The open 8vs8 weekly DAoC league

edited May 2018 in General Board
Hey everyone!

We have had a lot of complainments about how the 8vs8 community feels too closed off and too elitist / whatever you want to call it these days. Obviously this is not at all what we want, we would like 8 man roaming to come back to it´s glory days and have as many people interested in joining that kind of playstyle as possible.
Therefore I have come up with an event that we could run 1 or 2 times per week that will focus on getting new players into the scene aswell as letting people get to know other players who are interested in playing 8vs8.

I have being crafting on this idea for a while and have come up with quite a lot of rules but since my ideas of rules will be a long list, I will part this post up into two parts where the first part will focus on the idea.

Since our EU 8vs8 community will be hosting this, the event that I will be responsible for will run on EU primetime meaning 20-23 at 1 or 2 days per week. If Americans or other communities wish to join in and host a similar event on their primetime, that would be great.
So the idea is that people can sign up on the forum with a list of temped characters that they would like to play and then each group has to take at least 3 people from this pool of players. In the rules I will go into further detail of how this picking phase could work.

A zone will be picked for each event that will not be EV but an off zone. Hopefully we can get bg leaders to agree to not zerging down this zone during the events and POSSIBLY if GMs like the idea maybe they could even make temporal ports avaliable so that 2 realms wont be forced to take a boat to the area.
Of course it will be VERY important that groups do not take this too seriously and don´t flame their forum pool players and that everyone also accepts that even if we make rules about not adding etc, mistakes will happen.

I don´t know for sure if this idea is doable or not but it has gotten positive feedback from the 8vs8 community and they all sound like they think its a very fun idea.


- The events primary times will be 20-23 CEST on 1 or 2 days a week that are yet to be chosen. A zone will be chosen for each event.

- Groupleaders or guildleaders can sign up their group to the event. They will be allowed to play with 5 or 6 of their own players each night and then they will have to pick 2-3 outsiders who have signed up to a pool of players. Let´s call them pool players. The players from the pool will be picked for each evening/night

- Individual players will sign up to the event via player pool. The requirements will be to be able to join a voice com, have a temped character, follow instructions from their groups and of course a positive attitude towards the event in general.
Mistakes will be expected what is important is only that everyone tries to do their best and don´t troll.

- Group score will be tracked each night where one lost for is one loss, one win is one win. This can seem over serious but it is actually mostly a way to keep the event balanced. The scoring system will be used in the picking system where the groups who obtain the highest score will get the last pick from the player pool. So in a way having a good score will be negative and if we notice that one group struggles a bit extra they might get to use 6 of their own players instead of 5 or whatever.

- Adding on other fights will not be allowed. Should this happen because an outsider group joins in on the party or whatever, groups are expected to pull off or if possible, turn to fight the adding group.

- To mark that something is wrong like a player is LD or a rebuff after a previous fight is needed, a group can sit down to mark for the other group that they should stop the fight.

- The player picking phase is a work in progress but my current idea looks like this:
The picking order will be based on a combination of total group score and previous event night score and the picking system might be changed to ensure that the groups are as even as possible.
If each group gets to use 5 of their own players, 2 will be chosen via picking and then the last spot will be randomly generated into their group. Players will be picked one at a time. The team with lowest score gets first pick, highest score gets last pick.

- If an invidvidual or a group has a huge fight with eachother, we can arrange so that this particular individual does not have to play with that group.

- Flaming has to be kept at a minimum. Expect that people will give you feedback but it should be done without insulting anyone or making anyone feel bad.

- Individuals please sign up via the following format:
1. Playername
2. Temped character list
3. Which voice coms you can use and yes or no to microphone
4. Days that you generally play on
5. Whatever you would like to add

- Groups can sign up via following format:
1. Group name
2. Days that you can play on (keep in mind that you only need 5 players avaliable)
3. Which voicecom you use and languages.
4. Realms and main realm
Post edited by Chamie on


  • edited May 2018 PM
    Taking the liberty of signing my group before talking to them :).

    1. Nogdar
    2. All days, we will find 5 people who can play somehow I think.
    3. Teamspeak 3 or discord. English and German
    4. Almost only midgard but could off realm other realms sometimes.
    Post edited by Chamie on
  • Good idea Chamie

    1. Drughen
    2. SM at the moment will have more soon
    3. Discord, can fix teamspeak if needed but its quite 1997;)
    4. Monday, whensday and sunday
  • Great idea and i'd love to see this working out. Im a bit out of the loop when it comes to Grp-RvR due to a long break but its my favorite Kind of PvP, always was. Just to Clarify.. this is realm Independent? Signing up for Hib :#

    1. Moradahn
    2. Champion rr9 and Eld rr5 have toa-temps, new ones on the Way. I play all Realms but have no tempd mids/ a toa-tempd theurgist about rr5
    3. Ts3 incl mic, german but i can handle engl as well
    4. All week EU-prime atm

  • You can sign up for as many realms as you want, it´s more about having temped characters
  • I have a couple questions:

    Who chooses who fights who?
    If a group is a bit weaker I guess ppl will just want to fight them all the time and try tonavoid the stronger groups that night.

    How do you keep the fights somewhat organic, where you have room tondecide how to hit/pull off, etc? Will the zone be big enough?
  • edited May 2018 PM
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • Shoke wrote: »
    I have a couple questions:

    Who chooses who fights who?
    If a group is a bit weaker I guess ppl will just want to fight them all the time and try tonavoid the stronger groups that night.

    How do you keep the fights somewhat organic, where you have room tondecide how to hit/pull off, etc? Will the zone be big enough?

    you roam around in one zone and when u see an INC u go for it :). Whether the zone will be big enough or not I can´t tell for sure but most likely yes.
  • Hi since the 8vs8 community died a bit I´m thinking of doing something more doable here.
    I was thinking of a captains draft open channel where people can sign up to do a few fights vs eachother with two captains picking players for their teams 1-2-2-2-2-1 or whatever. Then you go and fight 4on4, 5on5, 6on6, 7on7, 8v8 or whatever you decided on doing. This has been done quite a bit in more closed channels but if there was an open one for draft fights it would be a great way to introduce new players to this way of playing DAoC.
  • I F'ing love this idea, literally everything about it. I like to forced pugs, I like to off location, I love the organized sit down rule, the drafting process, just everything.

    Except the time zone. PLEASE can we do this on US Primetime.
  • Staticc wrote: »
    I F'ing love this idea, literally everything about it. I like to forced pugs, I like to off location, I love the organized sit down rule, the drafting process, just everything.

    Except the time zone. PLEASE can we do this on US Primetime.

    I´ve lead similar things in other games such as inhouse mIRC channels in dota and HoN. The main problem that I have run into is that people start to get into personal fights with eachother and thats a lot to deal with as channel admin. However, if we would do a drafting chan Im sure it would run on all primetimes. I have contact with people who play on all 4 prime time zones. EU, US, Asian, Australian.
  • If there is anyone competent is creating and maintaining a discord bot for this let me know.

    There is possibly framework out there which would need to be tweaked.

  • That would be awesome if there was a discord channel with a bot like @tald suggesting... then you can have anyone wanting to compete just sign in and a certain time the draft starts... then it would be easy to setup for all timezones... could even do a pst late night smallman stuff
  • kedelin wrote: »
    That would be awesome if there was a discord channel with a bot like @tald suggesting... then you can have anyone wanting to compete just sign in and a certain time the draft starts... then it would be easy to setup for all timezones... could even do a pst late night smallman stuff

    this _was_ quite often done late pst and streamed. i still have footage of you and homefry trying to ruin it and getting turned on by both 5 mans. but it is easily done on the fly with 1 or 2 people willing to organise it.
  • tald wrote: »
    If there is anyone competent is creating and maintaining a discord bot for this let me know.

    There is possibly framework out there which would need to be tweaked.

    I'm up for building a bot (I've got experience of building bots on hipchat, so suspect discord would be pretty similar)

    I'm also very interested in this as a concept, one thing you may find is what guild groups who run as 8 may want to just run as 8 as is... any thoughts around this? obviously it might be fun to have 3 of your 8 join another grp and see how it goes
    AlbionExiles (Warden) | AlbionExecutioner (Champion) | AlbionExile (Bainshee)

  • one thing you may find is what guild groups who run as 8 may want to just run as 8 as is... any thoughts around this? obviously it might be fun to have 3 of your 8 join another grp and see how it goes
    Hi, this will not be an issue
  • edited August 2018 PM
    I would like to make an update. We are working on a discord bot to run the open drafts. I will post a new post about the planned rules and so on some day soon in a new thread. The word open means of course that it will be open to as many players as possible (anyone who meets the requirement of minimum amount of temped chars basically). Clearly the drafting won´t work if people only have chars on one realm and so on.
    Post edited by Chamie on
  • Need US times :)
    "I think what he is doing is good. For a long time Albs not have very good leaders. Natebruner is perfect, his accuracy, his pushing"

    "Nate calling out fights in the Alb public bg has been a recent source of entertainment for me, most of those folks have never heard anyone call targets during US prime." Teddie

    "First off I am pretty sure most Mids agree that Albs previous leaders were weak and Nate is actually bringing out action." Impounded

    Discord me: Natebruner#3781
  • Hasn't this been tried before and failed after a short period due to ego's and such? Good luck with it anyway
  • edited August 2018 PM
    Areir wrote: »
    Hasn't this been tried before and failed after a short period due to ego's and such? Good luck with it anyway

    No idea. I have experience of hosting inhouse leagues with captains drafting in other games. Pros flaming people who they dont know has for sure been an issue in those games. Sometimes the issue has been so big that the league has had to shut down because of it and other times it has just been some solveable misunderstandings.

    Without a doubt, finding ways to try to prevent this from happening is by far the biggest challenge that I see with creating this and that is also one of the main reasons why I´m delaying it so much. I basically need to come up with some smart rules to prevent a catastrophe.

    If anyone has suggestions let me know.
    Post edited by Chamie on
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