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- Siambra
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For me, the increased battles and tension is wonderful. Even with the dirt naps that I enjoyed today trying to defend I loved the battles and that the outcome wasn't assured. I hope that we see more action from all the realms around the clock. We…
Mids are too grumpy to cooperate. All that snow on their dangly bits
Albs fought like Demons at Scaith but the Hibs held. Mids were able to take their relic at nGed with the huge fight going on at Scaithage. I swear if I got mezzed just one more time I was going to do something really really really horrid as soon a…
Brut and his new caster group getting set for PVE and RvR
Thank you !!! Me and my crew really appreciate that you are running a Cursed Raid.
I accept your challenge !!
I love this idea ! I'm a fiend for trophies and decor. PS - sometimes it is dangerous to shop in Housing
Zap!! Pow!! Brut is a bat .... next time I'll be there
Currently the EU Mids seem very disheartened. They don't come out to defend a keep or ambush opposing zergs or try to take Hib Keeps while Hero is attacking Midgard or Albion. I'm not sure it is an issue of game mechanics or the fact that the Hib…
Thank you for sharing To all the DAOC peeps, much love !! Ya'll are keeping it real and keeping great Thank you !
I wish that the change to Warlocks had waited just a bit to be implemented so that the overall effect could be evaluated. I also still haven't seen where the change was announced on the Herald. which bothers me because maintaining open communicatio…
I love seeing the returning players and agree with Brut that this was quite smooth for such a major update. I hope to see more and more players and continued tweaks ::)
Got my bow .. now to find that pesky arrow
Hugs and Welcome
I hide from the stealthers
I love the idea of making the relics relevant again ... and maybe a weekly best dressed contest
Music while you RvR or trash talk in forums
Hi Saphhy, You may be trying to make an item such as a bow when what you are wanting to do is "Trinket". Look under woodworking to make wood things, cloth making to make cloth things and metal working for metal things. For metal working you do …
Thank you so much. I was touched at the cooperation and respect shown by all who attended. Despite, realm differences and language barriers people reached out to comfort those who knew the player. Banners flew, somber dress and hugs marked the pr…
ribbitt ... ribbitt ... ribbitt
I am very sorry for the family and friends who are experiencing this loss.
Absolutely The ending is delightful :P
I knew it !! Gonna have to teach my kitten to craft to keep him busy
Love love love this video. The ending is priceless. Setting up my popcorn stand now for the next one
I like that you thought about this topic and mapped out what could be done. Following a map is an interesting concept that my group hopes I will soon master. Now you know that ain't gonna happen
Hmm First we need to review the rules. No hitting me when my pet is lost and I'm trying to figure out where it went. No hitting me when my kitten has launched himself onto the keyboard chasing an invisible bug. No hitting me when I've dropped m…
On behalf of the Ladies of Hibernia ....
I see this as the initial plan with built in opportunities for change as steps are implemented. DAOC needs to attract new players and hold on the current ones. Getting people to return after they made the choice to go is probably the hardest task …
I think that means that we'll both be lost
Love trying to find my little dead body in these videos
I can't believe it .. I agree with Brut !!!
Mids don't mean to be unfriendly but all that ice and snow on their dangly bits makes them cranky.
I sprinkled the ground with ale and Mid treats but they do not come. I think that they prefer a warmer environment. Legend has it that Mids used to exist so perhaps some day they will return. We have launched boats in search of them.
I have to learn rules of emotes ? I barely know which magic to cast! In our wishes for things I want a flag that says don't hit me yet because someone just sent me a text and my mother called and the cat jumped on the keyboard and my nails aren't…
I have loved this utility for the ease of use. There isn't anything else like it at the moment. Thank you for all that you have done to support the community.
Room in back pack .. can my character trinket it .. will whoever is with me wait while I trinket .. could I use the item to skin a cute look for a character ... am I too tired to trinket
You know I had to say it - Bunny Hop !!!
Stealthiness is strange to me since your enemy can't be stunned by your amazing outfit. I find that it works well especially on Mids. They stand there in stunned amazement and then nuke nuke ..
Gathering the troops !!!
Let's do this !!! One other place I can lurk
The holiday is primarily celebrated as an opportunity for Tequila, Tacos and fun and is mainly celebrated in Texas. It is an excellent opportunity to relax after the quite important holidays of March 2nd, March 6th and April 21st. (Texas Independe…
Tacos and Tequila - hard to resist regardless of the reason
Gratz !!! (Looking up classes on spelling and penmanship for future posts)
Get on Discord and ask but I suspect that your characters are still quite available.
Mine !!!!
Once a topic is hijacked... it is lost forever
Stealth is fun !!
Watching the clock
Scratch back and roll