Independence Day Bonuses
The following RvR Bonuses are active from today until Tuesday, July 9th in celebration of Independence Day in the United States!
On Ywain:
50% bonus to RP gain from kills.
50% bonus to BP gain.
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons.
200% bonus to normal XP gain in Darkness Falls.
On Gaheris:
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons.
200% bonus to normal XP gain in Darkness Falls.
100% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities.
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
A safe and happy 4th to all!
On Ywain:
50% bonus to RP gain from kills.
50% bonus to BP gain.
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons.
200% bonus to normal XP gain in Darkness Falls.
On Gaheris:
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons.
200% bonus to normal XP gain in Darkness Falls.
100% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities.
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
A safe and happy 4th to all!

DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games
Broadsword Online Games