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- Vrisslar
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Carol_Broadsword wrote: » @Vrisslar that's still the case, and in the works, was not aimed to be in 1.125 though, apologies for not being clear on that. I'll see if I can elaborate on more details on this for you in the meantime. That sounds ni…
Gavner wrote: » While being happy for updates, with current BP prices I do not see any improvement for new player / alt friendly experience, with Cursed being same difficulty. This is likely intended (2-3 week/item comment on note), however act…
what @Armagedden said. Assassins got way too many tools with easy access thise days, personally i quit playing my assassins, to me they became boring and easy mode, i liked weapon swapping to apply poisons cause things like fighting multiple imo …
Brut wrote: » How about we just go back to the patch before we lost most of our population the ruined keep patch. Then put in free to play then roll out class changes if any one at a time. Any more crazy way out changes will just not be good we …
Gavner wrote: » shield became less relevant for sure after so many DW classes started soloing, I can agree on that. Agree on that, sadly i think thats only 1 side of the coin, 1H dmg vs the new heal procs are pretty pointless too i feel.
Personaly i lack a vote option of in between, cause thats where i feel the truth are, so not gonna vote hehe. Assassins and light tanks i personal feel are way over the top and need a swing with the nerf bat, Vamps could use some adjusting, just …
Amp_Phetamine wrote: » Certainly it wouldn't be egregiously over powered. The independent polearm/two-handed lines is definitely pushing the limit in terms of what type of upgrade would be reasonable. Removing the specialization requirement for sn…
Amp_Phetamine wrote: » I'm not petitioning for the class to get some super cool upgrade or ability that makes it fotm or incredibly OP, just a little tweaking to spice the class up a bit. Some good ideas I've seen are to make snapshot free to use …
Personaly i dont think more classes should be buffed right now, however there are quite a few classes that could use a strike or 2 with the nerfbat. All this power creep that have happend with items and class changes need to be scaled back and i …
Lvl 50 rr1 - 4L9 your weapon will be 16.2 dps, rr5 you unlock the 16.5 dps of your weapon. So you can say in a way rr5 is lvl 51 i guess.
Muylae wrote: » joining a big guild is NOT asking for help, it's the normal thing to do for returning players. Thats just not true, during my 17 years with DAoC i have been in huge guilds, i have been in 3 man guilds, i have been in 8 man guild…
Nice runs, thanks Too bad there wasnt enough healing for the second dragon
RonELuvv wrote: » @Gavner and @Vrisslar - I don't think Gig was trying to be a dick. He was just trying to help and in @Vrisslar's case he felt like since he had posted that he had still not had any luck after 2 months that he had not really "tr…
@Gig You didnt offer me anything I have not been to the forum between my last 2 posts, so even if you did, i wouldnt have seen it Also im pretty sure i just said i have been on cursed and it was boring, buggy and sucky. How do you know wh…
So thought i would give a small update from my experience, as a returning player during my play hours of the day. After 2 months of being back i finaly managed to do the following with OW: 2 x chap 1 - 9 on Mid 1 x chap 1 - 9 on Hib No luck on…
Pretty much agree on everything @Solicfear1 is saying again. I know im most likely in a minority group with the following, but i have never been a fan of quests, i miss the days of group up and kill stuff, i miss the day of release when you could…
@Carol_Broadsword Thats great, really looking forward to see what you guys cooked up and thanks for your reply
Solicfear1 wrote: » I think the thing that Broadsword need to do here is to combine loot and do a small encounter with OW items that you can farm and also the new stuff too. The issue i see with OW is that most players have done it and don't need …
@Solicfear1 agree on this too, as i do with your other posts.
@Gavner acording to some people on here your personal experiences dosnt count and only their experiences are right.
RonELuvv wrote: » @Vrisslar -Heed your own advice buddy and read what I wrote. I said I agreed with you on Curse. I don't agre with you on OW. Now settle down and actually read what a person writes. You said that OW is too difficult and I poin…
Agree @Solicfear1 , well said.
So make a new currency, scales are just an example as i said or adjust drop rates of scales and lower the scale price of old dragon items to fit. I have not managed to complete cursed or OW yet, so dont know anything about them, as in my play hours…
DAoC items and ways to get them, back on track people lol.
RonELuvv, your really not reading what i am writing are you ? Guess i will give it one more try. Im not asking for instant anything. Im not asking for things to be easier. Im not asking for things to be faster. Im not asking for removal of …
How hard it might be, i guess will depend alot on at what time you got your play time at, and how much time you can get uninterupted. Again i just dont understand, why some sort of solo / duo progress shouldnt be possible for short play sessions,…
How many of those 6 remaining players was in 3 year old temps or free kings gear and low rr as many returning / new players will be ? The times i tried so far people dont seem to want to do it with less then a FG and prefer more. For a returni…
Maybe its because im not in one of thise new fancy templates yet on any of my chars, however thise % HoT procs and /uses + RA IP + gloves /use IP + 280 Heal procs seem really silly, then you got abla on top, its like your trying to beat down 3 -4 H…
To me this got nothing to do with hard, but how boring it is. Making plats during the last 18 months while being part of the initial rush of people zerging quests for high value items daily, dosnt really compare with returning to the game 8 - 12 …
Carol_Broadsword wrote: » Remember 1.125 brings in RvR currency earning bp's to create the items you need yourself. I know 1.125 is delayed more than anyone thought or expected, but we are working hard on getting it out there. Glad to see that …
Alright as i said been gone from ywain for a while. I know the ideas are old, in fact i said so in the very first post i made, sometimes old ideas are just worth trying again i thought, aparently they arent or have been tried again. If all the…
Dont really know what hearthstone is and i doubt it have much in common with 8 man RvR fun Personaly im a fan of the "sandbox" (For lack of a better way to say it ) ways where fun and interest drives things and not quests and rewards telling me …
Personally im not a fan of this reward on rewards on rewards. Sure a daily quest might get some to do it, but if the quest require too much for the reward most might not bother and if the quest requirement are too small it will die fast each even…
If 8 mans turn and run from 8 mans....lol Then they probably wouldnt zone in to a arena where its 8 vs 8 and they cant run ? For 8 vs 8 to work with this population there need to be some sort of cooporation between 8 mans across the realms i wou…
Im normaly not a forum person and im defo not a social media person, so i dont normaly engange in stuff like this, only sit in the shadows lurking and reading. ( i must confess i have not read all the posts ) To me it seems like since 2001 th…
Having returned to ywain a month ago after goofing around on gatheris for 3 years, while being busy with kids IRL so no time for RvR, i find it incredibly sad to see my 8 templated chars on Hib, 6 on Alb and 8 on Mid on ywain ( just on the 2 account…