but ok/nice for the already established players.
  • Either adding Curse and OW items to existing alternative currencies or introducing a new currency for these items would help, imo. Making all gear obtainable through BPs was a great addition but it is definitely slow (as intended).
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  • Welcome back unfortunately the current market is what it is at this point (much cheaper then before). The OW and [Curse] raids are going constantly in each realm and you should join and get your items.

    Also I just did the repeatable supplies quest and it gives you 5K bounty points and two champion levels worth of CLxp each run. You gather up 25/25 of each rubble and boxes (used to be 10 and 10 before). It took me about the same amount of time as before less the two hours worth of effort to finish out Champion level 15.
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Fateboi wrote: »
    Welcome back unfortunately the current market is what it is at this point (much cheaper then before). The OW and [Curse] raids are going constantly in each realm and you should join and get your items.

    Also I just did the repeatable supplies quest and it gives you 5K bounty points and two champion levels worth of CLxp each run. You gather up 25/25 of each rubble and boxes (used to be 10 and 10 before). It took me about the same amount of time as before less the two hours worth of effort to finish out Champion level 15.

    I don't care about CL exp, plenty of ways to get this already. After your 2h (took me longer) of supply quest and then another 2h of the ale quest (EV) you then get 60k of BP and then need to wait 7 days to repeat. As stated above the really rare items are around 400+45k bp which takes like ages to ever get, yet you will need several (curse gloves, curse chest, GMoV and maybe even event ring / freezing myth). I rather wait for the traveling merchants and hope the prices are not as rediculous as before.

    When is the next curse raid mid european time? (I need to correct myself - last curse raid was 19 days ago not 4 weeks, currently not a single one anounced for mid)
    Post edited by Adeera on
  • Unfortunately with the current population. Everything pve related should be able to be completed with a FG. PVE shouldn’t require a BG unless population increases greatly. We aren’t in the TOA days anymore where you’d have 4-5 grps consistently. I honesty hate how they made mls and artifacts buyable and are doing with all other gear. They should have just made the encounters easier. Same with OW and curse. My 2cents.
  • Agreed. Just like OW became doable with a fg
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Agree on OW - much better than curse. But then in the end, the important high end item (the helm) "again" needs a BG (even though it's in pvp area).

    Just to clarify my point - currently it's much more efficiant (solo) to farm for gold and then buy everything @chrsitmas traveling merchants than these quests. This is sad, as with the right reward I will gladly donate some rps to motivate people to continue to play this game. However, as of now, the risk - reward / efford - gain does not convince me at all.
    Post edited by Adeera on
  • Adeera wrote: »

    Not sure which realm you are - I haven't seen ANY curse raid in the last 4 weeks on mid and once there is one it might not even be my time zone or I have rl stuff that prevents me from joining. Same can be said about certain items - either the house merchant can't hold any gold or the prize is set above 200p to make sure you pay a fortune or none in housing at all. Last time the traveling merchants were up GMoV was 150p and I expect the same for curse armor pieces but hopefully they learned the lesson.

    The quests take very long and are rather boring, yet they really don't provide you a lot. If I run around as free rps at least I want to see some reasonable progress. I don't think I will continue questing on mid (have no equiped char), while on alb and hib were I have fully equiped and competitive chars I will (just next to normal pvp and then get those items for the alts). IMO the current system is unfriendly to beginner/returning player but ok/nice for the already established players.

    All i can say is hang out in Discord. I rarely see spam in /region or /lfg for curse raids. Discord is the new meta when it comes to putting stuff together like that. I have jumped into 2 curse raids on mid this week (US EST.. so that may not be your time zone). I've also hopped into one on Alb in the last two weeks. The more common issue is that no one wants to invest that time. They're pvp'ing and dont want to interrupt that to get the raid done. Understandable, but to each his own. With items being crafted now, i feel like Curse/OW raids will fall off more than ever, so if you see one start, better make some coffee... plan to stay up later than you had intended.. .drudge through it, and reap the benefits. (the curse i joined this week was @ 1.5 group. Mobs were toned down considerably, so its not impossible to do it with a smaller group now... respawn rates were higher, but it didnt feel like the mobs had 1.5 million hps each)
  • Nerfthiis wrote: »
    Unfortunately with the current population. Everything pve related should be able to be completed with a FG. PVE shouldn’t require a BG unless population increases greatly. We aren’t in the TOA days anymore where you’d have 4-5 grps consistently. I honesty hate how they made mls and artifacts buyable and are doing with all other gear. They should have just made the encounters easier. Same with OW and curse. My 2cents.

    Agreed, and they have stated that they were going to work on this for Cursed once 1.125 was out.
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Adeera wrote: »
    Not sure which realm you are - I haven't seen ANY curse raid in the last 4 weeks on mid and once there is one it might not even be my time zone or I have rl stuff that prevents me from joining. Same can be said about certain items - either the house merchant can't hold any gold or the prize is set above 200p to make sure you pay a fortune or none in housing at all. Last time the traveling merchants were up GMoV was 150p and I expect the same for curse armor pieces but hopefully they learned the lesson.

    The quests take very long and are rather boring, yet they really don't provide you a lot. If I run around as free rps at least I want to see some reasonable progress. I don't think I will continue questing on mid (have no equiped char), while on alb and hib were I have fully equiped and competitive chars I will (just next to normal pvp and then get those items for the alts). IMO the current system is unfriendly to beginner/returning player but ok/nice for the already established players.

    I play all 3 but mainly Hib. @Sleepwell is a good friend of mine and he mainly plays Mid. @Phat is another friend of mine and he mainly plays Albion. All of us see raids on a fairly consistent basis in our respective main realms. Also, you bring up prices, but as I stated in my previous post, those prices WILL drop as people start selling bp crafted items. It will take some time though. The patch literally just came out. It won't change the market over night.

    On the flip side I agree with you that the supply and EV supply quest should be at the very least repeatable on a daily basis, if not repeatable over and over again as often as a player would like. As you pointed out, what harm does it cause to allow new/returning players to do quests over and over again to get geared? Answer: None. It gives them something to do and gives solo and small mans some action at the same time. Seems like a win/win to me. I don't believe the doppelganger should be repeatable since it awards rp's and you shouldn't be able to PvE your way into a a decent RR. Also, saying they are boring doesn't help. Getting geared is not fun or exciting for most players.

    They are in the process of making Cursed easier (much like OW) and when that happens then it can be on you or others to lead raids. My buddy came back not long ago and needed to do OW. We waited and waited and after a week or so we led our own group. We did it with a warden and a few rangers/sins and breezed through 1-9 with no problems. If they do something similar (as they stated they were going to do) for Cursed then it shouldn't be an issue.

    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • Adeera wrote: »
    -give an pve alternative -> use the old mainland and SI quests (45+) to get currency to by the receips. Solo "casual, not competitive" player need a way to proceed on their own.

    The Bounty-System is already the alternative for the common way to get those items, raids, quests, events.
    And now you want an alternative for the alternative?
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Albion curse raid was yesterday led by Gig was posted in the PVE channel on Discord and also on region.

    I’d agree supplies should be repeatable as much as you’d like. My guess is they want people to RVR for Bps.
    Post edited by Fateboi on
  • Well, with only the ruins for supply crates and mazes for rubble the new/returning players won’t stay long getting repeatedly ganked by campers.
  • edited November 2018 PM
    @Keltorius - I agree 100%. However, all the more reason to make it repeatable. In those rare chances that your spots are open you should be able to knock out as many as you can while you have the chance.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • Keltorius wrote: »
    Well, with only the ruins for supply crates and mazes for rubble the new/returning players won’t stay long getting repeatedly ganked by campers.

    If not at the docks for barrels, mazes for rubble or ruins for supply crates they would be ganked at other places, mhm? Only way to avoid this would be moving those spots into the mainland.
    But bp for PvE? Sorry, no thx.
  • edited November 2018 PM
    I think people miss the point. I know several people who struggle in current system.

    As stated in previous topics, the current BP system will most likely only benefit narrow playerbase who already had BPs and/or already have temped toons, so they can temp more. It's rather unlikely, however possible, that the BP system will bring down any price, since 400k BPs atm is more expensive then the items themselves.

    I suggested lowering prices before on BPs, we just made it possible to get temped for 1.5 mill bp OR 1200 plat on several chars, this wont help a bit on new / returning players. Sad to see people only realize this now.

    My biggest concern on my previous topic still stands. Someone as a fresh 50, or old char returns, getting kings armor, are basically FREE RP. The difference in gear (and most cases RR too) is already huge, so huge, you can basically only zerg with these toons, rest of RvR activity is just masochist.

    I think the inflation in DAoC is still ABSURD, however you would like to put it. I find it also absurd, that we don't do anything about it. We have to remove the huge stocks of plats from the game. The only real way for a new player to get geared is to sell GTC, we almost already made this game Pay To Win, which is sad. Most will get bored waiting on raids, while doing nothing, that's not a game. A solo player can farm basically nothing with value.

    I have 4 account trying to compete with Chinese Macro teams, I can't, its no use. We stopped banning them, we allowed them inside, and we are surprised some people have difficulty. Look at Discord trading, players selling / buying GTCs every day, somethings off. I keep wondering who benefits of this.

    There are many easy solutions, and Traveling Merchants - on little lowered prices - have to stay in game until the stocks of plats doesn't decline, we must remove plat from the system to make prices drop. As long is demand is this big on these items, its very unlikely their prices would ever drop.

    I think the easiest way to somewhat fix this issue for new players, is to update King's armor, so at least they can play the game even if real temp will take them 2 month after.

    Keep the current Kings gear, and allow an update on CL15, and to make it cost something, send players to old SI dungeons (since its a nice and unused place) to kill 200 mobs / kill specific ones, whatever. Just to not give updated gear away easily. Give them like 106 main stat 101 secondaries with capped ToA bonuses, decent hp, similar procs as endgame gear with slightly worse values (same dual procs, proc chance, but like 160 value instead 180 etc) , and give it some /uses with reuse timers being more then current endgame gear.

    We just have to make returning / new players don't quit before they can compete in RvR, thats all I would love, it's sad I've already lost people giving up on gearing. They just don't all make topics every time they quit.

    Edit: The examples I gave purely rely on very little effort to change, of course there would be better solutions with alot more effort, but I think some kind of change have to happen ASAP. Currently my old friends who quit before, all say they wouldn't return to this environment.
    Post edited by Gavner on
  • TOA was the beginning of HAVES vs HAVE NOTS, then the trend continued with OW and finally the CURSE quest line. Years ago prior to NF and new RA system game pretty much had a cookie cutter kind of progression that was more balanced than today. I do not remember the reason for change other than being a little stale. But, I think it was a more balanced game then. No game can escape making some folks unhappy, that’s a given, but I’ll take this game over any other mmo because of it PVP system.
  • How to balance a game like DAoC with 30+ originally unique classes if ppl compare a wizzard with a warlock?

  • back on topic - yes you can do PvE but that's not the point of the PvP quests

    The original idea was to 1) help with the gear situation and 2) shift the population from PvE to PvP. And this is where I don't really see the effect

    1) too inefficient - no one comes back if these quests take you 6-7 weeks only to obtain a single item.
    2) if gold/loot farming is so much more efficient then people will remain in PvE instead of going to PvP area

    -> It must be similar to exp in BGs -> you get ganked and donate rps to average good players, but as long as your reward is good the returning/new player sees his progress and is happy. Average player are happy to get some "easy kills" and don't mind as much getting rolled by the veteran/elite players. Elite players have more enemies to fight -> all win, as long as risk <-> reward / efford <-> gain is good enough.

    @doppels: I'd just give extra BP for 25 doppels without RP reward while the "kill 3 epic doppels" quest remains the same. This way doppels are an interesting target for solos that can also be found outside the high traffic areas.
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