Friday Grab Bag - 10/26/2018
Welcome to the Grab Bag!
Productive testing and feedback on all counts coming in over Patch 1.125, please keep it coming! November 4th at 2PM EST / 8PM CET is our next testing event in Molvik, so pencil it in your diaries!
Also don't forget to make sure you are signed up to our monthly newsletter which is due soon
As always, thanks everyone for your questions! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game questions, feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.Read on for the Grab Bag!
I would really like to know, if the freezing bm vest stacks, coexists or overwrites the dragon glove charge, though. I can understand the zerker chest not stacking with the gloves, as it's 25%, but the bm proc is a dmg add, and it's only 15%.
I have a question on the Track ability. I have looked and have not been able to see what the exact values of the track ability are. I know it says 15% on lvl 20 track, 25% for lvl 30, 35% for lvl 40, and 45% for lvl 50, but what do those values actually mean. Is that % the amount it increases your stealth detection from MoS/stealth spec? So since MoS 9 gives a 625 range stealth detection are you getting an additional 281.25 units with the lvl 50 track? .45 x 625= 281.25 for a total of 906.25? Or is it another value?
Is it intended for the style Pin to make the snared sound effect even if the target is immune to snare and thus not snared? I use the sound effects to determine if the target is peeled or not, and the pin style will always make the sound effect. This become especially annoying when the target is charged and therefore cannot be snared. It makes me think I've peeled the target when in fact I haven't.
Speaking on Pin, is it supposed to be 40% slow or 70% slow? Is it supposed to be breakable or not? Should it ignore immunity?
I originally had bought the scroll in the kings room to achieve the Earthen horse mount on one of my toons on Mid. After numerous attempts of roaming around the designated area for the mob to kill to get the step done to achieve the mount I have been unable to find. I have searched over the entire land day and night for hours. After many unsuccessful attempts I bought another mount. I have asked in discord and seems other have had sand Issue. Any help would be appreciated.
Moving forward, can you/will you plan to release patches more frequently, even if they are smaller in size and address player concerns? I think a large part of the player base would prefer smaller more frequent updates even if they are something trivial such as small bug fixes that have been in the game for years.
Enjoy the weekend all
Productive testing and feedback on all counts coming in over Patch 1.125, please keep it coming! November 4th at 2PM EST / 8PM CET is our next testing event in Molvik, so pencil it in your diaries!
Also don't forget to make sure you are signed up to our monthly newsletter which is due soon

As always, thanks everyone for your questions! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game questions, feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.Read on for the Grab Bag!
I would really like to know, if the freezing bm vest stacks, coexists or overwrites the dragon glove charge, though. I can understand the zerker chest not stacking with the gloves, as it's 25%, but the bm proc is a dmg add, and it's only 15%.
The Freezing Blade Vest procs a 15% damage add buff, identical to Triple Wield’s damage add but at a lower value. The Cursed Dragon Gloves provide a straight damage% increase buff. Since they are entirely separate buffs, they both stack.
However, Freezing Blade Vest’s damage add buff would be overwritten by the Blademaster’s Triple Wield ability.
However, Freezing Blade Vest’s damage add buff would be overwritten by the Blademaster’s Triple Wield ability.
I have a question on the Track ability. I have looked and have not been able to see what the exact values of the track ability are. I know it says 15% on lvl 20 track, 25% for lvl 30, 35% for lvl 40, and 45% for lvl 50, but what do those values actually mean. Is that % the amount it increases your stealth detection from MoS/stealth spec? So since MoS 9 gives a 625 range stealth detection are you getting an additional 281.25 units with the lvl 50 track? .45 x 625= 281.25 for a total of 906.25? Or is it another value?
The delves on the Track ability are based on base stealth detection (without Mastery of Stealth) and are a percentage increase from those base values. The 1.121 patch notes help give an idea of what that means in conjunction with Mastery of Stealth and the in-game detection radius with Track.
From the 1.121 patch notes:
- Archers at level 50 (with free MOS9), and composite level 50 stealth specialization will detect other Archers at around 725 in-game units.
- Archers using the level 50 Track ability will detect other Archers at around 1000 in-game units.
- Archers at level 50 (with free MOS9), and composite level 50 stealth specialization will detect Assassins with 50 stealth specialization between 675 and 750 in-game units.
- These values are influenced by the detected Assassins +stealth skill over level 50:
- A 50+24 stealth specced assassin will be detected at 675 units by MOS9 archers with 50 composite stealth spec.
- A 50+11 stealth specced assassin will be detected at 713 units by MOS9 archers with 50 composite stealth spec.
- A 50+0 stealth specced assassin will be detected at 750 units by MOS9 archers with 50 composite stealth spec.
- These values are influenced by the detected Assassins +stealth skill over level 50:
- Archers using the level 50 Archery Track ability will detect Assassins between 950 and 1175 in-game units.
- These values are influenced by the detected Assassins +stealth skill over level 50:
- A 50+24 stealth specced assassin will be detected at 950 units by MOS9 archers with 50 composite stealth spec.
- A 50+11 stealth specced assassin will be detected at 1063 units by MOS9 archers with 50 composite stealth spec.
- A 50+0 stealth specced assassin will be detected at 1175 units by MOS9 archers with 50 composite stealth spec.
- These values are influenced by the detected Assassins +stealth skill over level 50:
Is it intended for the style Pin to make the snared sound effect even if the target is immune to snare and thus not snared? I use the sound effects to determine if the target is peeled or not, and the pin style will always make the sound effect. This become especially annoying when the target is charged and therefore cannot be snared. It makes me think I've peeled the target when in fact I haven't.
Speaking on Pin, is it supposed to be 40% slow or 70% slow? Is it supposed to be breakable or not? Should it ignore immunity?
Pin does ignore snare/root immunity and is not breakable on damage. It’s snare value is intended to be 70% but as stated in the 1.125 Pendragon notes, there is currently a bug with most melee snare styles not applying their correct amount. On Live servers right now Pin snares for 60%. It will snare for it’s proper amount after the 1.125 patch has gone to the Live servers.
For the sound issue, since Pin ignores immunity it will apply and play its sound in most circumstances.
However, if Pin is applied to a target that *already* has Charge or Speed of Sound active, no snare sound is played and we’ve verified this to still be the case. The only sound heard is the sound of the style landing, not the snare component.
What may be happening is that the Pin snare is landed and then a realm ability like Speed of Sound is given to the target just afterwards – in that case the snare component sound would play since it was applied prior to Speed of Sound even though it may happen so fast that it looks like the Speed of Sound speed component was applied right away. The Charge realm ability specifically cannot be activated if a crowd control (including roots or snares) is already applied to the character.
Lastly, Crescendo spells can be applied to actively rooted or snared targets since they are a direct movement speed buff that effectively counteracts the snare or roots’ movement speed debuff. However, the snare component of Pin greatly outweighs the run speed bonus of any crescendo buff.
For the sound issue, since Pin ignores immunity it will apply and play its sound in most circumstances.
However, if Pin is applied to a target that *already* has Charge or Speed of Sound active, no snare sound is played and we’ve verified this to still be the case. The only sound heard is the sound of the style landing, not the snare component.
What may be happening is that the Pin snare is landed and then a realm ability like Speed of Sound is given to the target just afterwards – in that case the snare component sound would play since it was applied prior to Speed of Sound even though it may happen so fast that it looks like the Speed of Sound speed component was applied right away. The Charge realm ability specifically cannot be activated if a crowd control (including roots or snares) is already applied to the character.
Lastly, Crescendo spells can be applied to actively rooted or snared targets since they are a direct movement speed buff that effectively counteracts the snare or roots’ movement speed debuff. However, the snare component of Pin greatly outweighs the run speed bonus of any crescendo buff.
I originally had bought the scroll in the kings room to achieve the Earthen horse mount on one of my toons on Mid. After numerous attempts of roaming around the designated area for the mob to kill to get the step done to achieve the mount I have been unable to find. I have searched over the entire land day and night for hours. After many unsuccessful attempts I bought another mount. I have asked in discord and seems other have had sand Issue. Any help would be appreciated.
The monster, Mokerkialfi, can spawn in 1 of 4 possible locations in Skona Ravine. 3 of the locations are on the east side of the zone and the 4th is on the west side. We’ve also verified that Mokerkialfi is spawning correctly on the Live servers. Good luck!
Moving forward, can you/will you plan to release patches more frequently, even if they are smaller in size and address player concerns? I think a large part of the player base would prefer smaller more frequent updates even if they are something trivial such as small bug fixes that have been in the game for years.
Patch 1.125 is meant to be the last major update prior to Endless Conquest. Endless Conquest will be a major update, involving an option to play Dark Age of Camelot *for FREE*, that we want to get absolutely right. As such, it will be a long-term development cycle taking us well into 2019.
That said, between 1.125’s launch and the release of the Endless Conquest update we would like to get back to smaller, more frequent updates in the form of Hot Fixes while the main portion of our development resources are devoted towards Endless Conquest.
And we do have a lot on the docket over the next year for those Hot Fixes!
Post-1.125 Hot Fix plans:
For those that don’t know, let’s explain the difference between a “Hot Fix” and a “Patch” update. Patches involve taking the server down to deliver updates that touch some fundamental aspects of gameplay and are normally much larger in scope than a “Hot Fix”. Hot Fixes can be very large and comprehensive themselves but are specifically updates that can be deployed while the game-server is still running. Many types of bugs can be fixed via “Hot Fixes” but major bugs that involve changes to fundamental game systems generally require a patch and therefore server downtime. This is why we are trying extremely hard to fix as many long-standing bugs as possible with Patch 1.125 as we likely will not have another planned server down-time between its launch and the launch of Endless Conquest.
Once Endless Conquest is launched we do plan to return to more frequent patches again. Speaking of which, stay tuned for some detailed Endless Conquest plans in the coming weeks and months!
That said, between 1.125’s launch and the release of the Endless Conquest update we would like to get back to smaller, more frequent updates in the form of Hot Fixes while the main portion of our development resources are devoted towards Endless Conquest.
And we do have a lot on the docket over the next year for those Hot Fixes!
Post-1.125 Hot Fix plans:
- Curse Campaign difficulty adjustments
- New Fall-Harvest Event
- Expanding out the Dynamic Keep Siege objectives, assuming they are well-received in Molvik!
- Recurring holiday and RvR events
- Ongoing bug fixes and class changes, as necessary
- Monthly Mithril Store updates
- And more!
For those that don’t know, let’s explain the difference between a “Hot Fix” and a “Patch” update. Patches involve taking the server down to deliver updates that touch some fundamental aspects of gameplay and are normally much larger in scope than a “Hot Fix”. Hot Fixes can be very large and comprehensive themselves but are specifically updates that can be deployed while the game-server is still running. Many types of bugs can be fixed via “Hot Fixes” but major bugs that involve changes to fundamental game systems generally require a patch and therefore server downtime. This is why we are trying extremely hard to fix as many long-standing bugs as possible with Patch 1.125 as we likely will not have another planned server down-time between its launch and the launch of Endless Conquest.
Once Endless Conquest is launched we do plan to return to more frequent patches again. Speaking of which, stay tuned for some detailed Endless Conquest plans in the coming weeks and months!
Enjoy the weekend all
DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games
Broadsword Online Games