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  • They are busy fixing SWTOR, like they fixed DAoC. IMO whatever slim chance there was for them doing things with DAoC, that chance died when they took over SWTOR in 2023.
  • Personally, i have always used the PvE zones to goof around in when RvR was shite or there was no groups, sooner or later things would change and i would pop back out to RvR. These days since cursed, OW and everything getting turned in to BP making…
  • Got the same problem with my house on hib, Ywain 8, lot 3786, it got the 100% same grey banner as your SS, only exterior banners, been that way since the housing GFX update, where other banners got warped too. /house fixemblems, removing and re-a…
  • Happy new to all, stay safe Carol_Broadsword wrote: » Out with the old, in with the new, here's to 2022! Couldnt agree more, out with the old and in with the ones that care for DAoC and are willing to fix it, here's to 2022 indeed !
  • Lff wrote: » If it ain't broke, don't fix it? or that.
  • First of all welcome, nice to see new players joining in. Sadly easy access to information, or precise information, isnt one of broadswords strong sides i think, personally i think they simply dont have the time. https://darkageofcamelot.com/c…
  • Vrisslar wrote: » Paid to open 2 accounts on 30/12-20 and 0 mithril on either of those. Sorted by support, thanks
  • Paid to open 2 accounts on 30/12-20 and 0 mithril on either of those.
  • Now that @Broadsword have killed off all PvE currencies and turned everything in to BP craft, i wonder what the reason are for keeping an entire expansion area closed down.
  • There are plenty of reasons to bring back Catacombs, with the following secret having surfaced, i think it will only be fair toward new and returning players to bring back the Catacombs, so they can share in the dark arts. It seem highly unfair, th…
  • Gavner wrote: » Vrisslar wrote: » Gavner wrote: » There is no secret magic What a load of BS, DAoC got plenty of magic classes and many of them got secrets im sure. You got me, now i have to provide a tutorial on how to use dark arts to…
  • Gavner wrote: » There is no secret magic What a load of BS, DAoC got plenty of magic classes and many of them got secrets im sure.
  • Names wrote: » Warlocks can no longer add there own spells to there chambers. Chambers are pre set depending on what spec you go with now with the uninterruptable buff they get only effects secondary spells( cant remember if the trade off is more …
  • Koe wrote: » Warlocs free moc never worked with lifetap. Thats not correct. Warlock LT used to be a secondary spell that you would stack with primers in chambers, as an example DD was a primer mainly stacked with LT in chambers. Outside cham…
  • Too few characters in post, so i shall post this line cause the forum gods demands it !
  • Hold Ctrl + click and hold Shift + click ?
  • If you have to start selling crap like that, then a better way would be to sell account / char bound items directly from the MTX store, even tho im not a fan of cash shops, atleast templating people this way, instead of selling plats, wouldnt affect…
  • I play all realms as well as mentioned, my EU Excal and Pryd chars + US Lancelot + Palomides + Morgan are all merged in to ywain, i have love for all my chars ( I spend 18 years with some of them so it must be love, right ? :P lol ), i will defend …
  • With this thread being about relics, why is it that people think a penalty or bonus to RP's will change anything ? Imo -50% RP or +50% RP, people that likes to zerg, take relics and defend, will have no reason to move to a realm without a BG lead…
  • Personally i have loved DAoC for its PvE and PvP since 2001, i loved the diversity and options for things to do when i didnt feel like doing one or the other. PvP side i loved everything from solo to keep fights, RvR was a great idea and really f…
  • First of all, my primary language is not english, so if anything of what i say comes off in a hostile way its not ment as such. Work continues on Endless Conquest and we have a few updates for you about our current timeline and plans! Right n…
  • Nice ty !
  • Perhaps its time to upgrade from a 1 slice toaster to a 2 slice toaster, and please do pick one in either red or blue so it atleast looks pretty when its broken. Edit: All this talk of toasters made me hungry, atleast i got 2 hours now to cook up…
  • Guess my answer arrived here https://forums.darkageofcamelot.com/discussion/2432/emergency-server-maintenance-ywain#latest lol
  • Muylae wrote: » Vrisslar wrote: » Thjo wrote: » Obviously there's no class with such a ridiculous long distance visual cue as a WL. Enchanter, SM, Caba, Animist, Necro, Bonedancer, Minstrel, Bard just a few that imo are easy to spot too cau…
  • Thjo wrote: » Obviously there's no class with such a ridiculous long distance visual cue as a WL. Enchanter, SM, Caba, Animist, Necro, Bonedancer, Minstrel, Bard just a few that imo are easy to spot too cause of pets or other unique things.
  • RonELuvv wrote: » I agree that BG leaders are needed now that many of them have went to other places. However, I just don't see how this is doable without causing a possibility of being abused. Also, I would be willing to bet that some (if not a…
  • Mace80 wrote: » BS knows the big BG leaders. As I said, you don't reward every Tom, Dick and Harry who starts a BG.... but those whom run them regularly in earnest are no secret. It would not be easy to exploit. So running BG's in the …
  • DaRedANT wrote: » Free account if you lead a BG 5 days a week? I’m sure they could do something that would be mutually beneficial. Time to run a BG at 6 AM for 20 mins 5 days a week, can we switch leader at the 20 min mark and make the next pe…
  • RonELuvv wrote: » Props to you for doing that @Beetleguisse!! So many bg's are too damn scared of /release. People should want fun competitive fights, not shy away from them. Its much like the stealth zergs. I have no issue with 8+ stealthers …
  • Beetleguisse wrote: » Imposing a minimum BG size means only large BGs benefit from the bonus. Not having one means small groups can exploit the bonus. Adding a BG kill count to obtain a bonus will incentivize larger numbers rolling over smaller nu…
  • Muylae wrote: » people want a daoc where cheaters are punished. Yes please ! Muylae wrote: » i think most people would rather see class changes done in the last 2-3 years undo tbh. This too. Muylae wrote: » it's blatently clear that pe…
  • RonELuvv wrote: » I have to agree with @Gavner here. I don't think there is anything wrong with any of the classes you listed. Nothing. You didn't give the option of "nothing" for each of the classes. I don't think anything needs to be changed…
  • Jeez lol. If people vote no to: Do these classes deserve a change? They still have to pick a option in: how should the paladin be fixed? add DPS add Survivability stronger Utility So if people say no to the class needing a fix they sti…
  • @Gavner Agree, in pretty much the same boat, as you probably know from previous forum threads and chats. Same to @Beetleguisse Nice posts both of ya imo.
  • Personally i belive that if it was simple it would have been sorted a long time ago, else its kind of silly not to have been solved yet i think. Edit: Deleted brain fart :P
  • Muylae wrote: » heh, i should have read the rest of the thread before posting .. well, they could work around this limit by getting rid of the copper .... 2147483647 silver equals 21474 plat. or they could make the copper a value between …
  • The number 2,147,483,647 is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer 214 plat 748 G 36 silver 47 copper ( or 2147483647 copper ) Is a guess i would throw out there, but ofc i might be wrong.
  • Gavner wrote: » Stoertebecker wrote: » Really, the population is that low and you`re talking about adding more pve to live and about item prices? You understand nothing...where is a facepalm pic if needed? "There is already enough PvE-conten…
  • Gavner wrote: » In short for my previous comment to stop flame war on this matter: - More PvE means for me wanting players do more PvE content then they already are, which is untrue - or Introducing More PvE Content, which is also untrue - So…
  • RonELuvv wrote: » Dude, calm down @Vrisslar. Perfectly calm as i said before, it takes more then a random person on a forum to piss me off. RonELuvv wrote: » I was not trying to restart another discussion about this. Then dont include me …
  • RonELuvv wrote: » Gavner wrote: » @Beetleguisse - None asked for more PvE, but the existing ones to be worth doing outside the 2. There was literally just a thread the other day in which Solicfear and another player made a HUGE deal about ho…
  • Carol_Broadsword wrote: » As we’ve mentioned in previous updates, we are planning to have an RvR population balancing system that replaces the current Dynamic Population Bonus system with the launch of the Endless Conquest update. Whether that is…
  • Beetleguisse wrote: » Personally, I think these quests should be like the Weekly Quests such that they only offer BPs and not RPs. Remove the PvE aspect of obtaining RPs to promote RvR (or PvP). Yes please !
  • 100% agree @Brut thats exactly what i was trying to say in the first part, of my first post on page one and again in a later post, you manged to put it together more clearly lol.
  • @Shoke To me that sounds like a good idea, better then what i suggested, cause it could use the BP crafting system already in place, hopefully saving some work on merchants and tokens.
  • Beetleguisse wrote: » The amount of time and resources required to overhaul old content simply to add an alternative approach to gearing up isn't worth it at the moment. Remember, that was the whole point behind the PvE campaigns. They aimed to re…
  • @Gavner Totaly agree, pretty much what im trying to say, just in bigger text walls trying to put in reasons as to why i think as i do, lol.