[Poll] You choose! New Race/Class Pairing - Midgard

edited September 2018 in General Board
Hi all,

As announced, we'll be opening up additional race/class pairings per realm with Patch 1.125. However, we've decided to let you all choose the race/class pairings from the list below! Remember we are opening two options for each realm!

Below are the choices available for Midgard. The two options with the highest votes by end of the poll will win, so vote for your top choice!

Interesting and hard choices ahead, choose wisely! :)

Polls close at noon EST/6PM CET Friday, September 7th.

Albion Poll: https://forum.darkageofcamelot.com/discussion/1107/poll-you-choose-new-race-class-pairing-albion
Hibernia Poll: https://forum.darkageofcamelot.com/discussion/1106/poll-you-choose-new-race-class-pairing-hibernia
Midgard Poll: https://forum.darkageofcamelot.com/discussion/1105/poll-you-choose-new-race-class-pairing-midgard
  1. Midgard new race/class pairing?161 votes
    1. Dwarf Shadowblade
    2. Dwarf Spiritmaster
    3. Dwarf Mauler
    4. Deifrang Savage
    5. Frostalf Skald
    6. Valkyn Shaman
    7. Valkyn Valkyrie
    8. Valkyn Mauler
Post edited by Carol_Broadsword on
DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games


  • edited September 2018 PM
    Feel sad for Maulers on all 3 realms (mostly bottom two after early voting). Even if this was your favorite class, when you split the remaining maulers who play across the 2 options, they don't stand a chance of their combo winning.

    60 votes so far, 0 for the Dwarf Mauler and 3 for the Valk Mauler and Dwarf SM. Can we lose the junk choices please.
    Post edited by Auberne on
  • Yes please these are some dumb mixes...
  • Yeah cause Healers really could use the help.
  • Come on seriously, Kobold thane makes more sense then valkyn valkyrie
  • edited September 2018 PM
    Post edited by Xyorman on
  • edited September 2018 PM
    How about fixing the game first? I HATE RAM BUGG. OK can do all races's from all realms can be any toon on any realm. Lurk scout. Troll Cleric ect. Let all toons clime walls and all can stealth, Really let stealth rez again Troll infi
    Post edited by Corwinnn on
  • Valkyn shaman!!!!!!!
  • #VulkymValkynValkyrie Cmon boys three races only and female this class needs some diversity. Plus the high dex/quick would help a lot with spear spec and cast speed for heals.
  • Come on Carol, this is horrible choices. Everyone and their brother knows a Kobbie thane would be best match! These choices do not benefit Mid in any shape, form, or fashion.
  • Kobold thane would free up a lot of aug dex ra points and we would have 100 ST 5’s in every fight.
  • Tanky wrote: »
    Come on Carol, this is horrible choices. Everyone and their brother knows a Kobbie thane would be best match! These choices do not benefit Mid in any shape, form, or fashion.

    Do people not Know about Valkyn Thanes? all these complaints about high dex race and Thanes.

    Theres actually a lot of Good Choices here that fit Lore, besides maybe Frostalf Skald and Dwarf Spiritmaster those are Terrible.
  • All we really wanted was Troll SB.
  • Juzzo wrote: »
    All we really wanted was Troll SB.

    What he/she said.
  • lol people valkyn thane has 5 less dex than Kolby, ull be okay
  • edited September 2018 PM
    5:36PM PMFlag
    "#VulkymValkynValkyrie Cmon boys three races only and female this class needs some diversity. Plus the high dex/quick would help a lot with spear spec and cast speed for heals"

    Only cause Vulk had been asking about this for awhile

    I would like to see valkyn shammy too.

    In a perfect world those 2 would be chosen, but that stupid dwarf shadowblade will win just because it's a SB, they could have put anything SB and it would win. Just like highlander inf will win, and whatever the NS choice that will win too.#steathersruinthegame

    Edit: or the ranger cause #steathersruinthegame
    Post edited by Abattoir on
  • Abattoir wrote: »
    5:36PM PMFlag
    "#VulkymValkynValkyrie Cmon boys three races only and female this class needs some diversity. Plus the high dex/quick would help a lot with spear spec and cast speed for heals"

    Only cause Vulk had been asking about this for awhile

    I would like to see valkyn shammy too.

    In a perfect world those 2 would be chosen, but that stupid dwarf shadowblade will win just because it's a SB, they could have put anything SB and it would win. Just like highlander inf will win, and whatever the NS choice that will win too.#steathersruinthegame

    Edit: or the ranger cause #steathersruinthegame

    Good Man, And yes Stealthers Ruin the game(but Sylvan Blade Ranger would be cool)

    Pretty much what u said though any race that had a Sneak attached to it would of won the poll. Iam Seeing Deifrang Savage creep up on Valkyn Valkyrie which Is concerning.
  • Ya know I don't see a reason why any of these won't be added to the game at some point anyway.


    Can also just make mauler have every race open to it
  • edited September 2018 PM
    Will be pretty underwhelming for mid if we end up with Dwarf SB and Valkyn Valk.
    Post edited by Auberne on
  • Auberne wrote: »
    Will be pretty underwhelming for mid if we end up with Dwarf SB and Valkyn Valk.

    surely there is alot more (BG) players than (Solors). talk to your boys!

  • tald wrote: »

    surely there is alot more (BG) players than (Solors). talk to your boys!

    I have no sway there.
  • Why is Valk Shaman not winning.
  • Why is Valk Shaman not winning.

    Is it me or should of that Combo been in game from SI start? Tribal race but yet cant be a Shaman, When you Morvalt Shaman mobs all over Aegirhamn(Evil Relatives of Valkyn)

    Plus it would be nice to see Valkyn gain access to a Support class.
  • No Kobold Thane option? QQ
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
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    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • Well My dreams are Crushed, free stuff giveaway next week :disappointed:
  • Why would anyone want a valk shaman over koby? Less dex, less con. Honestly, this is by far the worst of the three realms. Thanks for another Midgard screwing. No koby thane, no thanks. Crappy patch.
    Instead scrub the races since their garbage anyways and just fix all the bugs in the game
  • Juzzo wrote: »
    All we really wanted was Troll SB.

  • Who is voting for cow savage no body plays cow anything stop killing my dream of VALK VALK
  • Seriously no Kobold thane? WTH...
    You have Inconnu Reavers
    And Lurikeen champions...

    But Kobold Thane wasn't even considered? Hell Does BS even remember Thanes exist?
  • Jhaerik wrote: »
    Seriously no Kobold thane? WTH...
    You have Inconnu Reavers
    And Lurikeen champions...

    But Kobold Thane wasn't even considered? Hell Does BS even remember Thanes exist?

    Look at the choices, Midgard is the last realm they care about
  • Toejams wrote: »
    lol people valkyn thane has 5 less dex than Kolby, ull be okay

    Not sure why anyone would play a Valkyn anything. Lowest Con race in Midgard, and it’s not even small.
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • edited September 2018 PM
    Except they have the best racial resists in mid which offsets the 5 con less they have then kolby. Come on
    Post edited by Toejams on
  • Jarolus wrote: »

    Making a Comeback Here we go
  • Toejams wrote: »
    Except they have the best racial resists in mid which offsets the 5 con less they have then kolby. Come on

    Yeah best racials for sure, but It's not an extra 5% resist against every damage type, it's just one, so I'd still rather the hits and the small target.

    I mean cmon bro, if Valkyns are so good, was does everyone want Kobold Thanes?

    Kobold is the master race. :D
    Da ant family - 1801 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1989
    Da fly family - 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4508 4509
    Da spider family - 441 442 443 444 445 447
    Ywain 1 Mid - Carlingford Hib - Tullamore Alb - Dalton
  • DaRedANT wrote: »

    Yeah best racials for sure, but It's not an extra 5% resist against every damage type, it's just one, so I'd still rather the hits and the small target.

    I mean cmon bro, if Valkyns are so good, was does everyone want Kobold Thanes?

    Kobold is the master race. :D

    Valkyn > Kobold

    Valkyn = True Master Race of Midgard
  • Valkyns walk too weird for me
  • Why is dwarf sb winning? Norse is so much better imo. Dwarves are ugly midgets with beards
  • BurkleyRIP
    September 6 PM
    "Why is dwarf sb winning? Norse is so much better imo. Dwarves are ugly midgets with beards"

    See my comment, just be glad there is no Hunter option, that would have been 2nd (see hib's poll)
  • Just under 6 hours to go, get your votes in! :)
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • Valk valk :D
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
  • no kobold healer :(
  • Thanks everyone for voting on the new race/class pairings!

    These polls are now closed :)
    DAoC Community Lead
    Broadsword Online Games
This discussion has been closed.