Jordheim is Falling Apart and No one cares
@Broadsword Guys, I see threads on this from years ago. Everytime anyone walks into the throne room in Jordheim we all have about a 50/50 chance of crashing to desktop. CAN WE PLEASE fix this instead of worrying about dumb things like changing the way Envenom works? Come on guys, this is a damn CAPITAL CITY we're talking about. Fix it, or I'm taking up residence in Aegihamn and literally no one deserves that.
Broadsword Online Games
Come and enjoy the realm where this does not happen.
"Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie
"First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded
Discord me: Natebruner#3781
Broadsword Online Games
This needs to be a hotfix and not piggy off the 1.125 patch, which isn't even on the test server yet. Break up the patch, it doesnt have to be one massive fix