Feature Requests from a new player..


As a new player truly experiencing DaoC for the first time, there are a few things that I feel could either be improved or implemented.

1. A more robust map system. Nothing incredibly fancy, just a larger map with more identifiable locations.

2. An additional currency/upgrade to the plat cap. Let's be honest here.. 200 plat barely buys a high end item these days, and that's our Plat cap. I know players have found a way around this, but it's just kind of silly at this point to have to carry around tons of mansion deeds. Again, I'm new, but this seems like a no-brainer.

3. Better explanation of skills. This is most likely just because I'm new, but a lot of the times when I'm reading skill/gear information, I don't really understand exactly what it does.

Anyway, just my 2 cents. Thanks for reading.


  • afr0 wrote: »
    2. An additional currency/upgrade to the plat cap. Let's be honest here.. 200 plat barely buys a high end item these days, and that's our Plat cap. I know players have found a way around this, but it's just kind of silly at this point to have to carry around tons of mansion deeds. Again, I'm new, but this seems like a no-brainer.

    this is something they can't do because of the 32bit register limit.
  • i would change the error message you got when you try to withdraw money from your house from "you cannot hold that much money" to "you cannot hold that much money, use /settle command to withdraw partial amounts of money"
    i mean, old players barely remember this command, new players will never be able to handle it without some external support.
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