Hi there,
played DAOC from start.... got bored with the new and fancy
I could use some help finding my chars. I see them when I search for them on Ywain 1 but when I log in there are no chars.
Any tips anyone?
Otherwise I will just start another hunter. Go Midgard!!!
played DAOC from start.... got bored with the new and fancy

I could use some help finding my chars. I see them when I search for them on Ywain 1 but when I log in there are no chars.
Any tips anyone?
Otherwise I will just start another hunter. Go Midgard!!!

Hope the info helps. and welcome back
Knight / Knights 0f The Round Table ~ Albion
Ridirean an Round Table ~ Hibernia
Ridderne av det Runde Bord ~ Midgard
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- I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
I guess I need to subscribe then to get access to my old chars?
Can anyone confirm?