OW essence clippings nuisance
unstacking 100+ clippings is one of the most annoying things to do. I think a simple fix would be if @Broadsword made a merchant where you could just purchase essences from clippings. for example, supremacy essences would be x15 clippings, celerity would be x10 clippings, etc. This would eliminate SO much wasted time, and also clean up vaults and inventories where you have x1000 worthless omni-regens or omni-healings which is currently flooding the game.
Is this such a bad idea? Wouldn't this be such an easy and quick solution?
Is this such a bad idea? Wouldn't this be such an easy and quick solution?
Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
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Chantsy - Paladin____________Shaquilleoatmeal - Berserker
Cowtastrophe - Hero__________Shrimpsticks - Infiltrator
Feel free to add me on Discord: Impounded#5743
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