RP Transfer?

edited June 2024 in General Board
This is a half baked idea where I am fully aware I’m likely not seeing all the repercussions ands methods of abuse. However, I think the benefits of implementing even a small, adjusted version of it could be invaluable to the enjoyment of the game and possibly even a population boost.

The concept is to allow some form of transfer of rps between characters. On a personal level, I’d love to play other toons but don’t because I am pursuing higher realm ranks on my main. I feel like every night I play my paladin or experiment with a minstrel, my wizard is one evening shy of reaching the next RR. It discourages me from experiencing more of the game and I am sure I am not the only one that feels that way.

So let’s discuss how this could be done and adjust it so that abuse is mitigated.

I imagine with no limitations it would be a disaster. Even if mithril was charged for each transfer. Within days you’d have at least a massive influx of RR13s as everyone pays to win and dumps all rps from their own or purchased accounts into one toon. Without restrictions this could be disastrous.

So then I started thinking you could only do so within a singular account, within each server (Ywain x) and within the same realm. That could limit the aforementioned abuse.

Still, that might be too much to dive right into, again even at a cost of mithril.

So here’s my final watered down idea. How about a tradeable item that “absorbs” earned rp or bp or both? Maybe it even only earns a percentage with higher percentage one being worth more mithril? It might not even be a mithril item and there could be some major quests to get a 25%, 50% or 100% rp collector? This item is then tradeable and can be used by a different toon.

I still think even with that restriction it should remain only transferable within an account to avoid an influx of rp farmers.

Anyway, let me know if you can think of any other adjustments to this concept or if you think it is overall a poor idea. I won’t be offended.

Edit: I am also aware that rps earned are RR dependent and this could make the mathematics difficult, but then again they’d still be earned since you are running with a lower RR toon. If you wanted to mitigate this even more, allow the transfer to be an event, only available for a limited time like any other event. This will at least get people to play their alts.

Edit2: I am adding a simple poll with two basic choices.
  1. Would you want to see some form of rp transfer among characters implemented in game?3 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
Post edited by Seethyr on


  • Hrmm brainstorming a bit more. If this is done through an item, perhaps it has a cap too, like 50000 rps.
  • I like the notion. In situations where you have people running support in set groups they could apply their realm points to other characters. Perhaps gate the tokens it behind mithril so broadsword can monetize it somewhat.
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  • Agreed 100%. It doesn’t have to be overly complicated. If I was on one of my “breaks” that I tend to take where I’m not subbing, opportunity like this would absolutely bring me back. I’d get to experiment with a new toon and inevitably as I always do when I go back to main, it wouldn’t have been time wasted.
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