@ stealth zergers

damn its been bad lately eh ? think 8 out of every 10 runs recently my duo has died to atleast 8+ stealthers, and thats when we avoid the 2fgs of hib stealthers with a druid / warden everyday

makes me think its bout time to sell again

i dont udnerstand it, dont at a certain point you guys get bored of just pushing 1 button and zerging people down ?

dont you ever want to leave a fight with the person thinking only, damn i lost because i got straight out played by a better person ?

i mean rr12's poping phaseshift / ip / mov 8v2 day after day, dont yall get bored of farming rps ? and want to start trying to prove to yoruself you can outplay other people ?

hard for me to understand, but its gotten bad lately again, like when i first started my scout at the stealth overhaul

pretty boring to go fight 8-16 man stealth grps at every corner of the map everyday, or find nothing at all ;\


  • One thing I’m noticing, the stealth full groups now run wardens, beards and druids!
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • edited June 2018 PM
    yeah I think 1 ranger in the daily grp of 1-2fgs of stealthers with druid and or warden posted on postcount the other week about how the game is boring / dead, had to do a double take when I saw it to make sure I read it right

    last night that same grp of stealthers was ATLEAST 20 deep, with their druid of course
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • Its crazy how bad stealth zergs have gotten. There was a time when daoc was thriving my guild ran 4-6 every night with the ocassional 8 back when the game was around 2-4 years old. Now the game has way less players and ill run into bibflys group with 2 groups of stealth with speed and cc.
  • I'm at the point now where I made my Brother make a Ranger to run with my VW or Battle Warden just to find these pos stealth groups and at least kill 1 or 2. Most of the time the just Vanish/PS away so we get nothing but sometimes RPs do flow. Stealth groups are just pathetic humans.
  • tbh I don't mind dieing 2v8 so much, but when its constantly 2v8 and every single time w/e your on PS and IP's or vanishes, its like what are we even doing online ?
  • @Huehuaehue Wait, so now you anti zerg?

    You have to pick a side of the fence senator, you can't cry that 20 casters can't kill 2 hero's, then say your DUO has to fight multiples.....

    You logic is to activly go out on stelath with a team, albeit a small duo team, and are thus expecting to get 2v1's, sounds like you got beat to the punch line....

    But yes, stealth zergs are getting horrible, the worst part is, most people that zerg (stealth or not) think they actually have skill....

    Please note the late night mid zerg has zero skill.
  • Druids, bards, healers, wardens, Skald bot....

    It looks like 2 of the realms want to try and match the minstrel.

    Who knows?
  • Druids, bards, healers, wardens, Skald bot....

    It looks like 2 of the realms want to try and match the minstrel.

    Who knows?


    Grow a pair and stop zerging....

    and that includes Minst..
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • Sym wrote: »
    One thing I’m noticing, the stealth full groups now run wardens, beards and druids!

    ...or skald, friar, paladin..
    One reason may be that visible groups are running with archers/assassins just for finding sneaks and roflstomp them....
  • i have to use keeps to get around and buy boats ect, so yes sometimes I go to a keep and help try to defend it so I can continue to go about my way

    but I know your just trying to be cute and stupid, well I think you tried for cute and got stupid
  • edited June 2018 PM
    I get it @Huehuaehue, I really do. I play solo 90% of the time and it sucks to get zerg'd down by greater #'s. I just don't know how you combat this. When I first started here about 18 months ago it was Midgard that was the only realm that consistently put together groups of 8+ stealthers. In the last several months I have noticed Albion and Hibernia doing the same thing. If those stealth zerg's found each other and fought it out it would be all good, but instead what happens is that whatever stealth zerg has the least amount they now go and farm the solo's and small mans instead of trying to engage the other stealth zerg's.

    My opinion is to just pay attention to the region chat and death spam and avoid the areas where they are at. That's about the only thing I can do to avoid em. When you don't feed them they eventually start to quit or go do something else. Also, 8 vs 1, 8 vs 2, 16 vs 1, 16 vs 2.... all equals the same thing... /release.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • @Huehuaehue
    So what I'm seeing here, is you can't duo with your scout because stealth zerg, and can't solo on your wizard because 2 hero's keep you locked in a keep... I think your grouping with the wrong chars... or your actually bad at this game and can't think around the concepts of countering what your opponent does...
  • edited June 2018 PM
    [edited], i assume you don't go in and play and experience it everyday atm, or you wouldn't be saying any of the stuff your saying, i do just fine solo, my duo does just fine, but i like and care about daoc and when i see a major problem like the keep stuff, that is making a ton of people not even log in i try to speak up and say something, specialy when a real quick simple change could remedy it

    what you say might sound good on paper, but its not reality

    and im just saying what everyone in region chat says everyday so, sorry if you don't play or u stick the zerg and afk, but you really should keep out of discussions you don't have up to date knowledge on
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited June 2018 PM
    the point is yes you can make a grp and try to do.. I dunno what ever u trying to make sound good, but the facts are people don't go to defend keeps anymore because there is instantly to many tanks inside and if you have way less numbers its stupid and pointless, all because of 1 ability, no one shows up to defend and the attackers are forced to only pve (what an exciting game!)

    is all im saying, just making suggestions, you can say but but but what if but but what if, you can but and what if all you day, but what if the moon was made of cardboard, [edited]
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • lol Hue, I log in daily, probably more hours than you, and spend less time at keeps than you do, don't join BG's, don't run with Hero's.

    Maybe you shouldn't call people out that you can't match wits with. your story lines up about as good as OJ's aliby. none of it is consistant... Maybe if you logged in more and could keep up with actual trends you could understand.
  • so you don't spend time in keeps and your commenting on what happens during keep fights

    ok i was right, that's what I figured by reading your previous comments

    like I said
    Huehuaehue wrote: »
    you really should keep out of discussions you don't have up to date knowledge on
  • Well I guess the only I can rebutle that alb logic is with 2 Hero's in a keep, I will start running exclusvly bard druid druid warden 3 hero's nightly. and taking all of your keeps....

    Thanks for the relics!
  • Sorry I didn't count correctly, it will be 4 heros, 2 for each spread healer..
  • Staticc wrote: »
    Druids, bards, healers, wardens, Skald bot....

    It looks like 2 of the realms want to try and match the minstrel.

    Who knows?


    Grow a pair and stop zerging....

    and that includes Minst..

    I'll let that one slide since we both know this pair was on your chin, yesterday.
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Quick question, who are you? [edited]
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • edited June 2018 PM
    Nobody important [edited]

    Last night
    Post edited by Driralin on
  • Kinda ironic I made the exact same post a month or so ago.....
  • Stealth zergs use to be 4+ players then it moved to 1fg now its 10+ usually ending up around 2-3fgs now. Its gotten pretty out of control. There honestly isn't a good way to solve this problem though.
    1. Timered Stealth-would suck the game has never been this way and would be pretty lame with stealth being a timer
    2. More stealthers in an area would reduce their damage/stealth/rps-seems like a good idea but I cant count how many times I am camping somewhere when a stealth group or other solo stealther comes through.(Think solo areas usually 3 solo stealthers per realm at any given location majority of time)
    3. Limit stealth members per groups-groups have never been limited so why limit a specific group
    4. Limit stealth members per group-you would just have 15 groups of 3

    Its a player problem not a game problem. Why does any realm need that number of stealthers hell there was 3fg of hib stealthers together the other day and only 40 albs in the frontier with 1/3 of those 40 probably being bots. One realm stealth zergs so another realm builds a counter zerg yet they never end up fighting they intentionally dodge each other. Players fear the almighty release and crave the RPs the easier to get them the better.

    Also I find this **** hilarious
    Its crazy how bad stealth zergs have gotten. There was a time when daoc was thriving my guild ran 4-6 every night with the ocassional 8 back when the game was around 2-4 years old. Now the game has way less players and ill run into bibflys group with 2 groups of stealth with speed and cc.

  • edited June 2018 PM
    I couldn't agree more with your post @Teehehe. The best statement in there was, "It's a player problem, not a game problem." There is no easy solution to this issue that doesn't screw many innocent players over. The only thing I have heard suggested in prior talks about this is the removal of seeing stealthers in group at a distance. This could, although doubtful, reduce some of the stealth zergs a tad bit. Honestly, the best way to get rid of them is to either get enough to kill them and then don't so the same crap they were doing (zerging solo's and smallman), or starve them of rp's and action and let them log in frustration. I doubt any of those has a huge effect on them though.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    I couldn't agree more with your post @Teehehe. The best statement in there was, "It's a player problem, not a game problem." There is no easy solution to this issue that doesn't screw many innocent players over. The only thing I have heard suggested in prior talka about this is the removal of seeing stealthers in group at a diatance. This could, although doubtful, reduce some of the stealth zergs a tad bit. Honestly, the best way to get rid of them os to either get enough to kill them and then don't so the same crap they were doing, or starve them of rp's and action amd let them log im frustration. I doubt any of those has a huge effect on them though.

    I agree I am not sure why they ever added in the ability to see group mates. It wasn't in originally and was never needed. It made the grouping of multiple stealthers entirely to easy. It would help them not be so cordinated and possibly spreading them out making it easier to pick 1-2 off the group before the others arrive. But in my experience they unstealth and mount and run to save the person I am fighting lol
  • There is no honor in invisibility. Clandestine, Yes. Total invisibility, No.
  • yes its a very hard issue to deal with, damn near impossible, its just a shame people do that, its hard to counter people being lame for a company

    ive almost no ideas but perhaps make your stealth shittier by a % for however many stealthers are around you if even possible to do, so atleast if a ton of stealthers wanna hang together, you can atleast see them from afar if your a stealthier and turn around, or visis can see them from afar and show them what an even fight looks like, then perhaps maybe it would deter them from running so many

    but I cant really see this actualty being a realistic thing that might happen so ;\
  • edited June 2018 PM
    its very hard to find solutions for some of the games real problems, that's why forums are great and I make posts like these, so people can brain storm together and hopefully some of the people up top are reading aswell

    we don't always have good ideas but sometimes someone sprouts one up, and i hope you pay attention enough to realise when some people do have a good idea and jump on it @Broadsword (just saying in general)

    as they say in America, the people have the power... so if you want to be successful your job is to please the people^^ ;)

    appeasing the players opinions = happy players, happy players = sustainability and growth, growth = $
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • @Huehuaehue

    You could ask your realmmates why they were running with 1,5-2 fg sneaks, and 1 visible group as add.
    There was no mid or hib sneakgroup around where such numbers were needed.

    I have no solution for it and i think it`s just wasted time finding a solution.
    The complete game is in such a worse state, from game mechanics over to stealthzergs and a very low popolution....
  • It's a relaxed and easy way to shoot the **** with people (literally) and get RPs. I'm assuming that is why most people do it.

    Maybe it's because people can't compete elsewhere. So they stealth zerg.

    I constantly see this "lol who are u" mentality and "ur just a scrub" - well, those scrubs still want to play DAoC and have a decent time with their friends, so they do what works for them. Most people will mock them rather than help them or group them, so why would they give a **** if they're toxic to the overall game? They got theirs - screw everyone else. Why should they care?

    DAoC is just a slippery **** ladder all the way down, and people are just trying to avoid being shat on.

    When you get enough people, I actually find them sort of fun to fight. You never know how many, and you need to pay attention and control the fight without getting pin cushioned.

    It's a player problem. It's a game problem. It's a classic DAoC inevitability.
  • I think a good solution would be to make it so after 4 stealth in a group you lose stealth speed and become easier to detect.
  • oh I know all realms do it stoer. trust me I know alb does it bad to lol
  • I find that lately the hib stealth zerg has been out of control, they freakin run 3 groups with 3-4 healers now and cc. Can’t even go to EV to find something to kill (because the action is so **** right now that it’s the only place to go) because you’ll by the mile gate and they just start pouring out of the tower.

    It’s getting really bad
  • 3 fg hib sneaks, what timezone and what time? :s

    Your suggestion is 10y+ old. Do you think BS can code such stuff....bugfree? They already have problems to code a automatic name change.
  • edited June 2018 PM
    i can vouch the 3fg sneaks on the island lately, other day there was no joke like 3fg, I hadn't seen that many before usualy its 1-2 grps of the same people every night

    but ya its ridiculous, they go camp some milegate usualy their own or they take a tower, and healers sit in side, 1 stealther pops and phaseshits and runs toward them,and like 17 people unstealth and mount and sprint and speedboost over to get you lol ;\
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • Yep ok, but what time is that?

    We run with 2 rangers today into a fga-sneaks at ~10 am (uk), where hib had ~70 players online and 25% bonus.

    It may be possible that these stealthzergs are the same players, just switching realms.
  • umm they run in the evenings for me, id say about I dunno, I usualy log on after dinner so like 6-7pm pst and after (atleast that's when I usualy play and see them, everyday)
  • Last night our WoH guild group killed about 40 stealthers from 10pm to 12am PST. It was very satisfying. Even swapped a scout into the group to help out.
    Symonde (Cleric)
    Symfriar (Friar duh)
    Symsorc (Double duh)
    Sympets (Theurg)
    Symmond (Arms)
    Some random mids and hibs
  • edited June 2018 PM
    There easy rps in a group or smallman... especially if you catch them moving cause you can kill there heals easily.. couple weeks back we hit them on e.g. with warrior, zerk, shaman, healer and killed 2fg... lots of rps there
    Post edited by kedelin on
  • Stealth zergs killed the solo roaming visi game.

  • edited July 2018 PM
    Kat wrote: »
    Stealth zergs killed the solo roaming visi game.


    I finished my solo quest on em last night, down goes mr stealth group warden LOL (and ring leader ikoll)

    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
  • i want to have a 1 vs 1 vs you on my warlock :)
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • i bet ! lol
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