Bounty Point Extravaganza and July 4th Bonuses



  • 500k is plenty to buy all that stuff dude for the next 10 years! The cap is 500k
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • They should be giving the items out or making it so they’re easily accessible. This game is dead, it’s not even on life support. It needs a huge injection of population, if that is in the form of veterans then so be it.
  • I’m fine with people giving direct feedback via Discrd kudos to them. That said if you’ve ever spent any amount of time in #general

    There is a certain line of thinking that is not welcome there *cough*
  • Staticc wrote: »
    1. Rechargable power pot
    2. rechargable endo pot
    3. rechargable celerity pot
    4. RP bonous pot (not recharable and less reward than the arualite one, maybe 18%? - debatable value)
    5. the big end items for big high end BP's. These should be the things that at 1-2 mil bps each, enough to reward the long time big chuck BP chars, but not flood the market, If a doppleganager mace goes for 1.5 mil then Hero can only get 5, thats hardly flooding the market, hell make it 2 mil, and put different items up, the items will spread and the bps will be gone and playerbase happy. For instance. Doopel mace, 1.5 mil, Blizzard 2 mil, Iccicle 2 mil, Frost shield, 2 mil, GoV 2 mil, Even Hero can't buy 7 of each, even if 6 others of 7 mil BP's per char bough one of each, that will not flood the market to cut prices in half, they will have a limited number of these that they could purchase, and make some coin off from, then sell the plat for time cards and get some free play time. Some other players that have the plat will pay for it, no one is hurt, there is 4 completly reasonable ideas ahead of this one. The first pots are less than 100g per, but being rechargable would save inv. space and be convient, the Cele and RP pots could cost a bit more as they offer some adavantages, but nothing game breaking. Make the RP buff not stack, or maybe make it a 2% stacking RP buff.

    imo, a lot of ideas were left off the table.
    1 mil for a dragon trophy, really? gtfo Oh and the cloak thing, you still have to get the cloak, this just levels it, I know the wording can be confusing, apparently they rehired my ex-wife's lawyer to make the descriptions for these, you guys know him, he was the same guy that came up with ToA.....

    The only thing you listed that would not be WAY to overpowered and over the top is RP bonus potions, which I don't think would have been a bad idea. The big end items are coming in 1.125 and it would ruin the whole point of doing this if they released them now and made them tradeable. The potions are WAY too powerful. You can't just give people rechargeable potions and then not give access to them to anyone else. Not to mention it would kill the ability to make money in alchemy.

    I will also agree that the descriptions of these things was horrible.
  • Xyorman wrote: »
    RonELuvv wrote: »
    Xyorman wrote: »

    You have to remember that the prices are set for veterans with lots of extra BPs. A 5-10k 'convenience' up-charge on the Full ML token for instance is a drop in the bucket to the many characters with 500k+ BPs. The instant-level 10 Loyalty cloak and curse tokens are priced very reasonably and are huge time-savers to boot. Several veteran players have commented in our discord and elsewhere about them being steals, so it's not just me either :).

    As for the rest, the letter has already explained where things are at with 1.125 and what's coming with it. Our work continues!

    But the point is, virtually none of this stuff, for a long time player, is basically useful --- its nonsenseical -- in essence, you want us to dump BP's for fluff --- there are so many neat small rewards that could have been done --- frankly, it's insulting

    Such as?? What were you wanting Xyorman? They aren't going to give template stuff out that is tradeable because people have TONS of bp's saved up. What exactly are you asking for here? Put forth 4 good ideas for things that would not cause imbalance. Please elaborate rather than just cry.

    Try reading rather than ranting

    I have literally read every post in this thread Xyorman. You made your post about merit points while I was making my post. Other than that you haven't given any solid ideas. Potions would be too powerful to give. High end gear comes in 1.125. What are you wanting besides "merit points"?
  • Staticc wrote: »
    Its okay @Xyorman , @RonELuvv has already been serverd....

    I love getting served, and I also love how I don't read but just rant. Meanwhile 90% of Xyormans post have been crying like a lil girl....
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Staticc wrote: »
    @Sym will, you, please, stop, saying, that, bps, were, worthless, before, this patch. People used them, for things. Sold ML's, bought artifacts etc. THERE WAS IN FACT A USE FOR BOUNTY POINTS. TO SAY OTHERWISE IS IN FACT A LIE. You sir, are a liar.

    If there were so many uses for them @Staticc than why did you and everyone have so many saved up? There were uses for them but people found those uses to be "useless" or they wouldn't have millions of BP's saved up. I sold ML's for 8-5p a pop and went through 4-5 million bp's worth of ML's. When I first started selling them I was given grief and players said I was stupid for doing it, but after time many of those same players started doing the same. Also, all of those uses you claim that they had are STILL AN OPTION..... It's just not the options you and Xyorman want. You guys want potions, high end gear, maybe some reskins, or like @Cartoan you want free game time. Well, sorry, but you were completely wrong in your assessment of what would be provided.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    Staticc wrote: »
    Its okay @Xyorman , @RonELuvv has already been serverd....

    I love getting served, and I also love how I don't read but just rant. Meanwhile 90% of Xyormans post have been crying like a lil girl....

    You seem to have a slight...not sure how to say this about: a particular fixation on a certain someone. I am sure if you ask nicely, someone can introduce you <3
  • edited June 2018 PM
    @RonELuvv Pleas elaborate on how a rechargeable power potion is "WAY overpowered", and that is citing 2 different direct quotes.... I can't wait to hear this garbage response.... Are you getting free gtc's from John? 30g for 30 charges vs. 1 rechargeable that costs 30g to recharge (appx would be debatable for price to recharge)? I had BPs saved from 10 years ago when I came back, not the over inflated 1-2 mil people got from PvE'ing their RR. And I'm also fighting for some people that aren't posting here that agree with me. The whole communication process is to mangled for people to give feedback that most give up. And the most attention my feedback gets borders and often intended to be ban worthy. But at least the info is read then, and I know that they read it. You and I have very different views of the current state of the game, apparently you think think this game is thriving in success. But the only thing this is successfully thriving at is driving players away as if they actually don't want us here. Slaps in the face for veteran now (Taking this from players I have talked with along with like mind people on these boards and Post count), slaps in the face for returning players, and nothing for new players, not even attempting to bring new players in.


    Nothing, thats fine, you and John can continue to sit there thinking this game is fine, there are no flaws, there are no buggs, the RvR is balanced, the PvE is not confusing, the delvs on items are completely informative, nothing is F'ed here.

    but the reality is that the boat (not a ship, but a small boat) is sinking. And this, is another hole in that sinking ship.

    1 Patch since December, and 50% of that was fixing pet speeds, according to the notes on the herald. And this Merchant is what the player base, new, old and returning gets..... And yet, you somehow don't understand how the player base is frustrated?
    Post edited by Staticc on
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Ewer wrote: »
    @John_Broadsword My biggest concern spending extra BPS is that you will add more/better/different items for BPS later on but before 1.125. Can you confirm this is not going to be the case and that it's safe to spend all our extra BPS now?
    No more items are coming to the BP merchants until after 1.125 and the cap is in place. It's safe to spend those extra BPs!

    Ewer wrote: »
    1. and 2.
    The hot fix notes have more in-depth explanations of the tokens as well as price listings for the items now. The delves in-game explain them as best as is possible considering the delve character limits.

    Ewer wrote: »
    We're going to have to agree to disagree here. These rewards are objectively rewarding to veteran players - either by what they do/what they are or by the fact that they are tradeable and are only going to be around for a limited time.

    So again, no new items are coming until after patch 1.125; spend away!

    Post edited by John_Broadsword on
  • @John_Broadsword Okay so no confirmation on best way to leave feedback?
  • Ewer wrote: »
    @John_Broadsword My biggest concern spending extra BPS is that you will add more/better/different items for BPS later on but before 1.125. Can you confirm this is not going to be the case and that it's safe to spend all our extra BPS now?
    No more items are coming to the BP merchants until after 1.125 and the cap is in place. It's safe to spend those extra BPs!

    Ewer wrote: »
    1. and 2.
    The hot fix notes have more in-depth explanations of the tokens as well as price listings for the items now. The delves in-game explain them as best as is possible considering the delve character limits.

    Ewer wrote: »
    We're going to have to agree to disagree here. These rewards are objectively rewarding to veteran players - either by what they do/what they are or by the fact that they are tradeable and are only going to be around for a limited time.

    So again, no new items are coming until after patch 1.125; spend away!

    In short --- as players, at least who posted here, your opinions are irrelevant. Just confirms my thoughts on the direction of the game.
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Staticc wrote: »
    @RonELuvv Pleas elaborate on how a rechargeable power potion is "WAY overpowered", and that is citing 2 different direct quotes.... I can't wait to hear this garbage response.... Are you getting free gtc's from John? 30g for 30 charges vs. 1 rechargeable that costs 30g to recharge (appx would be debatable for price to recharge)? I had BPs saved from 10 years ago when I came back, not the over inflated 1-2 mil people got from PvE'ing their RR. And I'm also fighting for some people that aren't posting here that agree with me. The whole communication process is to mangled for people to give feedback that most give up. And the most attention my feedback gets borders and often intended to be ban worthy. But at least the info is read then, and I know that they read it. You and I have very different views of the current state of the game, apparently you think think this game is thriving in success. But the only thing this is successfully thriving at is driving players away as if they actually don't want us here. Slaps in the face for veteran now (Taking this from players I have talked with along with like mind people on these boards and Post count), slaps in the face for returning players, and nothing for new players, not even attempting to bring new players in.


    Nothing, thats fine, you and John can continue to sit there thinking this game is fine, there are no flaws, there are no buggs, the RvR is balanced, the PvE is not confusing, the delvs on items are completely informative, nothing is F'ed here.

    but the reality is that the boat (not a ship, but a small boat) is sinking. And this, is another hole in that sinking ship.

    1 Patch since December, and 50% of that was fixing pet speeds, according to the notes on the herald. And this Merchant is what the player base, new, old and returning gets..... And yet, you somehow don't understand how the player base is frustrated?

    Ok @Staticc, I have tried to be nice about this. What the hell do you want? So because I enjoy the game and think what they have done IN THIS PATCH is ok I am suddenly a pawn of BS, but its perfectly ok for you to come here and make crying posts because you didn't get rechargeable potions? Rechargeable potions would be way overpowered. As a person who has actually been playing for the last 2 years on this server I can tell you that if you don't have a buffbot than getting potions is an important part of RvR. Without supremacy, celerity, and omni-regen pots you will be at a severe disadvantage. However, you think because you have bp's saved up you should get to bypass all of that process up? Meanwhile new players would have to still farm essences, ingredients, and level alchemy. But don't worry players coming back, players who quit for years and then came back to cash in BP's don't have to do that anymore, but everyone else does. Nevermind the fact that alchemists would see a HUGE drop off in business since all the high RR players with BP's would never need another new potion. You don't see how that could be a problem?

    You haven't been here for years, according to your own post, and yet you have the authority and experience to come on here and act like you have ANY IDEA what is going on with this server? Glad you are the token representative of all of these imaginary people who can't seem to make a post on their own. I have read almost every post you have put in on this man. Just because you don't like the response doesn't mean they aren't responding. They have responded plenty to your posts.

    I never once said this game was thriving. I think for a 15+ year old game that charges a monthly service it is doing ok. I don't think its great, but I do thoroughly enjoy playing here. If you don't like it go back to sitting on the sidelines for the next decade. If enough do that then it will finally die and all the naysayers for the last 15+ years will be proven correct.

    I have said that I do think CU coming out could spell the end of the game. I realize population is down, but if you ask 20 players what they should do to "fix" the problem you will receive 20 completely different ideas. How does BS take players opinions when they vary so much?

    Fact is @Staticc if I hated this game and felt the way you did I would quit. I wouldn't post on here about all of this and waste my time making complaints. I would quit. So if you don't like it then go. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. If enough agree with you then you will see your prediction come true. Meanwhile I will be enjoying the game I have played for many many years.

    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • edited June 2018 PM
    @John_Broadsword Thanks for the reply and updating the patch notes. I think it helps. As someone who collects trophies in game I'm a bit disappointed I won't be able to get these 1 million bp trophies but like you said we disagree on whats worth what here. No worries.

    It seems like BPS should be moved to be more of an account than a player currency with this new system. Currently I have lots spread across multiple toons with no way to combine but my impression from the previous producers letters and comments was that the currency was intended to be more account wide than locked into a single toon? Was this an incorrect assumption or did plans change? Any plan to make it this way?

    Unrelated, I spotted a typo on alb, the delve for the "Otherwordly Essence gather token" has "Requirement - Hib Curse Ch 6 Unfinished" -- It should be Alb, not Hib for the requirement.
    Post edited by Ewer on
  • @RonELuvv How many players have already quit, when is enough for them? For you? What does the count have to dwinddle to? Right now its roughly 100-150 in each realm during prime time hours (According to data provided by Solic), remember when you would have to wait to logon because 20 server were maxed? How far does this have to slide? I agree, unless you have a buff bot pots are extremely vital, I never argued that, and I did not suggest sup pots, I suggester power and endo pots, I would add water pots as well. And that will crash the alch crafters economy? As a crafter, that has pots for sale on my merch, priced at 1G over cost, they have been sitting there for months.... The Alch market is as low as it is going to get.

    And when I came back I did keep my mouth shut, about a lot of things, I bit my tongue said the same thing you just said to me, I haven't been back yet, I don't know the lay of the land, and over the course of 3-4 months now, also with the people I talk to (Which are not imaginary), this is a pretty slap in the face. I have gotten nastier (If you look back thru my posts and check the time stamps) as questions go unanswered. I always try to give benefit of the doubt, but there was a lot of anticipation for the patch to get placated with what this merch has to offer. Next week, write this part down, next week people will be screaming again about where 1.125 is and this bug and that bug, and balance. This was a mildly shiny to distract from the fact that there is no direction here. I see a lot more posts (Here and post count) saying I'm done, then I'm back.... Personally I challenge @Solicfear1 to run his numbers on July 4th prime time and that should be a wake-up call. I stay here because this is the closest to CU until it comes out, if I need to leave I can just as well go play something else (again). Just like many others.

    complacency is the enemy of success. And you, have become complacent with your game. I would challenge you to see how other developers update and maintain their games, and how they engage with their communities.

    I love this game, and its a terribly sad thing to see it die in this way, I am passionate about trying to keep it alive by banging my drum as loud as I can so that it is clear. I am literally doing everything, everything, I can to save this game, and that includes pissing some people off so they wake up.
  • null
    That last part highlights why this game is down to 100ish per realm at prime time.
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Fair enough @Staticc. I would actually agree on water breathing. There is a million classes with that as an ability already so not game breaking at all. Endo/power would be iffy. I don't think it would be game breaking but would be a tad unfair. Other people have stated in other threads about sup/celerity/omni. I apologise for lumping you in with them. Also, I wasn't trying to suggest these people don't exist, just that if they have an issue they should say it in forums.

    As far as the population decline, I too remember the pre-toa days with packed servers, but the game is old as hell. Ancient in gaming years. I would assume to BS/EA the line would be at the point they start losing money which they must not be at since they are still actively working on the server.

    What makes DAoC great is also what hurts it. It's an open ended game with countless unique toons with unique templates and skills. What pleases one person pisses off another. How do you manage that? You want endo/water/power pots, another wants celerity/sup, another wants high end gear non-tradeable, and another wants high end gear tradeable. Who is right and who is wrong? How do you weigh the community opinion when they can't even agree on what should be done?

    I don't agree with everything BS has done. I felt they made too many big changes in too short of a time and pissed off alot of people who had to retemplate 2-3 times in less than a year. I think adding in Curse raid with op gear with ip+ charges and high end heal procs and set bonuses was a bad idea. I just think 1.125 is BS's attempt to fix that a bit, which I am all for them doing. Making people not have to do PvE to get geared is something we asked for and now were upset with the way its being done, and there is 10 million different waya everyone thinks it should be done.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • @RonELuvv So with specifically you last paragraph, do you think that the way to fix that is to bring in endless conquest and work on name changing, or fix foundation bugs in the game, like falling thru the floor? The problem is the communication, if you can't take the criticism of gamer then maybe running an MMO isn't the job for you. Opinions are in fact like but holes, everyone has one and they all stink. I get that, but of the 1 millions they could go about improving this game, and improving the player base could be done a million times better. I understand it is tough to take criticism over a decision, and understand fully that some people are going to be upset. Does that mean the person upset just has to lay down and take it? I believe not, I believe voicing my concerns should be impactful, it just doesn't feel like it is. Then to hear, directly from the producer, that the impactful, meaningful, input comes from Discord, I'll take that as another slap in the face. I have been, as you have agreed, very open and vocal about my opinions here, which is where I was lead to believe I would be heard, but its not, its just a bunch of us that play the game voice our concerns, Carol makes a few grab bag questions out of it twice a week, and we move on. The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing that I have seen brought up here on these boards that they actually implemented was this early merchant, and that took a LOT of kicking and screaming. What do you think the chances are that had we not kicked and screamed about that there would not be an early merchant at all? I think if we all stood silent, there would not be one. So I will give that 1 point in favor. But again, back to this conversation, I don't feel like it was an adaquet items on par with saying thank you to all of you, not me, you, that have stuck it out for years. You got what, a new mount and some house trophies? And no special trophies, like the 15 year vet one, I saw that at a house and I was like, damn, I wish I had that.
  • Hey @John_Broadsword do you think you could add beaks, swing harnesses, or metal bars and leather to that new bounty point merchant? It would be nice if I could buy mats to buy siege. I thought that was the whole point of that merchant. And the water breathe is pointless. No one is going to buy a 70% speed water pot. I'd just delete it or put in a 90% one.
  • what an insult to high RR and long standing players.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • if you are going to take away 3 million BP from me, at least give me something worth ANYTHING.

    for years i have given away ml's to friends and guildies and now you are going to take away 3 million BP from me ?

    [censored by my self out of fear of getting banned]

    BS, nothing you offer atm for BP is worth anything.

    it's a joke
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    @Muylae Aparently you need to voice this in discord as the population there approved these offerings as a "steal" according to @John_Broadsword , although he has not confirmed or denied that discord is the proper place to voice you feedback. just that the population there did say it was "a steal."
    Post edited by Staticc on
  • Every avenue for feedback is read and taken into consideration. Discord is live reaction as people digest and ask questions, just as much as region chat is. Discord has over 3,000 people who have as much to say as anyone does anywhere, and it is all read and listened to. You're hanging onto one comment about how people reacted in Discord and running with it.
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • Anyone using half a brain can clearly see that John's comment about the discord review was clearly in response to the comment of how one player felt the prices were too extravagant. One small testimony to balance out one small testimony, that's all. People grasping onto that one comment and deliberately blowing it out of proportion trying to say that only opinions are from a select few on Discord are part of the problem. It's hard to have discussions with Broadsword and even the rest of the player community when a person's intention is to be deliberately inflammatory.
  • @Carol_Broadsword If all feedback is read, than can I get an answer on my question in the hib caster section that I asked 2 months ago????

    It sure doesn't feel like these board have any impact, it sure doesn't feel forum feedback gets impact, John did not cite any other feed, but he specifically cited Discord. And if you are truly reading the other posts, you can see I am not the only person that has these opinions.... so its not "one person running with it" its several people bringing it up and are upset with it, all of it.
  • @Muylae i saw class cloak tokens in hib for about 40 plat. If any of them is sold for that can these options to spend worthless bp be worthless, if u can in fact make plats from them?

  • Sovereign wrote: »
    Anyone using half a brain can clearly see that John's comment about the discord review was clearly in response to the comment of how one player felt the prices were too extravagant. One small testimony to balance out one small testimony, that's all. People grasping onto that one comment and deliberately blowing it out of proportion trying to say that only opinions are from a select few on Discord are part of the problem. It's hard to have discussions with Broadsword and even the rest of the player community when a person's intention is to be deliberately inflammatory.

    When literally hundreds of like opinions on a forum are left hanging in the wind while others seem to be acted upon, you can have one of 2 conclusions, either the opinions from one forum are impossible or unlikely -- which can easily be, at least addressed, or they are being ignored...perceptions, right or wrong, are real.

  • Xyorman wrote: »
    Sovereign wrote: »
    Anyone using half a brain can clearly see that John's comment about the discord review was clearly in response to the comment of how one player felt the prices were too extravagant. One small testimony to balance out one small testimony, that's all. People grasping onto that one comment and deliberately blowing it out of proportion trying to say that only opinions are from a select few on Discord are part of the problem. It's hard to have discussions with Broadsword and even the rest of the player community when a person's intention is to be deliberately inflammatory.

    When literally hundreds of like opinions on a forum are left hanging in the wind while others seem to be acted upon, you can have one of 2 conclusions, either the opinions from one forum are impossible or unlikely -- which can easily be, at least addressed, or they are being ignored...perceptions, right or wrong, are real.

    Or you can logically recognize that although there might be agreement on a broad scale issue such as dwindling player population, there are tons of different suggestions on how to tackle the issue not all of which are sound suggestions. Customers always believe their concern should be placed above all others and answered immediately while ignoring how many employees there are to answer their questions. Don't get me wrong, I'm not content with the current status of the game however I don't expect Broadsword to drop everything they are doing just to answer my specific questions. If they did that for every question posed to them I wonder if they would have any time left at all to actually work.

    Also, can we recognize that some issues are more complex than others and cannot be addressed overnight? I'm all for addressing issues in a timely manner which I do agree some issues have not been. However, to conflate small issues with large and complex issues and expect them all to be answered in the same time frame is just ridiculous.
  • Agreed @Sovereign last post. I'm not saying plauers should not voice their concerns amd questions. I'm saying as Sovereign said, it takes time and many of these issues are not simple things to fix.

    @Staticc - My thoughts on how to improve the game would side more along a little of both. Fixing ciritcal errors like crashes and bugs would be HUGE. But I also think they have to address things like making getting templates and critical potions/charges easier to get for new/returning players is also important. I also find nothing wrong with criticism, but people giving that criticism need to realize NS are getting tons of suggestions and questions from everyone and they can't possibly do all of them or answer every individual question while still able to do work to improve the game.
  • Sovereign wrote: »
    Xyorman wrote: »
    Sovereign wrote: »
    Anyone using half a brain can clearly see that John's comment about the discord review was clearly in response to the comment of how one player felt the prices were too extravagant. One small testimony to balance out one small testimony, that's all. People grasping onto that one comment and deliberately blowing it out of proportion trying to say that only opinions are from a select few on Discord are part of the problem. It's hard to have discussions with Broadsword and even the rest of the player community when a person's intention is to be deliberately inflammatory.

    When literally hundreds of like opinions on a forum are left hanging in the wind while others seem to be acted upon, you can have one of 2 conclusions, either the opinions from one forum are impossible or unlikely -- which can easily be, at least addressed, or they are being ignored...perceptions, right or wrong, are real.

    Or you can logically recognize that although there might be agreement on a broad scale issue such as dwindling player population, there are tons of different suggestions on how to tackle the issue not all of which are sound suggestions. Customers always believe their concern should be placed above all others and answered immediately while ignoring how many employees there are to answer their questions. Don't get me wrong, I'm not content with the current status of the game however I don't expect Broadsword to drop everything they are doing just to answer my specific questions. If they did that for every question posed to them I wonder if they would have any time left at all to actually work.

    Also, can we recognize that some issues are more complex than others and cannot be addressed overnight? I'm all for addressing issues in a timely manner which I do agree some issues have not been. However, to conflate small issues with large and complex issues and expect them all to be answered in the same time frame is just ridiculous.

    Again, No one argues those points, we are arguing recognition of concerns and addressing same, even if to say no, too hard, impossible etc. Instead, we again are left guessing at the logic train at the proposed decisions and totally oblivious to what is being addressed in re: RVR. There is ample evidence to see what has happened in the past, hence the past is prologue statement, it simply doesn't bode well. I think it is fair to say that RvR is in a horrid state, the producers letters admits it needs <apply your adjective here> ---- what evidence is there that following the same path will equate to success???? So you have all these folks who feel like they are being ignored, can you blame them? No one is asking for BS to answer every specific question, no one asked for immediate solutions to complex problems <mostly self inflicted> --- we are asking for an actual give not the mess we have now.

    If you find yourself in a hole; STOP DIGGING --- why would you defend the guys with the shovels?

  • edited July 2018 PM
    @Xyorman I get what you are saying and I don't think anyone is trying to say we are in the golden age of DAoC. Just referring to 1.125 here, but 1.125 was in direct response to what we as the community asked for. Sure, it might not be done the best way possible, but I read on the forums ever since Dragons Curse campaign about how people wanted to be able to do RvR to get items instead of having to do PvE and big raids. Fast forward, we are working on a patch to do this and you and many others just **** all over it. Then you say things like, "BS never listens..." when the whole point of 1.125 was that they listened to us.

    Also, as I posted up above to Staticc, who do you listen to Xyorman? You think BS should do one thing, I think they should do something else, and every player here has drastically different ideas about what would fix the server. Most of those ideas are biased and based upon the way each player personally plays. How does BS sift through all of those suggestions and find ones that make sense for the community as a whole?
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    @Xyorman I get what you are saying and I don't think anyone is trying to say we are in the golden age of DAoC. Just referring to 1.125 here, but 1.125 was in direct response to what we as the community asked for. Sure, it might not be done the best way possible, but I read on the forums ever since Dragons Curse campaign about how people wanted to be able to do RvR to get items instead of having to do PvE and big raids. Fast forward, we are working on a patch to do this and you and many others just **** all over it. Then you say things like, "BS never listens..." when the whole point of 1.125 was that they listened to us.

    Also, as I posted up above to Staticc, who do you listen to Xyorman? You think BS should do one thing, I think they should do something else, and every player here has drastically different ideas about what would fix the server. Most of those ideas are biased and based upon the way each player personally plays. How does BS sift through all of those suggestions and find ones that make sense for the community as a whole?

    Actually, you are hoping it is -- what you know is name and race changes will be delayed -- fine. You KNOW you will get nothing for BP's and like it ---and you think RvR changes are coming and you THINK they may be helpful --- so you want us to be ecstatic in a vacuum --- essentially ignore history ---- I stand by what I said.

  • edited July 2018 PM
    Well, @RonELuvv, you can ask me for something to drink and I can hand you a glass of olive oil. It's something you can drink - and it is what you asked for, no? Does nothing make you happy? You can't have water - because olive oil *should* be an essential part of any drinking experience.

    As for how BS should sift through suggestions... that is on them. We can only do so much as a community. If the people who make the decisions are strong headed with enough hubris to think that they know the way it should be, then what can we say? What is the point of saying anything?

    Balancing a game and taking in community concerns could be called a skill. Players often misrepresent what they actually want, but that isn't to say that the player base as a whole is clueless. Not all player feedback is valuable, because some people here are clearly "affected" one way or another.

    Ideally you start by identifying big and simple concepts and how they relate to your different play styles - casuals, groupers, zergers, or whatever classes you want to organize your player base by.

    - What makes DAoC attractive in 2018?
    - What makes DAoC unattractive in 2018?
    - Is it possible to garner new players, if so, how do we make this easier?
    - What game systems have been suffering from lack of attention over the years?

    Like I said elsewhere, giving the logic behind changes can be a big deal for people. If it makes sense, they end up on board with it. Players, if logic is given, will mull over it and debate it with other players. When changes roll through that don't immediately make sense - like handing somebody olive oil when they ask for something to drink - you are going to get confusion, push back, and people losing confidence in your ability to steward the game in it's twilight years, as it heads into situations where more and more competitors are arriving - each competitor seemingly having more ability to change/alter things that people have mentioned/talked about, or being a brand new game entirely.
    Post edited by Budikah on
  • @RonELuvv Please read the post above again, I just want you to soak that in. And no they didn't give items for BP's. You still have to do 9/10 in order to get the items. And if you want the side items, you still have to do 1-8, (For the bracer is a good item and in many templates, Dragon crest and lockets, Twilight bracer, boots) you still need to aurulite, which means, doing 1-8. They gave no direct reward of item for BP's. The best they could muster is lvl 10 cloak for (I think) 40k bp. I leveled my fresh cloak in 1 hour in PoC. Is that the trade for what they said before the merch as able to get items eventually from RvR? If 1 hour of actual game play is equal to one semi high tier item, then what are gloves going to cost? 500k (Cap BP's). Then that brings up that Dragon trophies (which I'm told are given away, for free, every christmas) are 1 mil bps? So Statue is worth 2x gloves?

    The point is, that they failed to deliver anything meaningful, and player base since that merch has been low. Look around.

    @Budikah omfg I loved that olive oil analogy. I love it, so, much.
  • This was such a poor implementation. I'm super disappointed in the direction you have chosen to go with bounty points. I'm also curious for toons who come back that have excess of 500k bps. Are you just going to slash them since they are taking a break? This was so stupid.... I can't even.
  • edited July 2018 PM
    I also enjoyed the comparison of olive oil @Budikah, although I do believe maybe something along the lines of a Fresca may have been a better comparison. This change, although clunky and not well thought out, isn't quite as bad as trying to drink a glass of olive oil when thirsty. Still, funny analogy nonetheless. Also, i'm aware of how the things on the merchant work @Staticc. ML tokens are items. Tokens for xp'ing cloak is an item. The dyepots and essences and trophies are also all items that can be traded. The tokens you are referring to do not give you anything, but I'm sure people that don't need the bracer will enjoy being able to bypass alot of content to go get their gloves. They all do have value.

    Once again. I never once said they couldn't have done this better. Yes, I wish they just put a merchant in with items on it for BP's that were not tradeable. I wish they had not decided to do the whole crafting thing and require special missions to do them. At first I didn't care about the bp cap/reduction but after thinking it through and realizing that all of these items were going to be untradeable, I even admitted and said there was not a reason to cap or reduce BP's since these things were not tradeable. Yes, I get that all of this rage came from TONS of minor issues that happened over time. I just think the rage that many people are showing over this is over the top.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
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